Chapter 3: Her


While Krystal was asking about what Sulli thought of Minho, Taemin was asking what Minho thought of Sulli.

At Taemin’s house in his basement/ game room…

Since Krystal texted that she’ll find out about Sulli’s thoughts, Taemin decided to do some investigating of his own. So he put down his phone and started to question Minho who was playing a soccer video game.

Taemin: So hyung, what did you think about Sulli?

Minho: Huh? Who?

Taemin: Sulli. The girl you met today. Remember during me and Krystal’s lunch date.

Minho: Ah de. She was ok.

Taemin: Ok? What do you mean?

Minho: She was like every other girl, i guess.

Taemin: No. I mean did you think she was pretty? Was she cute? Did you like how she’s the only girl who isn’t like 100 centimeters shorter than you?

Minho: Okay 1- I’m not that tall so stop referring to me as some kind of skyscraper.

Taemin: Tell that to Jonghyun.

Minho: And 2- I wasn’t looking at her that way. I didn’t pay much attention to her.

Taemin: Aish typical you. Always ignoring and rejecting girls no matter how pretty they are.

Minho: Well, I’m sorry. I don’t want to deal with all this love stuff. Now isn't the right time.

A long silence occurs until Taemin speaks up.

Taemin: I’m guessing then that you still blame yourself.

Minho: (Stops playing the game and looks at Taemin.) Can you blame me for not blaming myself?

Taemin: (Lets out a sigh) Look. What has happened, happened. It’s time to move on.

Minho: I’m not ready to do that.

Taemin: And why not?

Minho: Because I’m not. Now drop it Taemin.

Taemin: Then when will you be?

Minho: I said drop it.

Taemin: You’re only hurting yourself hyung. You have to let it go.

Minho gets up and grabs his things. When he is near the stairs he is stopped by a question from Taemin.

Taemin: Do you still love her?

Minho stands their surprised with Taemin’s question. But he is brought back to reality when he hears Onew, Jonghyun, and Key coming down the stairs.

Jonghyun: We’re here.

Onew: And we’ve got chick-

Onew is cut off by Minho pushing his way through them as he walks up the stairs to leave Taemin’s house.

Onew: -en.

Key: What’s wrong with the moody froggy now?

Jonghyun: Ya Lee Taemin. Did you guys fight?

Key: (Hits Jonghyun on the head.) Obviously dummy. Why would Minho angrily leave here then?

Jonghyun: It was just question. Maybe Minho got a text that made him angrily leave here or maybe-

Onew: It was about her again wasn’t it?

Silence fell as everyone’s eyes were on Taemin. Taemin slowly nods in regret. Everyone sighs and groans.

Onew: Did we not say to never speak about it? Especially in front of Minho.

Key: Ya. Lee Taemin. You pabo. What were you thinking?

Taemin: I just wanted him to move on.

Jonghyun: Ok but randomly bringing it up like this won't help him.We just need to give him some more time.

Taemin: (Hurt by some of their words.) How much longer?! It’s been three years!

Onew: Ok calm down Taemin. We know that this is a touchy subject for the both of you. But, you found a way to move on and he hasn’t. We just have to respect that fact.

Taemin: Every time I look and see how miserable he really is, it reminds me of her. It hurts to remember her every time I look at him.

Key: We know. We’re sorry Taemin.

Taemin: That was the only time I have ever seen Minho hyung in that much pain.

Onew, Jonghyun, and Key walk over to the hurt Taemin and comfort him.

Onew: We can’t force him to move on. But we can help him little by little. Ok guys?

Everyone answers yes to Onew.

Onew: Now come on. I think my chicken got cold.

Jonghyun: Aish always about his chicken.

Onew: Hey. Chicken is a wonderful creation.

Jonghyun: Blah blah blah.

Key: You would say the same thing about your precious insoles hyung.

Jonghyun: YA! We agreed to never bring my height into anything!

They all chuckle at his response and sits down to play video games and chicken. They decide to visit Minho later to see if he’s okay.





Author's Note:

Ok so I said I'd give you guys another chapter so Tada! Here it is. :)

Now I'm going to apologize in adavnce for probably not being able to update this week. School keeps me very busy. I'm really really sorry everyone.

But use this time to guess who they might be talking about. What incident? Hehe I'm sorry for leaving you guys with a little mystery.

Thank you soooo much for liking my story everyone!!!!!! :) You all make me soooo happy!! :) Thank you to all those who read, subscribed, upvoted, and commented!!!! :D :D :D *bows*

I hope everyone has a great week! :D Thank you again!

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vita123456 #1
Chapter 18: hmm, actually i want you to write minho want to confess his feeling to sulli.
minsulshipper #2
Chapter 18: It's ok authornim. But i think u're in hiatus for almost a year, maybe?
I'm waiting for ur next chapter, jst don't feel stress abt this. Fighting ^^
minsul_0704 #3
Chapter 17: I can smell dramaaaaaa! haha! :)) update soon authornim!
Maria09 #4
Chapter 17: choi anna is yuri?? yuri roles on fashion king hahshaha
i smell drama too.... more interesting...
Chapter 15: Ms Choi Sooyoung, Minho's noonas and she will become Minsul's cupid =p
mitch_MinSul16 #6
Chapter 14: Annyeong Authornim! I really love your story! Please continue to update! Thank you for the wonderful chappies! Gomawo :) Fighting!

P.S- Chingoo how about To The Beautiful You? ;)
Chapter 13: Update!..... Please? (^ _ ^)
marifelhojas #8
Chapter 13: xciting more update pls!minsul the best tnx authornim
Swensenseven #9
Chapter 13: I like it and I would like it more if you give us some minsul moment..
ps.happy belated birthday authornim
raquel0718 #10
Chapter 13: it was getting better and better.. i feel really excited about what will happens next.... update soon again pls....