Pain of Love

Beyond the Clouds
They arrived at the cottage at night. Everyone was exhausted from the long day at the cruise, so they all parted to their rooms. There were limited rooms; each room had two beds, so each person had to share a room with another person. The rooms were assigned accordingly; Bobby and Christine, Roger and Melissa, Tavia, Selena, and Shirley, Benny and Sammul, Ron and Raymond, and Bosco and Jack.

Inside Tavia, Selena and Shirley’s room, they were unpacking their clothes for the next day and were getting ready to head to bed. Tomorrow they have the full day to explore around the area. Sitting on the bed she was sharing with Tavia for two nights, Selena burst into tears. She couldn’t hold it in anymore. Tavia ran over to Selena and sat beside her.

“Selena….What’s wrong?” She asked, concerned.

Selena shook her head slowly, and whispered, “It’s nothing really.”

Tavia frowned. Shirley walked over to the bed and sat down. “You can tell us.” Shirley assured.

A thought occurred to Tavia. “Does this have to do with Patrick? You two hardly looked or talked to one another this morning.”

Selena looked away. Shirley quickly went to get her a tissue box and returned with it.

“Thank you.” Selena murmured.

Finally, she said, “Yes. Yesterday night when you left us two alone I confessed my true feelings. The feelings I had repressed from him for over two years. I have always known that he never liked me, but it really hit me when he said it. I never knew it hurt this much to be rejected...”

Tavia sighed, her eyebrows creased. “I’m so sorry Selena. I shouldn’t have…”

“No.” Selena quickly interrupted. “You wanted the best for us. And I honestly don’t regret it, because at least I have this burden off me. I finally have my answer. “She stated.

Shirley nodded. “I don’t know the whole story behind this, but I agree. Now you can put yourself out there and meet other people. There are plenty of fish out in the sea. I know this is said many times, but you’ll find someone better."

Tavia added, “Most importantly, he’ll love you too.”

- - -

Raymond had just finished showering and got out of the bathroom. “You can use it now.” He said to Ron, who was lying on his bed on his back. He had his eyes closed, but he suddenly jolted right up.

“Raymond. Can you do me a favor?” He asked.

“Uh what’s up Ron?” Raymond asked, puzzled.

“How close are you with Tavia?” He asked.

“Not that close. Look, don’t think so much, there’s nothing going on between us.” Raymond quickly said.

Ron sighed. “I’m sorry if I sound crazy or anything...Forget it. Let’s actually be friends.”

Raymond nodded, “Sure. As long as you don’t talk about Tavia all the time!” He joked.

Ron chuckled, “I’ll try not to…”

“I don’t mean to sound nosy but…what happened?” Raymond asked.

Ron’s expression turned serious again. “To be honest…Tavia broke up with me before she disappeared.” He said, sorrow in his eyes. “But I know she still loves me.”

Raymond’s eyes widened as he heard this. “Why did she break up with you?”

“Her parents didn’t want us to be together. Her brother hated me.” Ron whispered, as he clasped his hands together and leaned his forehead on top of his knuckles.

“Why is that…” Raymond asked.

“It’s all my fault…If…” Ron stopped.

“Ron…are you in any way involved with a gang?” Raymond assumed.

Ron looked up. He opened his mouth about to speak, but just then, he remembered that Raymond was after all, a police officer. Suddenly he said, “I’m really tired. Good night.” He got under the covers and turned to his side, his back facing Raymond.

Raymond shrugged, and turned off the lights. However, throughout the entire night Raymond rolled in his bed, unable to sleep. Many questions filled his head, as he wondered what had happened between Tavia and Ron.

- - -

The next morning, everyone was up early, except for Jack and Bosco. They both slept in, so they missed the heart-shaped pancakes and eggs, specially made by Benny and Shirley. By the time they got up, they only had cereal to eat and they complained, causing a scene.

“We called you two up but it’s not our fault you two were so deeply asleep!” Shirley yelled back. “You both delayed our activities for the day!”

“Alright you guys – quit acting like kids. What are we doing today?” Roger asked.

“Well we had a lot of activities planned for each hour, but now it seems that we can’t do everything in a day. So you’re all free to do whatever you’d like. Here are your choices: swimming, canoeing, fishing, hanging out at the beach, or taking a hike up to the mountain!” Benny said.

“I heard the scenery at the top of the mountain is really nice! You have to go see it!” Shirley beamed.

“It sounds like a lot of fun, but for people like me – I wouldn’t even be able to hike up there halfway before I faint!” Bobby joked. Christine agreed, “We’re probably just going to take a walk on the beach and canoe afterwards.”

Melissa nodded, “We will do that too, and go fishing for tonight’s dinner!”

Benny and Shirley looked at one another and grinned. “We are going to try to do all of the above!” Benny said.

Jack smirked, “Is Shirley even going to be able to make it to the top?”

Benny smiled, “I’ll carry her if anything!” Shirley smiled at his response and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. Everybody cheered.

Selena nudged Tavia. “What do you want to do?”

“I’m actually very interested to see the scenery at the top of the mountain!” Tavia smiled.

“Urgh really? I’m going to stay down here.” Selena whispered.

Benny looked at the others. “Who else is planning to join us?”

Selena, Jack, and Sammul raised their hands.

“So the rest of you are hiking up the mountain?” Benny asked, giving Ron a look, then glancing at Raymond, Tavia, and Bosco. They nodded.

“Here’s a map in case you guys get lost. You have to pass through the forest and then hike up to the mountain.” Shirley said, giving them the map.

“And we’ll meet up for dinner around 8:00pmand make dinner since I know we’ll all be having too much fun to come back so soon!” Shirley exclaimed before they all grabbed their equipment and headed out.

- - -


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HottestVIPSone #1
Love tvb fanfics! There’re so little here~ ):
newsonebe #2
Really love your story !! Please continue it !!! (:
Jjmangz #3
I remember reading this on winglin.. Please continue it.
Love your story!! Continue updating ^^
Wah! I love this fic! Please continue to write it :) Tavia pairings ftw!
Mary517 #6
Awww...i haven't read your story...but i just wanted to tell you that seeing your story made me reminiscent of the days when i used to read tvb fanfics. (But i'm a Ron&Leila fan...hahah)<br />
Anyhoo...good luck with your story! ^____^