Chapter 2: What did you think about Minho?


At Krystal’s house…

Sulli is sitting at the computer desk doing her homework while Krystal is playing with her phone and texting Taemin. She gets a text from him asking what Sulli thought of Minho. She texts back that she’ll go and ask Sulli now and tell him later.

Krystal: So what did you think of Minho?

Sulli: Hmmm? Minho? Uhh he’s nice.

Krystal: He’s nice? That’s all you have to say?

Sulli: Well we did meet for the first time. And it was kind of awkward since we didn’t really talk much. After a while we just kind of did our own things.

Krystal: Aish! The reason we put you two there was so you can talk and get to know each other!

Sulli: Ah fine! If you want the next time I see him I’ll talk to him more Arasso!

Krystal: Kamsahamnida!

Sulli: Jesus getting so worked up because I didn’t talk to him.

Krystal: K moving on. What did you think of his outside appearance?

Sulli: Outside appearance?

Krystal: Yeah. Like did you think he was handsome? Did you like how tall he was? Did you like his big froggy eyes?

Sulli: (While looking down at her book) I didn’t really look at him like that.

Krystal then throws a pillow at Sulli.

Sulli: Ya! What was that for?

Krystal: What do you mean you didn’t really look at him?! We put you together so you can talk and LOOK AT EACH OTHER!

Sulli: Ya Jung Krystal. Were you trying to set me up with Minho?!

Krystal: Ding ding ding! Finally you caught on!

Sulli: Ya! Are you crazy?!! Why would you do that?

Krystal: Because I’m your friend and Minho is Taemin’s friend. You guys are the only single ones so why not put you together. And plus I thought that you’d make a cute couple.

Sulli: Okay you’re insane.

Krystal: I just wanted to find a nice guy for you and I say Minho is great. And plus Minho is another doorway to Taemin.

Sulli: Doorway?

Krystal: You know like I can ask him stuff about Taemin like what’s his favorite food and then make it to surprise Taemin. Plus Minho can help me find out if Taemin’s cheating on me.

Sulli: You’ve only been dating him for a month and you’re already thinking about him cheating on you.

Krystal: That’s why! Kai cheated on me after 1 day! And he cheated on me with not one girl but two!

Sulli: I told you he was a player! And besides can’t you just go directly to Minho for this stuff. Why do you need me? It would be weird for me to ask about his best friend if we got close. Don’t want him to get any ideas about me liking Taemin.

Krystal: Because if I ask I look like a clingy, crazy, obsessed girlfriend. And all you have to do is find a way to ask him discreetly. Not interrogate him on Taemin.

Sulli: Well I’m sorry. I’m not looking to get into any relationships now. I want to focus on school.

Krystal: You can do both. I mean look at how many relationships I had. I’m still doing good.

Sulli: Pulling C’s and then F’s when the relationship goes sour isn’t good Krystal.

Krystal: Well I’m sorry I’m not a straight A student. And you’re smart enough to balance both.

Sulli: I’ll just wait until after college to start dating.

Krystal: (Gets up and yells.) AFTER COLLEGE?!!

Sulli: Ya, I’m trying to do homework here.

Krystal: Not even during but after?! Jesus Ssul live a little. Teenagers are supposed to be in relationships so that they can have fun and get away from the stress of the real world with that special someone.

Sulli: I have plenty of other things that are fun and help me get away from the stress of the real world. I also have plenty of time to find my special someone after college.

Krystal: Okay well think of having a relationship now as practice.

Sulli: Practice?

Krystal: Yeah. Like all these little teenage relationships are practice for the big relationship you’ll have in the future which will lead you to a husband. That way you won’t be acting like a love struck seventeen year old girl when you finally are in a relationship when your 30.

Sulli: Who said I would finally be in a relationship at 30?

Krystal: Aish nevermind! You are impossible!

Sulli: Ya. I just don’t want anything to distract me from my studies. I need straight A’s so I can maintain my scholarship and get some more scholarships for college so my mom won’t have to worry about not having enough money to send me to school.

Krystal: I know, I know Ssul. I’m sorry. This was selfish of me. I just want you to enjoy this feeling of love. To see how great it is to run to that special someone and pour everything out to him. Love is a wonderful thing Ssul.

Sulli: Awwww looks like someone is serious about Taemin.

Krystal: (Blushing) I can’t help it. He makes me so happy. He actually likes my smile too.

Sulli: You see. Who said your smile is ugly? I’ll beat their behind!

They laugh.

Sulli: Hey. I know you want me to be happy like you are but trust me this just isn’t the right time for me.

Krystal: Arasso. I’ll stop pestering you about Minho.

Sulli: Good. Now come on we have chemistry homework to finish.

Krystal: Arasso. I’m doing it.

After a few minutes Krystal replays their conversation in her mind.

Krystal: Wait. About what you said earlier.

Sulli: Hmm? I said a lot of things.

Krystal: When you said you don’t want to ask Minho a lot of questions pertaining to Taemin because you don’t want him to think you like Taemin.

Sulli: Yes?

Krystal: You don’t like Taemin right?

Sulli throws the nearest pillow at Krystal’s head.

Krystal: Ow! What was that for? I just want to make sure!

Sulli: Why would you think I like him? He’s you’re type not mine.

Krystal: I just wanted to make sure. People’s types change!

Sulli: (Wanting to poke fun at Krystal and see her reaction.) So what if I did? Huh?

Krystal: (Jumps out of her bed.) YA! Are you serious?!!

Sulli: Of course not!! (Laughing a bit)

Krystal: Ya!!!! Don’t ever do that to me again! That’s not funny! I was about to have a heart attack and kill you.

Sulli: Aish chincha. Calm down. Gosh. I see  you really really like him. I promise you that I will never like him or look at him the way you do.

Krystal: Thank god! (Plops back onto her bed.)

Sulli chuckles and goes back to doing her homework.








Author's Note:

Hey everyone. My first authors note! Hehe exciting. But you don't have to read this if you don't want to. It might be kind of long.

Okay first I want to say thank to everyone who has read my story, has subscribed, has upvoted, and has commented. *bows in appreciation*

Now I want to sincerely apologize for not updating in so long. I'm so so so sorry everyone. *bows*

School keeps me busy and honestly dramas to. (Anyone see Minho's Medical Top Team. Hehe. He looks sooo good in the doctors coat.) Ok back on topic.  I'm sorry again. But to make it up to you here's a long chapter. Maybe I'll add another one tomorrow as well. No promises though. Sorry.

I have a big test coming up so I need to study a lot. Wish me luck :)

Also, here Krystal is talking about how teenagers should be in relationships but I don't entirely believe that. I just used this idea for the story. I believe that we should focus on our studies first. Sulli is right! We have plenty of time for relationships after we finish school. Ok so don't take anything literally please. I don't want anyone to use that wierd idea of teenagers having to be in a relationship and then you guys only focus on that and starting going downhill in school.

Ok sorry for my long rant and author's note here. :) I hope you like this chapter. Have a great weekend everyone! :)

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vita123456 #1
Chapter 18: hmm, actually i want you to write minho want to confess his feeling to sulli.
minsulshipper #2
Chapter 18: It's ok authornim. But i think u're in hiatus for almost a year, maybe?
I'm waiting for ur next chapter, jst don't feel stress abt this. Fighting ^^
minsul_0704 #3
Chapter 17: I can smell dramaaaaaa! haha! :)) update soon authornim!
Maria09 #4
Chapter 17: choi anna is yuri?? yuri roles on fashion king hahshaha
i smell drama too.... more interesting...
Chapter 15: Ms Choi Sooyoung, Minho's noonas and she will become Minsul's cupid =p
mitch_MinSul16 #6
Chapter 14: Annyeong Authornim! I really love your story! Please continue to update! Thank you for the wonderful chappies! Gomawo :) Fighting!

P.S- Chingoo how about To The Beautiful You? ;)
Chapter 13: Update!..... Please? (^ _ ^)
marifelhojas #8
Chapter 13: xciting more update pls!minsul the best tnx authornim
Swensenseven #9
Chapter 13: I like it and I would like it more if you give us some minsul moment..
ps.happy belated birthday authornim
raquel0718 #10
Chapter 13: it was getting better and better.. i feel really excited about what will happens next.... update soon again pls....