13 - Ashiya

My Twin Is A Gang Leader


            I looked after them wondering what they were looking for.  I turned back when I heard the worker release a shaky sigh.  There was something in her eyes that wasn't there moments ago when the boys where here.

            She looked scared.  And lost.  

            Trying to help I asked the girl, "Is everything alright?  You seem shaken."

            She didn't seem to have heard me, and was still looking at where the two boys had gone to.

             "Sorry.  What did you just say?"  The girl asked as her attention went back to me.

            "I asked if you were alright."  I repeated.  

            Shaking her head she looked at her watch, "It's almost time to close the store.  Can you hold on a second please?"

            Nodding I watched her as she went around the store and talked to the two customers who were still in the store and explained to them that she had to close up and that they could come back tomorrow.

            Once the two were gone she closed the doors and came back behind the counter.  Keying in her passcode for the register she looked up at me, the fear still showing in her eyes.

            "Is that all you wanted?"  She asked me, her eyes darting between me and the door, her voice shaking slightly.

            Nodding she rung up my purchase.  "Did you know those two boys from earlier?"  I asked watching her expression that darkened.

            "N-no I didn't.  Is that all Miss?"  She said barley above a whisper.  I could tell she was lying.  She knew who they were and was scared of them.

            I knew I should help her.  It was the right thing to do and I had the power to do it as well.  So I took a chance and called her on her bluff, "I know your lying to me right now."

            Her gaze snapped back to me, and I took this as the first time to really look at her.  She was of average height with long blond hair that hung lightly around her face.  Her big hazel eyes looked at me in shock.

            Her voice wavered as she spoke to me, "I-I don't k-know what y-you are talking a-about."  She looked terrified right now, "Who are you?"

            The question I could either lie about or I could tell her the truth, might as well go with both.  "I'm helping you.  I can tell something is wrong, I noticed it when those boys were here.  I'm not going to hurt you . . . Samantha." 

            I took a guess that she was the girl those boys were looking for, why else would she be scared of them.  I just didn't know why she was scared of them.  And by the way she reacted to me saying the name out loud I knew I was right that she was Samantha.

            Continuing I said, "I want to help you, you just have to tell me what happened."  I tried to sound as sincere as I could.

            I could see her fear in her eyes as well as know she was trying to figure out if I really did want to help her.   Swallowing hard she spoke, "I really don't know who those two were, but if they were s-searching for me then I most likely know whom they are working for.  My dad, he got into some trouble with a gang.  He didn't know who they were at first but things got complicated when he borrowed money.  He ran when things got hard and their leader has been looking for my dad and me ever since.  It’s only been a month but they won't stop."

            I think I got a handle on what happened.  I could tell where this gang boss was coming from.  I was the same.  If anyone borrowed money from the gang they had to pay it back in full within a time frame, with interest, as well.  Should they go over this time limit we track them down and get it back ourselves.   Sighing I made up my mind to help this girl.  She seemed nice enough.  She didn't deserve to go through what might happen if they did get ahold of her.

            "Look Samantha, I can help you out of this.  You just have to trust me.  I know things are scary right now and you have to keep hiding but I can help."  I tried to reassure her.  If this was gang stuff I could fix things pretty easily.  I was just hopping it wasn't one of the gangs we were closely tied with, that would only complicate things for us right now.

            "How can you help me?  I don't want to drag you down with me."  She seemed to trust me now.

            "I'm not all I look to be on the outside.  How about you come with me and I will keep you protected for now until this is over.  I know things may seem a little scary at first, I promise you nothing will happen to you under my protection."  I said smiling behind my mask even if she couldn’t see it; my eyes conveyed my hidden smile.

            Weakly smiling back she nodded her head slowly.  "Alright, thank you.  No one has ever bothered to help me out before."

            "Well I’m here now.  There are just a few things you might want to be aware of before hand so you don't freak out to much."  I said trying to find a way to tell her that I was a gang leader and she would be getting involved with more gang things.

            "W-what do you mean?"

            she was scared again.  "No one is going to hurt you, I can promise you that.  But, you will be getting involved with more gang stuff.  I can help you, but you have to be willing to deal with the fact that I'm part of a gang and you have to get involved with it as well."

            That's the best I could do to explain things to her.  To be honest, she looked like she had some gymnastics training and maybe self-defense lessons by the way she was standing and regarding her surroundings.  But it could just be that she was hiding from people.

            But if I was right, she might be a good addition to the gang if she was willing.  If things go well, I might ask her to join.  There is a lack of females around and it would be nice to have another around.

            "So," Samantha began, "I would have to get involved with your gang in order to get away from the gang chasing me?  How do I know your gang won't start going after me after you are finished helping?"

            She should be skeptical, how did she know I wouldn't do anything to her - even though I wouldn't.  "I will make sure no harm comes to you, and you will be free to go your own way, so long as you don't tell anybody about us and secrets we have, you have nothing to worry about."  I explained.

            "Can I trust this?  Trust you?"  She asked me, starting to accept my help.

            Smiling I replied, "I am one of the only people you can trust right now with your problem.  I'm not sure anyone else will offer you such a good deal."    Taking a moment to think over all I have said she finally gave in and accepted me help.  Smiling to myself I pulled my phone out and had the boys bring their bikes over to pick us up at the mall.  I wasn't going to risk her walking out without knowing full well who exactly was after her and her father.

            "We are getting rides from some friends so we can make sure nothing happens to you while we get you out of here, since I’m pretty sure those two boys haven't left yet." I said looking through the windows looking for their bike lights.   Samantha and I kept up meaningless small talk until those slow boys arrived.  We still had things to do tonight so they better hurry up so I can get Samantha settled at the warehouse and have some boys guarding her and working on her situation. 

            We had a few bedrooms free that she could stay in, and a few of my men could be spared to keep an eye on her while she was in school and at work.  I'm sure their are some of the boys under me who went to her school, I was only hoping it wasn't an all girls school, because that is where my problems lay.

            I didn't have enough girls in the gang, so having members in all girls schools was difficult.  The best I could do was send the older male members to these schools as teachers and other staff.  We paid for their schooling to become teachers and would pull some strings to get them in to the schools we needed them in.

            Damn idiots finally arrived.  It was nearing then thirty and I wanted to get things moving.  "Samantha, We need to get moving.  Our ride is here.  And we can't waist anytime; I still have other things to get done tonight.  So grab whatever you need and lets move."  

            "Alright."  She said quietly, hesitating slightly when she saw Yongguk, Himchan, and Zelo wearing their masks sitting on the back of their bikes, looking extremely intimidating to anyone who didn't know who they really were.

            Pulling my mask out I switched it with the plain one I was currently wearing, giving the girl a good look at my face for a brief moment before letting the both of us outside.  "Get on the red bike with the flames, he is going to give you a ride."  I pointed to Himchan who was sitting on his bike. "Don't worry he won't hurt you.  If he does anything let me know, I'll make sure he doesn't do it again.  You better be on you best behavior boys."  I shot them a stern look.

            Walking over to Zelo I made him move back so I could drive.  Starting the bike I motioned to Himchan and Yongguk to get moving.  Our bikes tore off down the streets and away from the mall as fast as we could without putting anyone in danger.

            Within record time the five of us stopped in front of the warehouse that was already filled with people roaming around working or just heading out.

            I walked over to Samantha who was just getting off of Himchan's motorcycle.  "How are you holding up after that ride?"

            A shiver racking her body she replied, "A little shaken, but I’ll manage to survive.  I've been through worse than just a crazy ride on a motorcycle.

            "I'm glad.  Well let's get you in a settled for now, and the four of us will come back later to finish up with things to help you."  With that the four of us walked in with Samantha and I at the front and Himchan, Yongguk and Zelo trailing behind us

            We walked into the warehouse and looked around at the activity around us.  We all got along well in my gang; I didn't tolerate fighting between members.  I couldn't stop it all the time but I would rather we work together than have to deal with everyone fighting each other.  You have a problem you bring it up with me and I’ll deal with it or have my right hand men deal with it and things go back to normal.

            But Samantha wasn't used to being around gangs.  All of the tall, tough, and buff men roaming around.  It could be terrifying if just anyone accidently came walking in on this. 

Even I would have before I became the leader of said gang.

            Samantha was defiantly not accustomed to these things.  She was shaking slightly as her eyes darted around taking in what was in front of her.  She was probably thinking of all the people who have gone after her, and that these men weren't much different.

            "Samantha, don't be scared.  None of them will hurt you."  I reassured her.

            Some of the gang members would look back at us nodding their heads before going back to what they were doing.  Putting my arm around Samantha's shoulder I led her past everyone to the stairwell at the back that would lead up to the second floor where the bedrooms were located.

            The second room on the right was free.  Leading her into the room, she looked around.  It had a queen sized bed with fresh covers a dresser and work table along with an attached working bathroom with a shower.

            "This should do right?"  I said standing in the doorway as she walked around

            "It's amazing.  Thank you."  She answered taking a seat on the edge of the bed.

            "I'm glad you like it.  I have to go out for a few hours so your welcome to stay in here.  I'll have someone bring you some food in a bit.  And I’ll tell the boys downstairs not to bother you, but if you need anything just let one of them know."  I explained.

            "Are you sure they won't do anything?" 

            "Oh, I'm one hundred percent positive they won't do anything if they value their lives.  They don't want to mess with me."  I said lowly flashing her an eye smile before closing the door and leaving.

            My three best friends where waiting at the top of the stair case for me.  "Need to make an announcement do you Boss?"  Yongguk asked.

            "Yup.  Then we can leave."  With that we went downstairs.

            Hitting the wall beside me with the of one of my guns, everyone in the warehouse turned their full attention to me

            "Glad I have your attention.  We have a guest staying with us right now, so I want all of you on your best behavior around her.  She's had some problems with one of the gangs in town and I'm taking care of her till things settle over.   "All of you will help make her feel comfortable around here.  If she needs something, get it.  If you’re busy, get someone around you to do it.  Any of you do something to scare her or hurt her, your answering to me.  Got it?"

            "Yes Boss!"  They all answered together, their voices mixing together, echoing off the walls.   "Good.  That's all get back to work."  I finished and they all went back to what they were previously doing.  "Himchan, go get one of the younger boys to get Samantha something to eat before we leave."

            "On it Boss."  He said and went off while Yongguk, Zelo and I went back outside to get out bikes ready to go.


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MTIAGL - only a few more chapters to go


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Chapter 2: I wonder who that peroson is..
coolestgirl #2
Chapter 41: Ahem, ms. Author what in the world are you doing leaving me hanging like this? I swear if I don't get that sequel I'm, I'm gonna be bored ok
Uniqlonot #3
I don't understand why this story doesn't have more upvotes. I mean COME ON! THE ONLY THING THAT'D BE BETTER THAN THIS (in my opinion) WOULD BE EXO WALKING THROUGH MY BEDROOM DOOR RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW!! Okay maybe I'm exaggerating a bit, but close enough.
I've reread this story (and currently subscribed to both this and the sequel), and I'm baffled by the lack of upvotes! If I could, I would click the button like 50 times. ;) <333
Winnerikonab #4
Chapter 38: Authornim! I'm a new reader! I'm currently hating on Mizuki..I think she's annoying TT But it's only my opinion. I'm sure my opinion of her will change when i read more chaps...
Trying to reading all of your other stories while waiting for the red sky updated XD
Chapter 7: :0 EXO11 doesn't sound right to me, but that's what it is right now.
Chapter 40: Yay sequel ^^
SeoulSweetheart #8
Chapter 41: Yay sequel ^^
MISCharacter #9
Chapter 40: Good story, well written. Only thing is you do not have to constantly explain things over again. i.e. the fact that she sperates her lives is said in almost every chapter. I know it's a crucial point but instead of it being explained on its own during the scenes, each character thinks, tells, or announce it to the reader every chance they get. I really enjoy your writing and story and look forward to the continuing of RSRC and anything new you produce.
Chapter 40: There has to be as sequel! What about daehyun?