Chapter 6 The Present

Our Family Story


Siwon looked up when he heard Daerim start whining. He was sitting beside Kyuhyun, watching TV, when he discovered the source of her frustration.


Kyuhyun had dozed off to sleep while feeding Daerim her bottle. It had slipped from his hand, so Daerim couldn’t drink anymore.


“Kyu!” chuckled Siwon as he touched his shoulder, making him slightly jump.


“What’s wrong? What happened?” asked Kyuhyun looking around as he blinked his eyes furiously.


“You fell asleep while feeding Daerim,” said Siwon standing up and taking Daerim from his arms.


“Really?” asked Kyuhyun in disbelief. “I swear all I did was blink.”


“It’s no surprise you're tired baby, you were up with her all last night,” said Siwon grabbing the bottle so that he could feed the last of it to her.


“It didn’t make sense going to sleep when she would wake up every couple of hours,” said Kyuhyun softly, closing his eyes again.


Siwon smiled as he watched Kyuhyun settle back peacefully.


When Daerim had finished her bottle, Siwon put her down in her bassinet and then walked over to Kyuhyun who had dozed off once again.


“Come on baby Kyu,” he said softly as he took Kyuhyun’s hands in his.


“Where are we going?” mumbled Kyuhyun as Siwon pulled him to his feet.


You're going to take a nap,” said Siwon as Kyuhyun slumped against his body, snuggling into his chest.


“But Wonnie, I’m not tired, really. I need to—said Kyuhyun as Siwon scooped him up in his arms and walked towards the bedroom.


“Kyu, Daerim’s finished her bottle so she’ll be napping now too. You're clearly exhausted, so come on, just take a rest,” said Siwon leading him over to the bed.


“You promise to wake me up if she needs me?” asked Kyuhyun as Siwon lay him down.


“Yes Kyu. I promise that if she asks for you, I will come and get you,” said Siwon with a smile as he pulled Kyuhyun’s pants, leaving him in just his boxers.


“Very funny,” pouted Kyuhyun as he looked up at Siwon.


“Baby, I’ve got it under control, don’t worry,” said Siwon leaning forward to give his forehead a kiss.


“Alright, but I’ll only sleep for an hour, maybe just a half hour,” said Kyuhyun as Siwon tucked him in.


“Okay Kyu,” smiled Siwon as he his cheek.


“And maybe you can just leave the door cracked, so in case she does cry, I’ll hear her,” suggested Kyuhyun as he took Siwon’s pillow to snuggle with.


“Okay Kyu,” he said standing back up and walking over to the door.


“There is good,” called out Kyuhyun when Siwon had barely pulled the door closed.


“Okay Kyu, have a good rest,” said Siwon and he walked back down the hall to check on Daerim.




Kyuhyun blinked open his eyes with a panic. He hadn’t meant to sleep this long. Glancing at the clock on his beside table, he saw it had been almost five hours.


Angry with himself he sat up, ready to go scold Siwon for not waking him sooner, when he heard voices, and then laughter.


Straining his ears, he soon enough recognized the three male voices that were occupying his living room.


When he walked out of his bedroom and into the living room, his suspicions were immediately confirmed.


“Hyungs?” he asked softly, his voice still rough from sleep.


“Oh Kyu, you're awake,” said Siwon with a smile as he walked over to him.


“Hi, Kyu-ah,” called out Donghae looking over his shoulder.


“Hey Kyu, how are you?” asked Eunhyuk with a wave.


Kyuhyun stared at his hyungs with big eyes as Siwon embraced him.


“Did you sleep well?” asked Siwon kissing Kyuhyun’s temple.


“Mmmmm too well. Why did you let me sleep for five hours?” mumbled Kyuhyun finally looking at Siwon.


“Because you needed it,” said Siwon matter-of-factly.


“Don’t worry Kyu, we helped him watch over Daerim-ah, well mostly Hae,” smiled Eunhyuk from the couch.


“Thanks, Hyung,” said Kyuhyun as he broke free from Siwon to walk over to the couch.


Donghae looked up from holding Daerim in his arms and smiled at Kyuhyun.


“Still trying to kidnap her I see,” smirked Kyuhyun as he observed how lovingly Donghae was holding her.


“You have no idea Kyu-ah, she’s all he talks about these days,” said Eunhyuk shaking his head as Siwon sat beside Kyuhyun.


“I can’t help it, she’s so cute. And my favorite little baby in whole world,” said Donghae as he took Daerim’s little hand in his to which she responded with a coo.


“Well it’s really nice of you guys to just stop by for a visit. We don’t really get to go out that much, so it’s nice when everyone makes time to see Daerim,” said Kyuhyun nestling close to Siwon once he realized Daerim was in good hands.


Eunhyuk and Donghae glanced at each other.


“It’s funny you say that Kyu, because that’s actually why we stopped by. We have something to tell you and Siwonnie,” said Donghae with a smile.


Kyuhyun looked from them to Siwon who just shrugged.


“They wouldn’t tell me until they could tell us together,” said Siwon wrapping his arm around Kyuhyun’s shoulders.


“Well, I’m awake now Hyungs, so go for it,” said Kyuhyun, a little excited now.


“Well, we know that you and Siwon didn’t get to celebrate his birthday, since Daerim was born just days before,” said Eunhyuk.


“Yeah, but it’s no big deal. To be honest I didn’t really miss it. Having Daerim was the best present I could have received,” said Siwon with a shrug.


“But still, we’re your Hyungs, and we wanted to get you a little something. Something you could both enjoy,” said Donghae still smiling.


“What would that be?” asked Kyuhyun slowly, now nervous.


“Hold on,” said Donghae and he stood up to pass Daerim over to Kyuhyun.


When his arms were free he pulled out what looked like a credit card at first glance and handed it to Siwon.


Siwon took the card and looked it over in his hands as Kyuhyun glanced over it as well.


“A room key? To the Hyatt?” Siwon asked with a small frown.


“Well, we know what your favorite way to celebrate your birthdays are—started Donghae.


“Mostly because it’s our favorite way to celebrate everything too,” smirked Eunhyuk.


“Yah, Hyukkie!” laughed Donghae smacking Eunhyuk’s ribs.


“What? I’m telling the truth, aren’t I?” he smiled, wrapping his arms around Donghae’s waist as he rested his chin on his shoulder.


“The point is, we also know that it’s probably been nearly impossible for you two to have a night alone since Daerim-ah was born. So….Happy Birthday!” he grinned.


“Wait. You're giving us a hotel room for the night?” asked Siwon in disbelief.


“And a five course dinner,” said Eunhyuk.


“For my birthday?”


“Do you not like it?” pouted Donghae.


“No! Are you kidding?! Thank you Hyungs, I’m just amazed! No one’s ever done this for me—I mean, us really, before,” said Siwon with a grin.


“It’s booked for tonight though, so you’d probably need to get a move on. You’re dinner reservations are at eight—


“W—w—wait a minute!” said Kyuhyun shaking his head.


Everyone looked at Kyuhyun.


“In case you all have forgotten, I’m holding a five week old baby in my arms! We can’t just leave to go to a hotel for the night! I mean, we haven’t left her side since she was born, and even if I was going to entertain this idea, where are we supposed to find a qualified babysitter in under two hours on a Friday night?!” asked Kyuhyun.


“Us,” said Donghae looking at Eunhyuk and then Kyuhyun.


You Hyung. Really?” asked Kyuhyun.


“Why not? I told you, I’ve taken care of my nephews plenty of times, even when they were babies. I know what I’m doing, don’t worry,” said Donghae.


“Uugghh, it’s not you I’m worried about Hyung. I just…Wonnie, you can’t seriously be considering this, can you?” asked Kyuhyun looking over at Siwon who was twirling the room key in his fingers.


“Well…a room at the Hyatt is expensive baby. I’d hate to turn down a gift like this, not to mention…it’s almost been six weeks,” mumbled Siwon before looking up into Kyuhyun’s eyes.


“Oh no, don’t give me that face,” groaned Kyuhyun looking away from Siwon’s big eyes.


“Come on Kyu, you don’t even have to stay the entire night if you don’t want to. Just have dinner and then an hour in the room is fine. Or, however long it takes,” shrugged Eunhyuk with a chuckle.


Kyuhyun glared at him before looking down at Daerim who was cooing in his arms.


He sighed as he her cheek. “Daerim-ah…Appa doesn’t know if leaving you is a good idea or not. Will you be okay without me for just a few hours?”


“Ne, appa,” said Donghae in a small voice.


Everyone chuckled as Kyuhyun softly smiled. He really didn’t want to leave Daerim alone so early in her life, but Ara’s words were coming back to him. He had truly missed touching and loving Siwon, and he knew the feeling was more than mutual. There was really no reason not to go, other than his own fears.


With a deep sigh, he looked back over to Siwon.


“Do you really think we should do this?” he asked softly.


“I think we should at least try,” said Siwon gently Kyuhyun’s hair.


“All right, just one night is okay, I guess,” said Kyuhyun with a small nod.


Donghae clapped as Siwon grinned.


“Thank you baby,” he murmured and he leaned over to give him a sweet kiss.




“Okay, over here are extra diapers, wipes, and towels. Uh…onesies are in this drawer, if for some reason you need to get her dressed,” said Kyuhyun running his hands through his hair.


“Yeah, Kyu-ah, we helped build the room, we got it,” said Donghae. “You guys can go now.”


“But wait, I haven’t shown you her food,” said Kyuhyun shaking his head.


“White stuff in the bottle, check,” said Eunhyuk.


“Or, how to prepare it—


“Make it warm, got it,” sighed Donghae.


“Or what to do if she cries—


“Water trick or mirror—Siwon-ah already prepped us while you were still getting ready Kyu, don’t worry. We have it under control. Otherwise, we’ll call you,” said Donghae guiding Kyuhyun out of Daerim’s room and back into the living room.


Siwon was standing in the middle of the floor, saying his goodbyes to Daerim when they walked in.


“I don’t know Wonnie. I’m having second thoughts—maybe we should just wait until she’s older,” said Kyuhyun shaking his head.


“Kyu,” said Siwon as Kyuhyun looked down at Daerim’s big brown eyes. “She’ll be fine. We’re still going to be in the same city with her, it’s not like you're getting on a plane. We’ll just stay a few hours, and then we can come home, okay?”


Taking a deep breath, Kyuhyun nodded as he took Daerim.


“Kyuhyun-ah, come on, you guys are gonna miss dinner, and they have the best chocolate truffle cake,” whined Donghae as he glanced at his watch.


Kyuhyun’s eyes narrowed, “Chocolate cake Hyung? You hate sweet things, how would you know?”


“I like sweet things sometimes,” smirked Donghae. “As long as I’m eating them off of Hyukkie’s body.”


“O—kay, wow, time to go!” said Siwon walking towards the front door.


Kyuhyun rolled his eyes at Siwon’s impatience before giving Daerim a soft kiss.


“Have a good night aegi-yah, Appa will be back soon, so don’t worry. Your Hae samchon and Hyukkie samchon will take good care of you while I’m gone,” said Kyuhyun sadly.


Daerim continued to coo as she brought her small fingers to . Kyuhyun leaned down and nuzzled her cheek, savoring these last few moments together.


When he finally pulled away, Donghae was more than eager to take Daerim from him.


“Really Kyu, Siwon, don’t worry. Just try to enjoy you’re time, okay?” said Eunhyuk as Kyuhyun slowly put his shoes on.


Siwon nodded as he took Kyuhyun’s hand, “Thanks again Hyung, we appreciate it, right baby?”


Kyuhyun softly nodded as Siwon opened the front door.


“Bye!” waved Eunhyuk and Donghae, who used Daerim’s small hand to wave.


“Bye,” mumbled Kyuhyun softly as Siwon guided him out the door, his view of Daerim growing fainter and fainter until the door locked closed.





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sorry for the delay guys! working on the third draft attempt for this chapter. I want it to be perfect ^^


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babywonwon #1
I love this ???????????
me_aga #2
Chapter 21: I love this story.. reading of many times..
Update please..
Dan update your other story about wonkyu family
Chapter 21: I hope you're still continuing your stories ;A; <3
Angela17 #4
Chapter 21: So where will they be going? I an't wait for the next chap..
I love how they can over come the problems between them..
Angela17 #5
Chapter 15: Wow.. At this point, i really think The boys are really brothers by heart.. I love how you make them think that Daerim is their daughter too and give her trustfund for her future, so sweet, she is the happiest baby girl.. And the embracing hug together after they gave the gift was the thing i love the most amongs other things from them..
I like this fam fic so much..
Chapter 21: awesome!cant wait till next update!
plz… u~p~d~a~t~e juseyo
Chapter 21: Aww that is sweet plz update soon
Chapter 21: anywhere will do as long as they are happy together.
and yeah I agree to the comment that it was a wonderful thing that WonKyu stayed in each others' arms while they talked about their problems.

thank goodness that they were able to finally settle their differences :)
KeySecret #10
Chapter 21: aww,, wonkyu is so sweet..after they fight they become more understanding of each other.
I think siwon brought Kyuhyun for a romantic dinner (I wish they had dinner on the beach) or Siwon will bring kyu to hotel , another possible romantic night,,, they need time together.
thanks stellerbeing ;)