Final. (part one Kronik)

An EXO Mafia Story

Kronik’s POV


The morning came a bit too soon and by six everyone was lined up and ready to go. Sly stood in front of the six of them; though it was obvious she didn’t get much sleep last night. Part of me believes it isn’t just because of Kai.

I stared my goodbyes by looking into the eyes of Xiumin, the drug dealer. “Xiumin,” I say and he looks up to me. “I never got to really know you, but that doesn’t mean ou we not special to me, and your place in my heart will never be replaced. You will always have a place in this house.” I kissed his cheek, and watched him climb into the van.

Tao was next, the little assassin. “Hwang Zi Tao,” I call, getting his attention to walk over to me. “I’ve fought and killed many assassins in my days as a mafia leader, though I have never met one quiet like you. You are truly one of your own kind. You use no guns or weapons, killing with your own hands, that I truly respect out of someone your age. You will always have a place in his house.” He smiled and I kissed his cheeks, sending him into the van after Xiumin.

Now it was Sehun’s turn. “Maknae?” I called and he rushed over from next to Luhan to me with a frown when he saw my face.

“This is your good bye, huh?” he asked me.


“But, noona, I don’t want to go!” He whined, though when I held up a hand he stopped.

“I don’t wish for any of you to leave either, but Wu Fan and I had a deal. You are the cutest, sweetest maknae I have seen in a long while. I don’t know what brought you to this side of the world, but I also will not ask. I wish you good luck with your life, and good luck in your cyber stalking, I will be sure to keep my own eyes on you through the internet,” this caused him to smile, “You will always be welcome here, understand? Good bye.” I kissed his nose and he smiled, climbing into the truck as I turned to Kyungsoo who was waiting patiently.

“How much did Kris give you?” he asks and I show him the money.

“Seventeen million, though I’m pretty sure he believes it was for the return of all of you,” I reply.

“What was it for then?” he asks, handing the money back to me.

“The money he owned me from the deals and hits he took from me,” I say, taking his hand in mine for the little time I have left to hold his hand.

As if he read my mind, he gave my hand a light squeeze. “Don’t worry, baby doll,” he says, kissing my cheek. “I’ll come back soon. As soon as I can.”

I nod slowly and face him, wrapping my arms around his neck and hugging him tightly. “I love you,” I whisper, my head on his shoulder as he wraps his arms around my middle and squeezes me back. “I don’t want you to go… I’m scared of losing you…” I admit.

“The great Kronik? Scared?” he asks, squeezing me tighter. “You don’t have to be afraid, I wont be gone long. I love you too much to stay away.”

I sniffle, holding back my tears as I pull way and kiss him deeply. After I pull away, I run my fingers through his hair and he smiles at me. “Don’t worry, I had Sehun hack into Kris’s cameras, you’ll be able to see me and you have to feed to Kris’s place so I will see you. Don’t worry. I’ll come back, baby doll.”


It seemed like forever before the car pulled up to Kris’s hideout and everyone climbed out. Kris, Kai, Chanyeol, and Yixing were standing outside, Kai didn’t look as good as he did when we left, but he was holding himself strong though we all saw his eyes scanning for Sly until he had found her.

“Took you long enough,” Kris snapped as everyone walked over to him, Luhan and Kyungsoo lingering behind.

“Give this to Chanyeol,” I whispered to Kyungsoo, handing him a letter I had written from Chanyeol the night before. As Kyungsoo walked over, I saw him hand in to Chanyeol who took it, looking a bit confused.

“We had to make sure they were all ready enough to go,” I say to him with a smirk.

Kris sighs and nods his head towards the cars ready to go. “We’re leaving now. We won’t both you again.” He says. The boys all begin to walk towards the car, though each of them glance back at us once more before they all climbed into the cars, Kris being last, and drove away down the street, never for us to see again.

“So that’s it?” Sly asks, her voice harsh. “We will never see them again?”

I look at their old hide out and nod. “We will never see them again.



*just wait, theres one more part... SLy's part..)

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Chapter 5: Kyungsoo is really Crazy with his own World try to escape from Kris XD - Yuki
Chapter 4: Kyungsoo is XD - Yuki
Chapter 3: Kyungsoo is traitor XD - Yuki
Chapter 2: Wow ~ D.O become more ert like Kai XD - Yuki
I would love to read this Awesome Story!- Ryo
Puppydog #6
Chapter 21: OH MY GOD IS THAT THE END OF IT???!!!!!! PLEASE MAKE MORE!!!!!! Oh my god I need a second part!!! Please make a sequel!!!! Please!!! It is really interesting!!!!
AuroraBlue #7
Chapter 15: Update soon! Sly is awesome!
Chapter 12: I love your story! The first mafia story I've subscribed <33
AuroraBlue #9
Chapter 11: Update soon!
AuroraBlue #10
Chapter 8: Update soon!