Chapter 12

Choi Sulli's Return

"Ya! Damn you, Sulli-ah!"  The scolding made Sulli shocked.  She looked up and confused saw Soo Jung by mirrors.


"Because you looked like that" Soo Jung waved her hand toward the reflection in the mirror.  They are in the bedroom Soo Jung's house.  Sulli, hopefully for the last time, is trying to be wearing a bridesmaid dress at her wedding.  "No one would see if you were standing beside me."

"Do not be ridiculous."

"I should have examined my head for choosing the salmon-gold color to your dress." Soo Jung sits on the edge of the bed.  "Remember the fresh peach sundaes and tempting that we often make it once? You just look like that."

"Peach and cream?" Sulli laughed scornfully.  "Come on, Jungie. You can find things better than clichés thing like that."

 "Cliché or not, you look incredibly beautiful. That gown is so perfect, damn it. Please take off it."

Sulli ped the silky dress and launch it, past her waist, she stepped out carefully. 

"I thought," groaned Soo Jung, "you'd better wear again. See your body as the body of model that reminds me that I've got two kids and most too much peach sundae."

Sulli hang the dress back on a padded hanger and put the dress back to the bag.  She moved her body, stripped off the coating that is designed to serve as a bridesmaid dress was thin and, standing relaxed wearing only her underwear, grabbing casual pants and tops that she wore to fitting the gown at Soo Jung's home.  "You sound melancholy today. Edginess before the wedding?"

 "I think so." 

When she was dressed, Sulli sat on the bed beside her friend and took Soo Jung’s hand.  "What's wrong, Jungie?" 

Soo Jung smiled sheepishly.  "I can’t fool myself, Sulli-ah. Five-year marriage to Jong Hyun oppa is very impacting to me, not only emotionally, but also physically." Tears spring to Soo Jung's eyes. "I'm a woman who had two kids, I'm not 'as taut as' once.  What if Tae Min oppa does not like me? "

"Oh, Jungie" Sulli hug her friend tightly. "You're being ridiculous. He loves you. "

"I know." Soo Jung, looked embarrassed, pulled her back "We're ever slept together.  This time I want to make sure of that.  Jong Hyun oppa's body is beautiful just for display.  He was effete while in bed." She was along the edge of the sheets with her fingernails. "But when Tae Min oppa and me together, the atmosphere is dark and romantic.  I'm sure that he did not see too much.  But I imagine the dismay when we lived together, when all the lights lit up and she saw my body shape–"

"For God's sake!" Sulli reached her shoulder with both hands. "You never have a self-image that is so sad.  Why now?" Sulli glared at her friend." It's not that, right? "

"You too know me," Soo Jung grumbled.

"Come on, tell me."

"Maybe I'm skeptical."

"About Tae Min oppa?" Sulli said softly. 

"Ani-ya.  I'm crazy about Tae Min oppa.  But I'm hesitant about entering marriage anymore.  In a way, I envy with you.  You're dating a lot of men.  I never really go out with another man except Jong Hyun oppa.  He's the only man who I can see.  Then Tae Min oppa came shortly after my divorce.  Maybe I should go away some time.  Go to the town.  Open myself to different lifestyles. Fun single woman’s life-style. "

"It is not as it seems, Jungie.  People can feel very lonely. "

Soo Jung instantly switched attention from herself to Sulli.  "Do you wish you lived here and married with Woo Bin oppa?"

"No, I have never regretted my decision to not marry him."


"Do not ask, Jungie," Sulli interrupted hastily, Soo Jung squeezed hands as if to prevent her words out.  "If I want to tell the reason why I leave him, I'll tell you. You know that."  She glanced down at their hands entwined, but do not really see it.  Instead, she saw the shock on the faces of her parents when she turned away from the altar and facing them with astounding notice.  "That's something I have to do. I know people think fickle of me, but they are wrong. Was not a decision I took lightly. I would never let my parents experienced event so embarrassing but I've got a very, very good reason and feel that the choice is most thoughtful, though not easy. Believe me." 

"You do not need to explain yourself to me, Sulli-ah. I would never bring up about it. It's just that I think you need to talk about it. "

"I can’t, Jungie. Maybe later.  But not right now. "

"Arraseo.  By the way, it's time to lunch, and I've promised kimbap in Busan Mart for my children.  You want to come?"

Sulli patted her lips as she jumped up from the bed. "Of course, I do not eat kimbap’s Busan Mart has more than three years."

"I wonder are they still made it a tempting peach sundae, oh?"

"What happened to all the gloom about the shape of your body before?"

Soo Jung summoned her daughters, who were playing bicycle outside, to get up the car. "The crisis has passed.  Blame the attitude of self-pity was on biorhythms, low sugar content, or nervousness bride.  Tae Min oppa is crazy about me.  Everything about me, with all of glamor in your life, Sulli-ah, I still would not trade my places with you. "

Sulli wondered whether Soo Jung realized that things are not always as beautiful as it looks. 







"Uh-huh."  Sulli enjoyed her kimbap.

 "I'm not talking about the food. I'm talking about that." 

Sulli looked up from her bite and follow Soo Jung views. The lawyer was walking toward the counter to order.  Sulli was can’t swallow her bite barely, until then, chewing with relish.

She has not met Minho since Monday, throughout yesterday, she thought that he was going to call or visited her with a made-up excuse.  Minho could just use the 'intruders' as an excuse to come to her.  Or Minho could only bring up the invitation to swim in the moonlight.  But when Minho did not trying to contact her once, Sulli vacillating between feeling relieved and vaguely disappointed. 

"He's not bad," said Sulli relaxed.

 Soo Jung turned to gape at her.  "Not bad? There's something wrong with your eyes, oh?" 

They both looked back at Minho.  The man removed his sunglasses and bent down to talk to the girl behind the counter.  The girl could barely control herself to take his order.  Half-bent posture showed off one of his best assets, especially for the two women who sat in the corner of the restaurant's tables.  The physical man was making regular jeans so it looks incredible.  Seemed in no hurry, Minho smiled that dazzling smile on the waitress who smiled shyly while waiting for his order was prepared.

"I thought you were madly in love with Tae Min oppa." Sulli's tone sounded curt though, when asked, she could not reason out of her annoyance. 

"Indeed. But I'm not blind," said Soo Jung.  "Tae Min oppa will get the benefit from ual fantasies. According to the magazine I've ever read, fantasy is healthy and not harmful."

"And you think that Minho can be realized your fantasy?"  Sulli curious about Minho, but did not want to ask outright.  Who knows Soo Jung will be ingested her bait and Sulli reveal the desired information.

"Don't you think like that?"

Sulli shrugs.  "At best he looks like Jong Hyun. Just the packaging was incredible."

 "Not according to the news I heard."

 "Cincha?" Sulli ask innocently. 

"Hmm. A friend told me once–" Soo Jung suddenly stopped, looked quickly at her children. "Hey, kids, when you're done, you should play outside for a while."  Her daughters, who have spent their lunch and sat in a chair waiting restless for Soo Jung and Sulli completed, immediately cheered with joy and ran out of the restaurant.  "Be careful!"  Soo Jung shouted. 

Hearing hear shouting, Minho turned, saw her, and waved.  Soo Jung was waving back to him. Minho then turned to the counter to continue the conversation with the waitress.  Sulli did not know whether that man was also seen her behind the table where she sat. 

"What would your friends say it?"  Sulli was hoping that she sounded quite relaxed. 

"Well," said Soo Jung, put fries into , "the conclusion is"— she the salt from her fingers— "he is the greatest man that she have ever met."  She swallowed.

Sulli, who do not chewed anything in , difficulty swallowing with the same stuff.  Not aware of her discomfort, Soo Jung up her drink.  "The man that makes the hearts of everyone in the city was hovering when he arrived. Till now still is."

  "Where's he come from?"

 "Gwangju, I guess. Situation is very secret. Nobody ever said anything about Mrs. Choi. All of widows is almost die trying hard to fill that role. They swarmed of Minho."  Soo Jung laughed. "I guess he never cook dinner more than three times since he came to this city."

"Then he was involved with many women?" 

"No, actually that's the problem. He does not like to get involved."

"Oh," said Sulli scoffed, "one of the kinds." 

"Not really." Soo Jung thoughtfully stirred her drink.  "My friend said that Minho was frank before they touch further. He told my friend that he was not looking for a long term relationship and do not expect it."

"But your friends do not believe it."

"I guess not. After a few weeks of eating dinner together and make love, Minho stopped calling her. My friend feels brokenhearted."  Soo Jung interrupts their conversation to yell out the window to one of her daughters to stop bothering her twin.  "That's the pattern with all the women he meets," said Soo Jung.  "But from what I hear, he's quite sporty. He always told her that their relationship is only temporary."

"And they are still willing to risk the hurt? He could not that great." 

Soo Jung smiled mischievously.  "But it certainly would be fun to find out, right?"  Sulli frown her forehead. Soo Jung laughed.  "You know, Tae Min oppa and I was worried about that night, when we saw you guys dancing. I have not had time to warn you about Minho before you leave the party. But then I thought you could handle it. You guys were so similar." 

"Minho and I?"  Sulli shrieked.  "Like what?" 

"You two types of love-them-and-leave-them."

 Sulli sank back in his chair.  "Oh."

 They watched Minho received the pack from the waiter and bowed to the girl.  Swinging his slim waist, accented with a suit and tie, mesmerized Sulli and Soo Jung as Minho walked towards his car.  Just when Minho almost got in his car, one of Soo Jung’s daughters is run in front of him, followed by her twin.  "O-oh," said Soo Jung.

Minho stopped the children, crouched and advised them to not running around through the streets.  They listened respectfully and obediently when the lawyer guiding them back into the restaurant. 

"Are we going to be brought to justice?" asked Soo Jung as Minho bowing to greet.

"Ani-ya."  Minho shows smile that can make anyone melting. "Although the jail would certainly seem nice if you'd put behind it." 

"Let us go, lawyers. Jebal," teased Soo Jung.

"This time I'm just advising the children to be more careful."

"I told so to them," said Soo Jung glared at her children. "Maybe they'll be listening to you."

"Are you ready for the marriage?"

"As ready as I can."

"Tae Min finalized the details."  As they were talking, Sulli sit quietly and noiselessly like a field mouse as barn cats stalking.  She jumped when Minho mentioned her name.

"How are you?"


"There's an intruders again?"

"Intruders?" Soo Jung exclaimed.

"No."  Sulli turned and glared at Minho, who seemed extremely enjoyed and give a wide smile.

"How is the progressing of dragonfly?"

"Dragonfly?" Soo Jung’s question starts like repetition. 

"I'm still working on it," said Sulli on Minho. 

Minho nodded. "Tell me about your progress then. Well, I have to go otherwise my kimbap will be cold. You guys remember well what I said," Minho said, glancing at the twins.  "I'll see you at the wedding." 

"If everything is completed on time," said Soo Jung, and add a short laugh. 

"Marriage is still three days more. Believe all that I have achieved would have achieved." 

Referring to the bet with Jin Ki, Minho speaks directly to Sulli.  Sulli cheeks flushed.  And it still feels hot after Minho got into his car and drive away.  Soo Jung looked Sulli, which wraps back the rest of her lunch.  Thanks to Choi Minho, she lost her appetite.

"Well?" Soo Jung demanded.

Sulli cleared uncomfortably.  "Mwo?"

"You have not told me earlier about the intruders."


 Soo Jung kept staring at her as if waiting for enlightenment. "Raccoons?" 

"You do not need to repeat it along, arra?" Sulli snapped crossly.

"And I think the dragonfly is a dragonfly? Or is it some kind of code?" 


"Arraseo, arraseo. Let's go," said Soo Jung.  They immediately got in the car and Soo Jung started the engine.  "But if you can tell from your own experience about what we talked earlier, it is your duty as a friend to tell me everything." 






Sulli was concentrate hard until the phone rang several times before she was cursed, slammed her pencil, and stood up to answer it. 


"Annyeong."  Minho's voice is not lost his sensual tone though by telephone.  Sulli swore that she could feel that man breathe in her ear.  Her skin tingled cold, even when it's the hottest time of the day.  She sat down in the nearest chair. "Are you cranky?"

Sulli caught a big smile behind his words.  "I'm sorry if I sound rude. But I'm busy now."

"Sorry to bothering you." 

Sulli lifted her thick hair from her neck.  "Actually, I did need a break." 

"Working a dragonfly?"

"It is finished. Now I'm working a fairy of the sea." 

"Fairy of the sea, huh? It Sounds promising."

"Yes, I think I can already imagine the clients who are interested."

"That's not what I mean."

"I know."

Minho chuckled.  "Did you enjoy your lunch yesterday?"

Until you come, Sulli's mind.

"You and Soo Jung had been friends for a long time, it seems."

"Since we’re in elementary school."

"You must be happy to talk to her."

"I am."

"Got a lot of things to talk about?"


"Are you talking about me?"  Intuition that man can only be defeated ego. 

"Look, lawyer," Sulli said impatiently, "Are you did not have a clue that you need to follow up? Resolving case? I'm busy." 

"Is this the rejection that famous of Choi Sulli?"

Sulli did not even bother to answer that question.  "Do you need something, Mr. Choi?"

"There are many things that I want from you. Did I need to give you a complete list?"

"I'm going to hang up now. Good –"

"I'll be there at seven." 


"Get in there. To picked you up." 

"For what?"


"Pardon me?"

"Cinema’s drive-in. There are two movies tonight."

"No thanks, I do not like to watch movies."

"Come on, this is our first date."


"Who's going to the drive-in cinema to watch the movie?"

"Exactly, that’s why I'm not going anywhere with you."

"Wae-yo? Afraid I'm going to win my bet two days earlier?"

Sulli is so astonishing heard his impudence and she is not be able to speak.  She heard the phone buzz in her ear after Minho said, "Seven o'clock," and hung up before she could answer.





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zangsia1 #1
Chapter 22: just rereading again authornim
your story is so beautiful that i forgot to comment.
sorry for the lateness of saying thank you for a good story authornim.
i hope you can make more minsul stories
iswarii23 #2
Chapter 2: i don't know, what will happen if soojung no quickly pulled hand sulli away from miss lee. thanks soojung. ^^
iswarii23 #3
Chapter 1: i was curious, what happened to sulli, 3 years ago. then i have to continue reading the next part. ^^
fieminho #4
nice story dear author
zangsia1 #5
Chapter 22: nice story keep it up
Chapter 22: I really really LOVE it dear authornim ♡
I love that beautiful ending
Please write another great story like this ^^
momomimu #7
Chapter 22: thank you so much author-nim,
this is totally daebak!!
next story please minsul again yeah, haha {}
minsullian #8
Omo, I'll gonna die :'(
thank you for write this awesome story author-nim
I'll be waiting your next story
Chapter 22: Ah, it's ended... Really? I'm just leaving for a few days and when get back here there's so many differences happened already huhuhu I really miss many things here... T_T
But really, I'm glad they ended up together... and trust each other. Reading about Minho's story about his friend makes me feel miserable... Anyway thank you very much for making a beautiful story about them! I really respect and appreciate it with all my heart! Take care, unnie. I hope you'll always doing well and have a great days! ^^
azuraes #10
Chapter 22: wow kudos authornim.. i love it :))