Don’t leave me

Be Mine (Editing)


A loud sound made me push Yesung. I run to the window to see where the noise came from. My whole body shivered not because I’m cold but because of the car that was part of the accident that made the loud noise. It was Myungsoo’s car, I’m sure it was his. I ran as fast as I can on the car. I pulled the door open and saw Myungsoo bleeding. I pulled him out of the car and held his hand.

“Oh my god! Oh my God! Myungsoo, hold on. Help, somebody help.”

The ambulance arrived in front of the hospital but I didn’t let go of Myungsoo’s hand. As the nurses pushed Myungsoo’s hospital bed to the emergency room I held his hand tightly.

“Myungsoo don’t leave me, please. Myungsoo! I love you, I won’t leave you. Please don’t leave me. Don’t do this to me. Myungsoo! Myungsoo! I’ll be beside you. I’ll never leave your side just please don’t leave me! Please! Yu-bin and I are waiting for you Myungsoo! I love you husband, I love you more than my life!”

We arrived on the emergency room and the nurse didn’t allow me to go in. they tried to pull my hand but I didn’t let go of Myungsoo.

“No! he need me! no! Myungsoo! Myungsoo!”

I shouted his name over and over as they closed the door. My whole body feels so weak. My heart pounding so fast and the only thing I hear is the sound of my blood rushing through my body. I didn’t know what to do. I cried and cried and cried. I reached for my phone, knowing that the infinite should know about this. I dialed Sungjong’s number while my hands shake so hard. Tears continue to fall from my eyes as my heart breaks pieces by pieces.


“S-Sungjong *sob* Sungjong.”

“Noona, what happened?”

“M-m-yungsoo, Myungsoo had an accident*sob*.”

Sungjong’s POV

Two hours pass since Myungsoo Oppa went out to get some clothes for yu-bin.

“Why is hyung so slow?”

“Maybe jiyeon and Myungsoo are getting back together.”

Dongwoo said while playing with yu-bin.

“Umma and Appa are getting back together?”

“I hope so, Myungsoo hyung really love your u-“

My phone rang before I can finish what I was about to say. I look at the caller and It was jiyeon Noona.


“S-Sungjong *sob* Sungjong.”

“Noona, what happened?”

“M-m-yungsoo, Myungsoo had an accident*sob*.”

My hands felt weak and the phone fell from my grasp. Hyungs gathered around me and sunggyu shook me.

“Sungjong, what happened? Sungjong! Sungjong!”

I didn’t hear him because the sound of my blood running through my veins filled my ears.

“Sungjong, what the hell happened?”

Sunggyu hyung shook me harder.

“Myungsoo hyung,”

“What happened to Myungsoo?”


They all went to their own rooms to change.

“Oppa, what happened to Appa?”

Yu-bin held my hand and looked at me.

“He’s going to be alright baby. Don’t worry.”

After they change, we went to the hospital that jiyeon emailed me. We went to the emergency room then we saw a very skinny girl sitting on the floor while crying so hard.

“Jiyeon Noona?”

She looked up and I gasp. Her eyes were so red and her face was so skinny. She stood up and tried to walk towards us but she fell and cried harder. Yu-bin ran towards her and hug her then jiyeon hug her back. The both of them continued to cry as I walk to comfort her. Hyungs followed me and they gathered around jiyeon not saying a word but their expression says it all.


As yu-bin let me go, sungjong hug me and I hug him back. Sunggyu hold my shoulder to comfort me.

“What happened here jiyeon?”

Sunggyu asked. I calm myself before answering.

“I was talking with Yesung inside my apartment.”

I noticed that as I said yesung’s name, all their expression stiffened. Then realization hit me.

“It’s not what you think. I said goodbye to him. I told him I moved on.”

“But, that’s not what hyung said. He saw you and Yesung hugging each other on your couch and when you opened the door and saw Yesung you run to hug him. That’s why he was so jealous”

Sungjong said as he pulled away from me. Guilt started to fill my body. I didn’t look at any of them; I just started at the floor.

“Yes, it’s true but there is a reason for all of those things. First of all, I run to hug him to test my feelings. I wanted to know if I would feel the same when Myungsoo hug me or even just touch me. Second, Yesung was the one who hugged me in the couch and I didn’t hug him back. I was afraid to tell Myungsoo because Yesung gets easily jealous even though he doesn’t have the right to. And third…”

I stop for a minute and tears began to fell from my eyes again.

“I- I- I l- love Myungsoo, I love him more than my life.”

They all stared at me bewildered. I continued crying.

“Maybe hyung just saw something that he misunderstood.”

Sungjong said not to me but to himself.

“Saw something?”

“Hyung went to your apartment to get some clothes for yu-bin.”

As the words sink into my mind, I remembered when Yesung hugged me for the last time.

“Yesung hugged me. It was his last request. Oh my God, It’s my fault. It’s my entire fault!”

I cried harder feeling more and more guilty. If I didn’t allow Yesung to hug me, He would be alright. He wouldn’t be in this case. If only he didn’t meet me then his life would be easy. But if ever I didn’t meet him, then I would not have yu-bin.

“It’s not your fault Noona.”

Sungjong said while he tried to hug me but I step backward.

“No, it’s my fault! I put him I this case! I’m a bad luck!”

Sungjong reach for me but I moved away.

“Don’t touch me. Don’t touch me!”

Sungjong didn’t care; he just went to me and hugs me tight. I tried to push him but he didn’t let go.

“Noona, yu-bin needs you. You have to be strong Noona. I’m sure that hyung doesn’t blame you. It’s not your fault.”

I stop pushing him but I continued to cry. He led me to the chair and we both sat down. Dongwoo kneeled in front me and hold my hand while Sungyeol hold my other hand.

“We’ll be here. We won’t leave you.”

“Myungsoo is strong, he can fight this.”

“I’m sure you already told him that you love him and that you would never leave him.”

Sunggyu said as she sat beside me holding yu-bin. Yu-bin went to me and hugs me.

“Umma, is Appa going to be alright?”

“Yes baby, he’s a strong Appa and he knows that we’re waiting for him.”

Yu-bin rested her head in my shoulder and after half an hour she fell asleep. It’s been 3 hours since we arrived here at the hospital but the doctor didn’t go out yet. Minutes pass but it felt like years, silence fell over us while waiting. No one said a thing and no one stood up from their chair. While I wait, emptiness started to overcome me. I closed my eyes and fell asleep. I can see Myungsoo’s back walking away from me. I ran to catch him, I wanted to hold his hand and tell him I love him, I want to stay by his side forever. I don’t want to leave him, I can’t leave him. If ever he’s going to leave me, I don’t know what to do. I felt so weak, so tired, so sad, and so empty. Don’t leave me.


Yeah! baby don't cry by exo is the best!!!

Thanks for reading my update guys..



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moon_babydino #1
Chapter 28: It's been a long since i read a wonderful story like this. One of the best myungyeon stories.Seriously...DAEBAK!!! I like the plot of the story.they adopting a kid and they became parents.what a great idea authornim^^ im really hungry in that kind of stories.i don't regret that i read this although it' not completed.thank you so much authornim for making this.i hope one day u will update this and have a motivation to continue this because i really love it so much❤
kimaray #2
Chapter 28: A bit argument and end up with sweet love. My myungyeon ♥♥♥
Chapter 27: wahh daebak ... Myungsoo proposal so unique ..
I can't wait MyungYeon are getting married ...
please update soon author-nim .. ^.^
Retsel_ #4
Chapter 26: Kris kidnapped her daughter (?)
And maybe Myungsoo made thst plan right. (?)
^_^ jiyeon is going to kill Myungsoo hihih...
Update soon ♥ Myungyeon ♥
Chapter 26: wahh what the??
can't wait please update soon author-nim...:))
Chapter 25: yehet finally MyungYeon getting married soon...
can't wait ...
please update soon author-nim...:))
stacyberd #7
Chapter 23: Pls let them get married soon,haha.i really want to see myungyeon together as a happy family.anyway thanks for the updates..myungyeon forever fightibg
stacyberd #8
Chapter 21: Awww so cheesyyyy,i love it.
Chapter 21: I love this chapter, so sweet ^^