
"Love can make you do things that you never thought possible".


" Love is not finding someone to live with, It's finding someone

 you can't live without."


" Love is like heaven but hurts like hell. "


" Love is harsh at times, but it is the best thing in this
world. "








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danielalmh #1
Chapter 17: I love the history continue please
shawolbaby #2
Is there people who still reads my story?
sm_trash #3
Chapter 17: please updateeeee :((
keurija_ #4
Chapter 16: Author-nim, please update soon. I really enjoyed this story. We are patiently waiting for it, thank you. ❤️
Putriwijayanti15 #5
Chapter 17: Please contonuethis story authornim ???? I Lov this
jhanehojas #6
Chapter 17: pls update soon authornim...hehe
Asifaa #7
Chapter 17: please update soon
minsulaika #8
Chapter 17: Update plszz
jhanehojas #9
Chapter 17: i love the story pls update soon authornim i mean your story is really the best authornim
varhalaela #10
Chapter 17: Yeayyy..aku seneng banget akhirnya minho oppa mengakui perasaannya sama baby sull dan mereka pacaran...ditunggu kelanjutannya authornim..:)