Chapter 5

The Boys from the Past

“I’m so confused, hyung...” Chanyeol said and Suho nodded.

“Mmm, me too...”

“What is this? It’s unnormal! Uuh...” D.O shook his head and mumble “It’s just a dream, it’s just a dreams,” many times.

EXO K kids slept in Suho’s house tonight. Suho had the biggest house among the EXO K kids member and fortunately, his parents went to overseas so his house now empty. EXO K didn’t know what to do with the strange boys.

“First the stowage,” D.O sighed before they went to sleep.

“Then the bodies,” added Sehun while looked at the floor.

“Then the diary,” added Chanyeol, sighed too.

“Finally, they came like aliens,” Kai shook his head.

“Are they ghost?” asked Sehun.

“Our souls trapped in the diary. We’re not a ghost,” suddenly Luhan appeared and made EXO K kids shocked.

“Uwaah, you shocked us!” D.O protested and Luhan smiled.

Ya, can we live here?” he asked cheerfully.

And that’s how the strange boys finally lived in Suho’s house. Suho looked suffer.

“Living with souls. Aigoo...Really horrible...” he sighed.  

The strange boys didn’t sleep. They just gathered in the balcony.

“We don’t sleep,” Kris explained and the other strange boys nodded.

So when EXO K kids went to sleep, from their room, they could see the strange boys in the balcony.

“I miss the day when we still alive, hyung...” EXO K kids even could hear what they say. Tao looked at the sky.

“Look at the moon. So beautiful. And the stars too...” he pointed at the sky.

“I miss the air...I miss the feelings to inhale the air...” Jongdae said.

“We can’t breathe anymore...” Minseok added.

Kai and Sehun already slept. D.O and Suho looked already to close their eyes. Baekhyun and Chanyeol, who still woke up, looked at each other.

“Chanyeol~a, what do you think?” Baekhyun asked and Chanyeol closed his eyes for a while before opened it.

“I feel pity on them, Baekhyun~a...”

Baekhyun smiled and hit him slowly,

Aigoo, sometimes you can be so serious too...”

Chanyeol laughed,

“Ah, stop it!”

“But you right, Chanyeol~a...” Baekhyun said smoothly. Chanyeol looked at him, confused.


Baekhyun continued.

“Yes, they just came like that after became a legend for 15 years! Aigoo, ckckck... How can something like that happened to them? Being murdered?”

“So creepy...” Chanyeol agreed and his body shiver.

“I never thought that this will happen to us. But, I think that if I can help them, I want do that, Baekhyun~a...” he added.

Baekhyun suddenly sat and remove his blanket.

“Chanyeol, where’s the diary?” he asked and Chanyeol looked at him, confused.

“In Suho’s hyung desk,” he pointed and Baekhyun took the diary. He opened it and Chanyeol sat near him.

“What will you do, Baekhyun~a?”

“I want to read this diary,” Baekhyun answered.

Then both of him and Chanyeol started to read the diary.


February 22, 1998

We’re one! I’m glad I have them. Ah, you guys really made me complete! Uri leader Kris hyung, Minseok hyung, Luhan hyung, Lay hyung, and uri maknae Tao. It’s the best year! Kekeke...


Baekhyun and Chanyeol red the first page then found a picture. The picture of the six strange boys which taken by Polaroid camera. Looked really happy and smiled to the camera. There’s a note under the picture.

If I live once again, I want to live with these kids! Kekeke...


Both of Baekhyun and Chanyeol sighed.

“Ah, really... The first page is already makes me sad,” said Chanyeol.

Omo, then they being murdered huh? I can’t believe it...” Baekhyun said. Chanyeol nodded.

“Of course ! Look at the place where we found them! Aigoo, so creepy... so creepy,” Chanyeol hugged himself.

“This eerie feelings, urgh...ah,  jinjja eomma...” he added.


When Suho cooked the breakfast, he felt a strange feeling. Cold and eerie. He quickly froze.

“Mmm, the smell is delicious. Jjigae (soup), huh?” there’s a sound from behind.

“Uwaah!” Suho surprised and dropped his spoon. Lay looked at him and smiled. Suho stutter,

Su...sundubu jjigae (hot tofu soup),”

Lay nodded.

“Ah...Mmm. Keep going,” he smelled the soup then leave him. Suho gulped.

D.O and Sehun did morning a little exercise. D.O stretched Sehun’s body,

“Ah, like that, like that! Uaargh, don’t be so strong, hyung!” Sehun shouted.

Then Sehun did stretching too to D.O.

“More, more, Sehunie!” D.O shouted too.

Then someone came,

“Is that fun? Can I join?”

D.O and Sehun froze. Their mouths gawk.

“Ah, it’s fun! Let’s do morning exercise together!” Tao smiled widely while did stretching. D.O and Sehun gulped.

Baekhyun and Chanyeol did a karaoke game to determine who use the bathroom first. They sang loudly and cheerfully until made Kai insane.

“Aaargh, stop it!” he shouted, frustrate.

Baekhyun and Chanyeol acted like they didn’t hear him.

“Good, Chanyeol, good!” Baekhyun supported him and Chanyeol’s voice louder.

Rokkugo, rokkugo,rokkugo, malhemal!

Then suddenly there’s a sound of clapped,

“Uwaah, good, good! Your voice are good, guys! What song is that? It’s fun!”

Baekhyun and Chanyeol froze. Kai turned his head then shocked,


Jongdae smiled widely while still clapped his hand.

“Again, again! Do it once again! I want to join too!” he said and both of Baekhyun and Chanyeol gulped.

After breakfast, EXO K kids gathered. Their face are dark.

“Really horrible. Lay shocked me while I’m cooking,” Suho said.

“That’s right! Tao shocked us too when we did our morning exercise!” D.O and Sehun said together.

“Jongdae suddenly clapped and interrupt when we’re sing,” Chanyeol complained and Baekhyun nodded.

 Then suddenly EXO K kids felt something strange from their behind. Cold and eerie. Suho gulped.

Aigoo, this is happen again. Is that...” he said and turned his head. The other EXO K kids turned their face too with horrified face.

“Hi, what’re you talking about, hm?” Kris said while smiled. He squatted behind EXO K kids with the other strange boys.

EXO K kids shocked and shouted.

“Stop shocking us!”


EXO K kids finally asked the strange boys to talk. They gathered at Suho’s room.

“Listen. What do you want?” Suho asked and Kris sighed.

“Aish, I really told you. Help us find our murderer. Help us to find the truth,” he said.

EXO K kids looked at each other.

“Why we must help you? And if we’re agree, how can we help you? Ah, really...but think it first, how can we do something like that? Baekhyun said and the other EXO K kids nodded, agreed. Jongdae looked at him,

“My diary already told everything. Read that first. It’ll give you enough information about us. And about the reason why you must help us, oh come on! if you were us, being murdered cruelly, with your body under the floor―”

 EXO K kids gulped.

“You’ll feel the same too! Being separated with your beloved one, being separated from your family...” Jongdae continued and the other strange boys nodded.

EXO K kids looked at each other once again.

“What can we do now?” D.O whispered.

“Ah, jinjja. This is really hard situation,” Sehun added.

The strange boys looked at their discussion.

“We’ll let you to think about it,” Kris said and the other strange boys stood up.


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Chapter 17: OMO!OMO!OMO!KENNAT CONTAIN MAH FEELSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 16: Uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!I literally crying!!!! TTwTT
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farahhudasyamimi #8
Chapter 17: kyaaahhhh.... i cry so much... your story is the best.... kyaahhhhhh.............
ontaejongminkey #9
Chapter 17: Kyaaah ... I cried:'( Love this story so much (:
Chapter 17: Chapter 16 is so sad :' I love this story so much!!