Our Story

It Has To Be You


Ki Seop enter his house that he shares with his cousin, Kevin. Kevin too was living in the United States with him but he came back to Korea earlier than Ki Seop did. Kevin need to come back to Korea because his parents want him to continue his study in Korea. First, he live with his grandmother but after their grandmother passed away, he start renting a house near his university. Ki Seop came living with Kevin four years ago when Eun Mi too decided to come back to Korea to accompany her cousin, Jaebum.


The only person that knows Eun Mi is back in Korea in the year 2004 is Jaebum’s family and Ki Seop only. No one besides them ever know about her in Korea. Even Hye Ri thought Eun Mi was still in Seattle and only came back last year after 2PM debut. Ki Seop didn’t know the exact reason Eun Mi lied but he just won’t believe the reason ‘not ready’ that coming out from Eun Mi’s mouth.


“You’re home early!” Kevin said to Ki Seop.


“Nichkhun decided to let me home early, he said he don’t want to see me in the hospital again and hear another round of nagging from Eun Mi.” Ki Seop said.


“How is Eun Mi supposed to go home then?” Kevin asks.


“She got her car back, so she’ll be practicing driving again.” Ki Seop said.


“I think after a week, you’ll start being her driver again.” Kevin said jokingly. Kevin knows how awful Eun Mi’s driving is. He doesn’t even know how Eun Mi actually passes the driving test.


“I’ll be waiting for that.” Ki Seop said jokingly. He walk to the refrigerator and took out his favorite orange juice and start drinking. On the refrigerator, there are a picture of the three of them, Kevin, Ki Seop and Eun Mi.


“Both of you had been too busy handling your superstar, we should find some time and start hanging out together.” Kevin said.


“Some time later, our super star need a rest too, so we’ll be going with them.” Ki Seop said.


“By the sound of it, it looks like both of you had been planning for a secret breakout for Jaebum hyung and Nichkhun?” Kevin asks.


“Maybe…” Ki Seop said while smiling.


“I have a question… why does Eun Mi call Khun oppa? They’re the same age, right?” Kevin asks.


“Khun said even though they’re the same age, Eun Mi look like she’s way younger than him, so he introduced himself as oppa to Eun Mi and they only learn that they’re the same age after almost a year Eun Mi call him oppa. Since both of them had got used to it, so they think they’ll stick to it.” Ki Seop said.


“I just received a message from your lovely girlfriend. She told me to remind you that the reason Khun let you off early is to sleep and not to… YAH, WHAT IS THIS? WHY IS SHE SAYING IT LIKE I’M THE BAD GUY?” Kevin starts yelling. Ki Seop who couldn’t understand what Kevin is saying took the phone from Kevin and read back the text message.


“Not to talk to busybodies like Kevin Woo!” Ki Seop read it out loud and starts laughing out loud.


“Go and sleep you brat!” Kevin said in English.


“I gotta admit she’s right, you are a busybody!!” Ki Seop said and went into his room.


Ki Seop went into his room and lie down on the bed. He starts to remember the first time he met Eun Mi was 7 years ago through Jehan, Jaebum’s brother. At first he was fooled by Jehan when Jehan said Eun Mi is his twins. He really did believe Jehan. Only after two weeks that he learns Eun Mi is Jehan’s cousin. Unlike other Koreans, Eun Mi learns English pretty fast and her pronunciation is good. Turn out that the Eun Mi is kind of a nerdy girl, so she learns easily and fast.


Ki Seop was the one that introduce Eun Mi to myspace when Eun Mi said she want to find her old friend back. Jaebum and Jehan was the one that teach Eun Mi more about myspace. After a month, they are like brothers and sisters, which is why Jaebum kind of dislike Ki Seop, because it took Eun Mi a short time to get closed to Ki Seop.


It also annoyed Jaebum when Eun Mi told the story about Jin Woon, her biggest secret to Ki Seop before telling it to him. Jehan knows it all before she told others about it. Jehan and Eun Mi really do look like twins because both of them are always together. Jehan didn’t come to Korea along with Eun Mi even though he wants to because he still want to finish his studies in Seattle and because Jaebum told him not to, so in the end Ki Seop came to Korea with Eun Mi.


Ki Seop’s parents never really mind sending Ki Seop to Korea since Kevin had already live there earlier than Ki Seop did. They do want Ki Seop to learn more about Korea since Ki Seop didn’t even want to speak in Korea when he live in Seattle. The only person that he speaks Korean with is Eun Mi and starting from her did he start talking in Korean to his parents.


He really should sleep but he couldn’t. When he’s alone, he will keep on thinking about how he first falls for Eun Mi. The problem is, he didn’t know how. He didn’t even remember when he starts falling for Eun Mi. He just know that he had fall in love for Eun Mi the moment he’s willing to do just anything for Eun Mi. Maybe it’s out of sympathy but he doubts it since he’s not the type of person that would sympathies people that easily.


Ki Seop walk to his study table where he places his phone at as the phone start to ring. He looks at the caller id and it is from JYPE office. He picks it up to hear the sweet voice of Eun Mi on the other line.


“You’re not sleeping?” Eun Mi asks.


“I can’t, been thinking a lot.” Ki Seop said.


“Babo, go to sleep!!” Suddenly the sweet voice of Eun Mi change to Khun’s voice.


“You’re really good at spoiling my mood!” Ki Seop said to Khun and end the conversation. He lie down back on the bed and eventually fall asleep.


They're going to move back to Seattle in the future chapter.

Jinwoon's character will be less significant.


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This story is fun !! XD
new reader.haven't start to read yet,but it is an interesting story.
m0zarts0nata-- #3
wow..so cute ^^
i love the whole picture thing with past and future thing X3
Junna_ #5
silent reader here. hahah I'm reading this for the first time. wait for me to finish, I'll comment ^^
ppz_uk #6
sorry for being a really silent reader! :)<br />
anyway update soon! ;)
nizzyool #7
I really wish I could buy it!! They don't sell it in any CD stores near me and I cant afford buying online ^^<br />
But I do download the album :) My favs are You wouldnt answer my calls, 다시 사랑하기엔, and Mirage. oh well, I like ALL of the songs :))) what about you?
nizzyool #8
so.. Jinwoon is letting her go? ~,~ well he's been a jerk to her but still i don't want him to give up on her.. HOWEVER i'd like to see kiseop happy too *complicated me :S
toxic-muzik #9
update ~~~~~ so interesting kekek . new reader ^^
nizzyool #10
Aww less Jinwoon -,- oh well, but I'm turning into Kiseop's fans too now kkkk