
Meant to be with Me

Your POV continuation:

I grab my lap top and log on to facebook ,and I see one friend request who can this be I don't know anyone?

Aww well who cares I got another friend EEP!

I click and see Taemin Lee accept or ignore.

Obviously I click accept.


Taemin POV:

I added her because I pittied her.

How does someone not have friends what a loser... OOPS!


Your POV:

I pick up my book called the Summoning and stare at it is soo stupid.

It's about this girl who can see ghosts and has to go to some house called the Lyle house, and stay there until she gets better, but then she has to break out because there gonna do some experiment on them its just a big pile of KA KA!

Anyways it's really stupid, but since I have nothing better to read and it's the only book I brought, I guess I'm forced to read it.

I see Taemin get up and grab a towel, and go into the washroom.... I wonder what he looks like .


I open up to a random page to find that there is a huge chocolate mess.

I scratch the page to see if its dry but it was warm, and mushy.

I go into the Oreo box and relize there isnt any left, I'm surprised Taemin didn't want his cookies back.


Taemin POV:

I started to undress, and took my hair out of its two pony tails and put it into one.

I started to sing to myself but then stoped because only girls do that, and I am not a girl.

I begin to turn on the water when I relize I forgot soap.


Your POV:

I was at the part were Derek came and gave Chloe a jar to pee in. If you were to just start reading this book you'd think the house has plumbing problems.

Speaking of plumbling the washoom door opens and I see Taemin, and a towel wraped around his waist.

Danny Fernandez's Fantasy starts to play in my head right now as I stare at his fantastic body.

" I forgot my soap," he says but I couldn't speak to him because there are SSAs in the way (super y abs).

'let me play the role in your wildest dreams,' you can play anything you want I say in my head.

He really needs to cover those up SSA's, I'll get cavities from staring at them.

Too much eye candy isn't good you know.

Waking me up from my staring I hear.

" Why are you staring at me?"

My breath gets caught in my throat and I try to recover quicky.

I put on my innocent voice, " I was not staring at you I was staring threw the window." 

" No you were not." 

" I... I... it only looked like I was staring at you because you were staring at me."

He raised an eyebrow  "________ does that make any sence?"

I looked down " no..."

He laughed as he walked toward the washroom." Just dont me okay."

He closed the washroom door.

I put down my book and yelled " Why would I want to! You look like... like... like... like a  he -she!!"


Taemin POV:

" Why would I want to! You look like... like... like... like a he-she !!"

What did she just say I set the bodywash down and came out the washroom.

" What!?"

She fumbled around with her book to get to a page. " Nothing go ahead and shower...."

I take a step forward, " Didn't sound like nothing."

She looked at me," Your hurting my eyes."

Pshaww~ yeah right " Look away then."

She looked down hesitanly " Weren't you gonna shower??"

" Yea not right now," I started to play with my hair.

" Oh my gosh he's playing with his hair total he-she move," she said aloud.

Which I can tell was a thought but she thought it out loud.

I acted confused " Did u say I'm a he-she??"

Her head snaps up and her eyes were wide, like shes been caught watching something she shouldn't have (me), but then it quickly faded away

" Yeah I did." 

I laughed a short laugh, " Only one friend lives down there... not two."


Your POV:

I wanted to laugh but held it in." If you really did have a friend," I exaggerated the 'a'.

" You wouldn't have to say so."

He started to step closer to me. " So your calling me a pansty?"

What the hell is a pantsy? " A pantsy?" 

" Not a real man."

OH! I so knew that " Yeah yeah I am."

He stoped then smiled a devilish smile it made me want to squirm but I didn't.

" Say it again." 

Okay were the hell are we going with this conversation? " I am calling you a pansty."

He came closer, " One more time."

What is this beetlejuice? " Your not a real man you like peter pan but with girl s." I say.

He chuckkled like a scary man oh gawd what did I do?

" Alright," he said as he was beside me now, and he began to unwrap his towel.


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Chapter 46: Pls update!
Hi :) I just found this story today and I love it so much... please continue with your updates of this story, you have done a really great job with it so far and I have enjoyed it so much :DDD
Aw, man! This is hilarious! It's so different from the usual Taemin/OC fanfics. It's really a breath of fresh air from the way Taemin is usually portrayed too. Keep up the good work!
That insole comment was funny, though.

"Put insoles in your shoes." "....I'm already wearing insoles."

*snorts in laughter*
How can she be dense??
Key DEFINITELY has a crush on her!
Ooh~ so Jonghyun's going to act like ______'s boyfriend?

Well, ______ is right - Jimin or Ryu (you keep changing his name lol) should fix the following points if he wants his best friend to regain her pride after that lunch fiasco:

1. Jonghyun was there, and he wasn't introduced much to Key as her boyfriend properly.
2. Taemin is ______'s roommate, so he'd be all 'WTF' with the sudden change.
3. What if Key thinks he has no chance with her now if he sees Jonghyun as her boyfriend?
4. Couldn't they have pretended that Jonghyun really likes _____ and have him flirt with her to see if Key is jealous?

Man, this Ryu guy must like drama if he had thought of the 4th point. -____-
LeslyeAkira #6
Hi, I'm probably one of the most silently readers of all silent readers :B but since I'm so happy you updated, I'm commenting :B yaay!
Update again h.h! please :3
Update! Love this story, i hope she will end up with Key.