
New Girl In Town

Jongin looked at me with a confused expression. I was standing on his front porch. 

"Sehun's not here."

"I know." I sighed. He opened the door fully and told me to come in.

"Whats wrong? You look horrible."

"Well thanks Kai." I said sarcastically.

"No problem." He smirked. I took a seat as Kai made his way over to the kitchen and brought back two water bottles. I thanked him and had trouble twisting the cap open.

"You're so weak." He laughed and opened it in one try and handed it back to me with a smile. Kai and I were really cool now and we're good friends. Sometimes, his personality matches mine so well I wondered what would've happened if he didn't cheat on me. 

"Soo" He said trying to break the tension. "What's wrong?" I wiped my lip with the back of my hand and placed the bottle on the coffee table. 

"How do I say this?" I sighed and looked at him desperately.

"What.. you want to break up with Sehun? Cool we can hook up again." He winked. I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not joking, Kai." I bit my bottom lip. "I'm moving to Japan." He spat out his water and started choking. 

"Bwoh? Say that again!"

"I'm moving to Japan." I said louder, getting annoyed by his dramatic reaction.

"When? Why?" His face was now serious and worried.

"Next week." I say playing with my bracelet. I told him what happened.

"Did you tell Sehun?"

"Nope. That's what I needed help on." He raked his fingers through his hair and bit his bottom lip.

"Sehun really likes you, you know? Actually, no. He loves you."

"I know." I groaned and covered my face with my hand."Jongin you're not really helping."

"Well what do you want me to say? That you two should break up?" He said firmly. I looked up at him.

"Should we?" I asked. He shrugged his shoulder and got up.

"That's your problem, not mine." He said. "Listen I gotta go, Suho called me earlier and needed help with something." He was practically kicking me out. I got up and made my way over to the door until Kai blocked me. He bent over and looked at me with an unreadable expression. Before I could say anything, his lips were on mine. I closed my eyes and followed his movements until the thought of Sehun popped up in my mind. I pushed Kai away. He looked at me apologetically. 

"Sorry, I'll miss you." He said. 

"It's alright." I said as my heart beated faster. I walked past him.



"Good luck, I hope Sehun understands your situation and everything will work out alright. If I had a girlfriend like you, I'd never let you go." His confession made me stop walking. *But you cheated on me, Kai* I thought before walking away. I ran back into my apartment and shut the door quickly. I touched my lips with my finger and replayed the scene in my head. Did I just cheat on Sehun? And if I did, why didn't I want it to end?


"Baby!" Sehun ran over and hugged me tightly. He spun me around in the air and placed me on the ground once he caught people staring.

"What? Haven't you ever seen public affection?" He yelled causing the students to jump and leave. 

"You're cold as always." I said, a smile was formed on my lips.

"I'm your ice prince." He replied and knocked his forehead on mine. "I haven't seen you all day yesterday, I miss you." He says. "You know I get sad when I don't see you." He pouted. My smile was quickly replaced with a frown. *how are you going to handle it when I tell you I'm moving to Japan?*

"Hey come on, I want to show you something." He pulled me with him and led me to the art room. "close your eyes." He whispered sending goosebumps down my spine.

"Why?" I complained but listened anyways. 

"Just do it." He said in a playful tone. "You'll regret it if you don't." 

"Arraso." I closed my eyes and held onto his hand as he led me. 

"You can open your eyes now." I did so and gasped. The artroom was filled with bouquets of flowers and lovely decors. 

"Happy anniversary Minji." He whispered in my ear. I turned around to place him and showered him with kisses. I started tearing up as Sehun laughed and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Let's be together forever, hmm?" He hummed causing me to feel a guilty pang in my chest. *How will I tell you I'm moving out of the country?* 

"Why do you look so sad?" He asked wiping my tears with his thumb. I looked up at him and kissed him.

"I'm not. I'm just.. happy." I said half lying. "Oh look there's a self portrait of us?" I asked and pointed to the big canvas. "Did your little brother draw this for us?" I asked. Sehun laughed and scratched the back of his neck and pointed to the six boys who were leaning against the doorframe. Some of them snickered while the others held in their laughters.

" I drew that for you guys." Kris snarled walking in. I snorted and ran over to hug him. 

"Gege!" He laughed and suffocated me with a tight hug. "why are you here?"I pulled away and looked at him. 

"Well I wanted to say goodbye before you go to Jap- OW!" I kicked his shin and shot him a look. Kris automatically understood and replaced it with an awkward cough. "I mean before I go back home!" 

"How come you've never introduced us to her before, Duizhang?" A cute panda like boy appeared. "Annyeongaseo, I'm Tao." He said cutely bringing his fists to his cheeks. He spoke in broken Korean.

"Because I didn't want you boys to hit on my little coz."

"Hyung! You should've introduced us to her sooner she's so pretty!" Another boy said causing Sehun to give him a dirty look. "I'm Chen by the way." He smiled. 

"I"m Lay, ignore Chen, he's being stupid." He rolled his eyes. 

"I'm Xiumin. Do you have any food?" He made me laugh.

"Ignore him too." A cute deer like boy came up to me. "I'm Luhan." He winked and kissed the back of my hand. "See Chen, that's how you do it." Sehun coughed loudly as an angry expression formed on his face. I could tell he was getting jealous. 

"Aw gege why didn't you introduce me to them before? They're so funny." I laughed. I felt two hands on my shoulder and turned around. Sehun had an annoyed look on his face. 

"Yeah, why now?" He asked through clench teeth. "It's our anniversary."

"Well these boys are transferring here so I'd thought I'd introduce you to them so you could show them around. But now that I know how flirty these boys are I'm taking my offer back. Come on, let's go." He dragged all five by the collar. "See you later Minji." He nodded his head.

I laughed and turned around to Sehun who was already pouting.

"Five hot boys come in and you already forgot about me." He whined. I rolled my eyes and kissed his cheek. 

"How could I? They may be good looking but they'll never replace you." We stayed like this for a while. Sehun curled a piece of hair behind my ear.



"I love you." My heart raced. I hugged him tightly.

"I love you too, Oh Sehun."

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Babbie #1
Chapter 26: Nice light fluff
Babbie #2
Chapter 23: Um..insta luv all around...lol
Babbie #3
Chapter 11: They fed each other fruit before becoming gf bf!?kids now adays...so flirty..lol
Babbie #4
Chapter 11: He hid the basket in a tree...Kai is a ninja or smth?lol
Babbie #5
Chapter 10: Too much usage of ...even between Bros. ..
octa82_ichigo #6
Love your story
Chapter 26: This was really cute!!!!
Chapter 25: Awwww ❤️❤️❤️ lol though she totally ruined it
Chapter 21: Oh Sehun! U better not start liking this new girl!
Chapter 9: Wow... Just when i was starting to ship her with kai... i guess i';m team sehun again ;D