27 - Ashiya

My Twin Is A Gang Leader


            To my utter disappointment I was still no closer to figuring out who this girl was.  Jongup had been keeping an eye on her, to our luck, he was even able to befriend her.  Which made it easier for him when he watched her since it gave him a reason to be around her.

            One problem he has run into though over the past three weeks that he has been guarding her is that three times a week she goes to a building where he can’t get into.  I’ve no idea what she does there, but from what Jongup’s heard it sounds as if she dances, and practices there.  She seems like a dancer from the little I’ve seen of her, so I haven’t been sticky about her being guarded while in there.

            On other notes, those pesky boys that were causing trouble aren’t anymore.  I haven’t heard word about them since w paid them a visit.  At least one of my problems was solved now though.  One less problem I’ve had to focus on.

            Dealing with Samantha’s issue though is a little trickier though.  I can’t deal with it like I dealt with the boys causing problems.  I can’t just walk in and threaten them.  Dealing with another gang is harder than that.  Much harder.

            The only real way to get them to back off for good is to pay them their allotted money and end the deal there.  And with Samantha’s financial situation and the loss of her job, there isn’t anyway for her to pay it back anytime soon.

            I’ve been thinking though that if she felt up to it, she could do some work for the gang and earn the money that way.  I am highly apposed to just giving her the money and dealing with it.  I would but I knew for one she would reject the offer, and I didn’t want to deal with things if people found out that I was paying another gang out.

            That wouldn’t end well.  So I’ll just pitch the idea to Samantha about working for me with odd jobs here and there and if things work out well she can pay them off in the next few months or so.

            But aside from all the gang’s I have to deal with, life at home is uneventful; at least mostly.

            Recently my mom has been acting strange.  It began one day after she got back from working at the hospital.  To be honest, if I wasn’t as skilled at noticing the smallest changes in a person behavior, I never would have noticed anything different.

            But since I can and do on a daily basis, I saw that my mom would always glance my way than look like she was thinking of something very seriously before going back to normal.  I asked her what was up on one occasion and she went still at the single mention that something was off, and that really pricked my interest.

             She knows that brushing me off won’t last long but she still is trying to and will try an avoid me some times when I try to ask her.  Something is up, and from the way she is acting it’s got to be something big.

            She seems to have told Dad though, since when I try and ask him he will tell me to ask her or change the subject.

            And it’s driving me nuts not knowing what is going on.

            I will find out what it is, and neither of them will stop me for much longer.


            “Ashiya, what’s got you all worked up recently?”  Himchan asked me at lunch.

            Putting my sandwich down I looked over at him, “Is it really that obvious?”

            All three of them nodded their heads, “Yeah.” 

            I released a tired breath and leaned back, losing my appetite at being reminded of that pesky little situation.  I closed my eyes before looking up at the clear sky.  It’s been over a week since my mom and dad have been avoiding my questions, but they were starting to crack.

            “My parent’s are acting strangely around me recently and I don’t know why.”  I explained to my best friends.  “It started with my mom coming home from work one day and giving me these looks when I wasn’t really paying attention to her.  Then she must have told Dad, because he did the same thing, and when I try and ask what’s going on they avoid the questions like the black plague.”

            “You don’t think they found out that you’re in a gang, do you?”  Zelo asked.

            I thought about that possibility before shacking my head, “I don’t think so Zelo.  They would be acting more defensive around me or straight up yelling.  This is different.”

            I would have to figure this out soon, before it began to take over all of my thoughts and I wouldn’t be able to concentrate on anything else.  Or worse is stresses me out to the point of lowering my immune system again.

            Ruffling my hair in frustration I sat up and pouted.  “I really wish they would just spit out whatever they’re not telling me.”  I whined to the boys.

            Yongguk patted my back, “I’m sure they will tell you when the time’s right Ashiya.  Just give them some time to figure out the best way to tell you.  And until then, just do what you always do.”

            Yongguk did have a point.  I really didn’t have to make a big deal out of this.  I just really hated not knowing things.  I would try asking once more tonight and if my parents still ignored me than I would wait. 

            I only hope they don’t make me wait for too long.


            Dad was already home when I got back from school that afternoon.  Shrugging my backpack off in my room and changing into something comfy to lounge around the house in for the next few hours.

            I plopped myself down on the couch opposite my Dad who was watching the evening news.  Noticing me he muted the television and looked up.  I smiled at him and waited for him to speak.

            “Didn’t your mother call you Ashiya?”  Was all he asked me.

            I scrunched up my face in confusion,  “No.  Why?”

            He shook his head; “Your mother is always so forgetful when it comes to calling you.  She was supposed to call you and let you know to swing by the hospital.”

            “Do you know why?”  I asked him.

            I had gotten my blood tested recently and everything was fine so why did she want to see me there now all of a sudden.

            “You’ll know when you go.  Now get changed and don’t keep her waiting to long.”  He said laughing and waving me to get up and get moving.

            Laughing with him, I went back to my room and changed into my new jeans with the rips in them and the lace underneath. A black wifebeater was pulled over the sports bra I quickly pulled on.  I found my favorite combat boots that had little spider buckles running up the sides. 

            Rummaging through my closet I found a black hoodie that was a little bit big on me but still fit me perfectly.  Zipping it up halfway it hung off my right shoulder slightly but completed the look.  Tucking my signature black mask into my back pocket, I shoved a switchblade into the pocket of my jeans so it was easily available but was covered by my hoodie.

            I figured I could just go from the hospital to the warehouse and since I didn’t actually have school tomorrow now that I think about it, I might as well just stay out for the weekend and get my mind off of things.

I’m sure my parents won’t mind if I stay with one of the boys to work on a project due on Monday.  It’s a total lie but they wouldn’t know.

So touching up my make-up and redoing my black eyeliner I looked at myself in the mirror and decided it needed something more.  So digging through my makeup I found the liquid metallic sliver eyeliner I lightly applied some over the black to give it a bit of a sparkle.  Then to make the look complete I used the silver eyeliner to draw a web-like pattern on my eyelids.

            Smiling I closed one of my eyes to look at the spider web patter around the top of my eye.  With a quick apply of a red lipstick I headed back downstairs.

            “Dad, I’m leaving.  I’m going to be with the guys this weekend to work on a project we have due on Monday.  If you need me, I’ll have my cell phone on me.”  I told him popping me head in.

            He turned to look at me, “You sure?  Their parent’s don’t mind?”

            “They said it was fine already.”

            “Alright, Ashiya.  But please go to bed at a reasonable hour.”

            “Will do.  Bye Daddy!”  I said before leaving for the hospital.



So what do you think her mom wants?


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MTIAGL - only a few more chapters to go


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Chapter 2: I wonder who that peroson is..
coolestgirl #2
Chapter 41: Ahem, ms. Author what in the world are you doing leaving me hanging like this? I swear if I don't get that sequel I'm, I'm gonna be bored ok
Uniqlonot #3
I don't understand why this story doesn't have more upvotes. I mean COME ON! THE ONLY THING THAT'D BE BETTER THAN THIS (in my opinion) WOULD BE EXO WALKING THROUGH MY BEDROOM DOOR RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW!! Okay maybe I'm exaggerating a bit, but close enough.
I've reread this story (and currently subscribed to both this and the sequel), and I'm baffled by the lack of upvotes! If I could, I would click the button like 50 times. ;) <333
Winnerikonab #4
Chapter 38: Authornim! I'm a new reader! I'm currently hating on Mizuki..I think she's annoying TT But it's only my opinion. I'm sure my opinion of her will change when i read more chaps...
Trying to reading all of your other stories while waiting for the red sky updated XD
Chapter 7: :0 EXO11 doesn't sound right to me, but that's what it is right now.
Chapter 40: Yay sequel ^^
SeoulSweetheart #8
Chapter 41: Yay sequel ^^
MISCharacter #9
Chapter 40: Good story, well written. Only thing is you do not have to constantly explain things over again. i.e. the fact that she sperates her lives is said in almost every chapter. I know it's a crucial point but instead of it being explained on its own during the scenes, each character thinks, tells, or announce it to the reader every chance they get. I really enjoy your writing and story and look forward to the continuing of RSRC and anything new you produce.
Chapter 40: There has to be as sequel! What about daehyun?