Chapter 2

The Boys from the Past


“Stop smoking, Kai...” Suho warned and Kai shook his head,

“I need this,”

Suho sighed. He just feel worried with Kai. Since his parent’s divorce, he started to smoke, drank alcohol, and forgot about study. Suho tried to give him advice, but Kai didn’t pay any attention for it.

“Just let him, hyung,” Chanyeol whispered to him.

“He just need to clean up his mind for a while,” he continued and Suho sighed.

Suddenly there’s a sound,

“Are you here with them as usual, Sehun~a?”

EXO K kids surprised,

“Aish...really you guys. I’ll check it out. Step aside, Sehun,”

Then suddenly Lee ahjussi, the school keeper, appeared. He’s 50 years old man. He sometime checked around the school, to found students who didn’t attend class.

Jinjja...As I thought. Kai, put that off,”

Kai shocked and quickly put his cigarette off.

“Lee ahjussi!” Chanyeol shocked too then Lee ahjussi smiled a little.

“I won’t tell tell the teachers, kids. Just go back to class. This is a dangerous place, you know,”

When EXO K kids went back to class, they heard Lee ahjussi said,

“Ah, how did they know this place? I won’t go to this place if I were them. I bet they all died and their bodies are around here,”

EXO K kids surprised. D.O’s voice trembled when he said,

“Why...why did he say that?”


The class already started, but in class 1-2, EXO K’s class, there was a tension that filled the air. Every students nowed their head, couldn’t see YoonA’s angry face.

“I heard that one of the kids here have cigarette. Even e reefer. So tell me know before I tell the headmaster, who’s he?”

Suho  and Chanyeol started to sweat out. Sehun and D.O looked at each other. Baekhyun’s hands felt cold. Only Kai who’s still calm.

“TELL ME!” YoonA hit the table. His voice trembled, tried to hold his anger.

The class shocked and they quiet immediately. YoonA looked at them with red eyes.

“Alright. Its’ your choice. I’ll comb for your bag,” she finally said and started to walk.

“You don’t have to do that,” Kai suddenly said. EXO K’s students shocked. Suho’s face turned pale. Every students now looked at Kai,

“Kai! What’re you doing?” Chanyeol whispered, filled with confusion.

Kai still looked calm. YoonA looked at him angrily.

“So, you admit your guilt?”

Kai smiled a little.

“Yes, seonsaengim,”

YoonA walked to Kai and looked at his bag.

“Take out it, Kai,”

Kai gave her a smirk a little then took out something from his bag.

“As you wish, seonsaengnim,”

The class chocked when Kai showed his cigarette,

“I have a cigarette, of course. But I don’t have a reefer as you said,”

YoonA shocked too.

“Get out of my class!” YoonA shouted angrily while pointed at the door. Kai smirk a little once more.

“As you wish, seonsaengnim...”

“No...” Baekhyun now who showed his pale face when he saw Kai walked out the class.




“THAT BOY!!!” Suho looked so mad.

“I TOLD HIM TO STOP, BUT HE DIDN’T LISTEN TO ME!!” he shouted once more.

“Oh, please stop, hyung! It’s not his fault!” Baekhyun shouted too. D.O and Sehun looked worry.

“It’ll be more serious that I think,” D.O said and Sehun nodded.

“Ah, jinjja...He’s so careless,” Chanyeol looked annoyed.

“I know that no one care about him since his parents divorce, except us. He didn’t have brother or sister,” Sehun said and Suho’s anger decreased.

Aigoo...why this is happen?” Chanyeol said once again.

“Now, we must find him first. I’ll call him,” Baekhyun said and took out his cellphone.

“Where’re you?” he said quickly. EXO K kids listened and watched his expression.

“OK. Wait me there,” he said and looked at EXO K kids.

“He’s in the storage as usual,”


PABO!!!” Suho shouted immediately when he saw Kai.

“I’m so worry about you! Please don’t do that again!” he walked to Kai and hugged him.

“Please don’t do that again, Kai. We’re your friends. We’ll stay by your side,” Suho said softly.

Kai smiled.

“I know, hyung...”

He stood up and kicked the wood container near him.

“I hate her! I hate Im seonsaengnim!” he shouted. The wood container broke already.

“Stop it, Kai! Lee ahjussi said that this is an old storage. Every goods here is in here for more than ten years,” Baekhyun said.

He’s right. Right after the broke ones, the other container  fell immediately.

Omo!” Chanyeol surprised. He tried to prevent more container fell but he failed. The storage full of dust immediately. EXO K kids cough many times.

“Ah, jinjja! We must clean this or Lee ahjussi will be so angry with us!” Suho said and EXO K kids nodded.

“You’re right, hyung,”

They started to clean up the storage. They moved the broke containers. But when they moved the last container, Sehun shouted,

Aigoo, what is this?” he saw something on the floor. EXO K walked to him and saw there’s a the boarded floor was broken and there’s a small hole there.

“Ah, we broke the boarded floor too, aigoo...” D.O sighed.

“But look! It’s like someone nailed a sawn timber on the boarded floor! What we see just now is not the boarded floor which broke, but the sawn timber on it...” Chanyeol said slowly while observed the floor. 

“Why someone nailed a sawn timber on the boarded floor? It’s strange!” Sehun said and Suho nodded.

“Perhaps to cover the broke floor under it...” he said but Baekhyun shook his head. He squatted near the floor and cleaned up the sawn timber which broke. He rose it and said lamely,

“No, hyung...Look, there’s something behind it. There’s a little stowage here....”


“Uh, the smell is horrible!” Chanyeol said and going backward.

EXO K finally opened the little stowage. The dust immediately came out.

“Uh, my eyes!” D.O going backward too while covered his face.

Baekhyun took the flashlight from the shelf and checked the stowage.

“There’s something here, hyung...” he said and suddenly he took something.

Omo, is this a bag?” he surprised and Suho said.

“And, there’s another bags here too,” in his hand there’s five old and dirty bags.

“ filled with dust,” he said and checked the bags.

Ya, let’s go! It’s just the old school keeper’s stowage to keep his old stuff,” he stood up but suddenly Baekhyun said,

H...hyung...” he irradiate the stowage with pale face. The other EXO K kids confused,

“What, Baekhyun~a?” Suho said and looked at the stowage, felt suspicious. Suddenly he shocked and fell to the floor. The other EXO K confused once again when they saw his reaction.

“W...  why, hyung?” they asked but Suho didn’t answer. His face turned pale too and his body trembling. EXO K kids felt more suspicious too and then they got shock, when finally they saw what inside the the stowage.

There are bones there. A lot of bonees. Dirty and dusty.

D.O and Sehun screamed.


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Chapter 17: OMO!OMO!OMO!KENNAT CONTAIN MAH FEELSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 16: Uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!I literally crying!!!! TTwTT
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farahhudasyamimi #8
Chapter 17: kyaaahhhh.... i cry so much... your story is the best.... kyaahhhhhh.............
ontaejongminkey #9
Chapter 17: Kyaaah ... I cried:'( Love this story so much (:
Chapter 17: Chapter 16 is so sad :' I love this story so much!!