Chapter 5 Daerim's Smile

Our Family Story


4 weeks old


It was a late Saturday morning and Kyuhyun was sitting on the sofa folding laundry as Siwon sat beside him, helping. Daerim was laying in her bassinet across from them, fighting sleep once again.


“Wonnie, here,” said Kyuhyun shaking the shirt he had been holding out for Siwon to take.


“Sorry baby,” said Siwon putting the shirt in the correct pile.


“What’s wrong? You seem really distracted,” said Kyuhyun as he folded another shirt.


“I don’t know. I just feel…restless. Like I’m not doing enough or something,” said Siwon shaking his head.


“But you're doing something right now. I’m folding and you're sorting,” said Kyuhyun handing him the shirt he had just folded.


“This isn’t exactly the kind of thing I meant Kyu,” said Siwon with a soft chuckle.


“What do you mean then?”


“If I was at work right now, I’d be in meetings, handling paperwork, talking to clients. But the hardest thing I’ve done all day is change Daerim-ah’s diaper.”


Kyuhyun laughed, “Well I’m sorry domestic duties don’t exactly cater towards your intense work ethic. But I’d still appreciate your help all the same.”


“I didn’t mean it that way,” said Siwon sheepishly. “I know this is important, it’s just not what I’m used to.”


“Me either,” said Kyuhyun shaking his head. “But you can always go out if you want to Wonnie. Daerim and I will be fine.”


“Now why on earth would I want to leave my two babies at home alone?” asked Siwon closing the gap between he and Kyuhyun. “Especially my baby Kyu.”


Kyuhyun fell back into the couch with a smile as Siwon started planting kisses on his cheek.


“Aigoo! Wonnie, we have to finish this!” said Kyuhyun giggling as Siwon now moved down to his neck.


“The laundry’s not going anywhere Kyu,” mumbled Siwon cupping the other side of Kyuhyun’s neck to keep him still.


“But if you distract me now it’s never gonna get done!” said Kyuhyun trying to pull away, but Siwon was too strong.


“But…but…what about Daerim?!” he said exasperated, to which Siwon too involved now to answer.


Kyuhyun finally conceded with a sigh as Siwon moved in, kissing him more aggressively.


He made his way back up to Kyuhyun’s lips, kissing him deep and slow. Because they had been so busy with Daerim lately, it had been weeks since they had really been able to attend to one another’s needs, so Siwon was more than eager.


“Wonnie, I know you said that you didn’t want to go out, right?” asked Kyuhyun as they broke apart, gasping for air.


“I don’t need to. I’m pretty happy right where I am Kyu,” said Siwon about to go in again when Kyuhyun stopped him.


“What is it baby?” he asked Siwon kissing his cheek instead.


“Well do you mind if I do?” breathed Kyuhyun.


“Wh—what?” asked Siwon pulling his lips away.


“Ara called this morning. She wanted to take me out for a bit,” said Kyuhyun softly. “Can I go?”


“Wh…of course baby…if you really want to. But you're taking Daerim out with you, right?”


“Are you kidding? And suffer through the lecture my mother would give me about taking her out of the house before 100 days? No thank you. She’d just stay here with you,” said Kyuhyun playing with the buttons on Siwon’s shirt.


“What am I supposed to do with her?” asked Siwon, fear hitting his eyes.


Kyuhyun looked over at Daerim who was still sleeping.

“Pretty much the same thing you’re doing now Wonnie. She’ll probably be asleep the entire time I’m gone,” said Kyuhyun sweetly.


“How long will that be?” asked Siwon.


“Just an hour, or two, I promise,” said Kyuhyun Siwon’s chest with his finger.


“Two hours? Can’t Ara just come here?” asked Siwon.


“She wanted me to go out with her somewhere. Apparently it’s a surprise. Besides, I’m getting a little stir crazy myself,” said Kyuhyun.


“But just—what if something goes wrong?” asked Siwon as Kyuhyun gave him a soft kiss.

“You can call me,” said Kyuhyun giving his lips another soft peck.


“But what if she cries?”


“You can feed her.” –peck- “Or change her.” –peck- “Or hold her.” –peck- “Or try your Appa’s water trick,” smiled Kyuhyun as he kissed Siwon between words.


Siwon felt himself giving into Kyuhyun’s kisses as his eyes slowly began to close.


“And maybe I’ll bring you something back really nice,” whispered Kyuhyun in Siwon’s ear.


“Mmmmm. Like what?” asked Siwon as Kyuhyun gave him another kiss.


“Like….” Kyuhyun drew out the word as his hand crept up the back of Siwon’s shirt.


Daerim’s sudden cries made Siwon jerk and his eyes slowly blink open.


Kyuhyun sighed as he put his hands to his head.


Both of them knew what these cries were.


“Aish, I haven’t washed the dishes yet,” muttered Kyuhyun as both of them sat up. “Maybe we can try the bathtub? There’s more room anyway.”


“I have a better idea,” said Siwon with a smile as Kyuhyun stood to pick up Daerim.

“Yeah?” asked Kyuhyun, already suspicious of Siwon’s plan.


“Just get her ready for a bath and then meet me in our bathroom,” said Siwon as he started walking towards their bedroom.


Kyuhyun had no choice but to follow Siwon’s instruction and hope that it wouldn’t be too bizarre.


When he had taken Daerim out of her clothes, he brought her into the bathroom, just as Siwon had said. The shower was running but Siwon was no where to be found.


“Wonnie?” called out Kyuhyun over Daerim’s cries.


“I’m here,” said Siwon coming up behind Kyuhyun.


“You want to put her in the—oh my G-d where are your clothes!” said Kyuhyun turning around to see Siwon stark .


Siwon tried to hold back his laughter.


“It’s not funny! Get dressed!” said Kyuhyun covering Daerim’s eyes.


“Kyu, she’s a baby. Our baby, and we’ll be holding her above waist level, it’ll be fine,” chuckled Siwon.


“I’m sorry, we’ll?” asked Kyuhyun.


“Yes, both of us,” said Siwon reaching forward to Kyuhyun’s pants.


“Wonnie, no—


“Why?” asked Siwon. “If you're going out later with Ara, you’ll need to be clean, right?”


Kyuhyun sighed, “I guess so. But is it safe, with Daerim I mean?”


“Yes, I already looked it up. It’s perfectly safe. I think she’ll like the shower head pressure even more,” said Siwon.


“Okay,” said Kyuhyun with a nod and Siwon resumed undressing him from the waist down.


When he needed to take his shirt off, Kyuhyun handed Daerim to Siwon. When they were all completely , he stepped into the large shower stall and Siwon followed.


It only took a few moments with the shower head spraying her tummy and then her back before Daerim was calm once again.


“I’m so glad that your father taught us this trick. I don’t know what we would have done otherwise,” said Kyuhyun giving her head a soft kiss.


“Me too, we would have been so lost and probably in tears ourselves by now,” Siwon smiled as Daerim began cooing.


“I wonder why it’s so soothing to her?” mused Kyuhyun looking at Siwon.


“Because it reminds her of being here,” Siwon said as he touched his palm to Kyuhyun’s stomach.


Kyuhyun blushed as Siwon rubbed his stomach softly before leaning in to give him a sweet kiss.


Daerim responded by grunting and kicking.


“I’m sorry aegi-yah, Appa forgot your kiss as well,” said Siwon taking Daerim from Kyuhyun and planting a kiss on her cheek.


As Siwon held her close, she reached out a shaky arm and touched his cheek. As her tiny fingers grazed his cheek again, she looked up at Siwon’s grinning face and gave a small smile.


“Kyu! Kyu! She smiled at me!” beamed Siwon as he looked to Kyuhyun.


Kyuhyun smiled at Siwon’s excitement as he Daerim’s head, “I saw Wonnie. That’s so great aegi-yah!”


“You have such a beautiful smile,” said Siwon giving her another kiss. “Just like your Kyu Appa.”


Kyuhyun purposely made a silly face when Siwon looked back at him.


“Yah! Don’t do that!” laughed Siwon. “You’ll end up teaching our daughter and then every family photo will look ridiculous!”


Kyuhyun chuckled to himself as he began showering for his meeting with Ara and Siwon continued to play with Daerim in his arms.



When Kyuhyun arrived at the restaurant that he was meeting Ara at, he saw her sitting at a table checking her phone.


“Noona!” he beamed once he approached her.


“Kyu-ah!” she smiled standing up to hug him. “How are you? I’m so sorry I couldn’t come by this week.”


“It’s okay, I’m fine. We’ve started to get the hang of everything so far so it’s not as scary as it was the first week,” he said as they sat down.


“So how is it being an appa for one month so far?” asked Ara with another smile.


“So much different than I ever imagined,” said Kyuhyun shaking his head.


“Really? Better or worse?” she asked with a small frown.


“A bit of both I guess,” said Kyuhyun honestly. “I love being with Daerim everyday, but there’s so much more I guess I didn’t consider. Like all of the extra chores we have to do. I wish I had more time to just sit and hold her.”


Ara nodded, “I understand. She’s growing so fast. The first year has so many big milestones, you’re probably going crazy trying not to miss them all. Not to mention trying to find time with your husband too, right?”


Kyuhyun smiled, “Yeah, that’s been more of a struggle too. But Siwon’s been so supportive through everything. He never complains. Like this morning, I felt a little bad because we were…uh…”


“Uh-huh, go ahead,” said Ara with a knowing smile.


“Well, we were…kissing on the couch, something that we used to do a lot of, but lately, not so much. And things were going really great, but then Daerim started crying. I know he must have been disappointed, I mean, I was too. But he never makes me feel like I have to choose between the two of them.”


“That’s really great Kyu. I’m so happy that you're getting the love and support you need from him. It’s kind of rare you know, most husbands aren’t this involved all the way through, so hold on tight to him.”


Kyuhyun nodded, “Yeah, I know I’m more than lucky to have Siwon. I can’t imagine doing this with anyone else.”


“Nor would eomma let you. She was crazy about him before you even told us you were officially dating!” laughed Ara.


Kyuhyun smiled, “Aigoo! I know! Sometimes I think she loves him even more than I do.”


“Speaking of love, you mentioned it a bit just now, but when’s the last time you and Siwon…”


“Noona!” hissed Kyuhyun, his cheeks flushing when he realized what she was alluding too.


“Don’t be shy Kyu-ah! It’s just you and I,” said Ara looking around. “It’s important you know, for both of you. If you ever want have a night alone, you know you have more than enough willing parties who would fight it out just to babysit for you.”


“Not since Daerim was born,” Kyuhyun finally mumbled looking down.




“Not since…Daerim-ah was born. The night before, actually,” said Kyuhyun a little louder, but still looking down.


“Wow, and neither of you has exploded yet? Impressive. Well you did have a pretty serious surgery, so I’m glad Siwon could be patient. But now that you've basically recovered, I’m serious, if you want a few hours or even a full night alone with your gorgeous husband, just call me, arasso? Or maybe I should just call Siwon myself and ask how he feels about the offer—


“Noona no!” gasped Kyuhyun grabbing her hands to stop her from picking up her phone. “I’ll…I’ll let you know, okay?”


Ara giggled as she ruffled his hair, “Oh Kyu-ah, you're so cute!”


“Yah,” he grumbled with a smirk, trying his best to fix it again.




“Wonnie, I’m home,” called out Kyuhyun softly as he walked through the front door, just in case Daerim was asleep.


“Hey baby,” mumbled Siwon from the couch.


“What’s wrong?” asked Kyuhyun hearing the distress in his voice.


“Your daughter is holding me prisoner,” he grumbled as he ran a free hand over his face.


“What?” asked Kyuhyun with a laugh as he finally walked over.


“She won’t let me rest!” whined Siwon.


Kyuhyun tilted his head to the side as he now saw what was happening on the couch.


Daerim was staring up at her reflection in the mirror that Siwon was holding above her.


“What’s the problem?” asked Kyuhyun with a shrug.


“This,” said Siwon putting the mirror down.


Daerim started whining when she could no longer see her reflection, almost breaking out into cries, until Siwon held it back up.


Kyuhyun started laughing when he now realized what Siwon had meant by his earlier statement.


“How did this start?” he asked when he could finally piece together a sentence.


“When you left, I was holding her in front of our big mirror in the bathroom and I noticed she was really engaged with finally seeing another baby, even if it was just her. So we stood there for a while, but when I tried to walk way she cried. So this became the only solution I could think of,” said Siwon switching arms.


Kyuhyun leaned forward and kissed Siwon’s temple. “You're too sweet to her. Thank you baby.”


“Well, I hate to hear her cry. I always want her to be happy,” said Siwon looking up at him.


“And I love you so much for that, but unless you plan to make this your permanent position in life, I think a few tears are going to be necessary,” said Kyuhyun and he leaned over to pick her up.


As they both figured, Daerim wasn’t pleased, but Kyuhyun started singing to her as he paced the living room floor.


He wasn’t bothered by her cries as he slowly walked around the room, while Siwon sat and watched.


And although it took a bit longer than a warm shower head, eventually Daerim closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep, with Kyuhyun’s gentle voice still singing in her ears.






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sorry for the delay guys! working on the third draft attempt for this chapter. I want it to be perfect ^^


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babywonwon #1
I love this ???????????
me_aga #2
Chapter 21: I love this story.. reading of many times..
Update please..
Dan update your other story about wonkyu family
Chapter 21: I hope you're still continuing your stories ;A; <3
Angela17 #4
Chapter 21: So where will they be going? I an't wait for the next chap..
I love how they can over come the problems between them..
Angela17 #5
Chapter 15: Wow.. At this point, i really think The boys are really brothers by heart.. I love how you make them think that Daerim is their daughter too and give her trustfund for her future, so sweet, she is the happiest baby girl.. And the embracing hug together after they gave the gift was the thing i love the most amongs other things from them..
I like this fam fic so much..
Chapter 21: awesome!cant wait till next update!
plz… u~p~d~a~t~e juseyo
Chapter 21: Aww that is sweet plz update soon
Chapter 21: anywhere will do as long as they are happy together.
and yeah I agree to the comment that it was a wonderful thing that WonKyu stayed in each others' arms while they talked about their problems.

thank goodness that they were able to finally settle their differences :)
KeySecret #10
Chapter 21: aww,, wonkyu is so sweet..after they fight they become more understanding of each other.
I think siwon brought Kyuhyun for a romantic dinner (I wish they had dinner on the beach) or Siwon will bring kyu to hotel , another possible romantic night,,, they need time together.
thanks stellerbeing ;)