Chapter 3 Lovely Day

Our Family Story


“Thank you for sharing your Sunday morning with us. God bless you all and amen,” said KiHo closing his bible.


“Amen,”  said the members of the church.


As people began to file out of the church, KiHo and his wife began to say their goodbyes to their closest friends and regular attendees.


Just as KiHo finished hugging a graying older man, a much younger man approached him with a big smile on his face.


“Ah Johnny-ssi, how nice of you to join us this week. It’s so good to see you, thank you for coming,” said KiHo shaking his hand.


“Thank you for having me KiHo-ssi. It’s been way too long since I’ve been able to sit in one of your services.”


“Well I hope I didn’t disappoint.”


“Not at all. Everything was just how I remember. It felt like coming home again.”


“You're too kind to an old man, but thank you all the same,” said KiHo patting his shoulder.


“Well the reason I was so anxious to come in the last few weeks is because I believe congratulations are in order,” said Johnny with a smile.




“The birth of your granddaughter of course!” laughed Johnny as he shook his head. ‘I was actually kind of surprised you didn’t mention it this morning. When my daughter was born it took all my self-will not to just sing her praises through the entire sermon.”


“Oh yes, right. Thank you,” nodded KiHo.


“Siwon’s completely over the moon. And he should be, she’s absolutely beautiful. He sent me photos the other day. I couldn’t believe it, she’s the perfect combination of both of them; his hair and eyebrows, Kyuhyun’s eyes and nose. But then I guess you’ve seen her up close so many times by now so you’d know better than me,” said Johnny still smiling.


“Yes, my wife and I are very happy for the two of them,” said KiHo after clearing his throat. “I’m sorry, Johnny, but you’ll have to excuse me.”


“Oh no problem. It was great seeing you again KiHo-ssi. Hopefully I can attend another of your sermons soon. And hey, maybe you can catch one of mine?”


“I definitely will, have a good afternoon,” said KiHo with a smile as he shook Johnny’s hand one last time.


Once Pastor Johnny had left, KiHo walked over to his wife who was just saying goodbye to another older patron.


“Yes dear?” she asked once he stood in front of her.


“I just spoke with Pastor Johnny and…he was telling me about the baby,” said KiHo slowly.


“Oh, what about her?” she asked shaking her head.


“About how much she looks like both of them, and how beautiful she is. That Siwon’s so proud,” he said looking down. “It was really embarrassing that some else knew more about what’s happening in my own son’s life than myself.”


She sighed, ”Yeobo, what did you think was going to happen? You're the only person in their lives that isn’t celebrating with them. It’s been months since the two of you have spoken. How long do you intend for this to last?”


“I see what it’s done to our family and I don’t like it, but what am I to do? I can’t just go back on what I believe. What kind of pastor would I be? What kind of man would I be if I just suddenly changed my ways because they conflicted with my family?”


“You’d be a father KiHo, which is more important to our son than anything else. He may be older now, but he still needs you to be there for him. I don’t think you fully understand how much it crushed him to hear you say those words. We all know how you feel, but everything about their family is surrounded with love. Isn’t that the pure essence of what G-d is to you? Isn’t that what you teach every week?”


KiHo took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes.


“I just miss him…so much. Our talks, our walks, just being able to sit in each other’s company. I never thought it would come to this. That there would be such a strong division in our lives. It’s not what I wanted at all.”


“Just go and see him KiHo, please. No one’s asking you to change your beliefs. But you at least owe it to your granddaughter to see her once,” said his wife and she walked away to go and say goodbye to someone else she knew.




Knock. Knock. Knock.


“That must be them, “ said Kyuhyun with a smile as Siwon got up to answer the door.


“I can’t believe it’s taken this long for him to finally come and see her,” said Siwon with a smile as he unlocked the door.


When he opened it there stood the guests he and Kyuhyun had been waiting to see.


“Hyung!” he said as the first one walked in, embracing him in a tight hug.


“Siwon-ah it’s so good to see you,” smiled Leeteuk as they finally broke apart.


“You too Hyung. I’m really glad that you could finally come by to see us. How are you feeling?”


“So much better. I wanted to be sure I was 100% healthy though before I came. Where is she—


“I want to hold her first!” said the second guest whizzing past the two of them.


“How did Donghae hyung know you were coming again Hyung?”


“We were having lunch together and I had mentioned that I hadn’t seen Daerim yet and that’s what I had planned to do this afternoon, so he said he wanted to come with me and here we are,” shrugged Leeteuk.


Siwon nodded and then smiled, taking Leeteuk’s arm, “Well, come on, you have to meet her Hyung. She’s absolutely amazing.”


When they walked around the corner and into the living room, they saw Donghae holding Daerim in his arms as Kyuhyun sat close.


“Hi Daerim-ah. Remember me? It’s your Hae samchon. Your favorite one, the one that’s gonna teach you everything. So don’t forget. You have to hurry and grow up so we can have fun together,” said Donghae as Daerim looked up, her eyes running over his entire face, as if she was trying to memorize it.


“No,  don’t rush Daerim-ah, I want you to stay my little baby forever,” said Kyuhyun.


“Nah, toddlers are more fun. With babies you have to soft and gentle, but I guess with girls that’s okay,” said Donghae.


“Toddlers are full of tantrums and tears. She such a quiet and peaceful baby now, so I’m not looking forward to when that change comes,” said Kyuhyun shaking his head.


“Well that’s when you can send her to me and Hyukkie,” chuckled Donghae.


“You will not rest until you’ve made my daughter a Lee child, will you?” laughed Kyuhyun.


“Well Hyukkie won’t let me have my own yet,” pouted Donghae.




“Because he thinks I wouldn’t love him the most anymore…which I guess isn’t too far off. I mean, just look at her, how can you not love her more than anything in the world,” said Donghae nuzzling her cheek.


“Okay Donghae-ah, be fair, you’ve had time with her already, let me hold her for a bit, said Leeteuk as they approached them.


Donghae pouted as he kind of pulled away, holding Daerim closer to himself.


“But I barely had any time to talk to her,” he grumbled.


“Donghae-ah, I promise you can get her back. I just want to hold her for a few moments,”  said Leeteuk reaching out for her.


Donghae finally relented and passed Daerim over to Leeteuk.


Once in his arms Leeteuk gazed down at Daerim’s eyes.


“So I finally get to meet you little Daerim-ah and you’re just as wonderful as everyone has said,” smiled Leeteuk as Daerim began to make small grunts.


Siwon took a seat beside Donghae as they watched Leeteuk slowly walk around the room with her.


“Omo! I can’t get over how small you are,” he chuckled as he looked at her little hands and tapped her nose with his finger. “But I know one day you’ll be big and strong, so don’t worry little one.”


“Is she always this quiet?” asked Donghae looking at Kyuhyun.


“What do you mean?”


“With Donghwa’s boys they cried so much when they were babies. Even when they were this little. I mean, she’s cute and I love her already, but she doesn’t really do much. It’s kinda strange, don’t you think?” he asked cocking his head to the side.


Siwon and Kyuhyun looked at each other.


“Donghae-ah, don’t you go scaring them, they’re probably nervous enough already as it is,” said Leeteuk as he stood back in front of them.


“I’m not Hyung, I’m just telling them they're lucky is all. Daerim’s special, she never seems to cry. Okay, my turn!” he beamed holding his hands out in front of him.


Leeteuk sighed and then handed her back over to Donghae who grinned as he snuggled back into the couch with her.


While he was busy making funny faces with her, Leeteuk, Kyuhyun, and Siwon all had some tea and coffee at the dining table.


“So how are you two feeling now that you're three weeks in?” asked Leeteuk after taking a sip of his tea.


“A lot better,” said Kyuhyun with a firm nod. “I had a few moments where things weren’t so great, but Wonnie’s been really supportive, so I’m back in a good place.”

“Kyu’s being modest Hyung, he’s really gone through so much with the entire pregnancy and giving birth. He’s just as good at caring for me and Daerim. We take care of each other,” said Siwon leaning over and Kyuhyun’s hand.


“I’m really happy to hear that. Sometimes I get so worried about the two of you, since your basically my youngest, but then I remember you have each other and that you're in good hands,” smiled Leeteuk.


“What about me? I thought I was your baby Hyung?!” called Donghae from the other room.


Siwon and Kyuhyun chuckled.


“And you always will be Donghae-ah!” called back Leeteuk.


They heard Donghae snicker in victory, making them all laugh again.


 “How’s it feel having a hoard of thirty year old plus men still coming to you for guidance Hyung?” asked Kyuhyun with a smile.


“Not as bad as you would think. That’s why Kangin and I were never in any rush to have children of our own. Our dongsaengs have been like our sons all these years anyway.  Speaking of fathers, when’s the last time you spoke to yours?” asked Leeteuk after taking another sip of his tea as he glanced at Siwon.


“When we told him that Kyuhyun was pregnant,” said Siwon looking at Kyuhyun.


“Really, it’s been that long? So you haven’t had any contact with your family since then?”


“No, my mother and Jiwon are still a part of my life. They’ve been really supportive with everything,” said Siwon. “They even come over to check on Kyu and Daerim during the week.”


“But your father never comes? That must still be awful for you Siwon-ah, I’m sorry to hear that.”


“It’s fine Hyung. we have more than enough people that love us close by, so whenever my father’s ready, he can join in on that,” said Siwon with a small shrug.


Just then, the sound of crying made all of them shift their attention towards the living room.


Kyuhyun was the first to stand up as he walked into the room to see Donghae staring back at a bawling Daerim.


“What happened?!” asked Siwon as Kyuhyun took Daerim and tried to sooth her.


“I don’t know,” said Donghae. “I was just sitting here and playing with her, and then she started crying, I swear, I didn’t hurt her.”


“We know Hyung, it’s fine. I’ll just go and check her diaper, maybe she needs to be changed,” said Kyuhyun and he walked back to Daerim’s room.


He returned minutes later with Daerim still crying in his arms.


“She was fine,” he said shrugging.


“Maybe she’s hungry?” suggested Leeteuk.


“She ate right before you all came over,” said Siwon.


“Well maybe she’s hungry again. It couldn’t hurt to try,” said Donghae flinching from Daerim’s piercing wails.


“I guess I’ll go prepare a bottle then,” said Siwon as Kyuhyun began walking around the room with her, rocking her in his arms while humming softly.


When Siwon returned, Kyuhyun sat on the couch with the bottle and tried feeding her, but she wouldn’t take it.


“Come on aegi-yah, you're not wet, you're not hungry, what is it?” asked Kyuhyun growing a little weary of her cries.


“Here baby, let me try,” said Siwon taking Daerim in his hands.


He touched his lips to her forehead to see if she had a fever,  but she was perfectly cool.


Placing her on his shoulder, Siwon gave her soothing rubs, trying to make her relax, but to no avail.


“Maybe she’s tired?” asked Donghae.


“She had a nap before she ate,” sighed Kyuhyun.


“Maybe it’s gas?” asked Leeteuk.


“We already burped her but I guess we could try again?” shrugged Kyuhyun as he looked at Siwon who started patting her back.


After a few minutes of nothing but more cries they all looked down, trying to think of something.


“Maybe some fresh air?” asked Donghae.


“Okay, said Siwon walking over with him to the window.


“Wait, wrap her in this first,” said Kyuhyun bringing over a blanket.


He draped it over Siwon’s shoulder and chest so that Daerim would be protected from the still chilly air.


Donghae cracked the window open so that just a little bit of air would creep in and Siwon turned so that Daerim could face the window.


But again, after a few minutes with no end in sight to her tears, they decided to move on.


“What about that swaddling thing?” asked Donghae. “Does she liked to be wrapped really tight?”


“At this point I’m willing to try anything,” said Kyuhyun taking her from Siwon’s arms and taking her to the couch and proceeding to wrap her in the blanket.


But as everyone kind of expected, it did nothing to stop Daerim’s tears. So they all sat around trying to still think of ways to calm her down.


“I heard car rides can help. The sensation is supposed to be soothing for them,” said Leeteuk.


“The amount of preparation and work that would take Hyung, it’s almost not even worth it,” sighed Siwon.


“We could sing to her,” said Donghae monotonously.


“Sing what Hyung?” asked Kyuhyun looking over at him.


“I don’t know..,” groaned Donghae putting his hands to his head. “Uh…Lovely Day?”


The rest of them of looked at each other and shrugged before Donghae counted off.


“I wanna hold your hands. I wanna kiss your lips. I wanna fall in love with you. It must be beautiful lovely day—“


They all chorused together throughout the entire song but it did nothing to sooth Daerim.


“Daerim-ah please!” croaked out Kyuhyun as she kicked and stretched out, still crying out even though her tears were long gone.


Siwon stood up and walked over to sit beside Kyuhyun. He Daerim’s hair gently as Kyuhyun held one of her small hands, giving it gentle kisses.


“I wish I knew more advice to offer Kyuhyun-ah, Siwon-ah, but by the time you all came into my life, you were way past this stage,” said Leeteuk with a small laugh.


“It’s okay Hyung. We don’t want to hold you two prisoner here. Thanks for trying to help,” said Siwon looking up at him.


“Are you sure you don’t want us to stay?” asked Leeteuk.


Kyuhyun nodded. “It’s okay Hyung, we’ll figure something out. Actually, I already have an idea. Why don’t the three of us leave Daerim her with her favorite samchon?” he smirked.


“Me?! Why?!” asked Donghae.


She doesn’t do much,” teased Kyuhyun.


“Sorry Kyu-ah, if I had known this is what she had been bottling in all this time, I wouldn’t have pushed her to open up” said Donghae rubbing the back of his neck.


“It’s okay Hyung. Honestly we were wondering the same thing, but we didn’t want to assume it was too good to be true,” said Siwon as he walked with him and Leeteuk to the door.


“Well now you know you probably have a future singer on your hands,” smiled Leeteuk as he put on his shoes.


“What makes you say that?” asked Siwon.


“She definitely inherited Kyuhyun-ah’s lungs,” teased Leeteuk.


“You might be right Hyung, but dear lord let’s hope not,” sighed Siwon glancing back over his shoulder.


Leeteuk and Donghae laughed as they patted Siwon’s shoulders.


“If she doesn’t stop crying soon though maybe you should call your doctor. Because it was so sudden, something could be wrong,” said Leeteuk he pulled Siwon into a hug.


“Or your eommas, they usually know best,” said Donghae hugging him next.


Siwon nodded, “We’ll try a little bit more and then if that doesn’t work, we’ll definitely try to get help from someone. Thanks for coming Hyungs, I’m sorry you didn’t really get to spend time with her at her best.”

“She’s a baby Siwon-ah, like Donghae said, it was kinda of strange she really hadn’t been crying more. I guess this is what she’s been holding in for three weeks,” said Leeteuk pulling on his coat.


Just then there was a knock at the door.


“Oh, were you expecting another guest?” asked Leeteuk.


“No,” said Siwon shaking his head as he walked over closer to the door. “Who is it?”


“It’s me.”


Siwon froze, as he knew exactly who that voice belonged to.





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sorry for the delay guys! working on the third draft attempt for this chapter. I want it to be perfect ^^


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babywonwon #1
I love this ???????????
me_aga #2
Chapter 21: I love this story.. reading of many times..
Update please..
Dan update your other story about wonkyu family
Chapter 21: I hope you're still continuing your stories ;A; <3
Angela17 #4
Chapter 21: So where will they be going? I an't wait for the next chap..
I love how they can over come the problems between them..
Angela17 #5
Chapter 15: Wow.. At this point, i really think The boys are really brothers by heart.. I love how you make them think that Daerim is their daughter too and give her trustfund for her future, so sweet, she is the happiest baby girl.. And the embracing hug together after they gave the gift was the thing i love the most amongs other things from them..
I like this fam fic so much..
Chapter 21: awesome!cant wait till next update!
plz… u~p~d~a~t~e juseyo
Chapter 21: Aww that is sweet plz update soon
Chapter 21: anywhere will do as long as they are happy together.
and yeah I agree to the comment that it was a wonderful thing that WonKyu stayed in each others' arms while they talked about their problems.

thank goodness that they were able to finally settle their differences :)
KeySecret #10
Chapter 21: aww,, wonkyu is so sweet..after they fight they become more understanding of each other.
I think siwon brought Kyuhyun for a romantic dinner (I wish they had dinner on the beach) or Siwon will bring kyu to hotel , another possible romantic night,,, they need time together.
thanks stellerbeing ;)