I'm Here

It Has To Be You


Eun Mi opens up the present she receives for her birthday. As usual, Jaebum will be the only one who gives her caps. She already has like dozens of caps in her room that she never touch or wore before but she treasure it all because it’s present from her dearest cousin. She can’t help to wonder why the hell Jaebum would ever give her caps when he clearly knows she won’t be wearing it.


Jehan on the other hand give her a novel for her to read since she had been doing nothing at the house. She likes to read, and Jehan present helps a lot. Eun Mi’s auntie and uncle on the other hand gave her a DSLR camera. She smiles as she receives it as she remembers how she used to voice out her jealousy to Jehan about Ki Seop owning a DLSR camera when they were 17. Even if it’s years since she talk about DSLR camera, but owning one now is a wish come true.


“So this comes in today. Open up.” Jehan pass another gift. From the blue rapping, she knows it well that the gift is from the mysterious person who had been giving her presents since she move to Seattle. She open up the big box but found nothing but a photo album that have pictures from when she was a baby until she’s now 21 years old. However her pictures when she was 14 until 21 were all capture from a distance.


“There’s a note.” Jaebum said handing Eun Mi the note inside the box.


‘To my dear daughter, Park Eun Mi,

I’m ashame to call myself your mother. When your father and I was handling our divorce, all we think was about money, not even once we ever thought about you. None of us even realized you left us until the case is settled. I wish I could turn back the time and give up all the money in the world to have you. I watch you grow up until you were 14. If only I had cared more for you, I could have spent the 7 years I took regretting my action with you. I was wrong, forgive me! Your father and I had divorced, but we still have only one daughter that we love dearly that we’re willing to do anything for you. We regretted every single thing we did.’


Eun Mi cried when she read the letter. She quickly went to her auntie and hugs her. At least now she knows that both her parents do remember her. She had live 7 years thinking that her parents had never once think about her when actually each year, they had never failed to give her presents.


When Ki Seop enters the house after a few minutes, Eun Mi ran to her room and locks it. She was embarrassed to be blaming her parents all these while when Ki Seop keep on reminding her that her parents might be thinking about her. Let Jehan or Jaebum tell Ki Seop what happen. Eun Mi just wants to rest.




“Do you think it would be better for Eun Mi to go back to Korea?” Jaebum’s mom asks Jaebum, Jehan and Ki Seop.


“It’s all up to her. If she wants to go back to Korea to live with her parents again, let her. But if she doesn’t want to do that, it’s her choice anyway.” Jaebum said.


“If she wants to go back, will any of you go with her?” Jaebum’s father asks.


“I’ll go since Jaebum hyung and Jehan can’t go.” Ki Seop said.


“What about your father? He’ll be living alone then.” Jaebum’s father asks.


“He had move back to Korea after mom died. So I’ll be living with him and Kevin when I go back to Korea.” Ki Seop explains.


“Let’s just wait for her decision then.” Jaebum’s mom said. Everyone can see the worried face on Jaebum’s mom. For 7 years his mom had been protecting and caring for Eunmi. As much as they want to deny it, her source of hurt is actually her own parents who thrown her away because of their greed for money. Because of that, she grows up being thankful with everything she received. She never asks for anything.


“Mom, for 7 years, had you ever seen anyone as grateful as Eun Mi? Have you ever seen someone who can smile as sweet as Eun Mi? You had raise her up well, she become a great person, even better than me or Jaebum hyung. You don’t have to worry mom. If there’s one thing you did well, it’s turning all of us into human being.” Jehan said hugging her mom tighly.


“I know, all of my children are good child. Even Eun Mi grows up to be a great person who manages to take good care of Jaebum.” His mom said.


“Mom, it’s not like I didn’t take good care of Eun Mi at all.” Jaebum said.


“You take care of her? I think she’s the one who had been taking care of you.” His dad jokingly said. Jaebum look at his dad and laugh. Well, he had always been taking care of Eun Mi but he always take care of his other members.

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This story is fun !! XD
new reader.haven't start to read yet,but it is an interesting story.
m0zarts0nata-- #3
wow..so cute ^^
i love the whole picture thing with past and future thing X3
Junna_ #5
silent reader here. hahah I'm reading this for the first time. wait for me to finish, I'll comment ^^
ppz_uk #6
sorry for being a really silent reader! :)<br />
anyway update soon! ;)
nizzyool #7
I really wish I could buy it!! They don't sell it in any CD stores near me and I cant afford buying online ^^<br />
But I do download the album :) My favs are You wouldnt answer my calls, 다시 사랑하기엔, and Mirage. oh well, I like ALL of the songs :))) what about you?
nizzyool #8
so.. Jinwoon is letting her go? ~,~ well he's been a jerk to her but still i don't want him to give up on her.. HOWEVER i'd like to see kiseop happy too *complicated me :S
toxic-muzik #9
update ~~~~~ so interesting kekek . new reader ^^
nizzyool #10
Aww less Jinwoon -,- oh well, but I'm turning into Kiseop's fans too now kkkk