Chapter 16: A New Neighbor


Chapter 16:

A few weeks have passed and Sulli and Krystal are settled back into life in Korea. They both have jobs at their friend Victoria’s company. Sulli is the Director of Sales and Marketing while Krystal is the Director of Product Design. Taemin was sad to hear that Krystal didn’t apply to work at Minho’s company but Krystal said that they have enough skilled people at their company and that the list of people who applied there was too long. Plus, she made a promise with Sulli to work in the same company and if she goes to Minho’s company, Sulli will have to follow and she didn’t want to hurt Sulli more by making her spend more than 8 hours with the man that put her in the one sided love club.

“Ya! Jung Krystal! Wake up! We’re going to be late.” says the frantic Sulli after waking up in the living room and reading the clock that says 6:55.

“Hmmm. 5 more minutes.” says the still asleep Krystal.

“5 more minutes my- Aish! Jung Soojung!!!” screams Sulli, which wakes the sleepy girl.

“Omo! It’s 6:56!! We have a meeting at 8:15!  Why didn’t you wake me up?!” asks the frantic Krystal who runs straight into one of their bathrooms.

Sulli runs into the second bathroom while answering back, “I tried. But someone decided to have a movie marathon until 3 in the morning on a Sunday!”

In 15 minutes the girl are dressed and running out of the door. As the elevator comes up to their floor they immediately run inside it but stop when they see a woman, who was startled by their actions, trying to get out.

“Excuse me.” says the woman trying to squeeze past the girls.

“Choisonghamnida” said both of the girls as they bow in apology.

The woman just gives a wave of her hand as she walks to the apartment door two doors away from Krystal and Sulli's apartment and heads inside.

“She lives here? I thought the landlord ahjumma said no one lives on our side of the hallway besides us?” asked the curious Krystal.

“Maybe she just moved in.” answered Sulli.

“That’s weird. I never saw any moving trucks or boxes or heard anything that sounds like someone was moving in.” says Krystal.

The girls brush it off as they run to the car and drive out of the parking lot in hopes of beating traffic.

After the meeting…

“Oh Sulli! Krystal!”

Sulli and Krystal stop walking and turn around to see their friend and boss, Victoria, walking over and calling their names.

“Glad I caught you. Okay so there will be a new employee coming in this afternoon. She will be the new Assistant Director of Sales and Marketing.” says Victoria.

“Ah. So she’ll be in your department Sulli.” says Krystal.

“Great. Now I have someone to help me with the boatloads of work I have.” thankfully sighs Sulli.

“Hehe. Sorry it took so long. I wanted to find someone with great skills who doesn’t demand too much. This girl’s resume was great and she isn’t asking for a higher paycheck unlike the others.” states Victoria.

“You should’ve found a male employee.” said Krystal.

“Namja? Waeyo?” asked the curious Sulli.

“So you can finally get a boyfriend and (mumbles) move on from Minho.” says Krystal.

“Ya Jung Soojung!” yells Sulli.

“Aright you two. I have to get back to work and you should too. Sulli, she is coming after lunch so I’ll just send her straight to you.” says Victoria.

“Ne. Anneyong unnie.” says Sulli.

“I wonder what the woman looks like?” asks Krystal.

“Hmmm I don’t know. We’ll just have to wait after lunch.”

“I’m never letting Taemin visit me at work.”

“Eh? Waeyo?”

“Because this is a workplace mostly filled with female employees. If his eyes wander for even a second, he’s dead!”

“Aish. You and you’re jealous temper. Poor Taemin.” says the chuckling Sulli.



Author's Note:

Kamsahamnida for everything!!!!! :D Here's another update for you wonderful people!!!!! :D

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vita123456 #1
Chapter 18: hmm, actually i want you to write minho want to confess his feeling to sulli.
minsulshipper #2
Chapter 18: It's ok authornim. But i think u're in hiatus for almost a year, maybe?
I'm waiting for ur next chapter, jst don't feel stress abt this. Fighting ^^
minsul_0704 #3
Chapter 17: I can smell dramaaaaaa! haha! :)) update soon authornim!
Maria09 #4
Chapter 17: choi anna is yuri?? yuri roles on fashion king hahshaha
i smell drama too.... more interesting...
Chapter 15: Ms Choi Sooyoung, Minho's noonas and she will become Minsul's cupid =p
mitch_MinSul16 #6
Chapter 14: Annyeong Authornim! I really love your story! Please continue to update! Thank you for the wonderful chappies! Gomawo :) Fighting!

P.S- Chingoo how about To The Beautiful You? ;)
Chapter 13: Update!..... Please? (^ _ ^)
marifelhojas #8
Chapter 13: xciting more update pls!minsul the best tnx authornim
Swensenseven #9
Chapter 13: I like it and I would like it more if you give us some minsul moment..
ps.happy belated birthday authornim
raquel0718 #10
Chapter 13: it was getting better and better.. i feel really excited about what will happens next.... update soon again pls....