What Was Going On?!

Bloody Love [ 피 묻은 사랑 ]

Yongguk, Daehyun and Zelo finally arrived at the place. They went into the place and look for the other gangs.

YG : Yah! Come out now! We’re here!

HC : You’re already here huh?! Whoa~ You guys are so fast. Please take your seat first.

DH : Enough with all this crap! Just give the girl back to us.

HC : Not that fast, Daehyun-ah. *evil laugh* Should we play with her first?

YG : *grab Himchan’s collar* Get your hand off her!

HC : Let me go, dude!

Yongguk then let go of Himchan and Himchan then called out Jongup and Youngjae to bring you out. A few moments after that, Jongup and Youngjae went out from the room with you. You saw Yongguk and the others were there and you felt really afraid right now. You don’t know what will happen to you later.

HC : *look at you* *touch your face* Aigoo, poor you little girl~

DH : Don’t touch her!

HC : *evil smirks*

YG : Just let her go now. She has nothing to do with us. This matter is between my gangs and your gangs only so can you just leave her alone?

HC : Wae? You’re afraid that I might hurt her? Or do you already fall for this girl?

YG : Watch out your mouth, you little s***!  *punch Himchan’s face*

HC : How dare you?! *punch Yongguk’s face again*

The things started to go crazy for both gangs. They started to fight against each other and you just stood there and saw what was happening. You can’t do anything to stop them. You were very shocked and surprised when you saw that Zelo was biting Jongup’s neck and you felt very weird about that. Why the hell that Zelo bite Jongup’s neck? And you really can’t believe what you did saw now. They were fighting each other but in a really weird way. They move so fast and it seems like they’re not human. What was actually going on now? You fainted after that.~

You opened your eyes and you realised that you’re now in your own room. You don’t know how you did end up here in your room. As far as you remember, just now, you saw the two gangs were fighting each other and then you don’t remember what was happening because you were fainting. You tried to get up from your bed and then walked out from the room and search for your parents. They were at the living room and you approached them and sat beside them.

DAD : ___-ah~ You already woke up dear?

YOU : *nod your head*

MOM : How’s your feeling now, honey? Much better?

YOU : Ne, I felt much more better now. But, who sent me home just now, omma, appa?

DAD : It’s your friends, ___-ah. If I’m not mistaken there were three of them just now.

YOU : Jinjja?

DAD : Yes. They told us that you were tutoring them just now and suddenly you fainted and they were really panicked at that time. They decided to just send you back home. That’s why you are here now.

YOU : Mwo?!

DAD : What’s wrong, dear?

YOU : Ani~ Err.. It’s nothing.

MOM : Aaa~ Before I forgot about it, here. *give you your phone* One of the guys asked me to give your phone to you.

YOU : *take the phone from your mom* Thanks, omma. Omma, appa, I think I still need some rest now. My head still felt a little bit dizzy right now. I better go back to my own room right now.

DAD : Ne. You should go and get more rest now. We will wake you up if it’s already time for dinner later on.

YOU : Okay. *walk to your room*

You took a look at your phone and you were relieved that there’s nothing wrong with the phone. You still remembered what you saw just now and you really don’t know what was going on. You decided to just ignore about all the things and you really hope that you will not involved in the problem between the two gangs anymore. You were really frightened this past few days because of this matter. You then take a nap for a while and you’re trying to forget about all those weird things.~

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Chapter 39: Cute ending.
Chapter 39: waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwww so cute
Chapter 39: Awee,, it finally ended... To tell the truth,, yeah,, i'm quite sad... But hey,, there's more to come.. So hwaiting!!~~
Chapter 39: Wow that was fasttttt! Thanks.
ada5842 #5
Chapter 37: Himchan, don't keep it to yourself. You should tell her the truth. Should also tell your brothers and brothers inlaw. At least can plan what to do and how to protect her.
Chapter 36: Please dont tell me himchan had a serious disease !!!!! Itll totally break my heart!
ada5842 #7
Chapter 36: What did Himchan mean that he don't have much time??
AhSongyi #8
Chapter 34: So nice~~~~!
Chapter 33: WAAAHHH!!!! What a nice chapter!!!! Can't wait to know what's next...
AhSongyi #10
Chapter 32: Aigoo...bad oppa...Yongguk-ssi...why you pushed her?!