Chapter 20: The Sabbatical

Our Family Story


Maybe ten minutes had passed before he moved, maybe twenty. Time seemed so lucent at this point, that Siwon couldn’t tell.


He felt drained. Worse than he had all week, and he was at the point where he absolutely did not know what to do.


You have to stand up.


He heard something within him saying this, over and over again. It didn’t take long for him to realize that these instructions went way beyond the present. He needed to stand up for himself but also his marriage.


With a deep exhale he picked himself up off of the floor and stood on two feet again.


Looking around at the mess he had made, he groaned, realizing he couldn’t leave it there.


As he put the belongings he’d dumped out back into the bag, he glanced at the clock in the living room. He wondered if his hyungs were still playing basketball. Daerim was safe, Kyuhyun was gone, and here he was, feeling sullen as he stood alone on their living room floor.


What do I have to lose? He thought to himself as he walked towards the front door.




When Kyuhyun walked into the wine bar, he gazed around the room. Changmin had been right, it was crowded. There were dozens of small black intimate tables scattered around the floor and rows of matching black half booths along the back walls, along with a bar off to the right side of the entrance. The music was soft but the conversations created a loud buzz and the lights were incredibly dim. Kyuhyun was doubtful he would ever find Changmin in this sea, but as his eyes surveyed the tables once again, he quickly spotted him.


He walked over to where he was sitting in the back, along the wall, with two glasses of red wine resting in front of him.


“Changmin-ah!” he called as he grew nearer.


Changmin glanced up at the sound of his name and then smiled, “Kyuhyun-ah finally!”


He stood and they exchanged a quick hug before both of them took a seat.


“So I ordered two glasses of that wine you had been going on and on about—started Changmin, but he was suddenly cut off by the sight of watching Kyuhyun down the entire glass.


“That was amazing,” said Kyuhyun with a frown as he felt the burn of the alcohol coat the back of his throat. “Let’s get a bottle.”


“Wh…yeah, sure,” said Changmin still a little shocked.


After the sommelier had left freshly filled glasses  and the newly opened bottle of wine for them, Kyuhyun wasted no time in pouring them even more.


“That’s good. Kyu-ah, there, there, there!” laughed Changmin as he watched Kyuhyun fill the glass way beyond what was typical.


Kyuhyun said nothing as he filled his up even further.


“What’s the rush?” asked Changmin as Kyuhyun didn’t even wait to make a toast before picking up his glass.


“We’re getting drunk tonight,” was all Kyuhyun said.


“Yeah, in the next ten minutes if we’re not careful. Seriously Kyu, what are doing?” asked Changmin tapping Kyuhyun’s arm to get him to put down the glass.


Kyuhyun frowned as he sat the glass down on the table. He touched his head, feeling the rush of the alcohol flooding his body.


“I need to relieve some stress and what better way?” said Kyuhyun leaning back in his chair.


“Fair enough, but what is Siwon going to say when you come spilling into the apartment tonight? I can tell you now, Mina will not be a fan. Thank G-d she didn’t know me back when we used to do this a lot more often.”


“I could care less what he has to say about it,” muttered Kyuhyun as he picked up his glass again.


Changmin frowned as he saw the darkness pass over Kyuhyun’s face with his statement.


“Why? Is something going on with the two of you?”


Kyuhyun chose to say nothing as he took another long sip of his wine.




“We got into a fight before I came here,” sighed Kyuhyun as he stared into the deep burgundy liquid that swirled around in his cup.


“Really, over what?” asked Changmin shaking his head.


“…Changmin-ah, how long have we been friends?” asked Kyuhyun as he sat his glass on the table and the stem.


Changmin paused, not expecting this question.


“Uh, way too long to remember now, especially with a glass of wine already in me,” he said with a soft chuckle.


“Well, can you just do me a favor then, as old friends?”


“Sure,” he said seriously.


“I can’t handle talking about Siwon anymore for the night. The entire reason for me coming out is to take a break from my role as a father and a husband for just a few hours. So I need you to understand that right now, I’m not in a good place. And as my friend, the best thing you can do for me at the moment is to keep filling my glass, okay? Can you do that for me?” asked Kyuhyun as he looked up at Changmin with wet eyes.


Changmin nodded as he stared back at Kyuhyun, understanding that now was not the time to try and lecture his friend on anything. So he picked up the bottle and topped off his glass, which made Kyuhyun smile and rub his reddening eyes.


“You always were my best friend,” he said with a sad laugh.


“To our friendship,” said Changmin raising his glass.


Kyuhyun lifted his as well and then drank until he couldn’t even feel the burn anymore.




Siwon parked his car in front of the basketball courts. He looked out of the window and saw that Kangin, Donghae, and Eunhyuk were already there, practicing.


He reached in his back seat for his things and then began heading over towards them.


As they saw him approaching, they all stopped what they were doing and shared glances with one another.


“What’s wrong? What are you all doing?” asked Siwon as he dropped his bag near theirs, studying their faces.


“We were wondering the same thing about you,” said Eunhyuk.


“What’s that supposed to mean?” asked Siwon with a frown.


“It means turn your back around and go home. I can’t believe that you're even here right now,” said Kangin, exasperated.


“What are you talking about? We planned to come here and play tonight, didn’t we?” asked Siwon looking at all of them incredulously.


“But after everything that’s happened Siwon-ah—started Donghae.


“Everything that’s happened?” asked Siwon shaking his head.


“Between you and your husband!” said Kangin walking forward.


Siwon scoffed, looking up towards the sky. “How do you even know about that?”


“Take a long hard guess. Who do you think is the first person that your husband calls when you’ve done something to piss him off?” asked Kangin. “Mine!”


“Hyung, look it’s all a big misunderstanding between me and Kyu, it’s fine, it’ll all blow over tomorrow,” said Siwon as he started walking farther onto the court. He was not in the mood to discuss this right now with any of them.


Kangin looked at Donghae and Eunhyuk who shrugged helplessly.


“I swear, the two of you,” muttered Kangin as he walked over to where Siwon was.


Siwon had just started throwing free throws, when Kangin snatched the ball after it swooshed through the net.


Siwon held his hands open, waiting for Kangin to pass him the ball, but it never happened.


Kangin dribbled it a few times, before taking a shot himself.


“So, do you want to tell me what happened? Because from everything that Teuk told me, you’ll be lucky if you don’t wake up divorced tomorrow.”

“Hyung it’s not that bad.”


“Oh really? So Kyu didn’t lock himself in your bedroom to cry?” asked Kangin tilting his head to the side.


Siwon pursed his lips as he looked away.


“Look, Siwon-ah, I get it…okay? My life mirrors yours. I go to work and Teuk stays home with Haejin every day. It’s not easy for either of us. When I come home I’m tired from dealing with business colleagues, and he’s exhausted from wrestling with a two year old all day. And we both respect that, so we talk about it and decide together the best way to figure it out. We compromise. Tonight I came here, but tomorrow is my day with the kid, so Teuk can have time to do whatever it is that he wants. And we still find time for each other. It’s stressful, but we make it work. You and Kyu are gonna have to do the same.”


All of a sudden, Siwon’s hard exterior cracked and he began spilling out everything.


“But he wasn’t even ready to talk to me about it Hyung. He just assumed that I was forbidding him from going out. I don’t care if he wants to go out, he can go out as often as he wants! But we had planned this game at the beginning of the week. I had been counting on this time, and then he just made me feel guilty for wanting it. I know how hard taking care of Daerim has been on him and I wish I could be home more I just…I don’t know what to do anymore.” Said Siwon and he squatted down, rubbing his hands over his face and hair.


“I think you all just let your frustrations build up until the very last minute. It took a while for you all to get here and it might take a while to get things back to normal,” said Kangin taking a seat across from him.


“I don’t know where to even start,” sighed Siwon.


“Well first, you’re going to need to talk to him, alone and with no distractions. So where is Daerim-ah?” asked Kangin with a small frown.


“With Kyu’s parents. I asked them if they could keep her for a bit until I could figure all of this out.”


“Okay, well then my earlier statement still stands. Take your home and fix this, now, before it goes on any longer,” said Kangin moving to stand up.


“I can’t,” said Siwon hanging his head down.


“Why?” sighed Kangin sitting back down.


“Because he’s not home. I don’t know where he is.”


“Well haven’t you called him?”

“Of course Hyung,” sighed Siwon. “But he’s not answering.”


Kangin rubbed his face with both hands. “And you have no idea where he could be?”


“No, he didn’t tell me, he just said that he was going out with Changmin. So I tried calling Changmin. But he wouldn’t answer my calls or my texts. Kyu’s probably with him telling him not to.”


“Well then, I guess the silver lining is that this will give you plenty of time to figure out how you're going to make things better,” said Kangin finally standing up.


“Hyung…?” asked Siwon looking up at him.


“Yeah?” asked Kangin pausing.


“You don’t think…I mean, I know I brushed it off earlier as being nothing and that you were just joking about the divorce thing, but…this isn’t big enough for him to…we’ll be fine, right?”


Kangin exhaled his shoulders falling. He now realized Siwon was a lot more vulnerable than he had previously assumed. He gave him his hand and then pulled him to his feet before putting his hands on either side of his neck.


He could see the change that had come over Siwon’s face. It was softer now, and his eyes and nose were tinged pink.


“Siwon-ah, the only reason the two of you wouldn’t be okay is if you stopped loving one another. And there’s absolutely no way that’s ever going to happen. You’ll be fine. Just let Kyu have his night, and tomorrow you can start again, okay?”


Siwon nodded and rubbed his eyes, slightly embarrassed as Kangin pulled him into a hug.


“Every couple has their fights. Even those two I’m sure,” said Kangin glancing over his shoulder at Donghae and Eunhyuk who were doing a poor job at making it less obvious that they were listening in.


Siwon cracked a small smile as he dabbed at his eyes again.


“So listen, just go home, I’m sure he’ll be there soon if he’s not there already, and you can work it out. I’m sure he’s spent enough time crying on poor Changmin’s shoulder saying how much he misses you all night.”




Changmin glanced at his phone. This was the fourth text message he had received tonight from Siwon.


“You can let Mina know you’re fine,” said Kyuhyun with a smirk as he finished the last sip of his wine.


“It’s not Mina,” said Changmin slowly.


“Who is it then?” asked Kyuhyun with a small frown.


Just then, the phone starting ringing and Kyuhyun leaned forward to see. When he saw the number on the screen his eyes flew up to Changmin’s.


“Don’t answer that,” he said flatly.


“Kyu he’s been messaging me, he just wants to know if you're with me and if you’re okay,” said Changmin sympathetically.


“Why does he care now? He left me alone when I needed him most tonight. He left his phone in the apartment when he ran out with our daughter, so that I had no way of knowing where she was or if she was okay.”


“How long are you going to let this last?” asked Changmin, trying to sound as neutral as possible.


Kyuhyun shrugged, “I’m not trying to punish him—


“But you are,” interrupted Changmin.


“Who’s side are you on?” asked Kyuhyun tilting his head to the side.


Changmin sighed, “It’s not about sides Kyu. You won’t tell me what happened between the two of you, so I can only go on based with what I’ve seen. This just seems a little ridiculous now. Whatever it was that he did…he probably wants to apologize. Just give him the chance to—


Kyuhyun tapped on his empty glass.


Changmin’s shoulders slumped as he sat back.


“Pour your own glass,” he muttered as he took a drink from his own.





It was late. Most of the other guests had long since left, but a few of the tables were still occupied, including theirs.


The sound of fabric sliding across leather made Changmin’s head turn. He gasped and quickly grabbed Kyuhyun’s shoulder to keep him from leaning over too far.


Kyuhyun started snickering when he realized how close he had come to falling over.


After the first bottle had been finished, mostly by Kyuhyun, Changmin quickly realized that having Kyuhyun sit next to him was probably safer, so he’d made him come over to the booth side of the table.


“Kyu! Kyu!” he hissed, trying to get Kyuhyun to focus.


“What?” laughed Kyuhyun as he turned to look at him.


“We need to go, it’s getting late, and you can barely hold yourself up,” said Changmin as he gripped Kyuhyun’s chin to make him look at him.


Kyuhyun swatted his hand away and reached for the glass again, but Changmin pushed it out of his reach.


Kyuhyun shrugged and then reached for the bottle only to see that it was empty.


“Jeogiyo!” he called trying to get the attention of a sommelier.


Changmin quickly waved them away, which made Kyuhyun annoyed.


“I want another bottle,” he pouted.


“No, I’m taking you home, let’s go,” he said hooking his arm around Kyuhyun’s elbow.


“No!” said Kyuhyun firmly as he jerked his arm back.


He refused to move so Changmin, not wanting to cause any more of a scene sat down beside him again.


“Kyu, please, just listen to me, you’ve had enough. It’s time to go home and just sleep it off, okay?” said Changmin as he wrapped his arm around Kyuhyun’s shoulders.


“Just one more, please?” asked Kyuhyun looking up into Changmin’s face. His eyes were large, almost childlike, but completely bloodshot.


“Kyu, please don’t do this to me,” whined Changmin as he closed his eyes and leaned his head back. “All I wanted was a night out with my best friend and it turns into this. Siwon’s gonna kill me when he sees you, Mina’s gonna kill me when she sees me, and then once that’s all over, and you’ve sobered up, I’m gonna come back to smother you in your sleep!”


Changmin felt a sudden pressure on his chest. He looked down and saw that Kyuhyun had fallen asleep on him.


“Kyu? Kyu?” he asked peering down at him.


“Well great, now how am I gonna get you out of here?” he groaned.


If the situation wasn’t awkward enough, now people were beginning to stare for a multitude of reasons. Changmin knew he had to think fast before things got worse for the both of them.


“Oh my G-d Kyu!” whispered Changmin in his ear as he shook his arm.


It took a few moments, but Kyuhyun’s eyes blinked open.


“What?” he whined.


“It’s snowing outside,” said Changmin with a smile.




“It’s snowing.”




“Outside, right now, there is snow. It’s snowing.”


Kyuhyun was quiet for a few moments before his eyes lit up.


“Really?” he asked with a smile.


“Yeah, I just heard someone say something about it. Don’t you want to go out and see it?” asked Changmin nodding towards the door.


Kyuhyun bit his bottom lip with a smile and nodded his head eagerly.


“Okay, come on, let’s go,” said Changmin helping him to sit up.


Kyuhyun nodded again and tried his hardest to find his balance. Changmin stood up beside him and slung Kyuhyun’s arm around his neck. Placing his arm around Kyuhyun’s waist, the proceeded to slowly make their way out of the bar.


Once outside, Kyuhyun’s megawatt smile faded and he frowned.


“Min-ah?” he asked tilting his head up to the sky.


‘Yeah Kyu?” he grunted, as Kyuhyun had put all of his weight on him.


“Where’s the snow? I thought you said it was snowing,” he said sadly.


“Oh, it must have melted Kyu, sorry. Oh, hey, look! A taxi!” said Changmin using his arm that had been on Kyuhyun’s waist to flag it down.


“Come on Kyu,” said Changmin walking them towards the car.


“But I wanted to play in the snow,” pouted Kyuhyun as he looked around for any sign of white.


“Next time, next time, I promise,” sighed Changmin as he opened the door the best he could and pushed Kyuhyun inside.


As they neared closer and closer to Kyuhyun’s apartment, Changmin pulled out his phone.


Siwon had just begun to dose off when the sound of his phone ringing sent a shock through his entire body. By reflex, he reached for it, answering it before checking the I.D.


“Kyu?! Oh thank G-d baby, I was so worried—”


“No, Hyung, it’s me, Changmin,” he said with a small laugh.


“Oh, Changmin-ah, I’m sorry. I’ve been waiting to hear from Kyu all night. Is he with you? Is he alright?”


“Uh, yeah, he’s with me. Whether or not he’s okay…that’s debatable I guess,” said Changmin glancing over at Kyuhyun.


 He had fallen asleep again, his head leaned against the window as his mouth gaped open, creating a small cloud on the glass every time he exhaled.


“What does that mean?!” asked Siwon.


He didn’t mean to sound harsh, but the whole evening had had him on edge. He didn’t have time for cryptic comments.


“He’s passed out, but he’s fine,” said Changmin leaning his head back along the seat. “Tomorrow is going to be another story.”


Siwon let out a sigh of relief, closing his eyes as some of his worry went away.


“Well, where are you? How did he pass out?”


“We’re in a taxi on our way to your place now. He drank himself into oblivion tonight. 3 bottles between the two of us and I drank maybe only half of one.”


Siwon sighed as he rubbed his forehead.


“Changmin-ah, I know he’s not your responsibility but…did you not think that somewhere between the second and third bottle that things were getting out of hand?”


“I’m sorry Hyung, really. I mean, at first I kind of just let him go for it, but then it was hard to stop him. You know how he is when he’s upset. And I know the two of your are…well, you know, but he refused to talk about it, all he wanted was glass after glass. He just needed a distraction, I guess.”


Siwon nodded, forgetting that Changmin obviously couldn’t see him.


“So, listen, Hyung, we’re just about at your place. I barely got him to the taxi in one piece. There’s no way I can get him all the way to your front door,” said Changmin.


“Yeah, right, I’ll be down to get him,” sighed Siwon.


Hanging up the phone Siwon rested back against the couch he had been laying on.


Great, he thought. Kyu’s wasted. And that means…ty Kyu.


His mind quickly went back to the many nights in their past they’d spent tangled in each others bodies when Kyuhyun would come home after drinking. He wondered if tonight would be anything like that.


But those thoughts were quickly pushed into the recesses of his mind as he shoved his hands in his pockets, waiting for the taxi to appear. He still couldn’t believe that the night had turned out like this. And now, his husband was coming home drunk for the first time in almost two years, all because of him.


His head popped up at the sound of a car heading towards him. It slowed as it reached the front of the building, right in front of Siwon.


He moved forward once he saw Kyuhyun’s hair mashed against the glass. Although his head was now tilted down, he could see the ruddiness of his cheeks from all of the alcohol.


Changmin slightly pulled Kyuhyun up so that Siwon could open the door. Once he did open it, Siwon could hear the slight protests Kyuhyun made from being stirred.


He kneeled against the seat with one knee as he ducked his head into the car and reached for his husband.


“Kyu? …baby come here,” said Siwon softly.


“Kyu, it’s Siwon,” said Changmin shaking him gently. “You're home, you have to go now.”


Kyuhyun’s eyes lazily blinked open. The first person he saw was Changmin, as he had taken to leaning against him again.


“Siwon?” he asked in disbelief as he looked up at him for clarification.


Changmin nodded towards the open door.


“Baby,” said Siwon softly as he reached out to take Kyuhyun’s hand.


That was when Kyuhyun turned to look at Siwon. His expression was somber as he stared at him.


Siwon swallowed hard, trying to ignore the gaze that seemed to pierce straight through him.


“Min, can’t you come too?” he asked softly as he turned back to Changmin.


“I have to go home to Mina, Kyu,” said Changmin shaking his head.


“But what if he’s still mad at me?” whispered Kyuhyun.


“Kyu,” breathed Siwon. “I’m not mad at you.”


Kyuhyun turned and looked at Siwon again.


“But you walked out on me. You-you took Daerim and you left. You never answered your phone,” he said shaking his head.


“But I wasn’t mad at you, I just—


“Are you coming or going, I can’t sit here all night!” said the taxi driver turning around in his seat impatiently.


Siwon locked his jaw and glanced at the driver harshly before looking at Kyuhyun again.


“Baby, just come upstairs with me, please?” asked Siwon holding out his hand again.


“Come on Kyu,” said Changmin giving him a nudge.


Kyuhyun finally relented, much to everyone’s relief, taking Siwon’s hand as he slowly slide across the seats.


His right foot was the first to touch the ground, giving him the confidence that he could stand. But as his second one reached the earth and he moved to stand up, he quickly slumped down. But Siwon had been ready and grabbed him before he could fall.


Pulling him away from the car so that he could close the door, Siwon nodded goodbye at Changmin before pushing it closed.


The taxi driver pulled away from the building quickly, still annoyed that he’d had to sit for so long, leaving the two men alone outside of their building.


Siwon gazed down at Kyuhyun who had wrapped his arms around his chest and was now snuggled against him.


“Come on Kyu,” whispered Siwon as he wrapped his arms around Kyuhyun also, trying to be his pillar so that they could get inside as quickly as possible.


But as he tried to take a step towards the building, Kyuhyun’s feet got tangled in his own and they almost went down.


Kyuhyun started giggling as he buried his face in Siwon’s chest, still refusing to let go of him.


“Aigoo,” sighed Siwon as he stood firmly to keep Kyuhyun from falling over again.


He realized that Kyuhyun walking, even with his help, was not an option. So he started pulling Kyuhyun’s arms away from him.


“Mmmmm, don’t go!” whined Kyuhyun tightening his grip on Siwon as he refused to open his eyes.


“I’m not going anywhere baby. You can’t walk, so I’m going to have to carry you up, okay?” asked Siwon as caressed Kyuhyun’s pink cheek, in an attempt to get him to look at him.


He was a little taken aback by how strong Kyuhyun was while completely drunk. But he was still able to peel away his arms from around his torso that he could pick up Kyuhyun and carry him inside.


As he wrapped one arm around his back and the under slipped behind his knees, Siwon felt Kyuhyun lean his head against his shoulder, once again nuzzling close to his neck.


Kyuhyun’s eyes remained closed, but his full lips were slightly parted and swollen, like a child’s. Siwon could feel the warmth of his breath against his neck and it stirred a strange happiness within him to know that after such a long night, his husband was back in his arms.


When they finally made it upstairs to their apartment, Siwon placed Kyuhyun on their bed.


He stood there for a few moments, reflecting on what Kyuhyun had said in the taxi. Did Kyuhyun really think that Siwon would be mad at him? Sure he had been earlier, but now, he couldn’t find it in him anywhere. But he knew Kyuhyun wasn’t that easy. Sure he didn’t like it when he and Siwon would argue,  but he was never one to simply give in. No matter how Kyuhyun acted now, Siwon knew better.


Thinking that Kyuhyun had finally fallen asleep, he began backing away from the bed when he felt hands reached out and grasp him.


“Where are you going?” he heard Kyuhyun’s voice call out to him, soft and desperate.


“I was going out to the kitchen, to get you some medicine for the morning,” said Siwon motioning behind him.


“No,” said Kyuhyun shaking his head as he tightened his grip on Siwon’s shirt. “Please stay with me?”


“Kyu, I’ll just be a few minutes—


“No!” said Kyuhyun yanking Siwon towards him.


Siwon put his hands on either side of Kyuhyun’s shoulders to stop himself from falling over on top of him. Kyuhyun tightened his grip to make sure that he didn’t move again.


“Are you still mad at me?” he asked innocently.


“No Kyu,” said Siwon with a small smile, “I’m not mad anymore. I’m just glad that you’re home and here with me.”


At these words he let go of Siwon’s shirt so that he could put both hands on the mattress to push himself up.


“Whoa, Kyu, easy,” said Siwon as he moved to help stabilize Kyuhyun’s still shaky movements.


Once he was up to kneeling position, Kyuhyun placed his hands on Siwon’s shoulders.


“Wonnie…” he started.


“Yeah, baby?” Siwon asked, confused as to what Kyuhyun was trying to say.


“I want you to know…I’m sorry,” said Kyuhyun drowsily.


Siwon already knew where this was heading.


“Baby, no, you don’t have to—


“Wait! I didn’t tell you how yet,” said Kyuhyun shaking his head as he frowned.


How?” asked Siwon, trying to understand what Kyuhyun meant.


“I’ve been a really bad husband…you're so stressed—and I haven’t been taking care of you, s-so I want to take care of you,” said Kyuhyun as his hands began to trail down to the front of Siwon’s pants.


“Kyu no, no,” said Siwon grasping his hands firmly.


“But…it’s…I just want to let you know how sorry I am,” said Kyuhyun trying to make Siwon understand.


“Kyu, you're drunk, you need to just lay down and rest okay?” said Siwon trying to get him to lay down again.


Kyuhyun looked up at him sadly as he lay flat on his back, “You are mad at me! You don’t even want my body anymore!”


Siwon didn’t know if he wanted to laugh or cry himself. He knew this was all alcohol induced, but he hated seeing Kyuhyun like this, because it was so the opposite of him.


“Of course I do. Your body will always be beautiful to me. But you need to get some rest. Here, I’ll go and get the water and medicine for you now.”


Before he could protest, Siwon ran out of the room and into the kitchen to be Kyuhyun a glass of water and some aspirin.


He took his time, hoping that Kyuhyun would have fallen asleep again in his absence. But when he walked back to their bedroom and glanced at their bed, he almost dropped the glass.


Kyuhyun had removed all of his clothes and was laying completely exposed on their bed.


“Kyu, what are you doing?!” asked Siwon rushing over to put the water and medicine down.


“I already told you,” said Kyuhyun slowly as he moved to sit up again.


“Kyu,” sighed Siwon as he took in the sight of his husband’s form.


Kyuhyun smiled, liking the way that Siwon’s eyes fell on him, and he tried to kneel on the mattress once again, so that he could be more level with Siwon’s face.


But as he edged closer to the end of the mattress, he slipped and Siwon had to grab him.


“Ooops,” giggled Kyuhyun as his arms linked around Siwon’s neck so that he could pull himself up again.


Their bodies had become pressed against one another and Siwon could feel Kyuhyun’s member now pressed against his thigh, dangerously close to his own. Their faces brushed against one another and the smell of alcohol still lingered heavily on Kyuhyun, but Siwon found that he didn’t really mind, because beneath the wine, he could still smell him. He was more focused on how good it felt to hold Kyuhyun, and how much his fingers had missed the softness of his skin, than the fact that he could barely hold himself up.


All that Kyuhyun could think about now is the electricity he felt flowing through his body. The numbness that the alcohol had brought seemed to disappear for fractions of a second every time Siwon’s hands moved across his flesh and he didn’t want that feeling to stop. In fact, he wanted to feel it everywhere, and he wanted Siwon to feel it too.


Frustrated with the teasing, Kyuhyun placed his reddened lips against Siwon’s, his fingers moving to lift up the bottom of his shirt.


Kyuhyun’s mind went wild. It felt so good to finally be kissed. Better than he had imagined.


“Mmm, Kyu, I can’t do this,” mumbled Siwon trying to turn away.


“Uh-huh,” breathed Kyuhyun as he chased after his lips, claiming them once more.


“No, I mean it, really. You’re not yourself…if you were sober right now, you wouldn’t be doing this, you wouldn’t want to be anywhere near me,” said Siwon with a small frown as Kyuhyun continued trying to steal kisses between his words.


“Mmmmm, Wonnie please, I just want to kiss you. Please let me kiss you, you’ll like it, I promise,” moaned Kyuhyun as he continued to inch Siwon’s shirt up.


Though he knew better, Siwon allowed Kyuhyun to remove his shirt and toss it to the floor.


“That’s much better,” Kyuhyun smiled against him. “Now, these.”


Siwon stood silent as Kyuhyun struggled with the knot in his gym shorts. It wasn’t that complicated, but of course, being inebriated slowed everything down for him.


Siwon glanced down as he finally felt the release of pressure from the knot falling loose  and then the rush of coolness hitting the back of his legs once his shorts hit the floor.


Although Kyuhyun’s kisses were sloppy and tasted bitter from all the wine, Siwon embraced it. The selfishness in him welcomed these touches from Kyuhyun because he knew better than anyone that after tonight, things were going to change. He knew Kyuhyun might not remember what they were doing now, but he would certainly remember their argument and he wanted to get in all of the kisses and touches he could before the sun rose.


Kyuhyun shivered in his arms, the effect of not having any clothes on finally hitting him.


Siwon leaned down to pull back the sheets so that Kyuhyun could crawl beneath them.


But the second his back hit the mattress, he reached out for Siwon, his fingers aching for the need to touch him and be touched again.


Laying down beside him, Kyuhyun quickly moved on top of Siwon, the blanket covering his back and shoulders and he hovered on top of him.


Kyuhyun gave him a lazy smile before leaning down to kiss him once again. Their teeth hit, but Kyuhyun barely noticed as his lips dragged down Siwon’s cheek and then his neck.


Squinting his eyes shut, Siwon tried not to allow himself to give in to the sensations his body was feeling. He didn’t want to take advantage of his husband in this state, but there was something about those needy, sloppy kisses, and then way Kyuhyun’s fingers were groping his body, and the heat the two of them were slowly creating under the blanket, that it was no surprise Kyuhyun met a half erect on his way down Siwon’s body.


As Kyuhyun disappeared underneath the blanket, Siwon’s hands rested on the top of his head.


Is this really happening? Is this what I really want? he asked himself as he felt those wet kisses lead straight to the head of his .


No, no, no, no—“…yesss,” he murmured as he felt those plumps lips wrap around .


He felt the width of Kyuhyun’s tongue as it made long, slow from the base all the way the slit, causing him to shudder.


With every , Kyuhyun’s tongue moved slower, and slower, driving Siwon crazy, until they just…stopped.


“Kyu?” questioned Siwon as he lifted up the sheets.


He saw that Kyuhyun had lay his head down to the side and stopped moving.


“Kyu?! Kyu?!” said Siwon shoving the sheets back.


He couldn’t completely move, since Kyuhyun was still laying partially on top of him, but he titled Kyuhyun’s head up so that he could see his face.


Hearing nothing he began to panic, until his thoughts were interrupted by the soft snores that Kyuhyun always made when he passed out from drinking.


Siwon gave a sigh of relief as he pulled Kyuhyun up, so that he could lay next to him. He moved him, so that he could lay on his side, facing him.


Not feeling comfortable with falling asleep himself, Siwon propped himself up on the bed and watched Kyuhyun’s chest rise and fall slowly. After a few moments, he leaned forward, placing a soft dry kiss to those lips that had been so sinful tonight and then rested back on his arm, counting the minutes until he would see the sun rise again, signaling a new start.




a/n: Okay, we're not out of the woods yet, but we're almost there! Thank you guys so much for reading and supporting this story! It's my first one to get more than 200 subscribers!!! Continue to read, and please comment! This part was really difficult for me to write, so I'd love to hear how you felt about it, honestly, good or bad :)






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sorry for the delay guys! working on the third draft attempt for this chapter. I want it to be perfect ^^


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babywonwon #1
I love this ???????????
me_aga #2
Chapter 21: I love this story.. reading of many times..
Update please..
Dan update your other story about wonkyu family
Chapter 21: I hope you're still continuing your stories ;A; <3
Angela17 #4
Chapter 21: So where will they be going? I an't wait for the next chap..
I love how they can over come the problems between them..
Angela17 #5
Chapter 15: Wow.. At this point, i really think The boys are really brothers by heart.. I love how you make them think that Daerim is their daughter too and give her trustfund for her future, so sweet, she is the happiest baby girl.. And the embracing hug together after they gave the gift was the thing i love the most amongs other things from them..
I like this fam fic so much..
Chapter 21: awesome!cant wait till next update!
plz… u~p~d~a~t~e juseyo
Chapter 21: Aww that is sweet plz update soon
Chapter 21: anywhere will do as long as they are happy together.
and yeah I agree to the comment that it was a wonderful thing that WonKyu stayed in each others' arms while they talked about their problems.

thank goodness that they were able to finally settle their differences :)
KeySecret #10
Chapter 21: aww,, wonkyu is so sweet..after they fight they become more understanding of each other.
I think siwon brought Kyuhyun for a romantic dinner (I wish they had dinner on the beach) or Siwon will bring kyu to hotel , another possible romantic night,,, they need time together.
thanks stellerbeing ;)