Chapter 20

Choi Sulli's Return

"Feeling cold? Do you want a blanket?"

"No."  Sulli sighed contentedly. She was lying in his arms feels so incredible till she does not want any of them to move for a very long time. Forever, if necessary.

Minho is complete stripped so gently, contrary his hot passion gaze that still burns in his brown eyes.  "Your body was tingled."

"That's because you were tickling me."

"What? Like this?"  Minho ran his fingers along the back side of her body, from under the arm to the waist.  Sulli giggled and her back bristling.  "I'm sorry, but I do not like the side effects to stop."

"The side effects?"  Sulli said. Minho was touching her s sticking out in pink hue.  Sulli moaned with pleasure.  "Hmm, yes, the side effects are pleasant."

"There are scratches here. Was I too rough?"

"Yes, and it feels good."  Her big smile looks like the innocent girl's smile.

Minho continued to play around with her, very satisfied when Sulli gave him access into her body.  Sulli does not pretend to be embarrassed. They ness seem to make Sulli happy, not depressed.  She did not rush to get out of bed to shower after their making love. She was actually curled beside Minho, loving and sensual, like Minho had always thought.

Now, Minho leaned against the wall behind him and looked down at Sulli's head lying on his stomach.  Her hair spread around his stomach, he combing it, found no activity more fun than this.

Laze around after this feels like a new romance for Minho.  Even with his ex-wife the love relation was always the culmination, the end, not the beginning.  Not so with Sulli.  Minho knew that when, in the end, they had to leave the bed, she’ll do with so extreme regret.

"Why did you never sleep with Woo Bin, Sulli?"

"Is that your business?"



"I just want to know."

Sulli rubbed her fingers to his chest.  "I want to do. According to Woo Bin we have to wait."

His laughter sounds cynical and mocking that man.  "I'm not surprised. He scared that he can not match a great passion."

With cruel, Sulli touched Minho's body is now resting.  "Only now I know that words can be taken literally."

Minho grinned gracefully, but to continue the flow of his thoughts.  "He's not a fit man for you and he knows it. He does not want you to know about it until after he was married. You are what he wanted, but all of which make it lured you make him scare too."

Sulli leaned her head back and looked up at Minho.  "Am I that scary?"

"You're scaring men who are afraid to answer your challenge."

Sulli glared at him, but put her head in the lap of Minho again.  "If you're such an expert about all the trivial details of marriage, why do not you get married again?"

"I have not found the right woman."

"In Busan, the choices may be limited. Cities should be able to give you lots of options."

"But I could not stay in the city."

Sulli capture the tone changes.  The words came out with curt emphasis.  Pronounced with a rough, too bitter. Sulli did not like to ruin the relaxed atmosphere, but she wanted to know what was haunting Minho.  The man had helped her unlock the emotions that have been buried, with the right to name it, and deal with it.  Maybe she could help him in the same way.

"What happened, Minho-ah?"

"I leave."

"But why? Tell me."

Sulli could feel the abs under her head tensed when Minho wrestle with his decision. Minho’s abs finally gave way and he started back talking.

"My partner, who is also my best friend, and I was assigned to handle the case very important. Confidentiality guarded. Only some of people who knows. From the beginning we knew this was a dangerous task. We must dismantle the drug ring leader, who allegedly was in our department  itself."

Sulli tried to calm, drummed her fingertips on his thigh. He was still tense, and Sulli know how much for Minho to discuss this painful incident in his life.  But she felt it necessary catharsis that Minho needed.

"Our investigation lasted for months. One night my partner called me at home. He was very excited. Paid informant who gave him some news that should immediately says. I agreed to meet him at the coffee shop. We were careful not to discuss anything over the phone.  There is always the possibility that if we seek to stalking us."

Minho was silent.  A few minutes passed. Sulli felt his fingers her hair, otherwise she would think Minho asleep; Minho lying as still as that.

"Apparently they had been stalking us," said Minho.  "My partner called me from the coffee shop across the parking lot as soon as I stopped the car. I walked up to him." Minho's voice is trembled.  "The first bullet hit him right between the eyes. Then the other, in repeatedly, hit him–"

"Don't, Minho." Sulli turned her face to his stomach, sank it into his skin.  Minho's arms around her waist and hugged her.  "Don't think about it anymore. I'm sorry that I asked."

"No. It's so long I need to talk about it."  Minho sighed deeply.  "After my partner was murdered, I worked two times more responsible."  He snorted a bitter laugh.  "The main villain turns was the heads of the law department, the same man who told us to solve this case."

Sulli groaned sympathetically. "What happened?"

"I got him. He was jailed. They could not charge him with the murder of my partner, so he escaped the charge. They offered me his job."

"Why do not you accept it?"

"I did not want it. I'm fed up with all of it. Disgusted with people who prefer waved her hand and said 'No', rather than opening the corruption within the department."  Minho sighed deeply.  "So I left and came here; places where I was useless."

"You're the man who has integrity."

"Or a stupid man."

Sulli looked up and stared at him with admiration the steady and full. "The man who has integrity."


Sulli kiss pink streaks on the body side of Minho.  "They're trying to kill you too, huh?"

"Yeah. On the same night they shot my partner."

"And that's when your wife left you?"

"She gave me an ultimatum. If I return to work on the case, she would leave me."  Minho the top of her head. "I can not just walk away and leave it unresolved. I should investigate to its roots."

"Why did not you bring her here when it's all over?"

Minho pulled Sulli's one hair strand.  "At that time I realized that we were not right for each other in any situation."  His eyes danced with mischievous eyes.  "She's not as hot as you are."

Sulli was about to protest but changed her mind and smiled seductively.  "I have not even warmed up."

She looked down and started showering kisses his stomach and his abs.  Minho leather scent was intoxicating and she was eager to taste it.  Her tongue touched Minho shyly.

"Sulli-ah," Minho said hoarsely.  His hand slipped behind and with loose hair gripping her head.  He moves his hands freely.  His fingers tightened on the head rather when Sulli lowered her head and kissed him there. And her lip is endured until his desire peaked.

"No, Sulli," Minho is prevent raucous when Sulli moved into his lap.  "I'm going to hurt you."

Sulli shook her head, and slowly uniting her body with him.

Lying face to face with Sulli in calm silence a few minutes later, Minho rid of hair stuck to her cheeks.  "You should not do that," he said softly.

"You do not like it?"

"You know I really liked. But you can hurt yourself."

"I'm too happy to be aware of pain."  She kissed his lip softly Minho.  "While we were arguing, you also should not do that."

"Inserting my finger in there?"

Sulli flushed.  "I'm a little wild, right?"

"Yes, and beautiful."  Minho watched Sulli's face seriously as the first time he saw it.  "You're beautiful, Sulli."

"Thank you."

"I do not mince words. And I'm not just talking about your looks. Surely you can already see that I really like the way you look."  Minho was tracing the line of her chin. But I also love and admire who you are."

Sulli's eyes were clouded by tears. "Jeongmal-yo?"

"Very," Minho whispered. Then he cocked his head. "You're not going to cry, are you?"


"No crying in my bed.  I guess I have to think of a way to distract you." Minho is very talented in making the distraction.







Sulli woke up earlier than Minho. She woke slowly, with pleasure, on Sunday morning suitable for lazing, with a smile on her lip even before she opened her eyes.

Beam of sunlight diagonal lines give shades in wood flooring. Particles of dust filled the air like fairy dust.  Outside, the birds were twitter cheerfully. Sulli would think that's this perfect morning is a continuation fantasy if not because the man lying beside her.

Minho's breath was deep and regular.  Sulli lay there, listening to breath sounds and like his masculine breath.  She indulged in his high body heat emitted and sturdy.  They huddled together like two kittens.  Sulli's cheek rests on his ribs.  Minho's fingers is wrapped around her hair.

From now on, for every day of her life when she did not wake up next to Choi Minho, Sulli will lose the flavors blend like this.

Imagine her life without him it's a grim thought.

Three years ago she thought that she was going to die because of a broken heart when she fled to Seoul.  Now, she realized that she was only suffering because of wounded pride.  When she went today, leaving Minho, it would break her heart.

She loves Minho.

And she was mad at him for it.  The arrogant and annoying bastard made her fall in love.

Sulli shifted her head slightly, enough to make her pay attention to Minho's face is still asleep.  Uncontrollably, Sulli smiled.  Minho was breathing through the mouth; lips slightly open. Her stomach trembled as she recounted all the pleasure that can be given it to her lip.

Is that the only one that I felt for him, sensual attraction?  Sulli answer before the question was fully formed in her mind.  No, this is not just a sensual attraction.  She liked the sense of his humor, although a number of times throughout this week Minho made her to be a mockery.  She liked his firmness to play fair, sincere kindness too.

Minho was a sensitive man.  Overnight he became a brother before beloved because he instinctively knows what it Sulli needs.  I appreciate his trust shown in my ability to do business, Sulli mind.  He does not laugh at my ideasHe does not underestimate meHe offers advice, but do not lecture me.

Sulli admire Minho who bounced back after his life fell apart.  Faced with political corruption, Minho did not turn around and ignore it, although it was certainly a great temptation.  Opposed to all the possibilities that exist without any one ally, he faces challenges and suffering until he makes sure justice is done.  Choi Minho is a man of integrity and high moral character. He dared to be responsible for his own mistakes and not blame others.  He's obviously a man worthy of love.

Kim Woo Bin in no way compared with Minho.  Sulli knew that if she was lying beside Minho much longer, she would touch Minho, and touched Minho again, as she knew from experience, would lead to the game of love.  She did not want to have at this time.  She needed time to think, evaluate, made a plan.

Without waking Minho, Sulli slid out of bed and tiptoed across the room.  She was wearing shorts and loose cotton tops quickly and without noise, then slowly out of the room.  Minho was still sleeping.

As she walked into the living room a bright, Sulli hugging herself, barely able to hold back the happiness that bubbled like champagne in herself.  She fell in love!  After many years in solitude and bitterness, she was feels alive, full of energy and spirit.  But what will she do with this new found love?  Packaged with other items and return to Seoul?  Today is Sunday. Her week in Busan has officially ended. She is free from all obligations to remain.

But now, instead of looking forward to immediately lift the foot, she even reluctantly.  Do not obscure her feelings of Choi Minho needs to be tested at least one more week?  Of course.  But I've repeatedly stated I would go on Sunday, and Minho would be surprised if I suddenly changed my mind, Sulli mind.  And because of sheer stubbornness, she would not be the first to mention a matter of love.  Lost in thought, what could be the reason used to stay, Sulli walked to the front porch.  Maybe I could tell that my parents asked me to oversee the cabin renovationOr maybe–" a box of soju were in the second stairs.

Although the morning was warm, but her body directly became cold when she saw that thing. She stared down the box seem that thing is sickening the most she had ever seen. Something was horrible. Foul. Too disgusting to look at.

That bastard!




Here's the last 2 chapter

I'll be posted the finale chapter soon, maybe tomorrow...

So...Keep looking forward guys ^^

Oh, have you ever giving your vote to our beloved couple? kkk~

Alright guys, enjoy the show :D

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Chapter 8 is up


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zangsia1 #1
Chapter 22: just rereading again authornim
your story is so beautiful that i forgot to comment.
sorry for the lateness of saying thank you for a good story authornim.
i hope you can make more minsul stories
iswarii23 #2
Chapter 2: i don't know, what will happen if soojung no quickly pulled hand sulli away from miss lee. thanks soojung. ^^
iswarii23 #3
Chapter 1: i was curious, what happened to sulli, 3 years ago. then i have to continue reading the next part. ^^
fieminho #4
nice story dear author
zangsia1 #5
Chapter 22: nice story keep it up
Chapter 22: I really really LOVE it dear authornim ♡
I love that beautiful ending
Please write another great story like this ^^
momomimu #7
Chapter 22: thank you so much author-nim,
this is totally daebak!!
next story please minsul again yeah, haha {}
minsullian #8
Omo, I'll gonna die :'(
thank you for write this awesome story author-nim
I'll be waiting your next story
Chapter 22: Ah, it's ended... Really? I'm just leaving for a few days and when get back here there's so many differences happened already huhuhu I really miss many things here... T_T
But really, I'm glad they ended up together... and trust each other. Reading about Minho's story about his friend makes me feel miserable... Anyway thank you very much for making a beautiful story about them! I really respect and appreciate it with all my heart! Take care, unnie. I hope you'll always doing well and have a great days! ^^
azuraes #10
Chapter 22: wow kudos authornim.. i love it :))