29 - Mizuki

My Twin Is A Gang Leader

Important Author's Note at the end, please read.

   It came more of a shock at how my twin sister carried herself then her being my twin.  She has to be the total opposite of me.  Dark make-up, dark clothes and a cold appearance; it screamed depressed kid.

   I didn’t bother looking at her more closely; I already knew it would be the same as looking at myself. 

   Don’t get me wrong; I’m happy I met my biological sister.  I just thought we would be more similar.   She brushed me off in her greeting as if is didn’t care that she met me at all.

   That caused me to frown.  Did she prefer that I might not have existed and liked when she had no idea I existed?  Would it have been best if our parents didn’t introduce us?  All these thoughts circled through my head.

   I always have wanted to meet my real family.  And now that it’s actually happened, I’m unsure of myself.  I hope she can grow to like me being around.

   Her mother spoke up in the silence that fell, “How about the two of you go out and get to know each other?”

   I liked Ashiya’s mother.  She was really kind and seemed to be happy that we met.  I don’t know how our parents found out but I was glad they did.

   I smiled and nodded my head politely in agreement.  But Ashiya’s reaction to the suggestion was to frown slightly and shake her head slightly that was almost unnoticeable.  Is she trying to brush me off again?

   But after a very pushy glare from her mother she agreed with no other options.  “Give me a sec, I have to let my friends know I’m going to be late.” She said and stepped out of the room.

   She came back in, giving her mother a tight smile and spoke to her, “Yongguk is going to meet me here to pass on something I need to look at for the project.  After that I guess I can take Mizuki around the center for a few hours.  That alright?”

   Ashiya’s mother nodded in approval, and dad talked to her, “Mizuki is free to stay out as late as she wishes; I may not know what rules you keep but I think it would be good for the girls to judge how long they spend together on their own.  Don’t you agree?”

   Mrs. Park thought over what he said.  Dad never liked to put me on time limits with other people.  If they could stay out later he would let me to that time.  If they had to leave before I did, he would try to persuade the other’s parents to let them stay out later.

   “I guess that’s fine,” Mrs. Park replied, “Your going over to one of your friends places after, right?  Well then when Yongguk comes just let him know you will come by when you are done.”

   “I’ll let him know mom.”  Her phone buzzed in her pocket, “That’s Yongguk.  When you’re done Mizuki, come down to the main entrance.  I’ll meet you there.”

   After that she left the room her mother leaving moments later to work.  I walked over to my dad and hugged him, thanking him for this before saying a quick good-bye and leaving to find Ashiya where she said she would meet me.

   Walking outside that crisp air hit me and I shivered from it after coming out of the overly heated building.  It wasn’t cold out, it was a neutral temperature and I wasn’t cold or hot in the least.

   I looked for Ashiya and spotted her talking to someone on a motorcycle a few meters from the entrance.  The guy was wearing all black and had a silver chain attached to his jeans that made a hoop from the back to the front.

   They were talking quite quietly and rushed.  The guy lifted his chin to the side of the building; Ashiya turned to look at what he was referring to and seemed to wave someone over.  A black shadow peeled its-self from the building where they had been previously standing.  Ashiya talked to him and he kept nodding his head.

   He turned away from me, and blocked my view of what they were doing before he began to leave.  Ashiya was fixing how her sweater fit on her, saying a good-bye to the guy on the motorcycle before he zipped away leaving us alone.

   “You didn’t have to wait long did you?”  She asked me when she came over.

   “No.  Where those your friends?”  I asked curious who she was speaking to.

   She scrunched her nose before replying, “Yeah.  I have a fair amount of time before they need me for anything.  Let’s get going.  I haven’t eaten yet, have you?”

   I shook my head, “No.  I’m starved.”

   “Cool.  I know a good place to eat.  We can talk there.”  She said as she began walking towards the north part of the center.


   We sat in a quiet café.  The place was nice, but on the small side, so it seemed a little cramped, but it didn’t bother Ashiya in the least.

   She had been acting a little odd when we walked around the center.  She seemed alert, but not at the same time.  It seemed to me like she was aware of all her surrounding and was hyperaware of the things happening around us. 

   She seemed paranoid to be honest.

   But when I asked her she said nothing was wrong.  I may not have known her for long and couldn’t judge her or say anything to her, but it was still odd.  But, leaving it behind as we went on.

   We talked about our lives and what we have been up to over the years.  Her eyes seemed to cloud over at some questions, but it never stooped her from the conversation.  We learned a lot about each other and I was beginning to believe that I was going to enjoy my time spent with her.

   We sat I the café until past sun down, which had to have been at least three hours.  We had finished out meals hours ago and were on our fourth drinks.  Ashiya looked at her phone and frowned.

   “It’s getting late.  I think it’s best if you go home.”  Ashiya said as she stood up.

   I followed her in getting up.  “I’ll pay.”  I offered.

   “No need Mizuki.  I’ve got it this time.”  She said throwing a fifty on the table and motioned for me to lead the way out.

   Once we were outside I questioned her, “Why did you leave so much?  Our food must have cost half of that maybe less.”

   She turned to me and smiled sadly.  “You saw the waiter there right?”  I nodded, “He has be living on his own after his parents through him out four years ago.  He’s only fourteen now.  He's been there since he was kicked out.  The owner pitied him and gave him a job there.  He’s a good kid, but he doesn’t get paid enough to survive there and there isn’t anywhere else he could get a job.”  She said grimly.

   “I go there at least once a week and leave him at least the same tip as what I spent so I have a piece of mind knowing he at least has the money to buy a meal, or some extra cash to pay rent wherever he stays.”  Ashiya continued.

   “How do you know all this?”  I asked her.

   “He talked to me a few times and I just pieced together all the pieces he gave me.”  She said as she continued leading me down the streets.

   We were close to the North District now and my house wasn’t far from here.  I was about to tell her this when he phone rang in her pocket.  Pulling it out she answered as we kept walking.

   “We’re in the North District now, nearing the Lux.”  She paused as she listened.  “Meet me there in ten.”

   She hung up shortly afterwards.  We walked in silence, I was now leading the way to wards my house.

   “Mizuki?”  Ashiya called.


   “I need to call my mom, do you want to just walk ahead and I’ll catch up, alright?"

   I nodded and slowly went ahead giving her some privacy.  I waited at the street corner for her to finish her call before she caught up to me again.  I asked her what was wrong since she seemed troubled but Ashiya just shook it off and told me everything was alright.

   We reached my house a couple minutes later.  “It was nice meeting you Mizuki” Ashiya said, “Let’s do this again some time, I’m glad I got to know you, even just a little.”

   I nodded, “Let me know when you’re free again.  I’d love to know more about you.”  I said smiling brightly.

   “Um, Yeah, same.  I have to go.  Bye!”  She said before rushing off as if she was in a big hurry.




So I'm going to be taking a break from this fic for a little.  

Please understand and keep supporting me until I come back.

Exams are coming up and I just don't have time to keep working on this right now. I'm not abandoning this fic, I can't do that it means a lot to me but I have to take a break for a little.  I'm going to be working more on RCRS my other story so this will get updated a little less often but I will still work on it as best as I can.

Please understand and I will see you when I have time.


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MTIAGL - only a few more chapters to go


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Chapter 2: I wonder who that peroson is..
coolestgirl #2
Chapter 41: Ahem, ms. Author what in the world are you doing leaving me hanging like this? I swear if I don't get that sequel I'm, I'm gonna be bored ok
Uniqlonot #3
I don't understand why this story doesn't have more upvotes. I mean COME ON! THE ONLY THING THAT'D BE BETTER THAN THIS (in my opinion) WOULD BE EXO WALKING THROUGH MY BEDROOM DOOR RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW!! Okay maybe I'm exaggerating a bit, but close enough.
I've reread this story (and currently subscribed to both this and the sequel), and I'm baffled by the lack of upvotes! If I could, I would click the button like 50 times. ;) <333
Winnerikonab #4
Chapter 38: Authornim! I'm a new reader! I'm currently hating on Mizuki..I think she's annoying TT But it's only my opinion. I'm sure my opinion of her will change when i read more chaps...
Trying to reading all of your other stories while waiting for the red sky updated XD
Chapter 7: :0 EXO11 doesn't sound right to me, but that's what it is right now.
Chapter 40: Yay sequel ^^
SeoulSweetheart #8
Chapter 41: Yay sequel ^^
MISCharacter #9
Chapter 40: Good story, well written. Only thing is you do not have to constantly explain things over again. i.e. the fact that she sperates her lives is said in almost every chapter. I know it's a crucial point but instead of it being explained on its own during the scenes, each character thinks, tells, or announce it to the reader every chance they get. I really enjoy your writing and story and look forward to the continuing of RSRC and anything new you produce.
Chapter 40: There has to be as sequel! What about daehyun?