Chapter fifteen.

An EXO Mafia Story

Chanyeol’s POV


“So just act dead,” Kronik tells me as she rips my clothes a bit and puts fake blood on my face. “and I doubt they’ll think other wise. Though if you say anything, anything at all, I’ll shoot you in the head on the spot and kill both of your friends. Understand?”

“Yes,” I respond. “Not like I was going to anyway.

Kronik laughs softly and nods her head. “Yeah, well now you no what happens if you do.”

“You’d kill Kai too or just Kris and Yixing?” I ask, smirking down at her. “Just out of curiosity.”

“I’d had Sly kill him,” she replies, dabbing some of the fake blood on my mouth. “It would probably hurt her to do it, but I would make her colder towards all your friends who got to live. And she’d probably hurt them, but it would be your fault.”

“We ready yet?” Sly’s voice rings through my ears and I look to the doorway to find her pulling Kai around by his arm. “Oh… fake blood was probably a good idea…”

“You cut him, didn’t you?” Kronik asks, turning from me to her. Sly smiles and nods her head as if she did good. “That’s not how you were supposed to do it.”

“That’s what she did last time too,” Kai says smirking. Sly elbows him and he laughs even harder.

“ you, Jongin,” Sly says, reaching up an grabbing him by his hair before pulling him out the room and towards the van.

“She’s such a to him,” I say looking to Kronik.

Kronik shrugs her shoulders and begins to walk out as I follow close behind. “Probably, but she has to be nice to him sometimes, I don’t see why he would stick around her if she wasn’t.”

“Jongin seems to think that she has other feelings for him. A few nights ago he was yelling at me for calling her crazy. Then a day or so later said that she loved him and he loved her,” I say, remembering the conversation between he and I in the hall and in his room.

Kronik laugh softly and shook her head. “Don’t doubt Sly, she might love him. She loves me, so don’t think her loving someone isn’t possible.”

“Yeah but she’s nuts!” I say chuckling softly. I feel a hand on my chest and looking down to find Kronik staring at me with cold eyes.

“Chanyeol. Stop.” She says coldly. “That’s enough.”

My laughter stop instantly and I nod my head once. “Sorry.”

Instead of a reply, she walks past me to the van, Kai and Sly already in the back of it passing guns back and forth, deciding who gets which weapon. “Chanyeol doesn’t get one, he’s a meanie,” Sly says, smiling playfully to me as I climb into the car. When I simply stare back at her, her smile falls and she looks to Kronik as she stares the car and begins to take off. “Hey, Kronik, you want the AK and twin pistols?”

“Well duh,” Kronik replies, flinging the car down the street.

“Alright, then Kai can have the other pistol and a few blades, since he can’t look armed as it is.” She says, putting the gun and some rather large blades in his lap. She looks back to me and hands me a revolver. “Here. Incase they open fire we can’t let you be unarmed,” she says handing me the weapon. I take it slowly as Kronik slams on the breaks and stares over at me.

“You fire at us, and we kill you,” Kronik says, staring at me intensely. “Sly, I didn’t say you could give him a weapon.”

I feel anger rise in my chest but push it back down. They were going to let me go in unarmed? When even Kai has weapons? A small voice in the back of my head suddenly shows its self then, ‘You’re not trusted,’ it reminds me. ‘You attacked Sly first chance you got, They can’t trust you with a gun yet.’ I sigh, knowing it’s true and hand the weapon back to Sly.

“You don’t have to give me a weapon,” I tell them. “If I’m not trusted with it, I’d rather not have it.”

Sly stress at me a moment before a smile creeps up her face. “Keep the gun,” she tells me as I hear Kronik giggle and take off again. “Now we know we can trust you.”

I stare at her confused a moment before she looks away and begins to load herself up with every other weapon in the vehicle. Every now and then, she turns her attention to Kai, watching him try to hide the weapons under his clothes before she swats his hands away and does it for him. I smile softly and turn my attention back to Kronik and I shove the gun in my waistband.

She glances at me and offers a smile back looking back to the road. “You’re going to have to let me fix then,” she says, referring to my gun with a laugh. I glance down only to find it sticking out obviously against my loose shirt.

“Yeah, I guess,” I reply, watching closely as she pulls to a stop a little ways from Kris’s hide out.

We all step out the car and Kronik loads herself up with weapons but looking to me. She lifts up my shirt and yanks the gun from my waistband before spinning me around and shoving it in the back of my pants.

I watch the hideout as I feel Kronik tie cable ties loosely around my wrists, Sly doing the same to Kai. “Loose enough to get out, Tight enough to seem restrained,” Kronik says from behind me.

I watch her closely as she takes a shock collar and leash from the back of the truck, putting the collar around my neck and the leash attached to it. She leans up and kisses my cheek before taking the leash tightly in her hand. “Just do as I say.” She says before turning and beginning to pull me towards my once hideout. I glance back over my shoulder to see Sly give Kai a quick kiss before pulling him as Kronik is doing me.

“So you did come,” I hear a deep voice I know to well. I turn back to find Yixing and Kris standing in front of us, watching Kronik closely. “Let’s discuss the matter at hand, shall we?”

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I would love to read this Awesome Story!- Ryo
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