15 - Yongguk

My Twin Is A Gang Leader


            I met up with Himchan and Zelo after we had finished going around the streets we were assigned to.  We met up at a park that all the streets ended up leading to at one point.  We were waiting for ten minutes with no sign of Ashiya or any word from her.

            "Have either of you heard from Boss?"  I asked the other two guys.

            They looked over at me shaking their heads.  It wasn't like Ashiya not to contact one of us if something was wrong or if she found something.

            "Do you think something happened Yongguk?"  Zelo, the youngest, asked me.  Worry filling his voice.  He looked up to the three of us for guidance, and ever since we were young he grew a close bond with Ashiya, and had a small irrational fear that she would leave him since he was a kid.

            "I'm sure she's fine Zelo.  You know she can handle herself in any situation. "  I reassured him.  Not fully believing my own words.

            Himchan, Zelo and I waited another ten minutes in silence waiting and hoping Ashiya would show up and laugh at us for worrying about her.  But she still didn't show.  This was worrying.  She never went this long on any mission to contact one of us; she always found a way to get in contact no matter what. 

            "Guys, let's wait another ten minutes and if she doesn't show or contact us we will go out and look for her." I said, things were not turning out well for this mission.

            All we really needed to do was find this boys causing trouble and make them stop.  The hardest part is finding them, and then it's pretty simple.

            So why did Ashiya go missing?  Why is she not coming?  What is going on!

            The ten minutes passed by quickly.  , I was hoping she would show! Something is defiantly wrong if she hasn't shown after a half hour.

            "Grab you bikes boys, we are going to find Boss.  Something is defiantly up."  I said standing up and walking over to my bike.  "We're going to stick together and head down all the streets she was going to take.  She has to be somewhere around here."

            "Got it."  Himchan and Zelo replied and got their bikes started.  And we began to head down the streets we knew she would have gone down.

            We've been down three of the seven streets she was looking around.  But we still had no sign of seeing her.  I looked back at Himchan and Zelo who were flanking me as we sped down the empty streets.

   `We were starting with our fifth street and we still have seen no sign of her.  I was starting to lose hope that we would find her just by searching the streets.

            "Yongguk, I think that's Ashiya's bike up ahead.  The lighting isn't the best but it looks really similar."  Himchan pointed out.

            Taking a closer look as we came closer, it seemed like it just might be hers.  I'm hoping it's hers.  The closer we got it was easier to make out other shapes, and the motorcycle became clear - and it defiantly was Ashiya's.  A figure was standing not far from her bike, in a corner of darkness where the streetlamps light didn't reach.

            Stopping not far from the figure the three of us passed looks to each other as we all realized that the figure standing there and not moving was Ashiya herself.

            "Boss?  Hey, Boss?"  I called out to her after removing my helmet and adjusting my mask.  She didn't respond or show any movement of acknowledgment.

            "Boss?  Boss are you okay?"  Himchan asked her, watching to see if she responded.  But, still no response.  No movement. 

            What is going on?  Something has to seriously be wrong if she isn't responding.  Zelo was starting to fidget beside me.  I could see fear in his eyes, he knew something was wrong and his fears of losing her were coming back. 

            And I do not want to deal with Zelo when he is having a freak out.  Zelo's voice shock slightly as he spoke but he tried to sound as normal as possible, "You’re scaring me Boss.  What happened?"

            Some life returned to her eyes if only briefly but still no response.  She still stood there not moving a muscle, as she seemed to stare into space.  Her eyes lifeless, her face pale.

            Ashiya began to sway slightly before her knees gave way slightly and she began to slowly fall towards me.  My reflex’s kicked in quickly and I caught her before she hit could hit the ground.

            "Your really scaring me right now Boss."  Zelo said moving closer to the two of us, Himchan following not far behind.

            Something was seriously wrong.  Never in all the years I have known Ashiya has she ever looked so weak.  She has always been strong, no matter how she was feeling she would always carry a strong face and attitude on the outside where it counted most. 

            "Ashiya?  Ashiya!"  The three of us said at the same time when we all noticed her eyes slowly closing.  Moments later they shut fully.

            "Damn-it, I think she just passed out."  I hissed.  Getting her anywhere like this was going to be hard.

            Taking her back to the warehouse while everyone was still there was going to cause a lot of questions that we weren't ready to deal with.  And if we took her home, her parents would have questions we couldn't answer.

            Either way we didn't have many choices in our hands right now.  We had to get her somewhere safe and wait for her to wake up. 

            I looked up at the other two boys, I knew this was tough seeing Ashiya like this as well.  Himchan seemed to be holding up fine, worry still clouding his face, but he would be reasonable enough in any situation.

            Zelo on the other hand was an inch away from going over the deep end.  I could see the fear, worry and sheer shock of seeing Ashiya - our best friend and boss - pass out right in front of him.

            He gaze was slightly fuzzy, probably thinking of how he might lose her like he used to; so I may just have another problem to deal with in a minute.  To make things worse it was a school night.  So, now I had to find a way to fix as much as I could before school started tomorrow.

            Releasing a heavy sigh, I put one of my arms behind Ashiya's back and the other under her knees and lifted her up bridal style.  I needed to get all of us out of here before anyone saw us.

            "Himchan, do you think you can get Zelo back into his right mind and back to the warehouse and clear the place out?  I don't want to take Ashiya in there while she is like this, it will cause to many questions to come up and we don't have any answers yet."  I asked him.

            I knew Himchan cared a lot for Ashiya and would do anything for her, he was one of the best out of the three of us to stay level-headed when something happened.  And with Zelo breaking down he was the only person who could do anything helpful to the situation right now.

            "Alright.  I'll get the place cleared out.  I'll give you a call once they all leave so you can get Ashiya in safely.  What should I do about Zelo?"  He said leaning against the brick office building next to us.

            "Take him with you and try to calm him down before he really starts freaking out and we have to deal with the little monster he turns into."  I laughed at the last bit and Himchan joined in.

            Zelo was a little monster when he got to worked up.  His gang name, White Collar, was kind of a joke between the four of us.  We called him White Collar as a joke since when we was overly worked up he would become a little monster that liked things to get bloody.  And that white collar wasn't so white anymore.  Not many knew the meaning behind his name other than it showed that he was a high-ranking member with a name after a spider given to him by the gang leader herself.

            But the ones who do learn of this little joke never walked away without losing a few drops of blood.  It was one reason why he was such a good fighter - maybe not at first - but as the fight went on and his little monster began to show and take over. 

            To be honest White Collar was fairly easy to get along with, but when he was worked up or threatened, not even Himchan or I could deal with him.  Ashiya was the only one he would listen to if he got really upset. 

            Since she was passed out right now, we couldn't afford him to lose himself and stain his white collar red.

            "I'll see what I can do about him in the meantime.  I'll give you a call in a little while Yongguk."  He said before turning and going to his bike, "Zelo!  Get your over here and let's go, we have things to do."  He shouted at Zelo.

            Grumbling Zelo walked over and got on his bike, "Will Ashiya be okay Himchan?"  He asked before putting his helmet on.

            "I'm sure she will be perfectly fine, so don't worry to much about it Zelo.  You know how strong our boss can be."  Himchan said sounding like he was trying to reassure both Zelo and himself.

            As they began to leave, I began the walk back to the warehouse where we could finally start to take care of little boss girl here.  I wish I knew what it was that had caused this to happen to her.

            Let's hope it isn't anything to serious. 

            Let's hope.



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MTIAGL - only a few more chapters to go


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Chapter 2: I wonder who that peroson is..
coolestgirl #2
Chapter 41: Ahem, ms. Author what in the world are you doing leaving me hanging like this? I swear if I don't get that sequel I'm, I'm gonna be bored ok
Uniqlonot #3
I don't understand why this story doesn't have more upvotes. I mean COME ON! THE ONLY THING THAT'D BE BETTER THAN THIS (in my opinion) WOULD BE EXO WALKING THROUGH MY BEDROOM DOOR RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW!! Okay maybe I'm exaggerating a bit, but close enough.
I've reread this story (and currently subscribed to both this and the sequel), and I'm baffled by the lack of upvotes! If I could, I would click the button like 50 times. ;) <333
Winnerikonab #4
Chapter 38: Authornim! I'm a new reader! I'm currently hating on Mizuki..I think she's annoying TT But it's only my opinion. I'm sure my opinion of her will change when i read more chaps...
Trying to reading all of your other stories while waiting for the red sky updated XD
Chapter 7: :0 EXO11 doesn't sound right to me, but that's what it is right now.
Chapter 40: Yay sequel ^^
SeoulSweetheart #8
Chapter 41: Yay sequel ^^
MISCharacter #9
Chapter 40: Good story, well written. Only thing is you do not have to constantly explain things over again. i.e. the fact that she sperates her lives is said in almost every chapter. I know it's a crucial point but instead of it being explained on its own during the scenes, each character thinks, tells, or announce it to the reader every chance they get. I really enjoy your writing and story and look forward to the continuing of RSRC and anything new you produce.
Chapter 40: There has to be as sequel! What about daehyun?