Chapter 7 The Night Out: Part 1

Our Family Story


In the elevator on the way down to the parking garage Kyuhyun fidgeted anxiously.


“I know there’s something that I must have forgotten to tell them,” he mumbled to himself as he scratched his head. “What could it be…what did I forget?”


Siwon pulled Kyuhyun closer to him.


“What?” Kyuhyun asked when he was standing just inches away from him.


“This Kyu, you forgot this,” said Siwon as he cupped Kyuhyun’s face and then gave him a kiss.


The tension in Kyuhyun’s body slowly eased away with a soft sigh as he felt Siwon’s tongue brush against his full lips. Siwon backed him against the wall of the elevator, pressing his body flush against Kyuhyun’s. Letting out a soft moan, he had just parted his lips, ready for Siwon to go even further, when the elevator doors opened.


“Don’t worry baby, that was just a small preview,” said Siwon taking Kyuhyun’s hand and leading him out.


With a soft groan of protest, Kyuhyun followed behind Siwon towards the car.


As they walked across the parking garage, Kyuhyun rubbed his fingertips across his lips. They were still buzzing with excitement and yearning. He smiled to himself, he had almost forgotten what that kind of kiss felt like from his husband.


After Siwon opened the door for him and he sat down in the passenger’s side, he made a mental note to try his hardest to give his full attention to him for the rest of the night. They both deserved it, he thought as his fingertips still his lips.


When they reached the Hyatt hotel, Kyuhyun’s eyes seemed to grow. He had never visited before, so he wasn’t sure what to expect.


Siwon pulled up to the front doors and almost immediately, Kyuhyun’s door was opened for him as was Siwon’s by the parking attendants.


“Sir…may I park your car for you?” asked the valet when Siwon made no movements to exit the car.


Kyuhyun had already stepped out so he looked back at Siwon.


“Wonnie? Aren’t you coming?” he asked shaking his head.


“Yeah, just. I think I’d rather park it myself,” he said to Kyuhyun.


“But the valet is right here,” said Kyuhyun motioning to the man standing across from the car.


“I know…I’d just feel better if I did it,” he said pulling his driver’s door closed.


“Okay, said Kyuhyun slowly as he moved to get back in.


“Oh, no! Kyu it’s fine, I’ll just meet you inside,” said Siwon stopping him.


Kyuhyun shrugged, still a little confused. Siwon loved his car, he always had, but he had never been so reluctant to let it be parked for him.


“Fine Wonnie, I’ll just be in the lobby…I guess,” he said and he closed the passenger door and walked inside alone.


Siwon winced at the tone in Kyuhyun’s voice as he drove off towards the parking lot. He wasn’t really all that concerned with who parked his car. But he wanted just a few minutes alone before he and Kyuhyun started their evening.


“Hello? Hyung?” he asked, his phone clutched to his ear.


“Siwon-ah?” asked Eunhyuk surprised. “Is everything okay? Did you reach the hotel yet?”


 “Yes, we just arrived. Everything’s fine. Uh, I just…I was calling to check and see…how my baby girl is,” he said softly.


Eunhyuk chuckled.


“Did Kyuhyun put you up to this?! Wow, it’s only been twenty minutes since you guys left. Tell him that she’s perfectly fine Hyung, and to relax!”


Siwon laughed uneasily. “I will. Just she asleep yet? Did she cry when we left?”


Eunhyuk paused. “Wait a minute…you're not calling for Kyu, well at least not only for Kyu. Are you?”




Eunhyuk chuckled, “I don’t believe this. You too! You just left Siwon-ah, give her a little time to miss you before you start worrying about her!”


“I know, it’s pretty ridiculous Hyung. It’s just a weird feeling being away from her, when we’ve been with her almost every minute of her life so far,” said Siwon rubbing the space between his eyes.


Eunhyuk sighed, “I understand how you feel Siwon. Don’t beat yourself up about it. Donghae and I were just playing with her, she’s perfectly happy and healthy, just the way you left her.”


“Thanks Hyung,” said Siwon with a sigh of relief. “You don’t know how much hearing that makes me feel at ease.”


“Good, now go enjoy your dinner and room that I’m paying way too much for!” laughed Eunhyuk.


“We will. See you later.”


“Goodnight Siwon-ah.”





When Siwon finally walked into the lobby of the Hyatt he couldn’t find Kyuhyun. It was a Friday night at the hotel, so it was crowded with groups of foreign families, diplomats, and normal couples out for the evening.


His eyes scanned the busy room, landing on the receptionist counter, then the bar lounge, the elevators, and then finally on one particular spot: the in-house wine store.

He smiled to himself, knowing without a doubt that’s where Kyuhyun would be.


And just as he imagined, when he walked in he spotted Kyuhyun talking to one of the sommeliers.


“The body of this particular Cabernet Franc is much, much fuller. I personally drink at least a bottle every week,” said the sommelier holding out a bottle in front of Kyuhyun “I promise you will not be disappointed”.


“I’ve never tried it before, but I’ve heard wonderful things. For a long time I was really in love with Tempranillo, but I’d love to try something new. How much is a bottle?” asked Kyuhyun taking it in his hands.


“We’ll take two,” said Siwon coming up behind him.


“Wonnie!” said Kyuhyun slightly jumping when he heard Siwon’s voice.


“I knew I’d find you here,” smiled Siwon putting his hand on Kyuhyun’s shoulder. “Did you find anything else that you liked?”


“No, no, I was just browsing. We don’t need to buy anything. I’ve basically given it up at this point, ” said Kyuhyun handing the bottle back to the sommelier.


“Now, that I don’t believe,” chuckled Siwon. “Really, it’s fine Kyu. I know stopping for Daerim was difficult, so I want to buy it for you. It’s been almost a year since you’ve been able to treat yourself, and tonight is a special night. Sir, we’ll take two,” said Siwon nodding towards the sommelier.


Kyuhyun slightly blushed,  “Thank you Wonnie.”


“Are you guests of the hotel?” asked the sommelier. “I can have this sent up to your room if you’d like.”


“That would be wonderful. Thank you,” said Siwon taking out his wallet to hand him his credit card and the room key.


Kyuhyun gave a happy sigh as Siwon put his hand on his waist and pulled him slightly close, mindful of the other guests.


“Can’t we just live here? I think we found heaven,” he mumbled into Siwon’s shoulder.


He felt the vibrations of Siwon’s chuckle, making him smile himself.


“It’s almost like we’re travelling the world again,” said Siwon glancing around.


“Hmm?” asked Kyuhyun looking at him with confusion.


“Over here, we have European wines, like the ones we had during our Super Show tours and Boy in City Paris,” said Siwon slowly leading Kyuhyun through the aisle.


Kyuhyun smiled as his eyes landed on a particular bottle of champagne.


“We drank this that night you snuck me out to see the Eiffel Tower all lit up. I remember you lied to the managers and said that I wasn’t feeling well after dinner and that you were going to stay in and take care of me,” he said lovingly as he lay his head on Siwon’s shoulder.


Siwon smiled at the memory as they kept walking through the aisles.


As they made their way to the other side of the store, they found themselves in the South American wines.


“Mmmm this is that Pinot Noir you went crazy over in Argentina, right?” asked Siwon with a smile as he picked up a bottle.


Kyuhyun gasped, clutching it to his chest, “Yes! This was my favorite wine from the whole tour!”


“I remember you trying to organize shipping an entire box home, but then manager Hyung flipped out, and banned you from the wine stores for the rest of the tour.”


“And then you surprised me with sneaking a bottle home anyway,” said Kyuhyun giving Siwon a small kiss on the cheek after he placed the bottle back.


“Good to know that it’s available here in Seoul. I’ll know exactly where to come if I need a forgive me present.”


Kyuhyun wrapped his arm back around Siwon’s, “I’ll make a list for you, don’t worry.”


They browsed a few more aisles, reminiscing on bottles Kyuhyun had in his collection, before Siwon glanced at his watch.


“Oh, baby, we have to go, our table should be ready now,” said Siwon leading them towards the door.


Kyuhyun nodded, a little sad to leave his new favorite place in the world.




Closing his eyes, Kyuhyun smiled, savoring the taste of the meat as he chewed. When he finally looked back up, Siwon was smiling at him.


“What?” he smiled back after taking a sip of water.


“I like that you’re enjoying your meal. I’d almost forgotten that food was your first love,” he said taking a bite from his own plate.


Kyuhyun blushed, “I just forgot that food can actually taste good when you aren’t inhaling it because Daerim’s crying to be held.”


“That’s true, I guess I should try,” said Siwon putting  a piece of steak in his mouth and mimicking Kyuhyun.


“Don’t tease me! I didn’t look like that,” said Kyuhyun with a laugh as he lightly kicked Siwon under the table.


“You did! It was cute! Your little cheeks got pink and everything!”


“Aigoo,” groaned Kyuhyun blushing now. “You're not allowed to watch me anymore, you think everything I do is ‘cute’!”


“That’s because it is. Even the way you brush your teeth in the morning all the way to when you cuddle with a pillow at night. I feel like my heart is gonna explode any day now,” chuckled Siwon.


“I guess this is what happens when you're home with me all day every day.”


“This is the most time we’ve spent together in our entire relationship, I’ve really enjoyed it,” said Siwon smiling to himself.


“Me too Wonnie,” said Kyuhyun. “I’m actually kind of sad that you’ll be having to go back to work soon.”


“Really?” asked Siwon perking up at bit.



“Yeah, I’ve liked having you around,” said Kyuhyun honestly. “But I’m sure you’re looking forward to going back anyway?”


Siwon shrugged, “Oh, I don’t know, I was thinking maybe I could be the one to stay at home with Daerim-ah and you could go back to singing full time.”


Kyuhyun’s eyebrows shot up with a smirk, “Really? Choi Siwon as a full time house wife?”


Siwon smiled, “Only kidding Kyu. I loved being home with the two of you, but I don’t think I’m cut out for it, especially alone. All it would take it one tear and I’d be at her mercy every single day.”


Kyuhyun laughed,  “You are too much of a softy.”


“Especially for you baby. Daerim-ah may have stolen my heart, but you’ll always be the love of my life.”


“I feel the same way Wonnie,” sighed Kyuhyun softly. “Gosh, I can’t believe that our baby is already half way through to her one hundred days,”


“Wow, that is amazing,” said Siwon with a soft smile as he counted the days in his head. “It seems like we just brought her home.”


“Well you know what this means?”


Siwon paused, afraid he was missing something.


“Seriously Won. Are you positive you're Korean?” laughed Kyuhyun. “We have to start planning for her baek-il.”


“Oh, right! Well, how do we—


“It’s okay Wonnie, Sungminnie and my mother have been showing me things for weeks now. We just have to decide where to have it, I guess. Our apartment is way too small.”


“That I can do, don’t worry, I know the perfect place.”


“Uh, o-okay, great,” said Kyuhyun, a little nervous about the plan he could see growing in Siwon’s mind.


When they were just about finished with their final course, Siwon glanced at the time on his phone, and then slipped it back into his pocket.


“Excuse me baby, I’m going to go to the restroom,” said Siwon standing to get up.


Kyuhyun nodded and then settled back into his dessert as the band that was onstage began preparing for their next song.


Siwon carefully dipped out of the dining area and then walked straight past the restroom in the lobby area, and continuing on until he reached outside.


“Good evening sir, would you like a taxi?” asked one of the door men as Siwon walked past.


“Oh, n-no, thank you,” he said shaking his head as he walked towards the side of the building.


He rounded the corner and found himself in a small garden, where only a few couples where sitting around, enjoying their drinks. As he followed the path to the end, he noticed that the ground seemed to glow slightly from lights that were nestled in the grass and flowers. Reaching the end and finding an isolated corner to hide himself, Siwon pulled his phone out.


“Hello, Hyung?”


“Siwon?” asked Eunhyuk in disbelief. “Is something wrong?”


“No, no, of course not,” said Siwon starting to slowly pace.


“Then please tell me you aren’t calling to check on  Daerim-ah again,” sighed Eunhyuk.


“I just wanted to make sure that she was doing okay. Like, has she eaten yet?”


“No, Siwon-ah, we’ve been withholding food from her because she soiled herself from the last time you fed her—of course we’re feeding her! Have you eaten?”


“We’re in the middle of it,” said Siwon scratching his head.


“Never in a million years did I think it would be you calling like this,” chuckled Eunhyuk, when someone suddenly took the phone.


“Siwon-ah!” said Donghae firmly.


“Y-yes Donghae hyung?”


“Listen to me. For at least the next three hours, Daerim is my baby and I will love her and take care of her as such. Stop calling! I promise if something happens—which it won’t, I’ll call you. Now go back to the maknae and enjoy your dinner!”


Siwon was slightly speechless. Donghae had never spoken to him like that before.


“Siwon-ah, are you there?” laughed Eunhyuk.


“Yeah Hyung,” he said weakly.


“Sorry about that, but you are driving us a little crazy. So please, please, just go and enjoy your night. Nothing counts if you're spending all your time sneaking out to call us.”


“I got it, thanks Hyung,” said Siwon pausing his paces.


“No problem, have a good time.”


When Siwon hyung up, he ran his hands through his hair, and shook out his anxiety, much to the confusion of those around him. But he didn’t really care as he walked back towards the entrance of the hotel.


Before going back to the table though, Siwon made one more stop towards the bar.


Finally making his return, Kyuhyun looked at him sympathetically.


“Are you all right? I thought you had gotten sick,” he said touching his arm.


“No, I’m fine baby. I just got a little turned around. It’s a jungle out there.”


Kyuhyun nodded in agreement.


“I wonder what Daerim is doing now,” he said dreamily.


“Uh, you know, I’m sure she’s fine. Donghae hyung seemed pretty confident in his abilities and with Eunhyuk hyung there as well, I’m sure she’s in good hands,” said Siwon taking a sip of his wine.


“You're right,” said Kyuhyun shaking his head with a smile. “I promised myself I wouldn’t worry anymore. I still just can’t believe they did all of this for us.”


“I know. After all of these years, they still really treat us like their dongsaengs and take care of us. It warms my heart to know we have such a loving extended family that will always be there for us and now Daerim-ah too.”


“I wonder if anyone else will have their own baby someday? Especially those two, then maybe Donghae hyung will stop trying to steal ours,” laughed Kyuhyun.


“That would be nice, then Daerim would have little cousins to play with. I mean, unless you wanted to give her her own little dongsaengs,” said Siwon with a grin.


Kyuhyun scoffed, “I don’t think so, one is a good, solid number.”


“Oh come on Kyu!” laughed Siwon. “Both of us have sisters! Don’t you think Daerim deserves one, or even a brother?!”


Kyuhyun rolled his eyes, “How about we trade off this time, and you can carry him then?”


“You know, you're right, one’s good. I like one. We can do so much more as a unit of three anyway,” said Siwon nodding firmly.


Kyuhyun chuckled as he reached for his glass. “Oh Wonnie, I love you.”


“I love you too baby Kyu. …did you ever think it was gonna be like this?”


“Like what?”


“From that first day I told you how I felt about you and after all the things we’ve gone through together, did you ever think it would lead up to this?”


Kyuhyun shook his head. “Every day is a shock to me.”


“Why?” asked Siwon with a soft frown.


“It’s terrifying. I’m always filled with the utmost joy and happiness but at the same time, a bit of sadness,” said Kyuhyun softly.


“Kyu, you never told me this before. Why do you feel this way?” asked Siwon now becoming more concerned.


“Because people aren’t this lucky Siwon. I have everything I want. Everything. A husband that is beyond the text book definition of devoted and handsome. A beautiful, happy and healthy baby girl. A loving family that is finally all at peace. A career that has been long and successful. All of this perfection in life just doesn’t happen. So I’m always scared that it’ll be taken away from me at any moment,” said Kyuhyun looked down in his lap.


Siwon took Kyuhyun’s hand and leaned forward.


“Baby, look at me,” said Siwon trying to look into Kyuhyun’s eyes.


Suddenly those big chocolate orbs turned up to look into his.


“As long as I’m here, and I’m with you, none of that will change. And I swear to you, I’m not going anywhere. Neither are Daerim, our family, or your beautiful voice, arasso?”


Kyuhyun nodded.


“Uh-uh, I want to hear you,” said Siwon jiggling Kyuhyun’s hand.


“I understand,” said Kyuhyun with a soft smile. “Thank you Wonnie.”


“And if you ever feel yourself thinking this again, tell me, so that I can remind you,” said Siwon with a small smile.


Just then the lights dimmed, and the singer that was on stage, had a spotlight put on her.


“Good evening ladies and gentlemen, I’m so glad that you could join us tonight, and I hope that you’ve been enjoying yourselves.”


There was applause from the audience, and she smiled.


“Well, we have a special treat for you all tonight. A very treasured voice in Seoul is here with us, and I’ve been told that he will do us the honor of performing a song here on stage.”

Kyuhyun’s body went rigid.


“Wonnie, you didn’t?” he asked softly.


But before Siwon could respond, the spot light shifted from the singer to Kyuhyun.


“Are you mad?” mouthed Siwon apologetically.


Kyuhyun thought for a quick second before shaking his head no with a smile.


“Kyuhyun—ssi, would you please join us here on stage?” the singer asked beckoning him forward as the other patrons cheered him on.


Kyuhyun took a deep breath as he stood up and walked towards the stage. When he reached it, the singer guided him to the piano, much to his shock.


Looking down at the music that had been left there, he softly shook his head. He glanced back to where he had been sitting with Siwon and smiled.


Stretching out his fingers, he waited for the cue and then he and the band began playing together.


Siwon felt his heart melt as Kyuhyun started singing “Isn’t she lovely?”


The song had taken on such a new meaning for the both of them ever since Daerim had been born, so he knew that it was the perfect song for him to sing.


Many couples rose, making their way to the open floor to begin dancing slowly to Kyuhyun’s beautiful voice.


He smiled as he came towards the end of the song. As he finished the last notes, everyone who wasn’t already doing so, stood to applaud.


Trying his hardest not to blush, Kyuhyun came to the edge of the stage and gave a small bow. As his eyes scanned the crowd, he realized that Siwon was now standing front and center, grinning a dimpled smile as he clapped along with everyone else.


When he stepped down off of the stairs, he was embraced by Siwon’s arms immediately while every still cheered.


“You were wonderful baby,” he said into his ear as the patrons slowly parted to give them space.


“I can’t believe I actually did it,” said Kyuhyun, his face still on Siwon’s shoulder. “I’m so embarrassed now.”


“Why?! It was fantastic, and everyone loved it,” said Siwon pulling away to make Kyuhyun look at him.


Kyuhyun shook his head dismissively. “Can we just go back to our table now? Everyone’s staring at us.”


Siwon shook his head as he pulled Kyuhyun close to him again.


“Of course they are. But not until you dance with me first,” he said taking one of Kyuhyun’s hands in his and placing his other on the small of Kyuhyun’s back.


“O-okay,” said Kyuhyun softly as he put his free hand on Siwon’s shoulder.


Siwon leaned his temple against Kyuhyun’s and they slowly danced to the soft music that the house band played.


Instead of running back to the table to hide, Kyuhyun fought his embarrassment and closed his eyes, relaxing into the sweet moment with his husband, who’s touch he had missed so much.




a/n: Thanks for being patient you guys! I had a bit of writer's block this weekend where I knew what I wanted to write, but I just couldn't get it down! Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter. And I apologize for not answering all of your comments, but I LOVE reading them, they're all really inspiring, so keep it up! And thank you all for subscribing ^^ See you in Part 2!




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sorry for the delay guys! working on the third draft attempt for this chapter. I want it to be perfect ^^


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babywonwon #1
I love this ???????????
me_aga #2
Chapter 21: I love this story.. reading of many times..
Update please..
Dan update your other story about wonkyu family
Chapter 21: I hope you're still continuing your stories ;A; <3
Angela17 #4
Chapter 21: So where will they be going? I an't wait for the next chap..
I love how they can over come the problems between them..
Angela17 #5
Chapter 15: Wow.. At this point, i really think The boys are really brothers by heart.. I love how you make them think that Daerim is their daughter too and give her trustfund for her future, so sweet, she is the happiest baby girl.. And the embracing hug together after they gave the gift was the thing i love the most amongs other things from them..
I like this fam fic so much..
Chapter 21: awesome!cant wait till next update!
plz… u~p~d~a~t~e juseyo
Chapter 21: Aww that is sweet plz update soon
Chapter 21: anywhere will do as long as they are happy together.
and yeah I agree to the comment that it was a wonderful thing that WonKyu stayed in each others' arms while they talked about their problems.

thank goodness that they were able to finally settle their differences :)
KeySecret #10
Chapter 21: aww,, wonkyu is so sweet..after they fight they become more understanding of each other.
I think siwon brought Kyuhyun for a romantic dinner (I wish they had dinner on the beach) or Siwon will bring kyu to hotel , another possible romantic night,,, they need time together.
thanks stellerbeing ;)