Moving On

It Has To Be You


[Ki Seop]

I sit at my table wondering about the text message I received yesterday. Does Eun Mi somehow knows about it? How exactly did Jin Woon get my number? I’m sure he didn’t get it from Eun Mi since they haven’t meet each other unless coincidentally.


“Ki Seop, where had your head been? Seattle back?” Eun Mi suddenly stands in front of me startling me.


“Yeah, back to Seattle. I kind of miss Jehan and my parents. My parents are going to visit me next month.” I told Eun Mi.


“Really? That’s good news! You should take them around.” Eun Mi said.


“Eun Mi-ah, I have a question.” I said.


“Shoot.” Eun Mi said cheerfully. I guess she thinks I’m going to asks help about my parents. I hope she won’t be too shock when I asks her.


“Had you been in contact with Jin Woon lately?” I asks.


“Nope. I haven’t contact him since I first landed in Seoul. I had never been interested in keeping his number. Why do you asks?” Even though she answers it calmly, I could sense that she’s uncomfortable.


“Just curious.” I said. I know that won’t answer her question. She won’t believe me because she know, I won’t be asking that sort of question out of curiosity. I stare at her waiting for the next question she’s going to asks since she doesn’t believe me. She smiles at me and then walks away. I guess letting it go is easier for her, gladly!



“Ki Seop, do you want to come to my house and have lunch with me?” Eun Mi asks me.


“Lunch? I think I want to have a rest at home, will the offer be open for dinner?” I asks. Eun Mi nod her head and drive out of the office. We only came to the office to settle some matters. We could rest when their manager told us that we don’t have any work. Since we had become closed with Jaebum and Khun, they won’t ask us to come over to do some silly little things.


I get into my car and drive it to the place where Jin Woon text me to meet. In many places he chooses, he choose to meet me at the Prince Café. I park my car and walk into the Prince café, the café is full with teenagers, especially girls. I look around but I can’t seem to find Jin Woon anywhere.


“Sorry I’m late by a few second.” Someone said from behind. I turn around, and there is Jin Woon with his cold face. I wonder how much hurt did he felt to ever become like this? Even though I only know from Eun Mi’s story that Jin Woon is very cheerful, but I’m sure he’s not as cold as he is now.


Jin Woon lead me to a place near the window. Eun Mi too like to take a seat near the window because she likes to see people’s activity, be it walking, running or anything. I observe Jin Woon but Jin Woon is nothing like Eun Mi. He just take a seat near the window because he wants to, he didn’t even take time to observe people’s actions.


“I asks you out just to asks help from you. I know you’re busy, I am too. I have a lot of patient to take care of but if I don’t take a time out, I won’t be able to do this some other day.” Jin Woon said.


“You could just say it…” I said to Jin Woon.


“I guess we’re the same age, right? I admit my mistake on keeping grudges against Eun Mi, I was wrong. If I didn’t, your spot in her heart right now, could be my spot.” He said confidently, he didn’t even know that we’re not a couple.


“I am ready to let her go. I should let her go for me to start living normally. I just want your help, to take good care of Eun Mi. I know even without me asking for this, you’ll still be able to take good care of Eun Mi more than I do.” Jin Woon said.


“When did you realize that you’re ready to let her go?” I asks.


“When she said my name. After 7 years, she only said my name to asks me not to hurt Hara. It’s like she’s telling me to move on.” Jin Woon said.


“Are you sure you’re willing to let go? Letting go is not an easy thing to do.” I said to Jin Woon. I could actually see right through him. He might looks like he’s an arrogant jerk that is full of himself but no, he’s just confident with what he said.


“Truthfully… no! I will never be ready to let go, but I need to try.” Jin Woon said.


“When you realized you can’t let go, I won’t be giving up on Park Eun Mi too.” I said.


“I know. You deserve her more than I do. You had done too many things for her while I had done nothing for her. I can never be better than you. So, please take good care of Eun Mi.” Jin Woon said again. I could see that he could never let Eun Mi go, but he insisted on letting her go. I’m sure one day, he will realize how hard it is for him to let Eun Mi go and will start fighting for her. Like Eun Mi said, she could see Jin Woon in me, we’re similar in different way.


“Don’t worry, I will take good care of her. Even without you telling me what to do, I’ll protect her with my life. Even if you asks me to give her back to you, I won’t.” I said to Jin Woon. Of course I won’t.


Jin Woon stand up and smile at me, and then he walk out of the café. Even if this is an awkward meeting between us, we meet because of one person, Park Eun Mi. For Park Eun Mi, both of us could give our life to her so that she could be happy.

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This story is fun !! XD
new reader.haven't start to read yet,but it is an interesting story.
m0zarts0nata-- #3 cute ^^
i love the whole picture thing with past and future thing X3
Junna_ #5
silent reader here. hahah I'm reading this for the first time. wait for me to finish, I'll comment ^^
ppz_uk #6
sorry for being a really silent reader! :)<br />
anyway update soon! ;)
nizzyool #7
I really wish I could buy it!! They don't sell it in any CD stores near me and I cant afford buying online ^^<br />
But I do download the album :) My favs are You wouldnt answer my calls, 다시 사랑하기엔, and Mirage. oh well, I like ALL of the songs :))) what about you?
nizzyool #8
so.. Jinwoon is letting her go? ~,~ well he's been a jerk to her but still i don't want him to give up on her.. HOWEVER i'd like to see kiseop happy too *complicated me :S
toxic-muzik #9
update ~~~~~ so interesting kekek . new reader ^^
nizzyool #10
Aww less Jinwoon -,- oh well, but I'm turning into Kiseop's fans too now kkkk