Sleeping Face!

Be Mine (Editing)


Infinite arrived at the Incheon airport at exactly 11:30 pm. They started walking to their car when Myungsoo excuse his self.

“Hyungs, I’ll visit yu-bin first.”

“Ok, drive safely and give this to her.”

Sunggyu handed Myungsoo a paper bag full of toys. He stared at it and raise an eyebrow.

“We bought it while we were buying souvenirs.”

“Thank you hyungs, I’m sure she’ll be happy.”

“No problem, go on.”

Myungsoo headed to his car and drove towards jiyeon’s apartment. It took him one hour to reach jiyeon’s apartment. He knocked five times before the door open to reveal jiyeon on her just-out-of-bed hair.


“Hi wifey, didn’t you missed me.”

He said then kissed jiyeon on the forehead.

“Sorry to wake you up. I just can’t wait to see you and yu-bin.”

“It’s ok, but yu-bin is already sleeping.”


Yu-bin peaked on the door of her room rubbing her sleepy eyes. Myungsoo walked pass jiyeon and carried yu-bin in his arms.

“Did I wake you up baby?”

“Ani, I was waiting for you but I feel asleep.”

Myungsoo laid her in her bed and sat beside her. Jiyeon followed them in yu-bin’s room and leaned on the door frame.  Myungsoo patted Yu-bin’s head and she closed her eyes. Myungsoo placed the paper bag beside yu-bin’s bed and stood up.

“Appa, please sleep here.”

Myungsoo looked at yu-bin surprised and so with jiyeon. He sat back beside yu-bin and held her hand.

“Appa can’t sleep here baby. Umma will get mad.”

“Please Appa, I miss you so much. Please?”

A moment of silence lingers in the room until jiyeon agreed.

“You can sleep here Myungsoo. You can take the couch.”

“Thank you jiyeon”

“Why can’t Appa sleep beside you Umma?”

Yu-bin asked jiyeon then looked at Myungsoo. They were both dumbfounded on yu-bin’s question.


They both said in the same time.

“Are you fighting?”

“Ani, we can’t just sleep together because Umma will not be able to sleep well.”

“Appa will sleep beside Umma baby. So go to sleep. It’s late.”

Myungsoo stared at jiyeon while his mouth was slightly open.

“Are you sure, jiyeon?”

“Yes. I trust you Myungsoo.”

Jiyeon went to kiss yu-bin goodnight and so with Myungsoo.

They went out and jiyeon lead the way to her room. When they enter the room, awkward silence filled it.

“Ahmm, I’ll take the right side, you take the left.”

She didn’t wait for Myungsoo to react and lay to the bed then closed her eyes. Myungsoo entered the bathroom and changed into his pajama. After he changed, he went to the bed and lay down staring at the ceiling. He turned to face jiyeon.

“Don’t act like your sleeping. You’re not good at it.”

Jiyeon opened her right eyes to peek and closed it immediately. Myungsoo chuckled and pulled her closer to his chest.

“Don’t worry I won’t bite. I just want to feel you close to me.”

“I know that you won’t bite silly.”

“Good night wifey.”

“Good night.”

They both drifted to sleep while hugging each other.


I woke up and felt a heavy leg around my waist. I looked at jiyeon who was snuggled to my chest and her leg was wrapped around my waist. I smiled and kissed her forehead. I stared at her sleeping face. She's beautiful even in her sleeping face. thirty minutes passed and she opened her eyes.

“Morning gorgeous”

“Morning handsome”

Jiyeon said before realizing what she meant.


She sat up abruptly and looked at me.


“What for?”

“For hugging you”

“Believe me sweetheart, it’s the best thing that happened in my life.”

She bit her lower lip.

“Don’t do that. It’s hard not to kiss you when you do that.”

She was about to stood up when I pulled her arm. I hugged her and whispered in her ears.

“Stay here, just for a little while.”

She didn’t fight back and drifted back to sleep again. I closed my eyes cherishing this moment when yu-bin entered the room.

“Hungry! Hungry! Hungry! Umma I’m hungry!”

Jiyeon eyes snapped open then she stood up with a blush on her face.

“Good morning princess. Did you see the toys your Oppas bought you?”

“Toys? Where?”

“Beside you bed princess.”

 She ran back to her room while jiyeon looked back at me.


“Good morning. Do you mind if I use your bathroom?”

She shook her head.I stood up in front of her then patted her head.

“I’m starving wifey”

I pouted then jiyeon laugh.

“Arasso, what do you want for breakfast husband?”


I said happily before entering the bathroom.


I brush my teeth and tied my hair into a knot before preparing to cook our breakfast. I was in the middle of cooking the pancakes when yu-bin entered the kitchen and sat on the table playing with the toy that her Oppas bought her.

“Do you like your new toys yu-bin?”

“Yes Umma! I love them!”

“If you saw your Oppas, you better say thank you to them, ok?”

“Yes Umma. Promise”

I knocked on the bathroom after cooking.

“Myungsoo ah~ faster please. I need to use the bathroom.”

“Arasso, I’m almost done.”

I sat beside yu-bin who’s still playing with her toys when someone knocked on the door. I opened the door on the sixth knock then I froze. It’s just a dream jiyeon. It’s just a dream.  I blinked several times before realizing that it wasn’t a dream, it’s real.

“Wifey, you can use the bathroom now”

Myungsoo went out of the room and stop before going to my side. He squeezed my hands and stared at me.


Exo's comeback is near!


Update for my viewers!


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moon_babydino #1
Chapter 28: It's been a long since i read a wonderful story like this. One of the best myungyeon stories.Seriously...DAEBAK!!! I like the plot of the story.they adopting a kid and they became parents.what a great idea authornim^^ im really hungry in that kind of stories.i don't regret that i read this although it' not completed.thank you so much authornim for making this.i hope one day u will update this and have a motivation to continue this because i really love it so much❤
kimaray #2
Chapter 28: A bit argument and end up with sweet love. My myungyeon ♥♥♥
Chapter 27: wahh daebak ... Myungsoo proposal so unique ..
I can't wait MyungYeon are getting married ...
please update soon author-nim .. ^.^
Retsel_ #4
Chapter 26: Kris kidnapped her daughter (?)
And maybe Myungsoo made thst plan right. (?)
^_^ jiyeon is going to kill Myungsoo hihih...
Update soon ♥ Myungyeon ♥
Chapter 26: wahh what the??
can't wait please update soon author-nim...:))
Chapter 25: yehet finally MyungYeon getting married soon...
can't wait ...
please update soon author-nim...:))
stacyberd #7
Chapter 23: Pls let them get married soon,haha.i really want to see myungyeon together as a happy family.anyway thanks for the updates..myungyeon forever fightibg
stacyberd #8
Chapter 21: Awww so cheesyyyy,i love it.
Chapter 21: I love this chapter, so sweet ^^