
You Zoom Zoom My Heart Like A Rocket



For 2 weeks now I've trying to talk to him but he would just avoid me.I explained the boys what had happened and -OF COURSE- said that I wasn't right all the way and that I should have told them the truth about B1A4.

When school was over,I always huffed in the idea of walking 20 minutes to go home.One day,something unexpeted happened.

I was about to begin walking home,when somebody tapped my shoulder.He was wearing his jacket's hood and glasses but I immediatly regongized him.

''Oppa?'' I said confused.''What are you doing here?'' He smiled and answered with his deep but still cute voice.''I somehow learnt that you have to walk home for a long time and I decided to come and give you some company.'' i raised my eyebrows.

''Wae?Ani,oppa,you shouldn't!'' I said,shaking my head.''I should!Come on,let's go!'' He said and showed me his arm.''Oppa...You really shouldn't!!!'' I insisted.

''Waeyo?Can't I pick up my crush from school?'' My eyes widened and I skipped a heartbeat.*Did he just say crush?* ''What?'' I asked confused.

''Didn't you hear me?I said,can't I pick up my CRUSH from school?'' He was smiling and suddenly wind blew and his hood fell,revealing half of his face.Still,they couldn't understand who he was,thanks to his big glasses.

I immediatly grabbed his hood and placed it on his head again,but didn't let go.I was still holding it and JinYoung was holding my waist and we were gazing each other,smiling.I was bitting my lips in embarrasment.

Girls who were passing next to us were saying 'Such a cute cute couple!' or 'Where did she find such a cute boyfriend?' making both of us,but mostly me,blush.

We immediatly let go of each other,staring at random directions.''C'mon let's go.'' He said and held my hand.The girls were looking,no STARING at us.Was it such a bad thing?

He walked me home and when we were close to my house,he took off the hood and his glasses,since nobody was around.''Oppa,I feel bad because you have to wear all these stuff and hide just because of me...'' I huffed.

''Yah,don't say that!It's fun doing this~And I have fun being with you,after all.'' He was smiling.When he was smiling,his medium-size eyes were 'smiling' as well.It was really cute and it always made me chuckle.

''Here we are~'' I said and went close to the door.I felt bad making him come all the way here and then having to walk back to his dorm again.''Oppa,come in!'' I said and his smile widened.

''Really?'' He asked and I nodded.''Make yourself comfortable,I live on my own.'' I said and showed him the way to the living room.''Alone?'' He asked.

''Nae,my umma works at America and my appa at Chile,so I live on my own.'' I explained and he nodded.

''It's really cute and cosy!'' He said smiling.''Gomawo!'' I answered.''Want some juice?'' I suggested.

''Sure.'' He answered smiling.''Oh,oppa!'' I remembered something.''Would you mind helping me make some cookies?I just remembered,Teen Top and Eunjoo were begging me the other day to make some.'' I made puppy eyes.

''Of course I'll help you!I'd do anything you ask me!'' He said and I gulped in embarrasment.''C'mon let's go!'' I said and showed him the way to the kitchen.

First,we checked if we had all the ingredients for the chocolate chip cookies.We added all the ingredients in a bowl and I began blending the ingredients with a big wooden spoon.I had to do it for 5 minutes at least.

''Aren't you going to get tired this way?'' JinYoung asked worried.''Aniya,I'll be ok!'' I smiled and continued.About 2 minutes later,I could barely feel my hand,so I stopped and huffed.Suddenly,I felt something from behind me and hands above mine,moving the spoon around.

I skipped a heartbeat when I realised that JinYoung was sitting behind me and he had his hands on mine.I wish we could stay like this forever.About 5 minutes later,the mix was ready but he didn't stop,so I chuckled.

''I think it's ready oppa.'' I said smiling and he immediatly stopped.''Oh,mianhe!'' He laughed.He stood up and helped me to get up as well.''Ok,now we make some circles with the mixture and then put it in the oven to bake them.'' I read the instructions and we began making small circles with the dough.

Suddenly,he came behind me and put some dough on my cheek.''Yah!'' I said chuckling.I went to him and put some on his nose.We kept playing like that and suddenly he put some dough on my lips.He the dough he had put earlier on my cheek,some he had put on my nose and my chin.

I understood what he was about to do,so I just the dough on my lips smiling and he chuckled.We put the cookies in the oven and went to the living room to see a movie,while waiting.While watching,suddenly the lights went out.

''W-What happened?'' He asked.I was barely breathing,I always had a problem with darkness.''O-Oppa...I-I'm afraid of the dark...'' I said trying to breath.

He wrapped his arms around me and held me tightly.''It's ok,Hyo.I'll protect you.I'll be your superboyman!'' He said with his cute voice.Suddenly,I remember something which made me skip a heartbeat.

-FLASHBACK~12 Years Ago-


''Help!Somebody!'' I was shouting while hidding myself in my legs.I was always afraid of the dark and I was lost in a forest near my house.''Help!'' I kept shouting.Suddenly,a familiar voice shouted my name.

''Hyori!Hyori!'' It was his voice.The boy who was with me all the time.''Hyori!'' He was shouting.''Oppa!Help me!'' I shouted crying.

Suddenly,I felt arms around me,hugging me tightly.''It's ok,Hyo.I'll protect you.I am your superboyman!'' He said and hugged me even tighter.




Could it be him?The friend I lost years ago?The boy who was with me all the time?I gulped in that idea.I didn't know If I could believe this.

Did he remember me?

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Chapter 27: I got a name for the baby Min Hyun Ho since they both want a name that has min in front... Btw, the story is DAEBAK!!! ^-^
Chapter 27: oh, and it was a nice ending, I liked it ;) and I'm thinking on doing a minific of b1a4n what do you think?
Chapter 27: nado sarnghe! hhaha i feel so asdfgsdf the next one, must be leeteuk! kya >< gotta go now, see you in other fics! Love always, LittleSushi
The pictures for C.A.P and Ricky are wrong
Chapter 25: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww so cute!!!! I hope she will be back soon...!
Chapter 24: Kya!!!!! omo, i don't know what to say......
anyways, you did not answer my last comment >< i'm seriously upset... no, kidding jahahhahaha
I stayed up all night so I inifhed my list of updates and i don't mind if you keep updating today :9
Update soon!!!
Chapter 23: I know you missed me. I wen't for vacation to a beach-camp-lake and the wasn't internet so I could not comment. Right. BUT you updted 15! chpters nd it took me a lot to read! but anyways, i liked all! so so much, but the last chps were a bit confusing about the boy-thing y'know but everything is getting clearer :) ------- I have a very long list of updates to read so this time i'll ask: DON'T UPDATE SO SOON! Your beloved Unnie, LittleSushi <3
Chapter 7: i felt so asdfghj when she sid tht his father works in Chile. i was like " i'm from chile~ aaah~h" xD anyways, jinyoungnie is so cute!!! ns, is he tht boy? it will be little cliché, y'know… bye
Chapter 4: kya~ update soon! wanna know 'bout the date!