I am a fool

Chapter 15


It sounds crazy but I am going to do everything in order to take her back;

Park Bom, she is mine!

Used to be, meant to be and always to be mine mine mine;

Jay smirked, well let’s see who will win this game thou tough boy oh-TOP;

Jay is never stupid to indulge into this game,

he do realize he needs to stay one step ahead from the opponents,

he hired a Private Investigator few weeks back to collect data about her,

Stupid ;

if it is not for the sake of wanting to merge with her dad’s company back in America he wouldn’t have spent so much time over here at Korea,

what a that doesn’t learnt her  lesson that she was never to disobey him;

Back in the days when they were together, she wouldn’t even dare to voice out no matter how much he hurt her by having girls after girls hanging at their so-call-home-sweet-home;

he knew she nailed by him right there with his smooth skill of words;

after all, she is just some naive woman that believes in her oh-so-tales;

Such a pretender to be pure by pushing him away each time he wanted to taste her so badly;

there were times where he would try to take advantages of her hoping she would eventually give in;

but all he get was she pushing him away and apologising that she is not ready not until after married;

what a saint she is huh?

His anger boil up at the thought of his past defeat;

This time he would eat her up alive and make her yell his name right there!

“So, this TOP guy is trying to be a hero by stopping me from her huh? We shall see” he walks into his car and drove off;


Papa YG sigh and place the various magazine and newspaper in front of the meeting room;

shock were seen from the boys except Choi Tabi;

the girls were staring at the news,

Bom bow down staring at her feet afraid of what is going to happen next, this is bad!

I am losing my dream, I am losing my career, I am losing my huge family, I embarrassed my parents once again;

Chaerin grip on my palm as a sign to ensure me everything is going to be okay,

“Well, Bom I am very sorry but I have come with a really hard decisions after much discussion with Teddy and Kush; we couldn’t possibly find out better news to cover and we decided to ter..”

before Papa YG could continue his sentence,

Chaerin tighten her grip on Bom when there came a voice that cut off

“I’d marry her.” The familiar voice spoke through the quiet cold meeting room,

Bom turn and shoot her shock and questioning glare towards none other than CHOI TABI!

Yah, what the hell did he just say?

Is he out of his mind?

How could he joke about this matter at this time?

Didn’t he realize he is putting his career on stakes too?

Is this some kind of sick joke or rotten fairytales where the prince came at the WRONG time with the WRONG words?

“WHAT??Choi SeungHyun what are you talking about?” Papa YG voice bomber the room,

“Sangsenim, you mentioned that we need greater news to cover up and it is certainly unfair for her to pay for the price of something she is obviously a victim for!”

“She should know better that her mistakes would eventually be revealed! And be prepared for this day to come!”

“SANGSENIM! SHE IS THE VICTIM IN CASE ALL OF YOU SEEM TO FORGOTTEN! I’d marry her period! That would make the greatest headlines and better yet good news to cover all these bulls!”

Ji Yong gasped at his hyung for raising his voice and stood up for noona,

well he finds it weird from the beginning when hyung seem calm and now after sputtering all the words from his mouth he literally pinch himself to ensure he is not having any some sort of sick nightmare or daydream;

his hyung a shy and coward person when it comes to Sangsenim are raising his voice and making his stand defending noona?

Noona that he constantly shrugged and as alien and menopause woman?

WOW? Is this some kind of drama or joke? He looks around to find for any hidden camera to tell that he has been PRANKED??!

“Are you sure choi seung hyun? You do know that the fans might not take it well and this will also means you are TO BE TERMINATE right along with Park Bom?!”

“Yes! I am 101% sure I am going to protect her with all my might!” with that everything fell into dead silence again;

Papa YG frowning and call both Teddy and Kush out to his office and dismiss the boys;

“What was that hyung??Married??” right then maknae just have to sound out doesn’t he?

“Bom, I promised you I would protect you and I will fulfill my promise!” Top walk over to and kneel down wiping her tears away; everything seem sudden and crazy but he is sure of his decisions!

“Ta… don’t have to do this; I deserve…” he abruptly shut her by kissing her lips;

he is getting annoyed with the fact that everyone is against his idea of protecting her and almost disbelieving him!

He just need to protect her without any particular reasons,

he is unsure whatever hell made him to be so daring and brave;

last night he had made up his mind upon reaching home from her place,

he is dense to only realize he actually fall for her; somehow right now,

he doesn’t mind to end up being just a acting-couple as long as he get to protect her;



Park Bom closed her eyes savoring the moment; she is having mixed up emotions.

Too many thoughts, too many problems, all sudden eruptions!

She opens her eyes pushing him away all of sudden;

“Yah noona how you could betray me?” the maknae cooed;

The girls laughed while smacking Seung Ri playfully;

“Only alien mate with alien unfortunately you are considers busybody not aliens!” Ji Yong joke high five with Baby Min along chuckling;

“Does this mean you guys would be the pretending-couple-getting- married OR hyung actually has this desire for long time huh?” Daesung smirked earning a loud giggling from the rest

“No wonder hyung never stops going on and on about how irritating is corn-noona; how monster she is, how loud she is all the time!” Youngbae joins in teasing,

“Bom say something you were quiet all the time, are you okay thou?” Chaerin eyed her feeling uneasy;

“Gomawo CHOI TABI, although never in my life I imagined to force to marry to an alien instead of prince, I want you to know that you will still free to have your flings or look for you love, we shall divorce after 2-3 years time” she uttered forcing a smile;

Life always has surprises in store for her;

She got left at the aisle by her once prince;

She got hurt by her once prince;

She is naïve enough to think that is her prince;

She never thought she would now walk down the aisle right along with her best guy friend;

For once, she seems to throw aside her fairytales dream of marrying her prince;

It all doesn’t matter when she was force by her once bull prince that puts her in this situations,

it is real touching to have a guy that put himself at stakes for her thou;

although it’s just her best-guy-friend;



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Loved it ^^
ahhh.. the last episode, shed the tears out of me. sobs sobs sobs. great ending *clap clap clap*
Aissssh the aliens. <3 really cute story.
BB21owez #4
uuuuhhh yeah... This is getting better and better. Can't wait for next update(s)!!!
cl_jiD #5
ohhhhhhhhhh sweet and kinda hot update!!!! LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!
it's so sweet!! gahh! im smiling like crazy. update soon~
i'm sure there was more to what TOP said bom.. you should stop talking o yourself for once and listen. lololol
ppuing2 #8
yah bommie...please listen till the end...haih thats what you got for monologue in sure she missed tabis confession. update soon ^^
bommie please be strong!
cl_jiD #10
awwwwwwwwwwww poor bommie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!