






I went inside the café where sanghyun told me to meet up with him…




I don’t know what actually happened to him.. but he just suddenly called me in the infirmary when I was with that new girl…




At a distance… I can see sanghyun’s figure.. his fingers are drumming the table and he kept looking at his watch…




I went to him… and relief flooded his face when he saw me approaching…




I sat across him and crossed my arms…




“spill it sanghyun” I immediately said…




“hyung.. you know.. uhm.. are you in a good mood now cause uhm…”




“just go to the point”




He sighed… “hyung… can I ask you a favor?”




“what is it?”




I furrowed my brows… me and sanghyun together with the others became bestfriends since we were sophomores while sanghyun is a freshman… and during those times… sanghyun never asked any favor from us even if he really is in need…




“well.. you see hyung… I will have this 5 month trip in japan  together with the class for our group research in one of our major subject”








“and I need you to look for my noona” he said without breathing…




“your noona?... wait you have a noona?”




He nodded while bowing his head…




I never knew sanghyun had a sister…




“and why do you want me to look over your noona? You know.. he is your noona… he is older than you sanghyun”




He sighed for the ninth time.. “exactly! She is older than me!! But she can make me go nuts every minute she’s not in sight with the fact that she is a trouble maker”



I coughed…




Sanghyun??? Related with a trouble maker?? Which is his sister?? That is a girl?? No way..




“hyung… please… I wont ask you this kind of favor if my noona doesn’t need to be watched over… she’s a walking disaster…. But… in a positive way….. I guess?”




“what if ill say no?”




He looked at me pleadingly… while clasping his hands..




“She can’t even behave without causing any trouble for three days! Three days!!!!! And ill be gone in 5 ing months!!! 5 months consists of many ing three days in it!!! Please hyung!!!”




I cocked my brow…. And finally sighed having pity on my desperate dongsaeng at the moment…








His face immediately lit up… and started praising me with words that aren’t even in my vocabulary…




“but… in one condition”








“she will be staying in my place”













I jumped happily when I returned home…




Im done convincing jiyong hyung…




Noona is the only problem left…




I groaned remembering dara noona… im sure ill have a hard time convincing her… for the past years I’ve been convincing her to go to school… but I only made her agree this year… now I wonder how can I make noona agree with me staying at someone’s house while im away…








I turned to look at dara noona descending from the stairs…




I gulped… hwaiting sanghyun! I cheered myself…




“noona… can I talk to you for a while”




She nodded and went to me…




“can I ask you a favor?”




“depends on the favor”




“well… for the next 5 months… I will be away for some school matters”




She nodded slowly…




“why? Do you need anything?”




“no.. no… not that.. uhm.. while im away.. I asked a friend to…”








“to watch over you…”








“and you will be staying at his house for the next five months” I said without stopping my breath…





I immediately ran and hid behind the safest wall inside the house in case noona might sudde---








I could hear her footsteps nearing when it suddenly stopped… I furrowed my brows.. and peeked slowly from my place… when I saw noona looking at nothing in particular…




“…. wait…. AND DID YOU SAY ‘HIS’ HOUSE??”







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Akilove #1
Chapter 15: hey..i like ur story but its not updated anymore,r u abandoning this story.,i hope not pls continue to update,we r waiting ur update good luck
Chapter 15: i'm glad to read that every character has its own problems.. means there're all important here..
i'm looking forward for this FICs^^~
Derikrim #3
Chapter 15: Please update author-nim.
Derikrim #4
Chapter 15: Please update author-nim.
update juseyo. you're story is amazing!
Yenoh20 #5
Update pls...
Yenoh20 #6
Chapter 15: Update pls...
ladynikka05 #7
Chapter 15: Thanks for the update .. im looking forward for the next one ... i like Dara and Jiyong's character here .. naughty Jiyong ..
hernandezjazmine #8
Chapter 15: I love this...
Chapter 15: Merry christmass authornim thank you for the update
daramaegon #10
Chapter 15: so sweet and cute!! please more daragon moments!! update soon juseyo:)