
I Remember [hiatus/discontinued]
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Eunmi’s POV


Why do I have such low stamina? I groaned as I climbed the stairs again. The elevator was closed down because apparently somebody spilled coffee all over the floor, stinking it up. Not only that, they said there was a faint banana milk smell as well which really made it worse. Coffee and banana did not go well together. I mean how could those two scents mix together to smell like that? I would rather climb three flights of stairs rather than taking that sweet bitter smelling elevator.


My nose scrunched up. It’s too bad the stairs smiled like a hardware store. Dusty and strange smelling. Well anyways, hopefully the elevator will be cleaned out by the morning so I don’t have to go through this hell again. I should really work out more. I don’t know how I’m so skinny when I never exercise other than walking. One by one, I painfully climbed each of the stairs, pain searing through my feet because of the three inch wedged heels. I should’ve never let Secret dress me up like that.


A big fat ‘3’ appeared on the wall as I finally reached the last step. About time! I used almost all the strength that was left in my arms to pull open the heavy door. My whole body feels sore. My arms, my legs, my , my body, my head. Everything. And these heels weren’t helping especially so I decided to take them off. Relief spread through my feet when I removed those evil shoes. Now that was one thing to worry less about.


A smile graced my face as I happily hummed my way through the hall. This day has been… well weird I guess with Jonghyun’s unexpected attitude and Yongguk’s random kindness. But I really do wonder what was up with Yongguk today. Was he PMsing? Or was he just drunk? I know for a fact that if he was sane, he wouldn’t have ever said those words to me. Or…maybe he was actually trying to be nice. That thought made my heart warm up. Was he? I don’t know but I really hope so even if the chances were slim to none. It would be nice if he did though.


In all my thinking, I didn’t notice a figure standing outside my door with those same shades on as yesterday. I got quite a fright when I saw him. Those shades. Does he wear them everywhere or something? I secretly laughed to myself and smiled when he spotted me as well.


“Eunmi ssi!” he called out, waving.


“Annyeong, Onew ssi.” I greeted him back and made my way towards the apartment. “So uh what are you doing here?” I asked him while he took off those sunglasses.


“I think you forgot something when you were on the Star King set.”


My eyebrows scrunched up upon hearing those words. I left something? I looked at my left hand which was holding my makeup kit. No, I don’t think so. That was the only thing I brought. “No I didn’t. See?” I held up the box, smiling. “I have all I need right over here.”


Onew chuckled a bit, shaking his head. “Then how are you gonna get into your apartment?”


What he said made my eyes widen. What?! No, I remember clearly that it was hooked onto my keychain which was hooked onto the belt holder of my jeans. I quickly set both my shoes and my makeup kit down and reached for my key holder. And it wasn’t there…. How could it just fall of my belt holder?


“I-I don’t know how I could have lost it… Wait a minute Onew ssi, how did you know I lost my keys?” I frowned.


“Jonghyun told me. He said he picked it up after the Star King shooting and recognized it because it looked so much like ours. That and it said property of Jung Eunmi on it.” He grinned like a fool, rocking back and forth on his feet with his hands in his pockets.


After I heard that, my mouth formed an ‘O’ form. Wow, ok then. I guess I’m really clumsier then I thought. Losing your keys two days in a row. Great job, Eunmi.


“Oh I see,” I chuckled awkwardly, rubbing the back of my neck. “Well can I have it back?”


“Sure, I can give it back to you.” He said and I smiled. “If I had it with me.” Yeah, that made my smile disappear.


“What do you mean? I thought you guys said you have it.”


“Yeah we do except it’s in our apartment.”


What? “Well can you go back to the apartment and get it for me, Onew ssi? It’s been a long day and I’m kind of tired.” I explained, smiling forcefully.


“I would if I could but the thing is Jonghyun.” Jonghyun? “He’s taking hostage of your key right now and sent me here to tell you that the only way you’re gonna get it back is if you go to him, meaning go to our dorm and find him yourself.”


I-I am just at a loss for words. I already knew that the guy was childish but not this childish. Got to think of an excuse. Got to think of an excuse. “Y-You just can’t let a random girl into your dorm. Do you know how dangerous that is?!”


“It would be if it was just any girl, but the thing is you’re not any other girl.” He was still smiling, seeming to enjoy this conversation. “You’re Jung Daehyun’s sister, aren’t you? You know, from B.A.P? Yeah, Jonghyun told us earlier. That means you know how this stuff works and you would never, ever tell anyone about this right?”


Ok, now I really wanted to smack Jonghyun. How can he go around and just tell people about me being Daehyun’s sister so casually? Well I guess I have no choice now. I sighed in defeat and nodded. “Then I’ll guess I’ll have to accept your earlier offer for tea.” I smiled, cracking a joke.


That smile of Onew’s never left his face. “Great! Now follow me Eunmi ssi.” He gestured for me to keep up with him. “Our dorm is just 5 doors away so feel free to just drop by whenever you feel like it.”




“Oh I don’t know. To just chill, hang out, talk, eat, whatever you feel like.”


“Not that. I mean, why would you just let me into your dorm so casually? I mean wouldn’t your manager be mad or something?” I blinked, still not getting the situation.


“That? Well I mean why not? You’re a friend, aren’t you? And our manager? Well we only really have one looking after us when we’re in our dorms, but don’t worry. That manager won’t have a problem with anything” He seemed to be secretly chuckling to himself.


Even though the manager thing confused me, I was more taken off guard when he mentioned the whole friend thing. “F-Friend?” I repeated, not believing my ears.


“Mhm. Well that’s what Jonghyun used to describe you. He seemed pretty psyched to have you as a friend since he was talking non-stop about you. So I figured that you sounded like a nice girl. Any friend of Jonghyun is a friend of mine, right chingu*?”


Friend. Chingu. Friends with Shinee. Daehyun would probably hate me for this but for some reason, I found it nice. Especially after what Onew said about Jonghyun. Personally I was kind of touched when he said Jonghyun considered me a friend and talked about me. I mean can you believe it? Shinee’s Jonghyun, Kim Jonghyun, said I was his friend. If I was Shinee’s hardcore fan, I would’ve died out of happiness by now.


“Oh ok.” That’s all that came out of my mouth as I quietly followed him until he stopped in front of a door.


“Well here it is. Shinee’s personal dorm. Brace yourself.”


And I’m bracing myself as he slowly turned the knob to the door after entering the key. I literally held my breath in after he opened the door. I wasn’t impressed. I mean the place was nice and all, but it kind of reminded me of B.A.P’s dorm. I don’t know why. Maybe it was all the clothes scattered all over the place or the pile of shoes in the entrance. It was like a regular idol group’s dorm.


But when I stepped in, I noticed it was much grander than I looked. Compared with B.A.P’s dorm, it was bigger, more decorated and detailed, had better electronics, and basically better everything. It was just like a big upgraded version of B.A.P’s. in fact, this dorm was really gorgeous. Why didn’t my apartment look like this?


The first thing I noticed was Taemin in front of the TV with a video game controller in his hands. Ha, just like Jongup and Youngjae. I smiled to myself and then noticed Minho in the corner, doing pushups. Wow, those arms. I quickly shook my head and mentally slapped myself. Eunmi, what the hell are you thin

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Chapter 21: Aaaa what happened between those two?
I'm so curious xD
Thank you for the update author-nim. ^^
Chapter 20: Ahh! It's so sad T-T Poor Gukkie! I seriously can't wait for the next update <3
Chapter 20: My poor heart cant take this pain!! Aaaaa so many feels, my poor yongguk! TT_TT
Aaa author-nim, you're going to be my death. xD
Chapter 20: First off thanks for updating! I know how busy life can get so it's good that you found time to update! Secondly, I loved this chapter! Aghhh the feels! I think I can understand Eunmi's decision after all the pain she went through, if I was her I'd do the same :P That and I kinda like her with Jonghyun lol Keep up the great work! I'll be patiently waiting for the next time you can update :D
Chapter 19: Yongnam T-T my goodness man. I've been up reading this and i'm just so in love, and torn between Jonghyun and Yongguk. Uuuuuuuugh why why WHY DID I ENTER THIS KPOP WORLD!? T-T
Chapter 19: Waaaa, Yongnam...this might get even more interesting!!! ;)
Chapter 19: So unexpected yongnam ?? Wow Author-nim!!^_*
Chapter 19: *whispers* Yongnam~~ uuh~~
Chapter 17: Wow what happeneds next !!!! ^_^
Chapter 18: oooooo i really want to see what happens next o.o