Chapter 14 Morning

Our Family Story


Kyuhyun softly whined in his sleep. The skin tingled on the back of his arm as he felt feather light touches caress him there.  As the sensation began to grow, he whimpered again, moving slightly away from the feeling. When he no longer felt it, a small smile appeared on his lips and his slumber continued.


But to Kyuhyun’s dismay, the touches returned. So he rolled over onto his stomach, a frustrated sigh escaping his mouth. Clutching at his pillow, his eyes remained closed as he fought to stave off the momentary break in his sleep. But as he relaxed back into the warmth of the sheets and calm of the room, he felt a new heavy weight, bare down on his shoulder.


He frowned in his sleep, not a hundred percent sure he wasn’t dreaming this sensation. Slowly rolling the muscle, he tried to alleviate the pressure, but it seemed to not dissipate in the slightest.


No, no, no, he moaned in his head as his senses began slowly taking over. He fought hard to ignore it, but the more he became aware of it, the harder it was to forget it. With a soft whine, he stretched his limbs,  and rolled completely over on his other side, only to now feel a new source of warmth spread across his stomach.


Finger tips grazed the soft cotton of his t-shirt, gently pulling the fabric away from his body, so that they could slip under and feel the warm skin underneath. Now knowing what was responsible for robbing his sleep, a smile crept across his lips as he glanced over his shoulder.


Siwon had his face pressed against Kyuhyun’s soft back with only his dark eyes visible over the mound that was his husband’s shoulder. His arm had s around Kyuhyun’s waist, pulling him closer into his own body.


“Good morning,” he mumbled, his breath tickling Kyuhyun’s skin.


“Nnnnggh Wonniiiie…why? I was sleeping,” mumbled Kyuhyun as he rubbed his eyes tiredly.


“I know baby, I’m sorry, but I just couldn’t wait to tell you something,” he said soothingly as he nuzzled his nose against Kyuhyun’s shoulder once again.


“This early? Daerim-ah isn’t even awake yet,” mumbled Kyuhyun with a soft whine that transformed into a laugh as he decided to just give into the cute silliness that was his husband in the morning.


Siwon let out a satisfied sigh, resting his head on his hand as Kyuhyun rolled over into his back, looking up at him.


“What? What has you so pleased this early in the morning?” ” asked Kyuhyun as he still lazily rubbed his eyes, still trying to fully wake up.


“Our daughter is 100 days old today,” said Siwon with a small smile.


“Do you know what that means?” asked Kyuhyun softly, returning it.


“That I’m getting old?”


“No,” giggled Kyuhyun.


“That you're getting old?”


“No!” said Kyuhyun smacking Siwon’s chest.


“What then baby?” said Siwon with a smile as he made the decision to stop teasing his husband.


‘That she is…I mean really Won…she’s growing so fast,” said Kyuhyun with a proud sigh.


“I remember when she was just this little pink bundle…with a head full of this hair,” he smiled as he ran his fingers through Siwon’s hair.


Siwon nodded, “Our little family has gone through a lot together in such a short time, but I couldn’t imagine life without the two of you.”


“Me neither,” Kyuhyun smiled as his fingers found their way into Siwon’s dark locks again, bringing his face down to his so he could get his first kiss of the day.


Their lips lingered together, as they continued stealing small pecks, happy to have this quiet morning to themselves.


It didn’t take long for either of them to realize they wanted more.


As Siwon looked down into his eyes, Kyuhyun barely nodded, giving him permission to kiss him once again. Sighing against his lover’s plump lips, Siwon lowered himself down, flush against Kyuhyun’s body, so that he could settle between his parted thighs.


“Mmmm,” Kyuhyun moaned into the kiss as he arched his back, pressing himself even closer to Siwon.


 Proud that he caused that reaction, Siwon’s fingers worked their way under Kyuhyun’s t-shirt, anxious to remove the bothersome fabric that he had fallen asleep in.


He worked it up over his ribs, making it all the way up to his heaving chest, before forcing them to break away for just a moment so that it could be tossed to the floor.


“I can’t believe we’re doing this on our daughter’s birthday,” said Kyuhyun with a small groan as he threw his head back against his pillow.


“Well technically,” started Siwon as he planted kisses to Kyuhyun’s bare chest. “It’s not her birthday, but if you're really uncomfortable with it, then I’ll just—


“That wasn’t exactly a complaint,” gasped Kyuhyun as Siwon took one of his s into his mouth. “D-don’t stop.”


Siwon grinned against him as his tongue continued flicking the sensitive flesh.


“Nuhh,” Kyuhyun whimpered as he began to feel the heat rush to lower part of his body.


As if it were his cue, Siwon’s left hand began making it’s way down Kyuhyun’s stomach, slipping under the waistband of his briefs.


Feeling Siwon’s smooth hand grasp firmly sent a wave of forgotten pleasure through Kyuhyun’s body. It wasn’t that it had been ages since the last time Siwon had touched him, it’s just that after spending so much time with Daerim, he had forgotten how good it could feel.


  The moment he felt those five long, thick fingers circle around his sensitive arousal, he cried out. Because their bedroom door was wide open, Siwon quickly moved back up to Kyuhyun’s lips to silence him, but the damage had been done.


Baby cries echoed through their ears as Kyuhyun groaned and Siwon buried his head in his shoulder. They lay there for a few moments, accepting the situation. Finally turning his head to the side, Kyuhyun saw Daerim squirming in her crib on the baby monitor sitting on his bed side table.


Part of him felt like crying himself as he felt Siwon’s hand slowly retract.


“Sorry Wonnie,” he mumbled as he finally relented and sat up, leaning over to grab his shirt off of the floor.


“It’s okay baby, I’m sure she’s just hungry,” chuckled Siwon as he ran a hand through his hair, glancing at the clock.


“I know the feeling,” said Kyuhyun with a small smile as he slipped his shirt over his head.


“There’s always later,” said Siwon softly as he gave him one last peck on the lips.


Kyuhyun grinned at the prospect before hopping out of their warm bed and scurrying across the hall to see his girl.


Walking inside, he could hear her cries loud and clear and see her still moving about, frustrated she was being ignored.


“Good morning aegi-yah!” he sang as he leaned over Daerim’s crib.


She looked up at him, almost instantly ceasing her tears when she finally saw his face.


Kyuhyun smiled. He couldn’t deny the warm feeling he felt from seeing the comfort he seemed to bring to his daughter just by simply being present.


“See, it’s okay now, I’m here. Appa’s so sorry he woke you aegi-yah. I didn’t mean to, ” he said picking her up in his arms.


Daerim lay her head on his chest and began on her fist as Kyuhyun brought her over to her changing table.


“But guess what?” he asked with big eyes as he lay her down to give her a fresh diaper. “Today you get to see all of your family because you’re 100 days old!”


He tickled her tummy as he pulled her diaper off, making her smile.


“That means that we get to have a party and you get to wear a pretty dress, and have everyone give you hugs and kisses, telling you how beautiful you are and how much they love you. Does that sound good?”


Daerim looked up at him with big eyes as she kicked her legs out.


“Yeah, I think so too,” he smiled as he leaned forward to kiss her plump cheek.


Once she was ready, he picked her up again and they walked out of her room and towards the kitchen so that he could prepare a bottle for her.


As they walked into the kitchen, Kyuhyun could hear Siwon talking to someone at the front door. Glancing at the living room he stood stunned for a moment before laughing.


“Thank you sir, have a good day,” said Siwon with a small bow before he closed the front door.


As he walked back into the living room, he saw Kyuhyun and Daerim walking around the newly formed stacks in the middle of the floor.


“I can’t believe this,” said Kyuhyun still laughing.


“The poor ahjussi nearly broke his back,” said Siwon with a small laugh himself as he stood looking around them as well.


Stacks of boxes and envelopes stood around them in their living room.


“What is all of this?” asked Siwon shaking his head in disbelief.


“Daerim-ah’s gifts,” said Kyuhyun with a smile as he gently bounced her in his arms.


Siwon’s eyes grew large. “She’s three months old. What could they possibly be sending?”


Kyuhyun sighed as he shook his head, “Wonnie, remember when we got Daerim-ah’s photos taken and we ordered all of those announcements?”


Siwon nodded, still in shock.


“Well, I told you not to worry, that most people weren’t going to show up for the actual party, but that they’d just send gifts, and well, here they are,” said Kyuhyun nodding towards the stacks. “I’m sure most of it is probably just rice and rice cakes.”


Siwon exhaled as eyes settled on Daerim.


“Well aegi-yah, I guess it shouldn’t surprise me that so many people love you this much,” he said with a grin as he walked up to her and Kyuhyun.


She lifted away from Kyuhyun’s chest and became fixated on Siwon’s face. As Siwon reached out to tickle her sides, she laughed, slamming herself back onto Kyuhyun’s chest to try and hide herself.


As Siwon went in again, Daerim continued giggling, still transfixed with seeing her other appa for the first time this morning.


“Why don’t you keep playing with your Wonnie appa while I go and make us all our breakfast,” said Kyuhyun chuckling himself as he handed Daerim over to Siwon’s eager hands.


Kyuhyun could still hear Daerim’s contagious laughter he proceeded towards the kitchen to get her breakfast ready.


They spent their breakfast having a long lazy conversation. As Siwon sipped on his coffee, Kyuhyun fed Daerim her bottle and the two of them reminisced on what the last 100 days had truly meant for them. Between bites and spoonfuls of their own breakfast, they enjoyed the slow pace of their morning before the chaos of the rest of the day. But after the coffee ran out and their plates were empty, the headed back down the hall to begin getting ready for the day.


Siwon occupied Daerim while Kyuhyun quickly showered and went through the rest of his morning routine. When he stood finally in his briefs and undershirt, he relieved Siwon of his duties, allowing him to shower himself.


“Okay aegi-yah, you wait right here while Appa finishes getting ready,” said Kyuhyun placing Daerim in the middle of his and Siwon’s bed.


Once she was settled, he moved quickly and swiftly as he dressed himself, trying not to take his eyes off of her for too long as he moved about the room.


After he was about finished, Kyuhyun glanced over at Daerim. She was still laying on her back, babbling away as she kicked her legs out. Seeing that she was fine, he moved to his mirror so that he could make sure that his hair was to his liking.


He hummed to himself as he flicked at his bangs, trying to get them and the rest of his hair to lay perfectly. Once he had it exactly the way he liked, he glanced back into the mirror. What he saw made him gasp as he whipped his head around quickly.


“Aegi-yah!” he yelled rushing back to the bed.


Daerim was now looking up at him from her tummy.


“Oh my G-d!” screamed Kyuhyun in delight.


Siwon’s head turned in the direction of the bathroom door. He had been almost done with his shower when could hear Kyuhyun’s screams from their bedroom. Panic instantly struck him. Was Kyu hurt? Was Daerim?


Without wasting any time, he rushed out of the bathroom just barely wrapping a towel around his waist, to make sure that there wasn’t some big catastrophe awaiting him outside.


“What?! What is it?!” he asked bursting into the room, water still rolling down his back and heaving chest.


“She rolled over!” beamed Kyuhyun picking Daerim up and embracing her warmly.


Siwon closed his eyes as his shoulders released their tension.


“Oh thank G-d,” he mumbled.


Kyuhyun finally looked over at Siwon and laughed.


“Oh Wonnie! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to make you worried!” he said, still giggling as he eyed Siwon’s current state. “I was just so excited! I can’t believe it! All by herself!”


“I can’t believe I missed it,” pouted Siwon as he tightened the towel around his waist.


“I didn’t see it first hand either. I just saw her laying on her tummy in the mirror,” said Kyuhyun kissing her soft dark hair. “Aegi-yah, I’m so proud of you!”


“Well maybe she’ll do it again, let’s see,” said Siwon moving over to the bed.


“Oh maybe!” said Kyuhyun excitedly as he placed her back onto her back in the middle of their bed.


They each leaned on the bed, Kyuhyun at her feet and Siwon at her head.


“Come on aegi-yah, roll over. Roll over for Appa,” cooed Siwon.


“Won, she’s not a dog,” said Kyuhyun with a chuckle as he shook his head.


“I know, but how else will she know what we want her to do?” asked Siwon.


Kyuhyun shrugged, “Good point, I guess you're right.”


“Come on aegi-yah, come on!” smiled Siwon, making Daerim return it as she looked up at him.


They watched as she continued to looked at him intently, though upside down. She furrowed her eyebrows and began leaning over to the right, trying her hardest to see Siwon properly.


“Ah-ah!” gasped Kyuhyun, thinking it was going to happen just then.


But Daerim just rolled back onto her back, unable to shift her body over her shoulder.


“Oh, that’s okay, come on Daerim-ah, try it again,” said Siwon encouragingly.


Daerim indeed tried to roll over again, but with the same result.


“Come on baby, you can do it,” said Kyuhyun softly as he patted her thighs.


A third attempt failed, as did a fourth and a fifth.


Daerim whined as she rested on her back, trying instead now to wriggle around to see Siwon.


“Okay, I think that’s enough she’s getting tired,” said Kyuhyun reaching down to pick her up.


“Just wait a minute Kyu,” Siwon said, putting his arm out to stop him from interfering.


“Wonnie, look, she’s getting frustrated. I don’t want her to be in a bad mood for the party,” said Kyuhyun looking at Daerim’s flushed face sympathetically.


“I know she can do it Kyu, just give her another minute,” said Siwon watching her closely.


Kyuhyun sat there, getting anxious at how much stress was on Daerim right now.


“Let me just help her,” he pleaded.


“No,” said Siwon shaking his head.


Kyuhyun sighed, knowing that Siwon would have it no other way. But if his baby began to cry, nothing was going to stop him from saving her from this.


“Won, give her a nudge or something, look how hard this is for her,” pleaded Kyuhyun.


“Kyu, she did it once, she can do it again. She’s almost got it,” he said gently.


Siwon held Daerim’s gaze with his own as he watched her begin to roll over once more. She leaned, teetering, trying her hardest to push her weight over her shoulder. Just when it looked like she would roll back like the times before, she pushed one last time and rolled completely over onto her tummy.


“Yes, that’s my girl! Aegi-yah, you did it! You did it!” said Siwon with a giant grin as he leaned forward and kissed Daerim’s forehead. “I’m so proud of you! I knew you could do it!”


Daerim laughed, enjoying Siwon’s face being so close to hers as he continued to sing her praises.


“See, with  little bit of patience and determination, Appa’s daughter can do anything,” said Siwon picking her up in his arms.


“Like maybe be on time for her own party!” said Kyuhyun in a panicked voice as he glanced at the clock. “Wonnie, you have to get dressed, we’re gonna be late!”


Siwon checked the clock as well, his eyes growing big as he saw the time. He quickly passed Daerim off to Kyuhyun so that he could finish getting dressed himself.


As Siwon buzzed around, Kyuhyun walked with Daerim to her room so that he could quickly dress her as well.


“Well done aegi-yah!” said Kyuhyun with smile as he lay her down to change her into her dress. “I guess your Wonnie appa was right. But now we just have to make sure you don’t roll away from us,” he laughed.


Daerim babbled back to him as he slipped the dress over her head. After putting on her booties and a soft lilac headband to match her dress, he held her up bringing her down slowly to his face so that he could give her a kiss.


She laughed as she reached out to touch his cheeks, squeezing them between her plump fingers.


“Okay! I’m ready!” panted Siwon as he hopped into the room, pulling on his sock as he went. “And with minutes to spare!”


Kyuhyun laughed as he looked over at Siwon. Although he had been rushed, he still looked picture perfect as always.


“Good, so are we,” he said bringing Daerim down and holding her in front of him, so that her back rested against his chest.


Siwon smiled at their finished product, just about to comment on how good they both looked when he froze and then winced.


“What is it?” asked Kyuhyun becoming concerned, but before Siwon could even answer, he felt it oozing down his wrists.


Closing his eyes in silent frustration, Kyuhyun didn’t even need to look down to know that Daerim had just thrown up.


“Please tell me it didn’t ruin her dress,” he whispered, still refusing to look down.


“Uh…well remember that you really liked that other one as well?” said Siwon hesitantly.


“Ugh! We don’t have time for this!” he whined finally looking down at Daerim as Siwon grabbed a spare towel to wipe her face.


“Kyu, it’s okay, you go clean yourself up, I’ll change Daerim-ah,” said Siwon taking her from his arms.


Kyuhyun nodded as he sulked off to their room while Siwon lay Daerim down to take off her dress.


Once Kyuhyun had cleaned his arms and changed his shirt and Siwon had taken care of Daerim, the small family piled into their car, ready to go celebrate with their loved ones.





a/n: Sorry for my abscence! Hope this makes up for it ^^ 



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sorry for the delay guys! working on the third draft attempt for this chapter. I want it to be perfect ^^


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babywonwon #1
I love this ???????????
me_aga #2
Chapter 21: I love this story.. reading of many times..
Update please..
Dan update your other story about wonkyu family
Chapter 21: I hope you're still continuing your stories ;A; <3
Angela17 #4
Chapter 21: So where will they be going? I an't wait for the next chap..
I love how they can over come the problems between them..
Angela17 #5
Chapter 15: Wow.. At this point, i really think The boys are really brothers by heart.. I love how you make them think that Daerim is their daughter too and give her trustfund for her future, so sweet, she is the happiest baby girl.. And the embracing hug together after they gave the gift was the thing i love the most amongs other things from them..
I like this fam fic so much..
Chapter 21: awesome!cant wait till next update!
plz… u~p~d~a~t~e juseyo
Chapter 21: Aww that is sweet plz update soon
Chapter 21: anywhere will do as long as they are happy together.
and yeah I agree to the comment that it was a wonderful thing that WonKyu stayed in each others' arms while they talked about their problems.

thank goodness that they were able to finally settle their differences :)
KeySecret #10
Chapter 21: aww,, wonkyu is so sweet..after they fight they become more understanding of each other.
I think siwon brought Kyuhyun for a romantic dinner (I wish they had dinner on the beach) or Siwon will bring kyu to hotel , another possible romantic night,,, they need time together.
thanks stellerbeing ;)