23 - Mizuki

My Twin Is A Gang Leader


            "Are you ready to go!"  Daehyun called down the hallway.

            "Almost, just finishing up my make-up then we can go."  I called back.

            Daehyun wanted to go to this club in the south part of town with some of his friends he made in college.  He said the club they were going to was open to anyone over the age of sixteen.

            He just wasn't going to let me touch the alcohol, not like I was going to anyway.

            I finished putting on my mascara and touching up my cover up before I left my room to find my brother standing at the top of the stairs waiting for me.

            "Nice outfit Mizuki."

            "Thank you.  Can we get going please."

            "Yup!  They’re waiting for us outside the gates."  He said so I followed Daehyun out. 

            Since we were going to a club I was wearing a dress Daehyun bought for me on his way home.  I trusted him that I would fit in.  I didn't feel completely comfortable in it but it's all I had.

            He bought me a one shoulder black dress that had beading along the neckline and the end of the sleeve that ended at my wrist.  It was pretty tight fitting and really showed off my body in an amazing way.  I thought I looked amazing in this dress.

            I wore a pair of silver stilettos that matched the beading and the silver pendent I wore that I never took off.  I used a smoky eye to make my eyes pop and a pale pink lip-gloss.  Tucking my cellphone into my handbag along with my wallet I was ready to have a great night.

            I only hope Daehyun's friends are nice.

            Just as my brother said his friends were waiting for us at the gates to our house, standing on the sidewalk in front of two convertibles.

            "Daehyun. Hey!"  The guy closest to us said.  "What took you so long?"

            My brother nodded his head in greeting before replying, "My sister took her time getting ready."

            Another guy came up, "Don't all girls.  Well let's meet your younger sister then."


            "Yeah, you've told us so much about her, I really want to meet her."  The first guy said.

            "Mizuki, come over here and meet my friends."  Daehyun said and I came closer.

            I gave the three guys that were with my brother a small wave, "Hi, I'm Mizuki.  Nice to meet you."

            "Well, hi there Mizuki."  The first guy spoke, "My name is Yoochun, and these are my friends Jaejoong and Junsu."

            So Jaejoong was the second guys who talked.  By Junsu stayed in the background and just nodded his head when his name was said.  I don't think he talked much.

            Jaejoong came up and shock my hand.  "You can ride with Junsu and I, I'm sure Yoochun and Daehyun have things they want to talk about without us around."

            "If it's alright with Daehyun, then sure."  I said looking at Daehyun for an answer.

            "I'll meet you at the club Mizuki.  Yoochun and I need to make a stop somewhere on the way.  Just stay with Jaejoong and Junsu."  He replied as he climbed into the first car with Yoochun before they drove off.

            "Looks like it's just us for now.  Don't worry we aren't going to do anything.  We're safe.  So get in.  Hurry up, I don't want to have to wait in a huge line to get in."  Jaejoong said and he hopped over the door and into the drivers seat.  "Junsu you’re sitting in the back."

            "Cool."  Was all Junsu replied before hopping in over the side just like Jaejoong did.

            What is with boys and not using doors?  I opened the passenger door and buckled up.  Jaejoong took off down the road moments later.

            The ride to the club we were going to took us a half hour because Jaejoong seems to be a really cautious driver.  Not once did he go the speed limit.  Normally people would go over, not him he went at least ten miles per hour under the speed limit.

            Not even I do that!  By the time we got there Junsu had fallen asleep in the back and Jaejoong had to wake him up.

            "Are we there now?"  Junsu asked and he opened his eyes.

            "After a three hour drive, yup we're here."  I replied laughing slightly.

            "I like this girl Jaejoong, she has a sense of humor and hates your driving just as much as I do."  Junsu said sending me a dazzling smile.  If I hadn't been sitting my knees would have given way.

            Junsu was gorgeous.  So was Jaejoong, but Junsu's smile just made him a little better.

            "Would you stop insulting my driving Junsu!  I drive safe.  It's better that you.  You just speed and narrowly miss getting into accidents every time you drive.  I'm surprised you’re still alive."  Jaejoong said shooting his friend a glare.

            "Would you two stop, I want to go in."  I said laughing at them as I got out of the car.

            "You heard the lady. Let's go party!"  Jaejoong said jumping in the air.

            I shook my head at their silliness before we all went in.  The place was dark, lit only by low lights and strobe lights flashing all over the place.  The music was loud, pounding through the walls and floor.

            All the girls were dressed similarly to me so I didn't feel very out of place.  It was hard to hear what people were saying so when Jaejoong first spoke to me I didn't hear what he said.

            He brought his mouth close to my ear before he repeated what he said, "Do you want to go dance Mizuki?"

            I nodded my head in response since I knew he wouldn't hear my reply.

             Smiling he grabbed my wrist and dragged me onto the crowded dance floor.  At some point Junsu joined us.  We were having a blast.  I was starting to really enjoy this place.

            All to soon Junsu grabbed my wrist and pulled me off the dance floor followed closely by Jaejoong.  He pulled me along to the stairway by the bar.

             "Where are we going Junsu?"  I asked, not sure what to think of being dragged around by him in the club since I just met him and Jaejoong.

            "Relax Mizuki, We are just going to the VIP lounge upstairs.  Your brother and Yoochun are waiting for us."  Jaejoong explained, as Junsu kept pulling me along towards the bar.

            I didn't have much choice but to trust them that they were taking me to where my brother was.  We had to weave through the crowd, which seemed to have gotten thicker the later the night got.

            Pushing a few people out of the way Junsu kept his grip on me; making sure it wasn't to tight that it would hurt me, but tight enough that he didn't lose his grip when people bumped into me or tried pushing past us.

            When we got to the bar and were about to go up the stairs I heard someone call out my name.  Maybe I misheard them, but I swear I recognized that voice from somewhere.

            I wanted to turn around and see who it was but Junsu was already pulling my up the stairs and Jaejoong was right behind me stopping me from seeing anything.

            When we got to the second floor I could see my brother sitting on a plush couch across from Yoochun, his back facing us.  Daehyun turned back when he heard us come up.

            "Have fun Mizuki?"  He asked motioning me to come over.

            "Yeah."  I took a chance to look around.  There was a glass wall with a railing looking down at the rest of the club below and a fully stocked bar in the far corner.

             "I'm glad.  It's almost one though and you still need to be up for school tomorrow."  He said.

            "Daehyun, you can't be serious!  Your sending me home already.  What is this!"  I hissed at him.

            "Just let Junsu take you home, we can do this again some other time alright.  You've had your night out.  I'm going to stay out with my friends a little longer."  He said and got up to get a beer.

            "Daehyun!"  I hissed at him.

            "Junsu, take Daehyun's little sister home then come back."  Yoochun ordered Junsu, who actually listened.

            "Sorry Mizuki, I have to take you home now."  Junsu said and grabbed a hold of my wrist again.

            This time he was pulling me away from my brother and back down to the main level.  I tried to pull away from him but his grip was firm and rereleasing.

             Junsu pulled me through the crowd and out of the club to where the cars were parked.

            "Why are you listening to him Junsu?  Can't you just let me stay a little longer?"  I asked him.

            "It's complicated Mizuki.  Would you just get in so this is easy and I don't have to use force.”  But I just stood there not wanting to leave yet.  “Please Mizuki, I don't want to hurt you."  Junsu said, pleading me to listen.

            Frowning I gave in, not understanding what he was really saying.  "Only this time since your begging." 

            He smiled that beautiful smile of his.  "Thank you."

            I climbed into the car and he followed after the door was shut and he had my side locked.  Did he think I was going to run off somewhere?  I have no idea where I am other than somewhere in the south end of the city.

            "Mizuki!"  I heard someone shout.  Junsu must have heard it to because he turned around in his seat and looked back towards the club's entrance before he quickly started the car and sped off with a deep frown on his face.  Pulling out his phone he texted someone before he put it away and floored it to my house.

            Unlike when Jaejoong drove, it only took us ten minutes since Junsu sped most of the way.  I am lucky we didn't crash on the way to my house.

            "Maybe I'll see you around another time Mizuki.  Stay safe, and around here make sure you’re with someone you know at night."  Junsu said as parting words.  What was he talking about?

            Whatever it was it didn't make much sense.

            "Thanks for the ride I didn't really want Junsu.  Please make sure my brother comes home before dawn."

            "I will."  Junsu assured me before he sped away.





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MTIAGL - only a few more chapters to go


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Chapter 2: I wonder who that peroson is..
coolestgirl #2
Chapter 41: Ahem, ms. Author what in the world are you doing leaving me hanging like this? I swear if I don't get that sequel I'm, I'm gonna be bored ok
Uniqlonot #3
I don't understand why this story doesn't have more upvotes. I mean COME ON! THE ONLY THING THAT'D BE BETTER THAN THIS (in my opinion) WOULD BE EXO WALKING THROUGH MY BEDROOM DOOR RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW!! Okay maybe I'm exaggerating a bit, but close enough.
I've reread this story (and currently subscribed to both this and the sequel), and I'm baffled by the lack of upvotes! If I could, I would click the button like 50 times. ;) <333
Winnerikonab #4
Chapter 38: Authornim! I'm a new reader! I'm currently hating on Mizuki..I think she's annoying TT But it's only my opinion. I'm sure my opinion of her will change when i read more chaps...
Trying to reading all of your other stories while waiting for the red sky updated XD
Chapter 7: :0 EXO11 doesn't sound right to me, but that's what it is right now.
Chapter 40: Yay sequel ^^
SeoulSweetheart #8
Chapter 41: Yay sequel ^^
MISCharacter #9
Chapter 40: Good story, well written. Only thing is you do not have to constantly explain things over again. i.e. the fact that she sperates her lives is said in almost every chapter. I know it's a crucial point but instead of it being explained on its own during the scenes, each character thinks, tells, or announce it to the reader every chance they get. I really enjoy your writing and story and look forward to the continuing of RSRC and anything new you produce.
Chapter 40: There has to be as sequel! What about daehyun?