
I Remember [hiatus/discontinued]
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“Junhong!” I shrieked as I threw the bottle back at him. “That was so not funny!” I frowned and then hit Youngjae who seemed to be in on the little prank as well.  “Yah! I see you laughing too Jongup! It’s not funny!” I then targeted Jongup who was now rolling on the floor laughing. Himchan oppa and Daehyun were also secretly chuckling in the corner. Even Yongguk had cracked a smile.


“Zelo!” I whined again, jumping onto his back and wrapped my legs around his waist. “That was so not funny! You know I hate vinegar!”


Earlier or about just five minutes ago, the boys were practicing diligently for their tour. And while they were taking a break, Zelo had offered me some water. And being the oblivious girl I am, I didn't suspect a thing and graciously took it. I should've probably noticed the smug looks they had on their face when I unscrewed the lid. It took me about two swallows to realize that I was tricked. They had replaced the water with vinegar which everyone absolutely hates.


“Youngjae, you shut your trap too!” I dropped off of Zelo and jumped on Youngjae who collapsed under my weight. “Yah! Why are you so weak, pabo!” I slapped his stomach and he cringed.


“Stop patting my stomach noona!” he pushed my hand away but I just sat on his chest for revenge- not sitting completely because his chest couldn’t possibly handle my weight. “Get off of me!”


“Not until you apologize loser!” I protested, crossing my arms. I’m not going anywhere until they swallow up their pride and say sorry.


“Princess, it was just a joke. Don’t you know what day it is?” Himchan and Jongup managed to pry me off of Youngjae but my legs were still wrapped around his stomach. It looked kind of awkward in my opinion but I’m not going to give up without a fight. I will get an apology from Youngjae even if I die trying. Why, you ask? Because even though Zelo gave me the bottle, I know it was Youngjae’s idea cause only he would think of doing someone like this!


“Stop it! He’s going to apologize no matter what!” I protested, flailing around. They still tried to pull me off but I only held onto him tighter with my legs.


“AHH IT HURTS. GET HER OFF OF ME.” He was practically being lifted off the ground by my legs which really did look wrong.


“Stop it! Stop it! This looks so wrong!” Daehyun flailed his arms around and tried to pull Youngjae away.






“THIS IS SO MESSED UP!” Himchan yelled, continuing to pull me and it felt like my arms were going to fall off.


“FINE FINE FINE! I’M SORRY NOONA. I WON’T EVER DO IT AGAIN!” Youngjae yelled and I smirked in victory, letting him go.


“Will you ever mess with me again, Yoo Youngjae?” I smirked, glaring at him at the same time. I could see his scared expression as he nodded like a little kid, muttering that he would never try to prank anyone again. “That goes with everyone ok?” I pointed to everyone and they all nodded.


“Stop being so comfortable with the guys!” Daehyun whined, pulling me in for a hug.


“Then stop being so overprotective! I’m the same age as you; I’m not five for Pete’s sake!” I scolded him back, pushing away from his possessive hug.


Himchan then stole me away from Daehyun again and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. “It’s April Fools silly princess! They were just pranking you, you know.”


"Damn, I forgot how strong you were, noona." Youngjae complained as he stood up, rubbing his poor stomach. The rest of the boys helped him up while I just stared daggers at him.


"That's what you get for messing with me, punk!" I hissed at him once again, frowning. You guys might have already noticed by now but I really hate surprises of any kind or form. It irritates the crap out of me and I hate it.


"Ooh~ The princess's little cutie accent is coming out again~" Himchan abruptly pinched my cheek and made kissy faces at me like I was some kind of child. Oh that's right. My accent came out again.


I rolled my eyes. "It's six o'clock in the morning guys. Do you really want to get into a fight?" I retorted, not even bothering to hide my accent this time. "Can we just have some peace and quiet please? I liked it the best when I was alone with Daehyun yesterday. You guys are just too noisy."


"I'm hurt. I really am, Eunmi." Himchan pretended to look offended as he placed a hand on his chest. "But don't be mad princess. You forgive us, right?" He cupped my cheeks and I swear I saw Daehyun fuming on the sidelines which made me laugh.


"Arasso, arasso. Now get off of me dorky oppa!" I tore off his hands, taking them in mine. There's no way I could stay mad at all these boys and that includes Youngjae as well even though he's an evil squirt.


"Noona, your accent is nice. You should use it more often." The cutie Jongup complimented with a wide smile and I couldn't help but to smile back.


"Jinja? Then should I use it permanently?" I grinned widely, looking at all of them. They all agreed ecstatically and even Yongguk gave a small nod of approval. That did it. Maybe having this accent won't be so bad after all.


"Oh noona, your phone is vibrating!" Zelo pointed over to the stereo where my phone was currently located. I thanked him before running over to retrieve it and I was surprised when I read the caller ID.


It was Key. That's weird. He barely texts me much less calls me.


I pressed the answer button nonchalantly, but I would have never expected for what he was about to inform me.


"E-Eunmi...." His voice was cracking and that's when I knew there was something wrong. The tone of his voice wasn't like his normal one. It was all husky and he kept on taking deep breaths.


"H-Hey what's the matter? Why are acting like this?" I kept my voice low so the boys couldn't hear. They were currently just joking around, cracking jokes and just being boys.


"Eunmi... What are w-we gonna do? I-I don't know what to do Eunmi!" He sniffed multiple times between his words. Key was crying and that made me a hundred times more worried. My grip on the phone tightened as I used both of my hands to hold it now.


"Key... Calm down. It's going to be alright. That's right... Deep breaths now. Nice and easy... Now tell me slowly... What's the matter?" I could feel my voice getting shaky out of anticipation as my heart was beating a hundred miles an hour now. The suspense was killing me.


"T-This wasn't supposed to happen. It was supposed to be a safe ride!" he wailed and I heard some other voices on the other line but couldn't quite distinguish them. "It was not supposed to be like this! This isn't the reality I wanted!"


"Key, just tell me what's wrong already!" My patience was now hanging by the thread. It must've been something really heart impacting since Key was behaving like this. Even if I only knew him for a short amount of time, I knew that the almighty Key would never act like this.


"Eunmi ah... It's Jonghyun..."


My heart dropped at the mention of his name. My hands shook and it felt like I was about to drop the phone any minute now. "Jonghyun... What's wrong with Jonghyun?!" I couldn't help but to raise my voice in panic. I also noticed that Youngjae managed to hear my distressed voice but I ignored that. All I could focus on was what happened to my friend.


"He...H-He... He got into a car accident!" The wailing got louder and my heart dropped even deeper. Jonghyun? Accident? My ears were ringing with that sentence. Jonghyun got into an accident. Kim Jonghyun got into a car accident?


"Haha very funny Key. You got me. Nice April Fools joke." I laughed nervously, unable to hide my shaky voice. Oh somebody please tell me he's playing a trick on me. I really hate surprises. At this time, Youngjae started to slowly approach me with a worried gaze.


"I-It's not a joke. This is s-serious. He really did get into an a-accident!"


My legs suddenly gave out and I crumbled to the ground with me still clutching the phone to my ear for dear life. I was in shock. So much shock that I didn't even notice B.A.P crowd around me, asking what was wrong. All I could focus on was that the Jonghyun I knew just got into a car accident.


Eventually I was pulled up by a pair of strong arms, snapping me back to my senses. "What hospital? Where are you right now?!" I raised my voice an octave higher, scared.


"G-Gangnam hospital."


"I'll be there soon. Just hang on!" After he gave me a weak goodbye, I ended the call and ripped my arm away from the strong pair of arms which I found out later belonged to Yongguk. They all had bewildered and confused face but I paid no attention to them as I put on my coat and gathered all my stuff together.


"I have to go somewhere. Practice without me." Those were the only words I said to them before dashing out the door and out of the building. I knew that the boys were all calling out to me but my mind only had one thing going through it.


Jonghyun. Jonghyun. Jonghyun.


All I could think of was if he was alright or not. How did get into an accident? When did he get into an accident? He was just

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Chapter 21: Aaaa what happened between those two?
I'm so curious xD
Thank you for the update author-nim. ^^
Chapter 20: Ahh! It's so sad T-T Poor Gukkie! I seriously can't wait for the next update <3
Chapter 20: My poor heart cant take this pain!! Aaaaa so many feels, my poor yongguk! TT_TT
Aaa author-nim, you're going to be my death. xD
Chapter 20: First off thanks for updating! I know how busy life can get so it's good that you found time to update! Secondly, I loved this chapter! Aghhh the feels! I think I can understand Eunmi's decision after all the pain she went through, if I was her I'd do the same :P That and I kinda like her with Jonghyun lol Keep up the great work! I'll be patiently waiting for the next time you can update :D
Chapter 19: Yongnam T-T my goodness man. I've been up reading this and i'm just so in love, and torn between Jonghyun and Yongguk. Uuuuuuuugh why why WHY DID I ENTER THIS KPOP WORLD!? T-T
Chapter 19: Waaaa, Yongnam...this might get even more interesting!!! ;)
Chapter 19: So unexpected yongnam ?? Wow Author-nim!!^_*
Chapter 19: *whispers* Yongnam~~ uuh~~
Chapter 17: Wow what happeneds next !!!! ^_^
Chapter 18: oooooo i really want to see what happens next o.o