Introducing the 3 main majors

Confidential Guidance

What is Beauty? 

Beauty can be the appearance, heart or just being yourself. For most women, beauty is appearance. To them, looking like Cleopatra or Candice Swanepoel is a must. Yes I agree appearance is important but the heart is twice as important. For many generations, women have tried everything and anything they can to get undeniably beauty, but some failed miserably. For me, I personally prefer natural beauty. So that was when I decided to ask my best friend Google. When I typed in 'What is beauty?' you know what came up? The definition of beauty. So then I turned Google down. I later found out that beauty isn't only appearance, its also the heart and being yourself. 


What is Fashion? 

Fashion is a style in which others present themselves as. I don't know about you, but I most definitely prefer to go all out in fashion. Go crazy or even to the extreme. Well that is because I have a passion for fashion! 


What is Health?

Health is what lies within your body. Today, I want to lecture you all about health. Not physically but mentally. Don't skip this passage or even turn it down because all I'm trying to do is help. Health, when you think about it, what comes up? To me, my heart appears. Years ago, I wondered why on Earth do we have to worry about our health? Why can't we do some things we want? And what happens if our health is bad? I didn't physically get an answer but I eventually did. I found out why we have to worry about our health, why we can't do some things we want and what happens when our health is bad. The answer to this question is nothing. We don't have to worry about nothing, we can't do nothing and our health is nothing. I believed that until I met an old women in her late 70's or so. She was picking garbage at a nearby local park and I happened to bump into her. That was when the same question came up in my head. Health, what is it? I decided to build up some courage and ask the lady and to my surprise, she gave me the most beautiful answer. She told me health was what keeps you going, living and breathing. Its what makes you strong and weak, happy and sad. Health is an important major in life because it can later affect you in the future. I also remembered her crying and grasping onto my hands while explaining the next few pieces of information to me. She said, if you don't look after you health now, you will forever regret it. Her husband died from over-working himself at work, her oldest son died from constantly taking weed and drugs, her second oldest daughter died from the lack of sleep and taking too much sleeping pills, and her just new born baby girl died from her, as a child, doing things that aren't right. Like playing with boys and taking drugs. That was how it affected her life. I didn't know what to do at that time because I was frozen at her next set of words. "I have cancer." Said she. At that moment, it was as if time had stopped, literally. Cancer, this beautiful lady had cancer. Lord, I was as sad as pumpkins. She was quiet after that and didn't even sneak a sniff. I asked her why wasn't she at the hospital and you know what her answer was? "I'm not worthy for the nurses and doctors too look out for, besides I'm already old. My life is already ruined." I could already burst into tears at that moment but I kept them in. Everyone is worthy, everyone and everything. The final words she told me was, "Dear, always remember to look after your health because if you don't, you'll end up like me, no family, no job, no soul." So to conclude this, health is important, more important than you could even know. Stop trying to be cool by taking drugs or weed or whatever and focus on your health because remember, in life there isn't a reverse button like in video games. There isn't a pause and there most definitely aren't replays. Treasure you life thoroughly and promise me this. Look after yourself. 



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Chapter 44: Cara Delevingne <3
Chapter 30: Actually chocolate is good for you because, there is something in it that is good for the body you should just only eat 5 to 10 grams per day before it gets unhealthy
xoxoluhannie #3
Thank you so much for this, it really keeps me motivated! haha xD ♡
buttercup_princess #4
This is so helpful!
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FeelDog-- #7