Chapter 16

The Boys from the Past

Dear readers...

Sorry for late update :'( I was so busy yesterday...

But now, I present the last chapter of "The Boys from the Past" plus the epilog!^^

Please enjoy, and hope you'll like it^^



Baekhyun still woke up. In the dark, only with the light from the lamp table, he red Jongdae’s diary.


April 21, 1998

Ah, that boys from 3-2 class! Really annoying! I know that they’re genius but they started to make us irritate! Especially Key sunbaenim and Jonghyun sunbaenim. But Onew sunbaenim and Taemin sunbaenim were always kind to us.


April 22, 1998

Noona said that we can have dinner in our house tomorrow. Ah, Lay hyung will be very glad! But Tae noona is too old for him! (Noona will kill me if I said that she’s old, kekeke...). Please don’t take my noona, hyung! kekeke... Mom said that she’ll make a delicious dinner for us. It’ll be perfect^^


Jongdae and the other strange boys never enjoyed the dinner... that fact made Baekhyun’s eyes wet. He touched the page and his tears fell. Just because they became witnesses of murder...Just because of it they must die...

Baekhyun felt someone touch his hands.

“Don’t crying alone...” and Chanyeol hugged him. Baekhyun finally cried on his shoulder.

Aigoo, Yeollie...aigoo...I can’t bear it. They shouldn’t die...When I red about they’ll come home for dinner and I face a fact that they wouldn’t come home, it makes me wanna cry...”

Chanyeol’s eyes were wet,

“Sssh, I know, I know...” and Baekhyun felt his back was wet. He knew that Chanyol cry too.

There’s a sound from their back and both of them turned their head. Suho, D.O, Kai and Sehun already woke up. D.O and Sehun drown their head to their blanket. Suho and Kai cried like a cry baby.

“I feel so pity to them!” Kai sobbed loudly.

“They’re still so young, just like us...” Suho said slowly.

“Guys...” Baekhyun and Chanyeol surprised.

“Stop it! Why you must red that diary! Just return that back to Jongdae!” D.O protested, cried more.

Then, until the end of night, they cried together like they’re in the cemetery. And that’s true, because they’ll lost the strange boys. They loved them, they loved them deeply. But now they must let them go, forever...


“Why you asked us to come here?” YoonA confused.

“It’s a ballet room practice,” Yuri looked around. She already knew about Kris. When YoonA said that Kris came back, at the first time she thought that’s really a bad joke. But YoonA never lie to her, so Yuri believed her.

“Huh? Yes, it’s a ballet room practice,” Taeyeon looked around too.

“I don’t know why you brought us here,” Sulli added.

Yuri looked at the mirror,

“Remember when we learned ballet, YoonA?” Yuri smiled to YoonA from the mirror. YoonA nodded,


“Spin, spin, and spin again,” Yuri started to spin. YoonA laughed a little.

“You still remember the way to dance, don’t you?”

“Oh yes. Come on, dance with me,” Yuri took YoonA’s hands. YoonA laughed and followed her.

“It’s our school dance room,” Onew said. He came with Minho and Taemin. They was so shock when they know Key and Jonghyun were the murderer. They finally got the full story from EXO K kids and when they knew about the strange kids, they said that they want to meet the strange boys too. So EXO K kids brought them too with Taeyeon, Sulli and YoonA. 

Taeyeon looked at Baekhyun and the other EXO K kids,

“Baekhyun? Why you brought us here? I must to to to office,” she looked at her watch.  

Baekhyun smiled a little,

“Remember when I said I’llfind a way for you to see Jongdae?”

Taeyeon looked at Jongdae, shocked,

“Do you mean...but...” she said and Baekhyun nodded.

Something touched Taeyeon’s shoulder. Something cold. Taeyeon shocked,

Omo...something touched me and...” then she understand. She looked at Baekhyun once again,


Baekhyun pointed at the mirror,


And Taeyeon saw it.

Noona...noona...” Taeyeon couldn’t hear his voice, but she could read his lips.

Noona...noona...” that man said once again.

Taeyeon fell to the floor before EXO K kids member could reach her. But Sulli quickly moved next to her.

Eonni!” Sulli worried. Taeyeon closed her face with his palm. She squatted and cried.

“Jongdae...Jongdae....” she looked suffered.

Eonni! Why...” Sulli confused then she looked at the mirror and saw what Taeyeon saw.

Aigoo! That’s...that’ my...”

Omo!!!” Onew shouted.

And Sulli saw him too. Minseok walked to her and smiled widely.

“It’s oppa, Sulli!” Sulli knew what he say even he couldn’t hear Minseok voice.

“It’s oppa!” Minseok said once again, louder. Even Sulli still couldn’t hear him, she understand what he said. She closed and her eyes quickly wet.

“I can see him! I can see him! Omo, I can see him!”” Sulli looked at Baekhyun with wet face. Baekhyun nodded, his eyes wet too,

“Yes you can!”

Taeyeon still closed her face and cried, so Jongdae sit near her, said something that Taeyeon would never hear. But he touched Taeyeon shoulder once again and Taeyeon felt it.


So Taeyeon looked at the mirror, to his brother’s shadow.


Jongdae saw her tears and erased her tears. Taeyeon felt her cheek were cold.

“Don’t cry anymore,” she could read Jongdae’s lips once again.

Meanwhile, Yuri and YoonA still danced, didn’t realize everything. Then Yuri suddenly saw something in the mirror,

“Oh, no!” she shouted.  YoonA looked at her,

“Yuri! What...” and she saw what Yuri saw and startled.

“Oh no...”

“You still the same...” Kris said but YoonA couldn’t hear him.

“What...” YoonA to shocked. Suho looked at her,

“He said that you still the same, noona...”

Kris’ lips moved again.

“He said when you dance, you can forget anything. You dance and keep dance, like in your own world,” Suho said to YoonA once again.

“He remember when he saw you dance for the first time. You’re so beautiful and happy at that time. Spin, spin, and spin again,” he added.

YoonA couldn’t took her mind of Kris. She kept look at him.


“My bride...” Kris said once again and now YoonA could understand that short words. Her tears fell.

“How can...” Sulli looked at Baekhyun.

Baekhyun smiled a little,

“Mirror could be a medium to see someone’s soul. That’s why I bring you here, noona...” he explained. Onew, Minho and Taemin surprised.

“He finally found a way so you can see them all,” Chanyeol added.

Taeyeon, Sulli, and YoonA now see the other person in mirror. Luhan, Lay, and Tao. They smiled together.

 “They want to say...goodbye,” Sehun said slowly while looked at Luhan. Luhan smiled to him but Sehun didn’t smile back.

“W...what? Goodbye?” Taeyeon looked at him. Sehun nodded.

“When we found the murderers, they must go back to where they should be,” he added. 

“!!!” Sulli shook her head, looked at Minseok,

“No, oppa! We...we don’t want to separate from you anymore!”

“Their dead world actually...” Suho said but Taeyeon shouted,

“STOP! Stop it!”

Jongdae couldn’t bear it anymore. He looked at Baekhyun. Baekhyun understood and nodded.

“No, noona! He’s right! I must go back...We must go back...” Jongdae said in Baekhyun’s voice. Taeyeon looked at him,

“No, Jongdae! Let’s come back! To eomma and appa!” her tears fell like flood. Jongdae tried to hold his tears.

“You know that’s impossible, noona! You all can’t see me!” he said and Taeyeon shook her head.

“No! Use the mirror once again! At least we can see you! We won’t lose you once again!” she was hellbent, pointed at the mirror with her tremble finger.

Jongdae hold her shoulder and looked at her eyes,

“No, noona! It’s not the same! Imagine if you only can see me but can’t touch me, can’t speak to me and wish that you can hear my voice! You will look at the mirror all the time and trapped in the past forever!” he shouted.

Taeyeon shocked. Jongdae continued,

“Accept the truth, noona...I know you want to be with me again, like 15 years ago before the death took me away. I want to live again too, see appa and eomma. It’s my biggest hope if I can live once again,”

Taeyeon’s tears fell again but she didn’t reply. When she finally said, her voice tremble so bad and she bowed her face, looked at the floor.

“I wish that I can release you go...”

“But I can’t...” she continued.

Jongdae’s eyes finally started to wet. Onew started to crying. Minho closed his eyes. Taemin hugged Kai who couldn’t bear his tears.

Noona...” Jongdae said slowly.  Taeyeon hid her tears but she failed. Her tears came one by one.

Nae dongsaeng...My little dongsaeng... I wish you could entered the same university as me. Then we could study together...”

Noona...noona...” Jongdae sobbed. Taeyeon hugged him and they cried together.

Sulli looked at Minseok. Minseok nodded then he dissapear. D.O walked to her. 

Oppa, oppa!” Sulli ran to D.O and hugged him while cried.

In D.O’s body, Minseok felt Sulli’s hug and he started to cry. He felt that he almost forget that he died.

Ne, Sulli, this is oppa...” Minseok said with D.O’s voice, which now was tremble as he tried to hold his tears.

Sulli cried hard,

“I can’t let you go once again...I miss you so much, Oppa...I miss you so much...For 15 years I never stop that you’’ll return to us...”

“I miss you so much too, my little sister. My dear little sister... My little white cat,”

When she heard Minseok said her nickname, Sulli cried more,

“I really miss you call me like that, Oppa...”

“My little white cat is always running here and there

When the morning comes I must wake her up

I must prepare her breakfast with eomma

For she won’t be late for school”


In D.O’s voice, Minseok sang for Sulli.

“Sing it once again, Oppa...” she asked and Minseok nodded.

Then he sang it once again for Sulli. When he was finished, Sulli asked him to sing once again and Minseok agreed. He sang it for her again and again. When he finished, he couldn’t remember how much did he sing the song. The one that he realized was Onew and Kai cried more than before.  


YoonA touched the mirror. Kris put his hand out and said something.

“He want to dance with you. He can use my...” Suho said and YoonA shook her head.

“No...He’s right here, right?” YoonA pointed beside her and Suho nodded, confused.

“Yes...but...” Suho tried to speak but YoonA shook her head once again.

“No. Kris?” she turned her body and when she checked the mirror, Kris precisely stood in front of her. She put her hands out and she felt suddenly cold. Kris hold her hands. She felt her waist cold too when Kris hugged her. She looked at his eyes, smiled to him and started to spin. Spin again and again.

Kris bowed his head to YoonA’s ears, and concentrated. He put his deepest feeling, his deepest hope and whispered.

“I love you...”

YoonA surprised. Kris smiled. His words reached her, he knew. Somehow YoonA finally could hear him.

“ I can hear you...” she looked at Kris. Kris smiled and for one second something strange happened. Kris’ shadow toughen and YoonA almost could see him. A very vague shadow, just like an old photo which fade.  

EXO K kids saw it too and they shocked,

Aigoo...” Chanyeol said lamely.

“How can...” Sehun surprised.  

YoonA surprised.

“I...I can see you! For a second...”

Kris smiled gaian and suddenly that strange event happened again. His shadow toughen, now almost for five seconds.

“I love you so much, Ponytail...” Kris said once again and YoonA smiled happily while her tears fell.

EXO K kids surprised. Jongdae and Minseok shocked too. They quickly got out from Baekhyun and D.O’s body. They tried something like Kris. They closed their eyes and concentrate in what they want, to their deepest feeling.

Aigoo...” Taeyeon and Sulli said together.

Jongdae looked at his hands then tried to touch Taeyeon’s hands. Taeyeon surprised. That was like a touch from real hands. Taeyeon smiled widely then messed up Jongdae’s hair, which amazingly, feels like Jongdae’s hair 15 years ago.

Nae dongsaeng...”

Sulli quickly hugged Minseok as soon as she saw Minseok shadow toughen too.   

Oppa!” she shouted happily.

When Luhan, Lay, and Tao’s parents came, they didn’t need to do anything. Their happiness to see their family toughen their shadow faster and stronger, almost real like a human.

They enjoyed that precious moments. The strange boys’ happiness, their love to their loved ones, when EXO K kids saw them, it’s like they almost came back as human. Taeyeon messed up Jongdae’s hair more and more, made Jongdae irritated. When their parents came, Jongdae couldn’t be more happy. Minseok’s mother hugged Minseok tighly and kissed his cheeks many times. Minseok felt embarrassed but happy.

“So happy? Hm?” Chanyeol said and Baekhyun nodded.

“Our hoobaes and classmates...” Onew sighed. He looked older and sad. Taemin hugged him.

“They’re happy now. That’s the most important,” Minho said.

But then, suddenly the strange boys shadow started to dissapear. Everyone shocked until Baekhyun suddenly remember,

“7 pm...” he said slowly while looked at his watch. EXO K kids surprised. Sehun sighed,

“Oh no...”

The strange boys surprised too. Taeyeon bowed her head and smiled.

“I know. I can release you go now,” she said. Her parents nodded. They hugged Jongdae once again.   

Sulli looked at Minseok.

“Sing that song once again. For the last time,” she said and Minseok nodded.

Luhan, Lay and Tao hugged their parents. Their parents sobbed but they understood.

“Goodbye, eomma...appa...”

Kris took YoonA’s hands.

“Let’s dance again,” he said and YoonA nodded. They still dance until Kris shadow totally dissapeared and YoonA only dance with the air. But before he went, he kissed YoonA. 

Meanwhile, the other strange kids finally dissapeared too. Everyone could hear they say before they go,

“Good bye...”




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