Chapter 1

The Boys from the Past


Palli, give me that cigarette,” said Kai. He looked like lack of sleep and wants something to warm his body. The weather is really cold since it’s winter. He sit on the dusty chair which almost broken.

“Here,” D.O gave him the cigarette. Suho looked at his dongsaengs.

“Tsk. Do you really have to smoke here?”

Kai nodded and smirk.

“Of course, hyung,”

“The teacher will catch us,” Baekhyun looked worry. Kai smirk again.

“Calm down. This is a really good place. They won’t find us. Ya, Sehun~a! Do you see them?” he shouted at a boy, stood far from him. 

Sehun, who’s the youngest among them looked around then turned his head to Kai and shouted back,


Kai smiled widely.

“See? There’s no one here except us. Here, take this cigarette.”

Baekyun finally took it,

“’s nice...” he said and Kai smiled.

“Nice, huh? This is life, man...” then he looked at Chanyeol.

“Chanyeol, take it. This is the best,” he offered to Chanyeol.

Chanyeol, who kept quiet before and just read a manhwa, looked at him,

“No. My voice will crack it I smoke,” and he smiled. Chanyeol had a band and he sometimes took part as rapper.

Suddenly there’s a voice behind them. Like something fell. The kids quickly stood up. D.O’ feet strangely went up to the chair and his squat position was really funny.

Aigoo! What is that?” Chanyeol surprised. Suho checked around and then smiled when a rat came out.’s just a rat, guys...” he said and both of Chanyeol and Kai laughed. Suho laughed a little and he laughed more when he saw D.O,

“Put your feet down, D.O. It’s just a rat,” he said. D.O smiled shyly and made Suho laughed again. But then he stopped when he saw Baekhyun’s expression.

Waeyo, Baekhyun~a?”

 Baekhyun looked at him,

“Do you know this school legend, hyung?” he looked worry while looked around.

Suho laughed,

“What school legend?”  he asked.

“Urband legend from 15 years ago…”

“Urband legend? Hey, is that a legend when 6 boys here lost?” D.O continued his words. Baekhyun nodded many times.


Kai smirked,

“It’s just a legend, Baekhyun~a,” he sad then inhale the smoke again from the cigarette.

“But if it just a legend, why everyone avoid this place?” D.O looked at him then looked at the storage’s chair where they’re sit.

Kai laughed,

“Because they’re lack in here,” he pointed his head.

Chanyeol laughed and hugged Baekhyun’s shoulder.

“Don’t worry, Baekhyun~a. Guys, let’s just go back to school,”

Baekhyun looked around.

“Um...OK, let’s go quickly. I feel don’t safe here,”

Chanyeol pulled Baekhyun’s arm while said,

“Aish, ckck...Don’t said such a creepy words! It’s just a legend after all, so it’s not true. Come on, hyung...” he looked at Suho.

Suho nodded,

“Put that off, Kai,” he said and Kai sighed.


“Im seonsaengnim!”

Im YoonA, the english teacher turned her body,

“Yes?” she said.

Then suddenly six student appeared and colliding her slowly while laughed. 

Ya!” YoonA’s books fell to the floor. She shouted at them but they only laughed and left him.

“That boys! Jinjja!” YoonA grumbled then squatted and took her books. Then suddenly there’s hands who helped her.

“That boys again?” that person said and YoonA turned her body.

“Ah, Yuri! Yes... I really hate them all,” she still looked annoyed.

Her friend who’s a teacher too, Kwon Yuri, laughed a little.

“Me too! Ah, really...They’ll make us going crazy! Especially Kai and Chanyeol,” she nodded.

“And Baekhyun,” YoonA added and rolled her eye balls.

“Don’t forget Sehun too...” Yuri added and she sighed with YoonA.

“They’re smart, indeed. Ah, but they just...Hyperactive,” YoonA said and Yuri nodded.

“Really hyperactive,”

They reached the teacher room, who still empty.

“Ah, we’re too early,” Yuri said. YoonA offered her a cup of coffee.

“Yes. But it’s good too. I still make this proposal. Would you help me?” she asked and Yuri nodded.



“Come on! Let’s go to the school old storage again,” Kai suggested while whispered. Baekhyun shook his head quickly,


Ya, Kai! That place is dangerous, don’t you know?” there’s a sound from behind. Kai turned around. His classmates, Krystal looked at him.

“Stop it, Krystal. That’s just a legend,” he said.

Krystal shrugged.

“But when our sunbaenim found six corpses, it’s not a legend anymore,”

Baekhyun looked at her quickly then gulped,

“W...what corpses?”

Krystal smirk,

“Of course six corpses from six boys who’s missing,”

“Really?” Sehun looked at Krystal too, surprised.

“You’re kidding,” D.O shook his head. Krystal looked at him dangerously then shook her head,

“ don’t know that story, don’t you? Ckck...Listen,” and she made serious expression and both of Baekhyun, Sehun  and D.O quickly looked at her with open eyed,

“Yes...Our sunbaenim from class 3-1 found their corpse, when she hid from the teacher and smoke, just like you, Kai,” she looked at Kai who rolled his eyeball and didn’t pay attention to her story.

“She’s looked for a chair when she saw something.... There’ s a hand...that came out from the ground. A dead hand...”

“Uwaaah!” Both of D.O and Sehun shouted loudly while Baekhyun just looked blank. He was too shocked until he even couldn’t scream. He just made a sound “A...A...” many times.

Ya, Krystal! Don’t tell a lie!” Kai shouted at her and Krystal pouted.

“How did you know that it’s a lie?”

Kai rolled his eye ball.

“Of course from Lee ahjussi! He told me the history behind the legend. Ah, you just made them scare...” Lee ahjussi was the school keeper. Kai looked at D.O and Sehun who still hugged each other in fear, while Baekhyun still looked blank. His mouth opened widely.

Ya, guys! Stop it! Krystal just lied to you!”

D.O and Sehun looked at Kai quickly,

Jeongmal?” they still looked afraid and Kai nodded.

“Yes! So stop hugging each other!” he said and both of D.O and Sehun quickly realized what’re they doing and then stood up while shouted at Krystal.

“Ah, you really!” while Krystal just smiled with a grin.


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Chapter 17: OMO!OMO!OMO!KENNAT CONTAIN MAH FEELSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 16: Uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!I literally crying!!!! TTwTT
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farahhudasyamimi #8
Chapter 17: kyaaahhhh.... i cry so much... your story is the best.... kyaahhhhhh.............
ontaejongminkey #9
Chapter 17: Kyaaah ... I cried:'( Love this story so much (:
Chapter 17: Chapter 16 is so sad :' I love this story so much!!