Chapter Twenty Three

Tears of an Angel
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Chapter Twenty-Three


[Luhan’s POV]

We are both facing each other when I open my eyes as the sunlight hit me. Rubbing my eyes I saw Joohyun sleeping soundlessly beside me. My arms still wrap on her small waist as her arms just stayed between us. I can’t help but to smile as I feel that thump thump thump again. I don’t know what is it but it’s just nice to hear for a morning.

I have great sleep. I didn’t realize that sleeping is the best thing in human aside from eating. “Good Morning Hyunnie~” I greeted softly still a smile plastered in my face. I lean forward and kiss her forehead. Joohyun opened her eyes and immediately her eyebrows frowned.

“Get off me you punk.” She removed my hand and rolled afterwards to the other side of the bed. I can’t help but to grin as I pulled her back to me. She’s facing my back but I don’t care. How I wish I have done this before.

“I haven’t got a peaceful sleep because of you.” She said sleepily. “Let me sleep I still have two hours before school.”

“Correction, we still have two hours before school.” I whispered in her ears.

“Yah!” she slapped my face though she is facing the other side. “Stop, I am having goose bumps!” she removed my hands and she stand up. She picked up her pillow and hit me. “You will not sleep in my bed tonight! Sleep in my couch!” She hit me once again.

I pulled into sit and snatch her pillow away from her. “Yah! It’s painful!” I rub my sides. “And I will not sleep in your couch! I love sleeping in your bed!”

“Fine if that’s what you want! Tonight I will sleep in my own couch!” She grabbed the pillow away from me and starts walking away. Before she gets out of the room, I stand up and pulled her back to the bed. “I want to sleep with you.” I pouted as we both lie once again on the bed.

“I don’t like to sleep with you.” She eyed me and tried to get up but I just hold on her tighter. “I will not be a naughty like last night Hyunnie~”

“I will put a boundary tonight and that’s final.” I smiled at her as I rolled to the other side of the bed and stand up. “I will cook our breakfast!”

She stands up as well and grabs her towel. “Pancakes and noodles again?” she asked as she made her way to the bathroom.

“Bacons, eggs, hams!” I smiled and I went out of the room.



[Seohyun’s POV]

“Luhan!” I knocked on the bathroom for the umpteenth time. It’s already 7:30 in the morning and Luhan is still inside the bathroom for the longest time. “Yah!” I knocked once again. “We only have thirty minutes before school! Get out of that damn bathroom!”

“Wait!” He yelled for the hundredth time. Why is he talking so slow inside the bathroom? “I’m going to eat! I’m hungry!”

“Wait! I’m coming out!” I heard the click of the door as he went out. He is wearing a simple white shirt again with a navy blue polo and black jeans. “What took you so long?” I blinked at him.

“I still think of how to use the shampoo, soap and the shower!” He grabs my hand. “Let’s eat!”

“Seriously? Shampoo is for the hair, soap is for the body…”

“What?” He baffled as he stop midway in the stairs. “I used it wrong! I thought soap is for the hair and shampoo is for the body! I will take a bath again!”

I pulled him by the collar as we go downstairs. “I wouldn’t like to wait for another hour for you. Let’s eat.”


I push him in the chair and I sit on the other side. “No more buts. We need to go to school after…” I paused for a while and I saw that it is 7:45 A.M. “Five minutes.”


“I.D please.” The guard stops us upon entering the gates. I looked back at Luhan. I remembered he is not invisible anymore. “Err~” I tried to think of something. Outsiders are not allowed on ordinary school days.

“I will transfer in this school. I will pass my papers.” Luhan said to the guard calmly as he put out a brown envelope. I was about to asked him where did he get it but I was stop by the guard. “Okay. Please go to the—“

“Joohyun will lead me the way sir.” Luhan put an arm around my shoulders and smile at the guard. He nod at us and we walk inside. “I will be skipping my morning practice?”

“Ahuh.” He said.

“Where did you get those?”

“Magic.” He smiled at me as his hands intertwined with mine. “So where am I going to pass this?”

“Are those legit files?”

“Trust me.” He winks at the as we enter the lobby.

We walk passed the doors and we made our way to the principal office or rather to the director of this school--I mean directress. I knock on the door three times before entering.

“Good Morning?” I walk inside the office with Luhan in my back. “Good Morning!” I jumped in my position and found the directress coming towards us.

“Oh, Seohyun~ah why are you here?”

“Err~ I will help Luhan. He will be transferring here.” I replied as the directress motioned us to sit. Luhan give his papers to the directress and we waited for some time. “So you came from China? Lu Han? Is your name?”

Luhan nod at her as the directress keeps on asking him. “Ohh~ so I am putting you with Seohyun. That’s what you want?”

Luhan nods at her again.

“Okay~ so what’s your relationship with Seohyun?” The directress asked.

“Err~” Luhan baffled. “My cousin.” I answered for Luhan. If he said that he is my guardian angel I think that directress will freak out. Suddenly I wonder why Luhan choose to study he is hundred and so forth years old. I don’t even know if he can sing. Can he even dance too? I think angels do sing but how about dancing?

“So your remarks are all good. So here’s your schedule. You got the same thing with Seohyun.” She said.  You can get your uniform before going to class.” She smiled at Luhan then s

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[06-12-2013] I am so sorry for being a slow poke. I will try to udpate as soon as I can!


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Mchoch #1
Chapter 33: waA.. it's my 2nd time reading the story. I even told my friends to read this, its very different from other stories which makes me want to read it again and again.
I don't know what to say now, thanks for writing such a wonderful story.
girlsGG #2
Chapter 33: This story is the last chapter...?? But I love your story very interesting n fighting ^_^..hope u write more story about snsd seohyun..huhu thank you..
Hyeri0406 #3
Chapter 33: great story, author-nim ^^ I like this story and um… I think I must recommendation this story to all my friends hahaha
Hyeri0406 #4
Chapter 33: great story, author-nim ^^ I like this story and um… I think I must recommendation this story to all my friends hahaha
Hyeri0406 #5
Chapter 1: cool prologue ^^ geez!
Chapter 33: Wahhhhh I just finished reading this in two days

Such a beautiful and lovely storyyy:D
Chapter 33: Really.... You just had to end it here...
MeiiMeii0510 #8
Chapter 33: It ended already *sobs*

By the way it's a great story *clap clap*
Chapter 33: No! It ended already~
*sobs ╥﹏╥‎‎
I'll probably reread this again though
Eycha_sk11 #10
Chapter 33: sobbss gonna miss this.. they loves each other..and luhan turn into human...