Chapter 1 The First Night

Our Family Story


It was a cold February evening in Seoul, at one of the largest hospitals in the city. Siwon, Kyuhyun, and their newborn daughter, Daerim, all waited at the front desk so that Kyuhyun and Daerim could be discharged.


“I’m so sad to see you go Kyuhyun-ssi. Please, can’t you stay another week? You’re taking the cutest baby in the hospital away from us,” pouted a nurse as she handed Kyuhyun his discharge papers.


“I’m sorry Ganhosanim, but my husband is the one who’s stealing me away, you’ll have to negotiate with him,” Kyuhyun smiled as he signed his name on the paper in front of him.


“Well even though the nurses here are absolutely wonderful and I appreciate all of the love that you’ve given my daughter and husband, I don’t think my back can handle one more night of sleeping in a hospital chair. So they're gonna have to come with me,” said Siwon.


“Fair enough,” she sighed walking over to get one last look at Daerim. “Goodbye Daerim-ah, you be a good baby for your appas, arasso?”


“Oh, I don’t think that’ll be an issue. She’s the most angelic baby I’ve ever met,” said Siwon. “We won’t have too many problems, right Daerim-ah?”


“I’m sure if she weren’t sleeping she’d agree with you Wonnie,” laughed Kyuhyun as he checked the paperwork one last time for any neglected parts.


After handing the clipboard back to the nurse, Siwon handed him Daerim, and then they proceeded to leave the place that had been their home for the last seven days.


Daerim, was bundled up so much that her tiny face could barely be seen. Kyuhyun himself was wrapped up in several layers, at both the nurses and his mother’s insistence.


This particular winter had been a really cold one, so when the frigid February air hit them upon entering the parking deck, Siwon wrapped his scarf a little tighter and glanced down at Kyuhyun.


“I’ll go and get the car Kyu, just wait here, it’ll only take a second,” he said touching his shoulder.


Kyuhyun nodded, “We’re fine, don’t worry.”


And with that, Siwon jogged to their parked car, quickly started it and then pulled in front of where his husband and daughter were waiting.


After getting out, Siwon took Daerim from Kyuhyun’s arms and placed her in her car seat. He tugged on the straps and the belts, making sure they were secured tightly. Even though he had installed the seat a month ago, he was still rigorous in testing it. Once satisfied, he turned around to help Kyuhyun out of the wheelchair he was sitting in.


“Goodbye Kyuhyun-ssi and Siwon-ssi! Goodbye Daerim-ah!”


Siwon and Kyuhyun turned towards the door and saw a group of nurses shivering as they smiled happily and waved goodbye.


Both men returned their smiles as they waved back.


“Thank you for the send off, but you should go inside now, I don’t want you to get sick!” called out Kyuhyun.


“Yes take care and please go get warm!” said Siwon closing Kyuhyun’s door.


The women were stubborn as they watched Siwon walk to the driver’s side of the car and get in, relieving himself from the biting temperature.


As he was about to take the car out of park, Kyuhyun stopped him.


“Wonnie, wait!” he said grabbing his arm.


“What Kyu? What’s wrong? Did you forget something?” asked Siwon looking at him worriedly.


“Did you check the car seat?” asked Kyuhyun.


“Yeah, baby before and after I put her in, it’s fine,” said Siwon moving to drive away again.


“But I didn’t see you, “ said Kyuhyun stopping him again.


“Wh…what?” asked Siwon tilting his head to the side.


“I trust you Wonnie, it’s just…I’d feel better if I saw you do it one more time…please?” asked Kyuhyun softly.


Siwon gave him a smile, “Okay baby, just a second.”


He took off his seat belt and then proceeded to step out into the cold once again. After opening the back seat door, he leaned in and tugged on all of the straps of the car seat Daerim was currently sleeping in before glancing at Kyuhyun.


“Does everything look okay?” he asked sincerely.


Kyuhyun nodded and Siwon hurried back to his seat.


Once inside Kyuhyun leaned over as far as he could and kissed Siwon’s cheek.


“Thank you Wonnie, I just want to make sure that we all get home safe.”


“Me too baby Kyu, I understand,” said Siwon and he finally drove them out of the hospital parking deck and towards their home.


Once back inside the apartment they would all now call home, Kyuhyun slowly walked towards their room as Siwon followed with Daerim in his arms.


They lay her sleeping form down in her bassinet and then stood over her, watching carefully.


“Do you think we should take off some of those layers? She looks like a poor little steamed dumpling,” said Siwon reaching down towards her.


“I don’t know,” said Kyuhyun stopping him. “The nurses told me it’s important to keep her warm at all times.”


“There’s warm and then there’s brick oven Kyu. Look at her, would you be comfortable like that?”


Kyuhyun bit his bottom lip. “Okay, maybe just one layer.”


Siwon nodded and then reached down and peeled off the top blanket that was swaddling her so tight.


“There that’s better, right aegi-yah?” he said now gently rubbing her tummy.


They stood there, watching her sleep for a few more minutes before Siwon broke the silence.


“I thought…hmmm— he started before pausing.


“Thought what Wonnie?” asked Kyuhyun glancing at him.


“I thought she would be more…I don’t know…active I guess? All the books and manuals prepared me for a screaming crying baby, she really is just so calm.”


“Well, she did eat right before we left the hospital, so I guess she’s too tired to be restless or upset. Let’s just consider ourselves lucky I guess,” shrugged Kyuhyun.


Siwon nodded, letting out a yawn himself.


“Are you tired already?” asked Kyuhyun with a laugh.


“It’s bee a hard week Kyu. How are you not tired?” asked Siwon as he pulled off his shirt to start preparing for bed.


“I’m still too excited I guess,” he said leaning down to touch her forehead.


“Well, I’m going to take a shower, you’ll be okay?” asked Siwon looking back at him.


Kyuhyun nodded, still enamored with Daerim. Siwon smiled at him and then walked into their bathroom.


Later that night as they were finally settling down for bed, Kyuhyun asked Siwon to move Daerim’s bassinet to right beside where he would be sleeping.


“No closer Wonnie,” said Kyuhyun beckoning Siwon closer.


“But Kyu, any closer and she’ll be sleeping with us!” laughed Siwon.


“I just want to be near by her so that if anything goes wrong in the night, I’ll be right here for her,” said Kyuhyun looking down at Daerim in his arms as he fed her her bottle.


Siwon finally relented and lined the edge of the bassinet with the edge of their bed.


Once Kyuhyun was satisfied, Siwon climbed into bed beside the two and watched Daerim drink the last of her bottle.


“Can I try to burp her?” asked Siwon looking at Kyuhyun.


“Sure,” said Kyuhyun passing her over to him.


Siwon hadn’t been successful at burping Daerim all week. No matter what the nurses or their mothers had told him, he just couldn’t seem to bring it out of her. But he was still determined to keep trying. He eagerly took Daerim into his hands as Kyuhyun placed the soft towel on his lap.


He held Daerim so that she was sitting up and he was supporting her head and neck with one hand. He then started patting her back softly, stopping after a few taps.




After a few moments, he continued patting, but there was still no sound from her.


He looked over at Kyuhyun who gently shrugged.


“They say sometimes babies don’t need to burp after every feeding Wonnie. Maybe she just didn’t swallow a lot of air?” suggested Kyuhyun when he saw the dejected look once again on Siwon’s face.


“I guess so,” he said handing her back over to Kyuhyun.


Kyuhyun leaned back against their head board as he held Daerim against his chest. He simply rubbed her back in circles when suddenly they heard a small burp.


“Really?!” asked Siwon.


Kyuhyun tried not to laugh as Siwon gawked at them.


“Sorry Wonnie,” he giggled.


“All week! All week I’ve been trying to burp you Daerim-ah and nothing! Why are you making this so difficult for your Appa?!” whined Siwon.


“You’ll just try again later Wonnie. She’ll have to eat again eventually,” said Kyuhyun before placing her back in the bassinet.


Siwon nodded as he slumped down in the bed, crossing his arms as Kyuhyun lay on his side, watching Daerim settle herself.




It was only 1 am when Siwon’s eye’s blinked open at the sound of small cries. He turned and saw that Daerim was squirming in her bed, but that Kyuhyun had finally fallen asleep.


Shaking his head with a smile, he stood up and walked around to the other side of the bed to pick her up.


“It’s okay Daerim-ah, Appa’s here,” he cooed as he walked with her out of the bedroom and into the kitchen.


Trying his best to prepare a bottle for her with one hand, he eventually completed the task and then sat down on the couch to feed his crying girl.


“There, there aegi-yah,” he said once the bottle reached . “Appa’s sorry it took so long. But Appa is still learning. Please be patient with me.  I promise I will learn really fast, okay?”


Daerim blinked her eyes at him, making a small grunt as she continued to drink the milk.


‘Was that a yes?” chuckled Siwon as continued to watch her eat.


It didn’t take long for her to finish her small meal. So once again,  Siwon attempted to burp her. He grabbed a small towel to place over his shoulder and stood up. This time he gently placed her on his shoulder and softly tapped her back.


“Come Daerim-ah, just give Appa a small one,” pleaded Siwon as he continued to pat her back.


He could hear Daerim softly whine as she began to squirm.


“Please baby. Try. I know it’s hard, but I don’t want your tummy to hurt,” said Siwon soothingly.


Just as he was about to give up hope in ever being able to get her to burp, he heard a small one escape her lips.


“Assa!” he said softly as he grinned, taking her off his shoulder. “You did it aegi-yah! I’m so proud of you!”


He gently kissed her forehead and then walked back over to the couch.


At this point, he wasn’t really tired anymore, so he sat down on couch and then placed Daerim on his chest so that she could lie on her belly. He sat with her, gently her back as he sang softly to put her back to sleep.


An hour later, Kyuhyun woke with a start. He hadn’t meant to fall asleep for so long, because he knew that Daerim would need to be feed again in only a few hours.


Looking to his right, he went to take her out of the bassinet only to see that she wasn’t there.


“Siwon she—


He looked over and saw that Siwon was gone as well.


“Wonnie?!” he called nervously. “Wonnie where’s Daerim?!”


A few moments later Siwon walked in cradling Daerim in his arms.


Kyuhyun closed his eyes in relief as Siwon walked over and placed her back in her bassinet.


“Kyu, what’s wrong?” asked Siwon after he covered her with a blanket.


“I thought…I woke up and she was gone—it terrified me—why did you take her out into the living room?”


“Because I had to feed her, but I wasn’t tired anymore, so I sat with her until she fell asleep and then I decided to watch some TV. Relax baby, she’s fine, look at her,” said Siwon motioning towards Daerim.


Kyuhyun looked over at her again and saw her sleeping peacefully.


“Kyu listen to me,” said Siwon sitting in front of him. “I know that you're scared that we might make a mistake or that she might be uncomfortable, or hungry, or wet, but these things are going to happen. You have to relax a little more or you’re going to burn out by the time she’s three months old.”


Kyuhyun looked down and then nodded.


“Don’t feel bad, please, I just want you to be able to enjoy her, and not worry about the possibility of hurting her so much. You’re going to miss out on the fun and beautiful things because you’ll be so high strung about the smallest things. Daerim’s only two weeks old, so it might be a little bit more difficult to figure out what she wants, but at least wait until you hear her crying before you think the worst has happened okay? I promise, she’ll let you know when she’s not happy,” said Siwon, laughing at the last part.


“You're right Wonnie. I’ll try to do better,” said Kyuhyun softly.


Siwon leaned forward and cupped his face, giving him a soft kiss.


“We both will. Guess what?” he said with a smile.


“What?” asked Kyuhyun brightening up a bit.


“I got her to burp,” he said proudly.


“Oh Wonnie that’s great! See I told you!” said Kyuhyun holding his arms open as Siwon gave him a gentle hug.


“So see Kyu, don’t worry so much, we’ll get this parenting thing right. We’re only two weeks in and already we have a happy calm baby and we’re learning how to keep her that way.”


“I’m so glad that you're the one I have here with me Wonnie,” said Kyuhyun with a smile as he snuggled down in the sheets.


“I wouldn’t have it any other way,” said Siwon holding Kyuhyun gently from behind as he lay down as well.


“Good night aegi-appa,” smiled Kyuhyun as he closed his eyes.


Hearing Kyuhyun’s smile, Siwon leaned forward  and kissed his nape.


“Goodnight my baby Kyu.”


“Good night Daerim-ah,” they both chorused together before finally falling back to sleep.



a/n: Hi guys! Thanks for supporting this fic already! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. I just wanted to say that the wait between these chapters might be a little bit longer than in my last story because of a few reasons: a) I want to refine them and make them a little richer b) I've never had a baby so I'll need to do reasearch and c) I plan to write a few other things in between. So please be patient dear readers, because this story will cover at least five years of a family's life together, there is no complete story arch yet. But I'll try not to make you wait too long ^^ Again, thanks for reading!





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sorry for the delay guys! working on the third draft attempt for this chapter. I want it to be perfect ^^


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babywonwon #1
I love this ???????????
me_aga #2
Chapter 21: I love this story.. reading of many times..
Update please..
Dan update your other story about wonkyu family
Chapter 21: I hope you're still continuing your stories ;A; <3
Angela17 #4
Chapter 21: So where will they be going? I an't wait for the next chap..
I love how they can over come the problems between them..
Angela17 #5
Chapter 15: Wow.. At this point, i really think The boys are really brothers by heart.. I love how you make them think that Daerim is their daughter too and give her trustfund for her future, so sweet, she is the happiest baby girl.. And the embracing hug together after they gave the gift was the thing i love the most amongs other things from them..
I like this fam fic so much..
Chapter 21: awesome!cant wait till next update!
plz… u~p~d~a~t~e juseyo
Chapter 21: Aww that is sweet plz update soon
Chapter 21: anywhere will do as long as they are happy together.
and yeah I agree to the comment that it was a wonderful thing that WonKyu stayed in each others' arms while they talked about their problems.

thank goodness that they were able to finally settle their differences :)
KeySecret #10
Chapter 21: aww,, wonkyu is so sweet..after they fight they become more understanding of each other.
I think siwon brought Kyuhyun for a romantic dinner (I wish they had dinner on the beach) or Siwon will bring kyu to hotel , another possible romantic night,,, they need time together.
thanks stellerbeing ;)