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"Sunny, they're giving me chills." Kyuhyun whispered then peeks behind him.

Sunny turned around. "Sehun! Kai! Stop staring at Oppa's back!" She scolded them.

"Whatever." Kai muttered and looked away.

Sehun hesitantly tore his eyes away from Kyuhyun. "You're lucky Sunny's at your side." He mumbled to himself.

"What did you say?" Sunny asked, turning her head and body around fully while raising her brow.

"Nothing." Sehun pouted.

"You should not have decided to come to school." Sunny poked Sehun's forehead.

"But we want to spend more time with you." Sehun reasoned out.

"We have to be by your side always. We don't know what evil is lurking around Earth." Kai added.

"You sound like--" Kyuhyun butted in but was cut off by Sehun.

"Yah! We didn't ask you to talk! You're not part of our conversation!" Sehun crossed his arms and huffed.

"Stop being childish and start acting your age." Sunny flicked his forehead.

"Owwww." Sehun cooed. "Why do you always have to hit my forehead?" He mumbled while rubbing his sore forehead.

Sunny giggled at the maknae's cuteness and turned around to face front.



Finally, it was lunch time. Just like usual, Sunny, Kyuhyun, Hyoyeon and Eunhyuk are together but with Kai and Sehun tagging along.

Sunny, Sehun and Kai were seated at one side while Kyuhyun, Hyoyeon and Eunhyuk are seated at the other side, across them.

"Let's go get something to eat." Sunny said and motioned Sehun and Kai to stand up and go with her.

"Why does it feels like those two doesn't like us hanging around Sunny?" Eunyhuk asked when the three left the table.

"More like they don't want Sunny hanging around with guys." Hyoyeon commented.

"What?!" Kyuhyun and Eunhyuk chorused.

"What's wrong if she hangs out with guys?" Kyuhyun asked, confused and curious of the reason.

"Are you sure what you're saying is true?" Eunhyuk raised a brow.

"Oppa, can't you trust me a little?" Hyoyeon giggled. "I'm sure! I can see it in their eyes! Omo omo! They're coming. Shhh!" She said and put her finger on her own lips.

"What were guys you talking about?" Sunny asked while placing her tray on the table.

"Nothing~" Hyoyeon answered with a teasing tone.




The next morning, Sunny woke up late. She jerked up and snatched her alarm clock from her bedside mini cabinet. "It's nine in the morning already?!" She yelled and hurriedly went inside the bathroom. "I can't believe I skipped my first class!" She talked to herself while talking off her pajamas.

She was already prepared to turn on the shower, then she remembered. "Oh riiiiight! It's Saturday! No classes! How can I forget? I'm such a babo!" She said and mentally slapped herself. "Well, better take a bath when I'm already on it." Sunny said and took a bath.

After taking a bath, Sunny went down to eat breakfast. In the kitchen, she saw D.O. preparing breakfast.

"Good morning." D.O. greeted her with a bright smile.

"Good morning to you too, Umma." Sunny teased and walked towards the refrigerator. "I can see you're already accustomed to an Earth life." She giggled.

D.O. didn't mind the 'umma' and just continued cooking breakfast. "I guess I am. Where are you heading to anyway?" He asked when he saw what Sunny was wearing.

"I'm planning to go shopping but I guess I'll just do some grocery." She answered and closed the refrigerator. "We're almost out of food stock. Wanna come?"

"Grocery? Are we going to a market?" D.O. asked.

"Yep, supermarket." Sunny grinned.

Hearing an unfamiliar word like 'supermarket' made D.O. excited. "Sure! I'll go with you." He said. After preparing the breakfast, D.O. went up to their room to change.

Sunny was eating breakfast while waiting for D.O. to finish changing. "You ready?" She asked while looking at D.O. running down the stairs.

"Yep!" He said and wore his shoes.



At the supermarket, Sunny noticed D.O. staring at some girls who were wearing very short skirts and dresses.

"Whatcha staring at?" She asked and elbowed him at his ribs.

"Why are Earth girls wear such short clothes?" D.O. whispered.

"Stop your erted thoughts." Sunny giggled. She pushed forward the cart and ran away.

After hearing the word 'erted', D.O.'s eyes went wide, wide like an owl's eyes. I WASN'T THINKING ERTED STUFFS! D.O. shouted in his thoughts.

When they arrived home, the other guys were already awake. Some were lazing around. Some were in the garden. Some in the kitchen. But most of them were watching television.

"We're home!" D.O. announced while taking off his shoes inside the house.

"Where have you been?" Kris asked.

D.O. put down the plastic bags beside him and answered. "We went asdfghjkl--"

Sunny c

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AngelaMelly16 #1
Chapter 20: Nice....
jeonsunhan #2
Chapter 19: i still love this story its so romantic n cool!!
Chapter 13: I'm a new reader here and your was truly amzing.But I don't like you make Joongki oppa to ba a bad guy.Afterall, good job author-nim and Hwaiting!!!!!!!
I Love the flow of the story..
jeonsunhan #5
Chapter 19: i think that man must be luhan n either all of exo with luhan on earth and if that happen it was totally the best^^!!!
ayrie08 #6
Chapter 20: This is so great! I love this. i just hope you'll considering on making a sequel for this
jeonsunhan #7
i love it soooo much ... ^^ hope you will do another fanfics ... so hwaithing for another story
Chapter 20: sequel please!!!i really love your fanfic...