Why cant you love me

Be Mine (Editing)


It’s been a week since Jiyeon and Myungsoo filled up the papers for adoption but she hasn’t received any News about it from Myungsoo or from Hyemin ssi. There is a possibility that their request for adoption might be rejected but she didn’t want to lose hope. She still believes that yu-bin was meant to be with her.  She felt something unexplainable towards yu-bin that made her feel like yu-bins biological mother. She was busy thinking about yu-bin when someone knocked on her door.  She stood up and took a peek on the peephole. Jiyeon immediately opened the door as soon as she saw Myungsoo standing on the other side of the door. Myungsoo hugged her as soon as she opened the door.

Myungsoo’s POV

I wrap my arms around her waist without thinking. She froze like a statue and I smirk. I was about to release her when yu-bin spoke.

“Umma, Appa. Can I look now?”

 Jiyeon and I turned to look at her then grinned. She was covering her eyes with her hand while peeking on her fingers. I went near her then hug her as well. I raised an eyebrow when she pushed me.

“Appa, Umma’s going to be jealous.”

At that instant, Jiyeon laugh hard and I looked at her amusingly. It was the first time I saw her laugh that way. I know that she laugh a lot but this time it doesn’t look fake. I stared at her until yu-bin pinched my cheeks.

“Appa, Umma’s going to melt if you keep on staring at her that way.”

“You little kid.”

I said then rub my hand to her head.

“Yu-bin ah~ do you want to see your room?”

“I have a room?”

“Of course.”


Jiyeon led yu-bin to a vacant room with a single bed and a color violet wallpaper. Yu-bin’s smile widened and she run to the bed and jump on it.

“Do you love it?”

“I DO! I DO! I DO! Saranghae Umma!”

“I love you too yu-bin.”

“How about me?”

I asked yu-bin then pout. She smiled at me and hugged me so tight.

“Saranghae Appa.”

“Yu-bin, it’s time to change your clothes. We’re going somewhere.”

“Where umma?”

“You’ll see later baby.”

It took us more than 30 minutes to arrive at our destination. We went inside the COEX mall and looked for a toy store.

(*their outfits.. :)*)

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“Umma, what are we doing here.”

“Where going to buy you some toys and clothes princess.”


I nodded in response while we walk inside the toy store. Yu-bin took everything that she liked while jiyeon and I watch her intently.


I glanced at jiyeon and she smiled at me. At that moment, i knew that i already fell for her. I started to love her.

“Thank you for everything.”

“I have to tell you something jiyeon.”

“What is it?”

“I’m not doing this just because of yu-bin, I also want to see you smile and laugh. I don’t want to see you cry again. If you’ll allow me to protect you and yu-bin, I’ll be happy too.”

“What do you mean?”

“I don’t know jiyeon. I just can’t bear to see you cry again. Maybe I love you.”

“You’re just hungry. Wait here. I’ll go call yu-bin.”

Jiyeon was about to go when I hold her hand.

“Think about it. I’ll wait no matter how long.”


We’ve been shopping for two hours and yu-bin started to complain about her aching feet so, jiyeon and i decided to head to the nearest restaurant to eat before we go back to jiyeon’s apartment. we ate for an hour then went back home. When we arrived at the apartment, yu-bin and jiyeon was asleep at the backseat. I went out of the car and shook jiyeon softly.

“Jiyeon, we're here. Wake up.”

She just moaned and move to lean on my hand. I looked at her sleeping face and down to her reddish lips. I bit my lower lips and started to move closer to hers when jiyeon spoke.

“Yesung. Don’t leave me.”

I froze while rage run through my blood. I leaned on the back of the car and closed my eyes to relax even just a bit. I clenched my hands into a fist and blood started to fall from my clench fist. ‘why can’t you forget that bastard who made you cry? Why can’t you love me instead?’  Then I felt a small hand hold mine.

“Appa, Why are you mad?”

Yu-bin asked me and looked into my eyes. I just smiled at her then carried her into my arms. Even though my heart is aching, I should look strong infront of yu-bin. Even though it hurts a lot, i would still continue to love jiyeon, but this time, i should give her space. I can wait no matter how long it would be for her to love me back.


THank you for waiting guys.


hope you like it.. :*


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moon_babydino #1
Chapter 28: It's been a long since i read a wonderful story like this. One of the best myungyeon stories.Seriously...DAEBAK!!! I like the plot of the story.they adopting a kid and they became parents.what a great idea authornim^^ im really hungry in that kind of stories.i don't regret that i read this although it' not completed.thank you so much authornim for making this.i hope one day u will update this and have a motivation to continue this because i really love it so much❤
kimaray #2
Chapter 28: A bit argument and end up with sweet love. My myungyeon ♥♥♥
Chapter 27: wahh daebak ... Myungsoo proposal so unique ..
I can't wait MyungYeon are getting married ...
please update soon author-nim .. ^.^
Retsel_ #4
Chapter 26: Kris kidnapped her daughter (?)
And maybe Myungsoo made thst plan right. (?)
^_^ jiyeon is going to kill Myungsoo hihih...
Update soon ♥ Myungyeon ♥
Chapter 26: wahh what the??
can't wait please update soon author-nim...:))
Chapter 25: yehet finally MyungYeon getting married soon...
can't wait ...
please update soon author-nim...:))
stacyberd #7
Chapter 23: Pls let them get married soon,haha.i really want to see myungyeon together as a happy family.anyway thanks for the updates..myungyeon forever fightibg
stacyberd #8
Chapter 21: Awww so cheesyyyy,i love it.
Chapter 21: I love this chapter, so sweet ^^