It's Nothing, Appa, Omma~

Bloody Love [ 피 묻은 사랑 ]

After a long and tiring journey, you finally arrived at your home. You opened the door and you saw that your mom and dad were waiting for you at the living room.

MOM : ___-ah~ Are you okay? We were really worried about you? Why didn’t you answer our call?

DAD : Where have you been, honey?

YOU : *cry* Omma! Appa! *hug them* I’m afraid..

DAD : *pats your hair gently* What’s wrong my daughter? Did something happen to you?

MOM : Just tell us, honey.

YOU : I.. I..

Suddenly, your dad’s phone rang.

DAD : *take his phone* Wait a minute, dear. I need to take this call first?

YOU : *nod your head*

DAD : Yeoboseyo?

DH : Yeoboseyo? Is this ___-ssi’s father?

DAD : Yes, I’m his father. Waeyo? And may I know who are you?

DH : I’m his friend. She was hanging out with me and the others just now and she actually forgot to bring back her phone. Would you mind to let me to talk to her for a while?

DAD : Aaa~ Really? She’s always forgot to bring back her own things. Sure. I’ll pass the phone to her now.

Your dad passed the phone to you and he told you that your friend was calling for you. You felt weird but you decided to take the call. You went away from your parents so that they can’t hear your conversations.

YOU : Yeo.. Yeoboseyo?

DH : *evil laugh* Yah! It’s me, Daehyun. I’m one of the guys that kidnapped you just now.

YOU : Wh.. What did you want from me?

DH : You left your phone and we really didn’t want to keep it. If you want back your phone, come and meet us at the same place tomorrow but if you didn’t want it back, we will throw it away right now. So, you decide it by yourself.

YOU : *silent*

DH : Yah! I’m talking to you! Answer me!

YOU : *silent*

DH : S***! I’ll throw it after this!

YOU : Wait! No! Don’t throw it away. I will come tomorrow and pick it up.

DH : I thought you were mute and deaf just now. You have to be here by 10AM.

YOU : N.. Ne.

DH : And one more thing.. Don’t you ever think to tell your parents about what had happened. You better keep your mouth shut.

YOU : I get it.

DH : Good then. Pass this phone to your father again.

YOU : But, wae?

DH : Yah! B****! Just pass it to him can you? Don’t ask me too many question would you?

You walked to the living room and passed the phone back to your father.

DH : Ahjussi, thank you for letting me to talk to her.

DAD : Ne.. What’s your name, young boy?

DH : I’m Daehyun. Jung Daehyun.

DAD : Aaa~ Ne, Daehyun-ssi. Thanks for informing uri ___ that she left her phone just now. No wonder that she doesn’t pick up the call. Her mother and I were calling for her so many times but none of them she picked up. We thought something bad were happening to her, but luckily she’s fine. Thanks again, ne?

DH : No problem, ahjussi. I have to go now. Good night and have a nice sleep ahjussi~

Daehyun then disconnected the call and he was laughing by himself that he managed to fool your father. “What a fool old man” He thought.

Meanwhile, at your home, your father then asked you again why did you cried just now.

DAD : ___-ah~ Why did you cried just now?

YOU : Ani~ I’m crying because.. I thought.. I thought that I lost my phone.

MOM : Omo? Really? Just because of that? *laugh* Aigoo~ Uri daughter. *laugh*

DAD : *laugh* You’re crying just like a baby, ___-ah. I thought you were crying over a serious matter but it turns out to be just because of your phone. Don’t worry okay? I’m sure Daehyun already told you that your phone was with him now right?

YOU : Err.. Yes, he told me that just now.

DAD : By the way, who is that guy? I mean do you have any special relationship with him?

YOU : Appa! Aniyo! I have nothing with that guy.

DAD : *laugh* It’s okay if you have something with him then because I really like that guy. He was so polite and a kind guy. I’m not surprised if you fall for him. *laugh*

YOU : Ani! We’re not in that kind of relationship, appa. Besides, I’m still too young to think about the thing called love. Haish..

“Appa, if you know what actually happen, you will regret that you once said that the guy was a polite and a kind guy. He’s a murderer, appa. And he’s a really bad guy. I’m afraid, appa, omma. I wish I can tell the truth to you guys right now.” You whispered in your heart.

You then slowly walked to your room and take your shower. Then, you put on your clothes and lay at your bed. You were thinking about what had happened today and whether you should go and meet them again tomorrow or not until finally you fall asleep.~


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Chapter 39: Cute ending.
Chapter 39: waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwww so cute
Chapter 39: Awee,, it finally ended... To tell the truth,, yeah,, i'm quite sad... But hey,, there's more to come.. So hwaiting!!~~
Chapter 39: Wow that was fasttttt! Thanks.
ada5842 #5
Chapter 37: Himchan, don't keep it to yourself. You should tell her the truth. Should also tell your brothers and brothers inlaw. At least can plan what to do and how to protect her.
Chapter 36: Please dont tell me himchan had a serious disease !!!!! Itll totally break my heart!
ada5842 #7
Chapter 36: What did Himchan mean that he don't have much time??
AhSongyi #8
Chapter 34: So nice~~~~!
Chapter 33: WAAAHHH!!!! What a nice chapter!!!! Can't wait to know what's next...
AhSongyi #10
Chapter 32: Aigoo...bad oppa...Yongguk-ssi...why you pushed her?!