
I Remember [hiatus/discontinued]
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After being countlessly rejected for offering to wash the dishes, Himchan kicked you out into the living room and said to not come back into the kitchen if you didn’t want to be kissed. Ayyy, that sly ulzzang. By that time Zelo, Youngjae, Jongup, and Daehyun had already left for their schedule so it was just Yongguk and Himchan left in the dorms. You were about to leave anyways and didn’t plan to stick around especially if Yongguk was going to be in the same room as you.


Heading toward the closet, you grabbed your coat and swiftly put it on. But in the living room was Yongguk watching his war movies again. A frown formed on your face. Now how could you go by him without him noticing? If you two faced each other again, you knew that there would be a bickering war and you really didn’t need that right now. Hm, maybe if you sprinted really fast to the door, you could get out without him noticing you. Yeah, that seems like a good idea. You held your breath and walked past him almost successfully until he said, "You know the noodles were too hard..."


Your figure froze in your spot and mentally let out a soft sigh. Here we go again. Grumpy Yongguk. You slowly turned around slightly and smirked. "Himchan boiled them." Sorry Himchannie.


His eyes turned wide but he shrugged anyways, eyes still on the TV. You could hear the distant shouting and gun shots which made you cringe on the inside. Violence and blood was just not your thing. "Well Himchan's not that great of a cook anyways."


You chuckled softly at his lame comeback and fully turned around, arms crossed. Himchan was a great cook and both you and him knew that, but he was just try was just trying to be the bigger man as always. Same as always: so childish and immature. You softened as you remembered the first time you guys met. You would never forget that day.


You and Daehyun had just been accepted into TS Entertainment together and the first thing Daehyun went to do was get a signature from the SECRET sunbaes. You on the other hand, roamed around the company, peeking in to each of the practice rooms since you didn’t want to be embarrassed with Daehyun’s fanboy side. All the people there practicing were impressive but one really caught your eye. He was rapping in a dim lit practice room, wearing a hoodie over his head so you didn’t have a clear image of his face.


His voice was surprisingly deep and sent goose bumps down your back. But his voice was so alluring and you loved it. It was like a spell that was pulling you closer or even a melody that was impossible to stop listening to. This is the type of voice that you would love to hear all day. Personally, you loved rappers. And if they speed rapped or had a deep voice, that was a bonus. So that’s why you had admired Mir from MBLAQ, Taecyeon from 2PM, as well as GD and TOP from Big Bang, and a whole bunch more. There’s another reason why you loved the giant maknae.


Still amazed by his bone chilling rap, you stood by the doorway, gaping at him in awe. You just couldn’t tear your eyes off him; it was just unbelievable. In the middle of his rap, he suddenly stopped and looked in the mirror directly at you. "You don't have to hide you know."


You gasped in surprise and came tumbling backwards, landing on your . And the mysterious person was already at the doorway. His gaze was piercing and he was absolutely....hot.


"U-uh. I was just looking through the rooms and I happened to spot you. I'm new so I kinda got lost. I didn't mean to peek but your rapping was amazing and I couldn't help but to listen. I mean you have such a unique deep voice and it's so nice so yeah. And I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have peeked. I'll just leave now," your ear as well as your face turned red as you rambled on and quickly hopped on your feet. Ready to leave, you were stopped by the stranger's hand on your shoulder. Chills ran down your back at his touch.


"Wait. I'm not mad or anything. I just wanted to let you know you could come in. I don't mind and… thanks for the compliments." he chuckled, his glorious voice echoing through the halls. You could just melt right there


Your cheeks burned in embarrassment as you nodded. "Ah jinja? But I have to go now. My brother is probably looking for me."


"Ah ok then. By the way newbie, my name's Jepp Blackman. But the real name is Bang Yongguk." he held out his hand and gave his gummy smile.


"O-Oh. My name is Jung Eunmi. Nice to meet you..." you squeaked, shaking his hand lightly. Wow even his hand was so much bigger than yours.


"Ok. Later newbie," he poked your forehead and made his way down the hall. You made a face and rubbed your forehead but later broke out into a small smile. Your first friend as a trainee. How nice.

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Chapter 21: Aaaa what happened between those two?
I'm so curious xD
Thank you for the update author-nim. ^^
Chapter 20: Ahh! It's so sad T-T Poor Gukkie! I seriously can't wait for the next update <3
Chapter 20: My poor heart cant take this pain!! Aaaaa so many feels, my poor yongguk! TT_TT
Aaa author-nim, you're going to be my death. xD
Chapter 20: First off thanks for updating! I know how busy life can get so it's good that you found time to update! Secondly, I loved this chapter! Aghhh the feels! I think I can understand Eunmi's decision after all the pain she went through, if I was her I'd do the same :P That and I kinda like her with Jonghyun lol Keep up the great work! I'll be patiently waiting for the next time you can update :D
Chapter 19: Yongnam T-T my goodness man. I've been up reading this and i'm just so in love, and torn between Jonghyun and Yongguk. Uuuuuuuugh why why WHY DID I ENTER THIS KPOP WORLD!? T-T
Chapter 19: Waaaa, Yongnam...this might get even more interesting!!! ;)
Chapter 19: So unexpected yongnam ?? Wow Author-nim!!^_*
Chapter 19: *whispers* Yongnam~~ uuh~~
Chapter 17: Wow what happeneds next !!!! ^_^
Chapter 18: oooooo i really want to see what happens next o.o