Chapter 9

The Boys from the Past


To released their stress, Chanyeol and Baekhyun did karaoke again after the morning came. They even sang child song.

“Gom-se-mari-ga han ji-bae iss-eo (There are three bears in a house)
a-pa-gom, eo-ma-gom, a-gi-gom (Daddy bear, Mommy bear, Baby bear)
a-pa-gom-eun dung-dung-hae (Daddy bear is fat)
eo-ma-gom-eun nal-shi-nae (Mommy bear is slim)
a-gi-gom-eun neo-mu gi-yeo-wa (Baby bear is too cute)
eu-seuk eu-seuk chal-han-da (Shrug – shrug, You’re doing well!)” Baekhyun sang loudly.

Then Chanyeol sang it with rap version. Baekhyun clapped his hands,

“That’s cool!!”

“I’ll sing again!!” Chanyeol shouted, excited. Then he sang, louder thatn before.

Kai, who ate his breakfast, felt dizzy with their voice.

YAA! STOP IT! You make me dizzy!”

“Gom-se-mari-ga han ji-bae iss-eo (There are three bears in a house)
a-pa-gom, eo-ma-gom, a-gi-gom (Daddy bear, Mommy bear, Baby bear)
a-pa-gom-eun dung-dung-hae (Daddy bear is fat)
eo-ma-gom-eun nal-shi-nae (Mommy bear is slim)
a-gi-gom-eun neo-mu gi-yeo-wa (Baby bear is too cute)
eu-seuk eu-seuk chal-han-da (Shrug – shrug, You’re doing well!)” That song came again. Kai stood up with red face.


Baekhyun and Chanyeol looked at him,

“’s not us who sing the song,” Chanyeol grinned. Kai looked angry.

“Then who?”

“Him,” Baekhyun pointed someone next him.

Jongdae looked happy. He looked at Kai.

“This song make us happy, right? Let’s sing once again!”

Kai gulped.


Baekhyun looked at Jongdae.

“Your voice is great,” his thumbs up. Jongdae smiled widely.


“Let’s sing with us! Let’s make Kai angry!!” said Chanyeol and Jongdae clapped his hands.

“Yes, yes!”

Kai sighed. He looked at Jongdae who sang with Baekhyun and Chanyeol while jumping many times. He felt defeated.

“Ah, aigoo...After Baekki and Chanyeol, he’ll be the next person who’ll makes me going crazy,”


Taeyeon went to her office. When she was in discussion with his secretary, someone knocked her door,

“Excuse me Boss, someone want to meet you,” a woman appeared.

Taeyeon looked at her,


“His name is Lee Taemin. He said he was...” that woman said but Taeyeon stopped her.

“I know him. Let him in,”

That woman nodded and someone walked inside the room. Taeyeon said a few words to her secretary before finally he left the room.

Taeyeon stood up and looked at the man in front of her.

“Long time no see, Taemin,”

Taemin smiled a little,

Noona, long time no see too...”

“Tea?” Taeyeon offered and Taemin smiled,

“Thanks, noona...”

Then Taeyeon brought two cups of tea.

“Here. So, what bring you here?” she asked.

Taemin hold his cups with two hands then said slowly.

“I don’t know how to say this but...I still feel guilty, noona...”

Taeyeon surprised,


Taemin sighed before say,

“Not just me. The other hyung feel the same, noona...I think maybe you’ll hate us,”

Taeyeon looked at him,

“Listen, Taemin~a. I don’t know what you’re talking about. I don’t blame you all...” she said smoothly.

Taemin shook his head,

“We’re a suspect too, noona... We’re close with your brother―and with the other boys too― but sometimes we have a problem. We...we...”

Taeyeon touch his hand,

“Taemin~a, everyone has a problem, include you. You just a suspect, but you’re not guilty. You know the police, they’re so cruel sometimes,” she said and Taemin still looked worry.

“Onew hyung always worry about you, noona. He think that became a suspect means we’re suspicious and...and guilty...and, and even Jonghyun hyung and Key hyung became afraid of police. Minho hyung still feel sad if someone mention his name in the case...”

Taeyeon smiled a little,

Omo, that’s so silly, Taemin! Oh, you must stop feeling like that! You all have alibi! It’s so funny if the police still make you as suspect!”

Taemin finally smiled too,

“It’s so funny, right noona? Yes! Even I’m so confused about why did they made us as suspect. Onew hyung and I were on school, practiced sing. There’s many student there to confirmed us. And Jonghyun hyung was on date. Key hyung in his friend’s home and Minho hyung practiced football,”

Taeyeon smiled,

“You look, please stop to feel worry again, ‘kay?”

Taemin nodded,

“Yes, noona...”

Taeyeon smiled and drank her tea,

“Mmm...I have a plan. Why don’t we have a lunch or dinner together? It’ll be good for us. I don’t want you to feel burneded again,”

Taemin smiled widely.

“It’ll be good, noona. The hyungs will be glad too,”


As the time passed, EXO K kids found that the strange boys was really fun too. Although sometimes they made EXO K kids irritated.

Tao really love to practiced kungsu since he watched Kungfu Panda. And he loved it more when Sehun borrowed Kungfu Kid movie. Then Sehun got scold by Suho.

Ya, please stop borrowing action movies! That Tao makes me crazy!” Suho shouted. He watched Tao practiced with anxious heart.

Aigoo aigoo...I must move my great-grand father vase...”

Jongdae made Kai frustrate. Now he sang more with Chanyeol and Baekhyun.

“He think this is karaoke room? Aigoo aigoo...” Kai didn’t know what to say anymore. His head was dizzy.

Lay was really loved to dance. He would practice the dance he watched on TV with noisy voice. Even Y dancer.

“I’ll move ier than Hyorin!” he proclaimed himself while did the wave dance but nobody listened to him. 

“Huh? Whatever...” D.O shook his head. Felt ashamed of him.

But the strange boys was really smart and fun. Lay taught Kai and Chanyeol to dance. Chen and Baekhyun sometimes played piano together. Meanwhile Minseok and Luhan really loved to watch football with EXO K kids. Suho really love to discussed something with Kris and Sehun was really close with Luhan.

On the next day, EXO K kids made a surprised party for Luhan’s birthday. Suho bought a cake and Chanyeol bought birthday accesories. Sehun even showed his new aegyo to him. Luhan was so touched. Kris smiled widely.

“We made a surprised party for him, on his 16th birthday,” he said and Luhan nodded, his eyes wet.

“I’m 32 years old now,” he laughed and Suho laughed,

“No, you’re now 18,” and Luhan laughed too.

“We’re at this age forever,” he said in heart. He’s a little bit sad when he thought of that but today was his birthday.

Sehun showed his aegyo once again and made Luhan quickly laughed.

“That’s good! More, more!” he asked and Sehun did it for him once again with bright face.


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Chapter 17: OMO!OMO!OMO!KENNAT CONTAIN MAH FEELSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 16: Uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!I literally crying!!!! TTwTT
Chapter 14: And the other one...Jonghyun?
Chapter 13: Is it....Key?...
Chapter 11: *sniff*Uwahhhhhhh!!!!!!!Wae?
Chapter 7: I guess it is Shinee...But I need more evidence...umm
Chapter 4: ........Interesting......*hands on my chin*
farahhudasyamimi #8
Chapter 17: kyaaahhhh.... i cry so much... your story is the best.... kyaahhhhhh.............
ontaejongminkey #9
Chapter 17: Kyaaah ... I cried:'( Love this story so much (:
Chapter 17: Chapter 16 is so sad :' I love this story so much!!