Mountain Romance

Beyond the Clouds
The hike up the mountain was long and difficult. When they reached to the end of the forest and glimpsed up, they knew it was going to take most of the day, if not the entire day to hike up there. The mountain was so high – who knows how high it really is, but from the view below it seemed almost impossible to reach to the top. They had gathered a couple of water bottles each, but they also didn’t want to carry too much, as it would cause them more weight. Struggling with each step, they have finally reached three quarters of the way in about an hour and a half worth of time.

Finally, Bosco slowed down and panted, “I can’t do it anymore.”

Ron smirked. “You really need more exercise, kiddo.”

“Don’t call me kiddo!” Bosco shouted.

“Maybe we should take a break.” Tavia suggested, seating herself down on the ground. “Wow! Look at how far we’ve gone!” She cried.

Raymond sat beside her and chugged his water bottle. “Looks like we barely started.” He joked.

Ron glanced at Tavia. “Aren’t you afraid of heights?” He asked.

“I am. But I really want to see the view at the top of the mountain.” Tavia smiled. “Also, despite my fear, I want to reach to the top. Once, or if I overcome this fear, I think it would be a rewarding experience and memory.”

There’s something really different about Tavia, but I can’t put my hands on it Ron thought.

“Alright, we should get going.” Ron stated.

“What? Already? We didn’t even rest for five minutes!” Bosco whined.

Ron ignored him and he continued to hike up the mountain. Shortly after Raymond got up and extended his hand out to Tavia. She took hold of it as she got up, but just then she tripped over a rock and slipped, falling backwards.

“Aaaah!” Tavia screamed, holding onto Raymond’s hand tightly as he tried to pull her up.

However, he too lost his balance and they both fell, rolling down the mountain.

“Help! Ron help!” Bosco yelled, just as Ron turned around and saw them both tumbling down the mountain within a speed of light.

“TAVIA!!!!” Ron yelled, but before he knew it, the sight of them has disappeared.

- - -

Heavy rain was pouring non-stop for the past couple of hours. The sky was dark and it was extremely chilly that night. Unexpectedly, a flash of thunder appeared behind a set of dark clouds. A few seconds later thunder strikes again, this time so loud the ground shakes.

Earlier, after Raymond and Tavia had tumbled down the mountain, they were slightly injured, with a couple of bruises here and there, and Tavia with a twisted ankle. Raymond had accidentally landed on top of Tavia at their last fall. Staring at one another and realizing their close proximity, they both turned their face away and quickly got up. They decided to walk their way back, but Tavia couldn’t walk, and they weren’t sure where they were. Raymond decided that they should sit and rest, and then figure out which direction to head back, as Bosco was the one who carried the map. Within less than half an hour of their break, rain started to pour down. With Raymond’s support, Tavia leaned onto Raymond while he held her up and they walked together into a small cave-like shelter to wait for the rain to stop.

While the thunder continuously roared through the night, Tavia hid behind Raymond, while clutching onto his shoulders tightly.

“I hope we don’t get struck by lightning!” She mumbled.

Raymond chuckled, “We’ll be fine. But I think we’ll have to stay here for the night, with this weather. It’s much too hard to find our way out when it’s so dark too.”

“I’m so clumsy.” Tavia sighed. “Why must bad things happen to us all the time?”

Raymond glanced at Tavia’s guilty face and gave her an assuring smile. He patted her hand, and they watched the rain fall.

“I hope the others aren’t too worried about us. I was hoping they would have found us, but in this weather – I think we would get back tomorrow morning. Hopefully we’ll get back before the cruise arrives.” Raymond said.

After hearing no response, he turned his head to have noticed that Tavia had fallen asleep on his shoulder. He smiled, thinking that she looked so pure and innocent. She’s very interesting, Raymond thinks to himself. Sometimes she is so frightened over the littlest things, but other times, like his first impression of her – she is so optimistic and so brave. She’s definitely stronger than she thinks she is.

Taking out another jacket that was in his backpack, he threw it on top of Tavia with his one hand and then he leaned his head on hers, slowly drifting to a sleep.

- - -

The sun rose, and the sounds of birds chirping woke Raymond up. He quickly glanced to his side, to see Tavia still asleep. However, her lips were pale and she seemed to be shivering. He held her closer to him, hugging her, hoping to be able to give her some of his body warmth. After a couple of hours, Tavia awaken feeling very thirsty. Raymond gave her the last of the water bottle that they had.

“Tavia, are you feeling better? Do you think you could make it back?” Raymond asked softly.

Tavia nodded.

Raymond slowly got up and then lifted Tavia onto his back. This surprised her. “Are you sure Raymond? I’m quite heavy.” She mumbled.

“Are you kidding me? You don’t weigh much, trust me. Plus I’m stronger than I look.” Raymond joked.

Tavia smiled as she leaned her head on the back of Raymond’s neck. She could feel the warmth of her cheeks as she was blushing. Raymond glanced up at the sun. “Okay. So in the morning, the sun rises in the East. Okay, I should be able to find our way back, I hope.” He muttered as he started to walk through the forest.

In the first fifteen minutes, he realizes that he walked in a circle and came back to where they started off. Then he tried again, and twenty minutes or so later, they reach an opening.

“I recognize this area! I think we’re almost back at the cottage!” Tavia exclaims.

Raymond smiled, as he quickened his steps and finally they reached the end of the forest and back at the cottage. Just as they got out they caught sight of everyone outside, with all their belongings with them, shouting their names and heading to the direction of the forest.

“Hey! Is that Raymond and Tavia?” Bosco yelled as he saw them far in the distance.

Holding onto Tavia tightly, he mumbled, “Hold on tight.” Then he ran full speed towards the group.

“Oh my god we were so worried for you two!” Shirley exclaimed as she helped Tavia get off of Raymond’s back.

“Tavia are you okay?” Selena asked as she saw a huge bruise on Tavia’s ankle.

Ron quickly ran up to Tavia and bending down, he examined her bruise and touched it lightly. Tavia winced, despite his tender touch. Immediately, Ron grabbed a shirt from his backpack and ripped off parts of it to wrap around Tavia’s ankle. He then got up and looked at Tavia in the eye. “Are you okay?” He asked.

Tavia nodded. She stared at Ron’s face, underneath his eyes she could see the eye bags and she felt tremendously dreadful as she glanced at everyone else’s worried expressions. And then she looked over at Raymond who grinned as if nothing was wrong. He noticed her stare and winked. Tavia smiled. There’s certainly something about Raymond that gives her an undeniably securing and comfortable feeling whenever she’s around him.

- - -

06/08/10 - fungyi chapter! ray hasn't fallen for tavia yet bcus i want to give him time to get over linda. :P but she'll be back >:)

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HottestVIPSone #1
Love tvb fanfics! There’re so little here~ ):
newsonebe #2
Really love your story !! Please continue it !!! (:
Jjmangz #3
I remember reading this on winglin.. Please continue it.
Love your story!! Continue updating ^^
Wah! I love this fic! Please continue to write it :) Tavia pairings ftw!
Mary517 #6
Awww...i haven't read your story...but i just wanted to tell you that seeing your story made me reminiscent of the days when i used to read tvb fanfics. (But i'm a Ron&Leila fan...hahah)<br />
Anyhoo...good luck with your story! ^____^