Please Help Us

It Has To Be You


Eun Mi walk into 2PM dorm to find Jaebum, Woo Young and Chan Sung sleeping. Jun Ho is in the toilet, Jun Su is writing some things while Taecyeon is using his laptop as usual. She went around to find where Nichkhun is and found him sleeping in his room.


“Oppa is asleep, why am I here anyway?” She takes a seat at Nichkhun’s table and complaint to Nichkhun since he would be awake just by hearing someone talk.


“I’ll open my laptop for you, so use it until Jaebum hyung wake up.” Nichkhun wake up and open his laptop on the table. He enters his password and told Eun Mi to use it.


“Thanks oppa.” Eun Mi said and uses Nichkhun’s laptop. It’s been almost a year since she last opens her myspace because she finds it to be boring. When she clicks on log in, she could see that she has more than 200 of messages and friend request. She ignores it first and clicks on Jin Woon’s myspace. Jin Woon too hasn’t update his myspace for years now. She then click on Jaebum’s myspace and found the reason why she received a lot of message and friend request, it’s because Eun Mi is on Jaebum’s top friends list.


Eun Mi accepted all her friend request and open up her inbox. Maybe there are some questions that she could answer or at least some message she could pass to Jaebum. Most of the questions are those that she can’t answer since she needs the permission from their company to release information such as their album, friends and families things. She could only answer question such as, “are you Jaebum oppa’s girlfriend?”, and of course her answer will be “I’m only his cousin.”


There is one weird message in her inbox, it’s a message that was sent about a month ago since the date she receive it was 27th June and it’s 27th July now. She open the message title ‘please help’ and the message written is, “hello, sorry for bothering you or flooding your inbox. I’m not good in English but I ask my friend to help me with this. If you are closely associated with Jaebum oppa, please do help me with something. His career would be ruined if you can’t help me”, That’s the end of the message. The sender didn’t even wrote what help she need.


Eun Mi replied to the sender, “I’m closely associated to Jay since I’m his cousin. What help do you need and how could it harm his career?”, Eun Mi send it with a worried feelings in her hearts. She doesn’t know if she could trust the sender or not. The sender could be just another fan that wants to pass some message to Jaebum again.


“You’re here?” Jaebum enter Nichkhun’s room. Nichkhun quickly wake up and sit on his bed. Eun Mi sign out of her myspace account and ask Jaebum to take a sit next to Khun.


“Oppa, you’re not allowed to open your myspace account anymore, right? The company told you not to open it, right?” Eun Mi asks.


“Yeah, after they aired the episode where I open up my myspace, they told me not to open it anymore but they didn’t tell me to delete it. Why?” Jaebum asks.


“I got a message from someone there asking if I’m closely associated to you and want my help. She said there would be damage to your career if I don’t help.” Eun Mi said to Jaebum.


“I believe JYPE will take good care of it if there’s problem. You don’t have to worry.” Jaebum said.


“Oppa, you do know about NCSI, right? Sometimes, they are way better than any entertainment company in digging up secrets.” Eun Mi said.


“If there are any secrets that could harm my career, NCSI too would inform my company about it, right?” Jaebum said. Eun Mi look at Jaebum, she knows she can’t fight with Jaebum about it. She decided that she’ll ask JYPE staff about it instead of fighting with Jaebum about it. Guess she needs to sign in to her myspace account more now.


I guess you all know what's going to happen next?

They're going to go back to Seattle really soon.

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This story is fun !! XD
new reader.haven't start to read yet,but it is an interesting story.
m0zarts0nata-- #3 cute ^^
i love the whole picture thing with past and future thing X3
Junna_ #5
silent reader here. hahah I'm reading this for the first time. wait for me to finish, I'll comment ^^
ppz_uk #6
sorry for being a really silent reader! :)<br />
anyway update soon! ;)
nizzyool #7
I really wish I could buy it!! They don't sell it in any CD stores near me and I cant afford buying online ^^<br />
But I do download the album :) My favs are You wouldnt answer my calls, 다시 사랑하기엔, and Mirage. oh well, I like ALL of the songs :))) what about you?
nizzyool #8
so.. Jinwoon is letting her go? ~,~ well he's been a jerk to her but still i don't want him to give up on her.. HOWEVER i'd like to see kiseop happy too *complicated me :S
toxic-muzik #9
update ~~~~~ so interesting kekek . new reader ^^
nizzyool #10
Aww less Jinwoon -,- oh well, but I'm turning into Kiseop's fans too now kkkk