Part 2 - Chapter 2

Only One Day

“Hyun Joong Oppa, what are you going to get me for my birthday this year?”

“Yah, it’s still more than a month away and you’re already asking about your present”

“Of course I’m excited, it’s my 18th! I’m already planning my celebrations with my sisters”

“What do you want then?”

“Isn’t it supposed to be a surprise? How insincere. You have one month to think about it. 
Otherwise I’m going to auction the limited edition Beatles guitar strap I got Kimmy to buy from Japan”

“Don’t you do that Gabbie!”

Hyun Joong, Young Saeng and Kyu Jong, they were the best of friends since high school 
and she was Kyu Jong’s younger sister. They had been as close as siblings ever since 
meeting through Kyu Jong as they often hung out at each other’s homes. 

Though he knew that she actually had feelings for him, he never thought of her as anyone 
more than a sister or buddy, until she started going out with another guy out of the blue.

“Where’s Gab?”

“She went out...”


“A sunbae who just transferred to our school. She’s really lucky! 
The girls in our class are all dying to go out with him”

She wasn’t around to cheer them on with her best friends at their monthly soccer matches 
as she usually did, and he found out that she had gone out with a new transfer student 
whom she had gotten quite close to.

“Why are you hanging out with him?”

“Hyun Joong Oppa... we were just having dinner”

“If you’re looking for another toy, I don’t think she’s your type. Quit wasting your time”

He bumped into her and that guy along the streets later that night and instantly recognised 
him as the same person who dumped his cousin a while ago. 

He made her leave with him after giving the guy a verbal warning and she struggled 
to free herself from his grasp after walking for a distance.

“Let go of me! What are you doing?”

“Stay away from him. He’s not serious about you”

“How do you even know? At least he cares and is attentive to my needs”

“Well you’ll see if he’s still as caring after taking you to bed”

“Do I look like I’m that easy?”

A slap landed on his face and she stormed off after muttering something under her breath 
and yanking her hand away from his.

“It’s not as if I’ll get anything from waiting for you...”

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_maknaeya #1
Chapter 51: All the stories are well-written and (somehow) tearjerkers! These stories made me miss the boys more T.T

Thank you, author~nim ♡♡♡
Haneul0907 #2
Chapter 42: My fav story was on jungmin it all over again ...
read it in one go.. aayeee such nice stories of each member !! loved them aall !!! it is true we never really do realize someone's importance until they leave. u tacked this one concept in 5 different ways and i loved each and everyone of them !! :)) do write more..
Sya_JooTwinnies #4
so cute~!!!
Kim KyuJong and Park JungMin's story made my day <3<br />
I was smiling from ear to ear .
rgpponci #6
Hi guys, wanna be featured on our site? Win awesome prizes? Art Angel is hosting our first writing challenge! Participate now! <br />
mecheko #7
happy ending...that's really nice.
awesome_501 #8
i loved the ending it's so sweet!<3