
New Girl In Town

You had been a little homesick. Maybe you should've just stayed with your parents, but it wouldn't have been good for you academically. It was the weekend and you had nothing better to do. It was hard making friends than you thought since everyone in your school was rich and snobby. You buried your face into your pillow until you heard the doorbell ring. You groaned and lazily made your way to the door.

"Yes?" you said half asleep. 

"So this is how you're living" a familiar voice responded as he made his way into your apartment. You looked up and saw Kris- your cousin.

"OPPAA!!" You screamed and attacked him into a suffocating hug. He chuckled before responding to the hug and rubbed your back soothingly.

"How's school?" you looked up at him and frowned.

"Horrible." He rolled his eyes.

"Minji you're such a drama queen."

"Says the one with a face" You retorted causing his grin to change into a frown. 

"YAH!" You laughed and sauntered over to the kitchen.

"Are you hungry? I was about to make breakfast." Kris nodded and took a seat next to the kitchen watching you make breakfast in amusement.

"I have to admit, I miss your cooking, coz." You shot him a look and cracked an egg.

"You don't miss me?" He shook his head teasingly. You threatened to hit him with a spoon but he didn't even flinch. You finally finished and placed the plate of food in front of him. He rubbed his hands and his lips before scarfing it down. 

"Wow, you didn't even wait." You scolded him and dug into your breakfast. He burped and rubbed his stomach in front of you causing you to lose your appetite.

"Shut up. It was a long drive to get here you know" He said and wiped his face with a napkin. He crumbled it into a ball and threw it at your face. "You look like ." You snarled and threw the napkin back at him.

"I've been studying. Duh" He rolled his eyes and picked up your plate once you were finished eating. 

"Get up. We're going shopping. And look decent or else I won't even acknowledge you." You frowned and got up.

"Arraso! Stop your whining." You sighed and walked over to your room shutting your door. You dug through your closet and smiled in satisfaction once you saw a floral dress. *Kris would approve* you nodded and made your way into the bathroom to take a shower. You applied light makeup which you haven't done in a week ever since you switched schools. You put on some wedges and walked outside, twirling. You gave Kris a 365 degree view. He whistled and looked at you up and down.

"That's my coz" He said and walked opened the door. "Ladies first" he said. You rolled your eyes and walked outside. Sehun and Kai had just gotten back from where ever they were and couldn't take their eyes off of you.Coincidentally, the three of you met and to them, you definitely looked diffferent. Kris noticed how they fawned over you and slung an arm over your shoulder. He playfully whispered something in your ear teasing the boys and gave them his signature stare.

"Lets go jagiya" He led you down the stairs causing the boys to stand still- not certain what had happened just now. Kris smirked and let go of you once you were out of their sight.

"What was that all about?" you said as he shrugged his shoulders in response.

"Don't worry about it." He winked and led you to his black mercedes that was parked by the side. "get in"


The two of you arrived at the mall hand in hand as the girls eyed you enviously. Kris led you to the most expensive store and picked out clothes for you.

"Kris! I can't afford this!" You whined and hung back all the clothing he gave you to try on. He grabbed them back and pushed it in front of you.

"But I can." He winked and urged you to try on the clothes he picked for you. 


Sehun had just gotten back from Suho's house with Kai and saw you with Kris. Ever since the meet up, he couldn't stop thinking about you and how pretty you looked. He paced back and fourth in his apartment and tapped his chin thoughtfully. He had many things he wanted to ask you once you gotten back. Who was that guy with you? Why did he call you jagiya? Could it be.. you two were dating? He shook his head and groaned in frustration. Andwe, it couldn't be. If that was the case, he'd definitely not have a chance. He decided to watch tv to ease his thoughts and maybe, you wouldn't be on top of his mind. Of course, the thought of you lingered inside his head as he chucked the remote on the floor and made his way to Kai's apartment. Sehun rang the doorbell and waited for the door to open. Kai soon opened the door as Sehun just walked past him and made his way to his couch. The elder raised an eyebrow but soon shrugged the thought off of his mind and plopped down next to his friend. 

"Whats up?" he asked. Sehun opened his mouth but then closed it. 

"Who was.. Minji with?" He finally asked. Kai wanted to know that as well but he acted like he didn't care.

"I don't know. Since when were you so nosy?" He joked. Sehun laughed dryly and grabbed the controllers on the table.

"Want to play?" Kai nodded and the gaming system. 

"I'm a competitve person." He winked and grabbed the console. Sehun rolled his eyes and punched Kai's arm jokingly.

"Then you won't be happy when you lose."


"Here you go." Kris handed you the last bag after their little  shopping spree. you huffed and grabbed the bag of clothes from him.

"Seriously Kris. How the heck can you afford all this?" He flashed a gold card and smiled.

"When your dad owns this mall and you're a vip." you scowled.

"Tsk. Always bragging." you sighed as you followed Kris to the car. Being the gentleman he was, he insisted on you carrying your own shopping bags since he had brought all the stuff for you. The two made it back to your place as he helped you carry up her things. Kai and Sehun had finished playing videos games a while ago and both were secretly waiting for you to come back.

"Holy . Did he buy all those things for her?" Kai breathed as he watched the tall boy carry in bags after bags. Sehun shrugged as the two peered out the window. Kris said something to you as you replied, but the two of you were too far for them to hear anything. Kris pulled you in for a hug and placed a chaste kiss on your forehead before bidding you goodbye and leaving. Sehuns fists clenched in anger as Kai scoffed in jealousy. You finally went inside your apartment, completely oblivious that you were being watched. Sehun cursed mentally as he got up and made his way to the door.

"Wait, where are you going?" Kai asked him.

"Back to my place. duh" Sehun rolled his eyes at his hyungs stupidity and sauntered outside. 


"Man. He sure went all out." You said and hung up the last clothing item he had brought for you. "he has great taste too." You were sad that Kris had left so early and that you spent your only time with him shopping. But as long as it made him happy, you were happy. The oven made a 'ding' sound indicating that your cookies were finished baking. You smiled in satisfaction and walked over. 

"I think I made too much." You said to yourself as you looked at the three trays in front of you. "Maybe Kai and Sehun would like some." You wrapped the cookies in a plastic bag and skipped over to Kai's apartment first.

"What now Se-" Kai froze when he saw you standing there with a bag of cookies in your hand. You bit your lip and cursed mentally for your bad timing.

"I made too much cookies for myself, and I was wondering if you'd like some?" You shoved the bag in front of him as Kai glanced at it and took it without hesitating. 

"Thank you.. Minji" He said. His ears were getting red as you waved goodbye and skipped back to your place. He shut the door and placed his hand over his beating heart. He had received tons of cookies and treats from girls before when they confessed to him. So that meant.. you liked him. Right? He smirked once the idea formed inside his head and bit into the soft and sweet cookie that you made for him. 

"So sweet.. Just like her" he said and just like that, he had fanboyed  over your 'confession'.


After you delivered Kai's cookies you went back to your place to grab Sehun's share and walked over to his apartment. You rang the doorbell and moments later, he hadn't come to the door yet. *is he not there?* you thought and was about to walk away until you heard the door creak.

"Finally that took forever" you said and looked up at Sehuns shocked face. He was half with a towel wrapped around his neck. His damp hair made him especially even more attractive and not to mention the fact that he was SHIRTLESS. You blushed and gave the cookies to him and without saying a word, you ran back to your apartment and leaned against the wall. *Oh Sehun.. you are really going to kill me*

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Babbie #1
Chapter 26: Nice light fluff
Babbie #2
Chapter 23: Um..insta luv all around...lol
Babbie #3
Chapter 11: They fed each other fruit before becoming gf bf!?kids now adays...so flirty..lol
Babbie #4
Chapter 11: He hid the basket in a tree...Kai is a ninja or smth?lol
Babbie #5
Chapter 10: Too much usage of ...even between Bros. ..
octa82_ichigo #6
Love your story
Chapter 26: This was really cute!!!!
Chapter 25: Awwww ❤️❤️❤️ lol though she totally ruined it
Chapter 21: Oh Sehun! U better not start liking this new girl!
Chapter 9: Wow... Just when i was starting to ship her with kai... i guess i';m team sehun again ;D