Chapter thirteen

An EXO Mafia Story


Sehun’s POV


I walked out into the hallway and saw Tao, Luhan, Xiumin, Suho, and Chen walking a little ways up the hall. “Hey wait up!” I called, rushing after them. They turn and glance at me, all offering small smiles, except for Luhan who just looked nervous.

“Hey little maknae,” Chen said, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. “We were just heading to dinner.”

“You’re being to cheery,” Luhan mumbled, looking at Chen sadly. “Everyone here either wants to kill us or is using us for something. Why are you so happy?”

Suho puts a hand on Luhan’s shoulder, “Did the girls do something to you, Luhan?”

“LIKE WHAT?” Xiumin asks, chuckling.

“ him?” Tao asks, also chuckling. “The is a , he wouldn’t have minded.”

At this we all chuckle, even Luhan slightly, his smile returning for a moment. “I probably would have,” he says, wiping away a fake tear.

“Let’s just get to dinner,” I say with a smile. They all nod and Luhan began to lead us to the dinning hall; light chatting can be heard from us as we went there. Cheerful conversation, must of it about or that Kris and Lay are the only two who have major problems right now.


Two guards open the door, and Luhan’s smile disappears, replaced with that nervous look again. At the head of the table is Kronik, Sly on her left and Kyungsoo on her right. Kai was next to Sly, Baekhyun on his other side with red rings around his eyes, though he didn’t seem to be in pain. Chanyeol was across from Baekhyun, making small talk with him about something stupid, probably one of their inside jokes. As we walked over, they all looked at us. Kyungsoo looked at Luhan, then to Chanyeol, then Kai, and lastly Sly.

“Kai, let Luhan sit next to Sly,” he said, ovbviously knowing something we didn’t. Sly looked a bit confused, but Kai nodded, obviously understanding as he sat on the other side of Baekhyun. Luhan sat next to Sly without a word and the rest of us fell into place in this order:


                   Sly,           Luhan,     Baekhyun,      Kai,        Chen,       Suho


                    Kyungsoo,    me,             Chanyeol,           Xiumin,    Tao


Dinner went on with little talk, most of us just ate and listened to Kronik talk with Sly, Kyungsoo and occasionally others. Luhan stayed quiet, and apparently Kai, Kyungsoo, and Chanyeol knew why.

“Luhan,” Kyungsoo said loudly, getting everyone’s attention. “Tell Kronik and Sly.”

“Tell us what?” Kronik asked while Sly just looked over at him.

“Th-the guards…” Luhan whispered, his voice really quiet. “Th-they, they.. uh…”

Kronik sighed, getting from her seat and pulling Luhan up by his collar and bringing him away from the table. We all watch them talk and Luhan being to cry. He sits down and leans against the wall as Kronik walks back to the table and whispers into Sly’s ear. The fork that was heading to Sly’s mouth drop as her eyes widen in shock. She looks up to Kronik how only nods.

Sly stands from the table and walks to the door, opening it and yanking a guard inside and slamming him against the wall. The guards begins to blabber things, defending himself. Sly pulls a gun from her waist band and shots him in the head, blood spashes across the back wall, some of it getting on Sly, though not a lot.

Luhan gasps from the corner, his mouth wide along with his eyes. (this face 0o0) Sly walks over to him slowly and crotches down in front of him, obviously talking to him as he just begins nodding, looking at the ground. We see her nod her head to the table and he stands, walking back to us with Sly.

“Well, I’ll be back later, I have people to go kill. Don’t be alarmed by the bodies in the hall, k?” Sly says before walking out the door, a pistol in each hand. We hear guns being fired and look back to Luhan.

“I told you it’s best to just tell Sly,” Kai mutters. “She’s a little crazy, but she won’t take bull…”

“Besides,” Kronik says, smiling at Luhan. “You’re now one of her babies. You’re someone she wants to protect. She won’t let them hurt you.”

Luhan kind of nods and gets to his feet, also leaving the dining hall.

I look to Kronik, confused, “Uh, what just happened?”

Kronik smiles sweetly to me, “Let’s just say that there won’t be a guard outside your door tonight, okay?” Kronik laughs lightly, taking a sip of her red wine.



**anyone else see EXO's teaser? they look so hot....****

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